smart_inventory.skins_mod = minetest.get_modpath("skinsdb") smart_inventory.armor_mod = minetest.get_modpath("3d_armor") smart_inventory.clothing_mod = minetest.get_modpath("clothing") if not smart_inventory.skins_mod and not smart_inventory.armor_mod and not smart_inventory.clothing_mod then return end local filter = smart_inventory.filter local cache = smart_inventory.cache local ui_tools = smart_inventory.ui_tools local txt = smart_inventory.txt local creative = minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") local function update_grid(state, listname) -- Update the users inventory grid local list = {} state.param["player_"..listname.."_list"] = list local name = state.location.rootState.location.player local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) local invlist_tab = {} if listname == "main" then local inventory = player:get_inventory() local invlist = inventory and inventory:get_list("main") table.insert(invlist_tab, invlist) else if smart_inventory.armor_mod then local inventory = minetest.get_inventory({type="detached", name=name.."_armor"}) local invlist = inventory and inventory:get_list("armor") if invlist then table.insert(invlist_tab, invlist) end end if smart_inventory.clothing_mod then local clothing_meta = player:get_attribute("clothing:inventory") state.param.player_clothing_data = clothing_meta and minetest.deserialize(clothing_meta) or {} local invlist = {} for i=1,6 do table.insert(invlist, ItemStack(state.param.player_clothing_data[i])) end table.insert(invlist_tab, invlist) end end local list_dedup = {} for _, invlist in ipairs(invlist_tab) do for stack_index, stack in ipairs(invlist) do local itemdef = stack:get_definition() local is_armor = false if itemdef then cache.add_item(itemdef) -- analyze groups in case of hidden armor if cache.citems[].cgroups["armor"] or cache.citems[].cgroups["clothing"] then local entry = {} for k, v in pairs(cache.citems[].ui_item) do entry[k] = v end entry.stack_index = stack_index local wear = stack:get_wear() if wear > 0 then entry.text = tostring(math.floor((1 - wear / 65535) * 100 + 0.5)).." %" end table.insert(list, entry) list_dedup[] = itemdef end end end end -- add all usable in creative available armor to the main list if listname == "main" and creative == true then if smart_inventory.armor_mod then for _, itemdef in pairs(cache.cgroups["armor"].items) do if not list_dedup[] and not itemdef.groups.not_in_creative_inventory then list_dedup[] = itemdef table.insert(list, cache.citems[].ui_item) end end end if smart_inventory.clothing_mod then for _, itemdef in pairs(cache.cgroups["clothing"].items) do if not list_dedup[] and not itemdef.groups.not_in_creative_inventory then list_dedup[] = itemdef table.insert(list, cache.citems[].ui_item) end end end end local grid = state:get(listname.."_grid") grid:setList(list) end local function update_selected_item(state, listentry) local name = state.location.rootState.location.player state.param.armor_selected_item = listentry or state.param.armor_selected_item listentry = state.param.armor_selected_item if not listentry then return end local i_list = state:get("i_list") i_list:clearItems() for _, groupdef in ipairs(ui_tools.get_tight_groups(cache.citems[].cgroups)) do i_list:addItem(groupdef.group_desc) end state:get("item_name"):setText(listentry.itemdef.description) state:get("item_image"):setImage(listentry.item) end local function update_page(state) local name = state.location.rootState.location.player local player_obj = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) local skin_obj = smart_inventory.skins_mod and skins.get_player_skin(player_obj) -- Update grid lines if smart_inventory.armor_mod or smart_inventory.clothing_mod then update_grid(state, "main") update_grid(state, "overlay") end -- Update preview area and armor informations list if smart_inventory.armor_mod then state:get("preview"):setImage(armor.textures[name].preview) state.location.parentState:get("player_button"):setImage(armor.textures[name].preview) local