# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019-2020 Mike Fährmann # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. """Extractors for https://35photo.pro/""" from .common import Extractor, Message from .. import text class _35photoExtractor(Extractor): category = "35photo" directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{user}") filename_fmt = "{id}{title:?_//}_{num:>02}.{extension}" archive_fmt = "{id}_{num}" root = "https://35photo.pro" def items(self): first = True data = self.metadata() yield Message.Version, 1 for photo_id in self.photos(): for photo in self._photo_data(photo_id): photo.update(data) url = photo["url"] if first: first = False yield Message.Directory, photo yield Message.Url, url, text.nameext_from_url(url, photo) def metadata(self): """Returns general metadata""" return {} def photos(self): """Returns an iterable containing all relevant photo IDs""" def _pagination(self, params, extra_ids=None): url = "https://35photo.pro/show_block.php" headers = {"Referer": self.root, "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"} params["type"] = "getNextPageData" if "lastId" not in params: params["lastId"] = "999999999" if extra_ids: yield from extra_ids while params["lastId"]: data = self.request(url, headers=headers, params=params).json() yield from self._photo_ids(data["data"]) params["lastId"] = data["lastId"] def _photo_data(self, photo_id): params = {"method": "photo.getData", "photoId": photo_id} data = self.request( "https://api.35photo.pro/", params=params).json()["data"][photo_id] info = { "url" : data["src"], "id" : data["photo_id"], "title" : data["photo_name"], "description": data["photo_desc"], "tags" : data["tags"] or [], "views" : data["photo_see"], "favorites" : data["photo_fav"], "score" : data["photo_rating"], "type" : data["photo_type"], "date" : data["timeAdd"], "user" : data["user_login"], "user_id" : data["user_id"], "user_name" : data["user_name"], } if "series" in data: for info["num"], photo in enumerate(data["series"], 1): info["url"] = photo["src"] info["id_series"] = text.parse_int(photo["id"]) info["title_series"] = photo["title"] or "" yield info.copy() else: info["num"] = 1 yield info @staticmethod def _photo_ids(page): """Extract unique photo IDs and return them as sorted list""" # searching for photo-id="..." doesn't always work (see unit tests) if not page: return () return sorted( set(text.extract_iter(page, "/photo_", "/")), key=text.parse_int, reverse=True, ) class _35photoUserExtractor(_35photoExtractor): """Extractor for all images of a user on 35photo.pro""" subcategory = "user" pattern = (r"(?:https?://)?(?:[a-z]+\.)?35photo\.pro" r"/(?!photo_|genre_|rating/)([^/?&#]+)") test = ( ("https://35photo.pro/liya", { "pattern": r"https://m\d+.35photo.pro/photos_(main|series)/.*.jpg", "count": 9, }), ("https://35photo.pro/suhoveev", { # last photo ID (1267028) isn't given as 'photo-id="" # there are only 23 photos without the last one "count": ">= 33", }), ("https://en.35photo.pro/liya"), ("https://ru.35photo.pro/liya"), ) def __init__(self, match): _35photoExtractor.__init__(self, match) self.user = match.group(1) self.user_id = 0 def metadata(self): url = "{}/{}/".format(self.root, self.user) page = self.request(url).text self.user_id = text.parse_int(text.extract(page, "/user_", ".xml")[0]) return { "user": self.user, "user_id": self.user_id, } def photos(self): return self._pagination({ "page": "photoUser", "user_id": self.user_id, }) class _35photoGenreExtractor(_35photoExtractor): """Extractor for images of a specific genre on 35photo.pro""" subcategory = "genre" directory_fmt = ("{category}", "Genre", "{genre}") archive_fmt = "g{genre_id}_{id}_{num}" pattern = r"(?:https?://)?(?:[a-z]+\.)?35photo\.pro/genre_(\d+)(/new/)?" test = ("https://35photo.pro/genre_109/",) def __init__(self, match): _35photoExtractor.__init__(self, match) self.genre_id, self.new = match.groups() self.photo_ids = None def metadata(self): url = "{}/genre_{}{}".format(self.root, self.genre_id, self.new or "/") page = self.request(url).text self.photo_ids = self._photo_ids(text.extract( page, ' class="photo', '\n')[0]) return { "genre": text.extract(page, " genre - ", ". ")[0], "genre_id": text.parse_int(self.genre_id), } def photos(self): if not self.photo_ids: return () return self._pagination({ "page": "genre", "community_id": self.genre_id, "photo_rating": "0" if self.new else "50", "lastId": self.photo_ids[-1], }, self.photo_ids) class _35photoImageExtractor(_35photoExtractor): """Extractor for individual images from 35photo.pro""" subcategory = "image" pattern = r"(?:https?://)?(?:[a-z]+\.)?35photo\.pro/photo_(\d+)" test = ("https://35photo.pro/photo_753340/", { "count": 1, "keyword": { "url" : r"re:https://m\d+.35photo.pro/photos_main/.*.jpg", "id" : 753340, "title" : "Winter walk", "description": str, "tags" : list, "views" : int, "favorites" : int, "score" : int, "type" : 0, "date" : "15 авг, 2014", "user" : "liya", "user_id" : 20415, "user_name" : "Liya Mirzaeva", }, }) def __init__(self, match): _35photoExtractor.__init__(self, match) self.photo_id = match.group(1) def photos(self): return (self.photo_id,)