abm_counter = 0 abm_timer = 0 abm_limit = 999 abm_time_limit = 1 function abm_limiter() if abm_counter > abm_limit then return true end abm_counter = abm_counter + 1 return false end function abm_globalstep(dtime) abm_timer = abm_timer + dtime if abm_timer > abm_time_limit then abm_counter = 0 abm_timer = 0 end end adventuretest.pl_hooks = {} function adventuretest.player_loop(dtime) local p = minetest.get_connected_players() for _, player in pairs(p) do local name = player:get_player_name() for k,hook in pairs(adventuretest.pl_hooks) do adventuretest.pl_hooks[k].timer = adventuretest.pl_hooks[k].timer + dtime if adventuretest.pl_hooks[k].timer >= adventuretest.pl_hooks[k].timeout then adventuretest.pl_hooks[k].timer = 0 adventuretest.pl_hooks[k].func(player,name,dtime) end end end end function adventuretest.register_pl_hook(f,t) table.insert(adventuretest.pl_hooks,{func=f,timeout=t,timer=0}) end function adventuretest.teleport(player,pos) local name = player:get_player_name(); pd.set(name,"lastpos",pos) player:moveto(pos) end function adventuretest.check_spawn(player) local count = 0 local newpos = player:getpos() local badpos = false while adventuretest.obj_stuck(player) == true and count < 5 do print("moving player") local pos = player:getpos() newpos.x = pos.x + math.rand(-10,10) newpos.z = pos.z + math.rand(-10,10) adventuretest.teleport(player,newpos) count = count + 1 badpos = true end if badpos == true then -- check the elevation so they don't fall to their death local ab = adventuretest.above_ground(newpos) if ab ~= false and ab > 3 then newpos.y = ( newpos.y - ( ab - 3 ) ) adventuretest.teleport(player,newpos) end end local n = player:get_player_name() pd.set(n,"homepos",newpos) end -- sees if a player or entity is in a block function adventuretest.obj_stuck(obj) local pos = obj:getpos() local pn = adventuretest.get_obj_nodes(obj) if pn.feet.walkable == false or pn.head.walkable == false then return true end return false end -- mostly used for getting the nodes the player or entity is in function adventuretest.get_obj_nodes(obj) local pos = obj:getpos() local retval = {} pos.y = pos.y - 1 retval.standing_on = minetest.get_node(pos) pos.y = pos.y + 1 retval.feet = minetest.get_node(pos) pos.y = pos.y + 1 retval.head = minetest.get_node(pos) return retval end function adventuretest.above_ground(pos) local step = 0 local dest = 0 if pos.y > 0 then step = -1 dest = -35 else step = 1 dest = 125 end for y = pos.y,dest,step do local n = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x,y=y,z=pos.z}) if n.walkable == false then return math.abs(pos.y - y) end end return false end function hunger_join_player(player) local name = player:get_player_name() local lvl = pd.get_number(name,"hunger_lvl") if lvl > 20 then lvl = 20 end minetest.after(0.8, function() hud.change_item(player, "hunger", {offset = "item", item_name = "hunger"}) hud.change_item(player, "hunger", {number = lvl, max = 20}) end) end