a_list = state:get("a_list") a_list:clearItems() for k, v in pairs(armor.def[name]) do local grouptext if k == "groups" then for gn, gv in pairs(v) do if txt and txt["armor:"] then grouptext = txt["armor:"] else grouptext = "armor:" end if grouptext and gv ~= 0 then a_list:addItem(grouptext..": "..gv) end end else local is_physics = false for _, group in ipairs(armor.physics) do if group == k then is_physics = true break end end if is_physics then if txt and txt["physics:"..k] then grouptext = txt["physics:"..k] else grouptext = "physics:"..k end if grouptext and v ~= 1 then a_list:addItem(grouptext..": "..v) end else if txt and txt["armor:"..k] then grouptext = txt["armor:"..k] else grouptext = "armor:"..k end if grouptext and v ~= 0 then if k == "state" then a_list:addItem(grouptext..": "..tostring(math.floor((1 - v / armor.def[name].count / 65535) * 100 + 0.5)).." %") else a_list:addItem(grouptext..": "..v) end end end end end update_selected_item(state) elseif skin_obj then local skin_preview = skin_obj:get_preview() state.location.parentState:get("player_button"):setImage(skin_preview) state:get("preview"):setImage(skin_preview) elseif smart_inventory.clothing_mod then update_selected_item(state) state.location.parentState:get("player_button"):setImage('inventory_plus_clothing.png') state:get("preview"):setImage('blank.png') --TODO: build up clothing preview end -- Update skins list and skins info area if skin_obj then local m_name = skin_obj:get_meta_string("name") local m_author = skin_obj:get_meta_string("author") local m_license = skin_obj:get_meta_string("license") if m_name then state:get("skinname"):setText("Skin name: "..(skin_obj:get_meta_string("name"))) else state:get("skinname"):setText("") end if m_author then state:get("skinauthor"):setText("Author: "..(skin_obj:get_meta_string("author"))) else state:get("skinauthor"):setText("") end if m_license then state:get("skinlicense"):setText("License: "..(skin_obj:get_meta_string("license"))) else state:get("skinlicense"):setText("") end -- set the skins list state.param.skins_list = skins.get_skinlist_for_player(name) local cur_skin = skins.get_player_skin(player_obj) local skins_grid_data = {} local grid_skins = state:get("skins_grid") for idx, skin in ipairs(state.param.skins_list) do table.insert(skins_grid_data, { image = skin:get_preview(), tooltip = skin:get_meta_string("name"), is_button = true, size = { w = 0.87, h = 1.30 } }) if not state.param.skins_initial_page_adjusted and skin:get_key() == cur_skin:get_key() then grid_skins:setFirstVisible(idx - 19) --8x5 (grid size) / 2 -1 state.param.skins_initial_page_adjusted = true end end grid_skins:setList(skins_grid_data) end end local function move_item_to_armor(state, item) local name = state.location.rootState.location.player local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) local inventory = player:get_inventory() local armor_inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="detached", name=name.."_armor"}) -- get item to be moved to armor inventory local itemstack, itemname, itemdef if creative == true then itemstack = ItemStack(item.item) itemname = item.item else itemstack = inventory:get_stack("main", item.stack_index) itemname = itemstack:get_name() end itemdef = minetest.registered_items[itemname] local new_groups = {} for _, element in ipairs(armor.elements) do if itemdef.groups["armor_"..element] then new_groups["armor_"..element] = true end end -- remove all items with the same group local removed_items = {} for stack_index, stack in ipairs(armor_inv:get_list("armor")) do local old_def = stack:get_definition() if old_def then for groupname, groupdef in pairs(old_def.groups) do if new_groups[groupname] then table.insert(removed_items, stack) armor_inv:set_stack("armor", stack_index, {}) --take old minetest.detached_inventories[name.."_armor"].on_take(armor_inv, "armor", stack_index, stack, player) if armor_inv:set_stack("armor", stack_index, itemstack) then --put new minetest.detached_inventories[name.."