#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os.path import collections ROOTDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.realpath(ROOTDIR)) from gallery_dl import extractor # noqa CATEGORY_MAP = { "2chan" : "Futaba Channel", "archivedmoe" : "Archived.Moe", "archiveofsins" : "Archive of Sins", "artstation" : "ArtStation", "b4k" : "arch.b4k.co", "bobx" : "BobX", "deviantart" : "DeviantArt", "dokireader" : "Doki Reader", "dynastyscans" : "Dynasty Reader", "e621" : "e621", "exhentai" : "ExHentai", "fallenangels" : "Fallen Angels Scans", "fashionnova" : "Fashion Nova", "hbrowse" : "HBrowse", "hentai2read" : "Hentai2Read", "hentaicafe" : "Hentai Cafe", "hentaifoundry" : "Hentai Foundry", "hentaifox" : "HentaiFox", "hentaihere" : "HentaiHere", "hitomi" : "Hitomi.la", "idolcomplex" : "Idol Complex", "imagebam" : "ImageBam", "imagefap" : "ImageFap", "imgbox" : "imgbox", "imgth" : "imgth", "imgur" : "imgur", "jaiminisbox" : "Jaimini's Box", "kireicake" : "Kirei Cake", "kissmanga" : "KissManga", "mangadex" : "MangaDex", "mangafox" : "Manga Fox", "mangahere" : "Manga Here", "mangapark" : "MangaPark", "mangastream" : "Manga Stream", "myportfolio" : "Adobe Portfolio", "nhentai" : "nhentai", "nijie" : "nijie", "nyafuu" : "Nyafuu Archive", "paheal" : "rule #34", "powermanga" : "PowerManga", "readcomiconline": "Read Comic Online", "rbt" : "RebeccaBlackTech", "rule34" : "Rule 34", "sankaku" : "Sankaku Channel", "seaotterscans" : "Sea Otter Scans", "seiga" : "Niconico Seiga", "senmanga" : "Sen Manga", "sensescans" : "Sense-Scans", "simplyhentai" : "Simply Hentai", "slideshare" : "SlideShare", "smugmug" : "SmugMug", "thebarchive" : "The /b/ Archive", "worldthree" : "World Three", "xvideos" : "XVideos", "yuki" : "yuki.la 4chan archive", } SUBCATEGORY_MAP = { "artwork": "Artwork Listings", "doujin" : "Doujin", "gallery": "Galleries", "image" : "individual Images", "issue" : "Comic-Issues", "manga" : "Manga", "me" : "pixiv.me Links", "media" : "Media Timelines", "path" : "Images from Users and Folders", "pinit" : "pin.it Links", "popular": "Popular Images", "recent" : "Recent Images", "search" : "Search Results", "stash" : "Sta.sh", "status" : "Images from Statuses", "tag" : "Tag-Searches", "user" : "Images from Users", "work" : "Individual Images", "related-pin" : "related Pins", "related-board": "", } AUTH_MAP = { "danbooru" : "Optional", "deviantart" : "Optional (OAuth)", "exhentai" : "Optional", "flickr" : "Optional (OAuth)", "idolcomplex": "Optional", "luscious" : "Optional", "nijie" : "Required", "pixiv" : "Required", "reddit" : "Optional (OAuth)", "sankaku" : "Optional", "seiga" : "Required", "smugmug" : "Optional (OAuth)", "tsumino" : "Optional", "tumblr" : "Optional (OAuth)", "wallhaven" : "Optional", } IGNORE_LIST = ( "directlink", "oauth", "recursive", "test", ) def domain(cls): """Return the web-domain related to an extractor class""" url = sys.modules[cls.__module__].__doc__.split()[-1] if url.startswith("http"): return url if hasattr(cls, "root") and cls.root: return cls.root + "/" if hasattr(cls, "https"): scheme = "https" if cls.https else "http" netloc = cls.__doc__.split()[-1] return "{}://{}/".format(scheme, netloc) test = next(cls._get_tests(), None) if test: url = test[0] return url[:url.find("/", 8)+1] return "" def category_text(cls): """Return a human-readable representation of a category""" c = cls.category return CATEGORY_MAP.get(c) or c.capitalize() def subcategory_text(cls): """Return a human-readable representation of a subcategory""" sc = cls.subcategory if sc in SUBCATEGORY_MAP: return SUBCATEGORY_MAP[sc] sc = sc.capitalize() return sc if sc.endswith("s") else sc + "s" def category_key(cls): """Generate sorting keys by category""" key = category_text(cls).lower() if cls.__module__.endswith(".imagehosts"): key = "zz" + key return key def subcategory_key(cls): """Generate sorting keys by subcategory""" if cls.subcategory in ("user", "issue"): return "A" return cls.subcategory def build_extractor_list(): """Generate a sorted list of lists of extractor classes""" extractors = collections.defaultdict(list) # get lists of extractor classes grouped by category for extr in extractor.extractors(): if not extr.category or extr.category in IGNORE_LIST: continue extractors[extr.category].append(extr) # sort extractor lists with the same category for extrlist in extractors.values(): extrlist.sort(key=subcategory_key) # sort lists by category return sorted( extractors.values(), key=lambda lst: category_key(lst[0]), ) # define table columns COLUMNS = ( ("Site", 20, lambda x: category_text(x[0])), ("URL" , 35, lambda x: domain(x[0])), ("Capabilities", 50, lambda x: ", ".join(subcategory_text(extr) for extr in x if subcategory_text(extr))), ("Authentication", 16, lambda x: AUTH_MAP.get(x[0].category, "")), ) def write_output(fobj, columns, extractors): def pad(output, col, category=None): size = col[1] output = output if isinstance(output, str) else col[2](output) if len(output) > size: sub = "|{}-{}|".format(category, col[0][0]) subs.append((sub, output)) output = sub return output + " " * (size - len(output)) w = fobj.write subs = [] # caption w("Supported Sites\n") w("===============\n") # table head sep = " ".join("=" * c[1] for c in columns) + "\n" w(sep) w(" ".join(pad(c[0], c) for c in columns).strip() + "\n") w(sep) # table body for lst in extractors: w(" ".join( pad(col[2](lst), col, lst[0].category) for col in columns ).strip()) w("\n") # table bottom w(sep) w("\n") # substitutions for sub, value in subs: w(".. {} replace:: {}\n".format(sub, value)) outfile = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "supportedsites.rst" with open(os.path.join(ROOTDIR, "docs", outfile), "w") as file: write_output(file, COLUMNS, build_extractor_list())