function affects.registerAffect( aDef ) -- Here we validate some values and add it to the affects._affects table minetest.log("action","Registering affect: " if ( aDef.affectid == nil ) then return false end if ( #aDef.stages < 1 ) then return false end if aDef.removeOnDeath ~= nil then table.insert(affects._removeOnDieAffects,aDef.affectid) end -- TODO add more checks here to ensure the affect definition won't crash the server affects._affects[aDef.affectid] = aDef end function affects.removeAffect(name, affectid) if ( affects._affectedPlayers[name] ~= nil ) then if ( affectid == nil ) then return false else if affects._affectedPlayers[name][affectid] ~= nil then affects._affectedPlayers[name][affectid] = nil; if ( affects._affects[affectid].onremove ~= nil ) then local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) --player:set_physics_override({ speed=1, jump=1,gravity=1,sneak=true }) -- reset their physics affects._affects[affectid].onremove(name,player,affectid) end end return true end end return false end function affects.affectPlayer(name, affectid) if ( affects._affectedPlayers[name] == nil ) then affects._affectedPlayers[name] = {} end if ( affects._affectedPlayers[name][affectid] == nil ) then if ( affects._affects[affectid] ~= nil ) then whoison.updateStats(name) local ns = ( whoison.getTimeOnline(name) + affects._affects[affectid].stages[1].time ) affects._affectedPlayers[name][affectid] = { stage = 0, nextStage = 0, ran=false } applyAffect(name,affectid) return true else return false end end end function affects.default_on_use(itemstack,player,pointed_thing) local affectid = itemstack:get_definition().affectid local name = player:get_player_name() if pointed_thing.type == "object" then if pointed_thing.ref:is_player() then -- affect the player they are pointing at name = pointed_thing.ref:get_player_name() end end if ( affects.affectPlayer(name,affectid) ) then itemstack:take_item() end return itemstack end function affects.player_died(player) local name = player:get_player_name() for _,a in ipairs(affects._removeOnDieAffects) do affects.removeAffect(name,a) end end