_armor"].on_put(armor_inv, "armor", stack_index, itemstack, player) itemstack = ItemStack("") end end end end if stack:is_empty() and not itemstack:is_empty() then if armor_inv:set_stack("armor", stack_index, itemstack) then minetest.detached_inventories[name.."_armor"].on_put(armor_inv, "armor", stack_index, itemstack, player) itemstack = ItemStack("") end end end -- handle put backs in non-creative to not lost items if creative == false then inventory:set_stack("main", item.stack_index, itemstack) for _, stack in ipairs(removed_items) do stack = inventory:add_item("main", stack) if not stack:is_empty() then armor_inv:add_item("armor", stack) end end end end local function move_item_to_clothing(state, item) local name = state.location.rootState.location.player local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) local inventory = player:get_inventory() local clothes = state.param.player_clothing_data local clothes_ordered = {} for i=1, 6 do if clothes[i] then table.insert(clothes_ordered, clothes[i]) end end if #clothes_ordered < 6 then table.insert(clothes_ordered, item.item) player:set_attribute("clothing:inventory", minetest.serialize(clothes_ordered)) clothing:set_player_clothing(player) state.param.player_clothing_data = clothes_ordered -- handle put backs in non-creative to not lost items if creative == false then local itemstack = inventory:get_stack("main", item.stack_index) itemstack:take_item() inventory:set_stack("main", item.stack_index, itemstack) end end end local function move_item_to_inv(state, item) local name = state.location.rootState.location.player local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) local inventory = player:get_inventory() if cache.cgroups["armor"] and cache.cgroups["armor"].items[item.item] then local armor_inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="detached", name=name.."_armor"}) local itemstack = armor_inv:get_stack("armor", item.stack_index) if creative == true then -- trash armor item in creative itemstack = ItemStack("") else itemstack = inventory:add_item("main", itemstack) end armor_inv:set_stack("armor", item.stack_index, itemstack) minetest.detached_inventories[name.."_armor"].on_take(armor_inv, "armor", item.stack_index, itemstack, player) elseif cache.cgroups["clothing"] and cache.cgroups["clothing"].items[item.item] then local clothes = state.param.player_clothing_data if creative ~= true and clothes[item.stack_index] then local itemstack = inventory:add_item("main", ItemStack(clothes[item.stack_index])) if itemstack:is_empty() then clothes[item.stack_index] = nil end else clothes[item.stack_index] = nil end player:set_attribute("clothing:inventory", minetest.serialize(clothes)) clothing:set_player_clothing(player) end end local function player_callback(state) local name = state.location.rootState.location.player state:background(0, 1.2, 6, 6.6, "it_bg", "smart_inventory_background_border.png") state:item_image(0.8, 1.5,2,2,"item_image","") state:label(2.5,1.2,"item_name", "") state:listbox(0.8,3.3,5.1,4,"i_list", nil, true) state:background(6.2, 1.2, 6, 6.6, "pl_bg", "smart_inventory_background_border.png") state:image(6.7,1.7,2,4,"preview","") state:listbox(8.6,1.7,3.5,3,"a_list", nil, true) state:label(6.7,5.5,"skinname","") state:label(6.7,6.0,"skinauthor", "") state:label(6.7,6.5, "skinlicense", "") state:background(0, 0, 20, 1, "top_bg", "halo.png") state:background(0, 8, 20, 2, "bottom_bg", "halo.png") if smart_inventory.armor_mod or smart_inventory.clothing_mod then local grid_overlay = smart_inventory.smartfs_elements.buttons_grid(state, 0, 0, 20, 1, "overlay_grid") grid_overlay:onClick(function(self, state, index, player) if state.param.player_overlay_list[index] then update_selected_item(state, state.param.player_overlay_list[index]) move_item_to_inv(state, state.param.player_overlay_list[index]) update_page(state) end end) local grid_main = smart_inventory.smartfs_elements.buttons_grid(state, 0, 8, 20, 2, "main_grid") grid_main:onClick(function(self, state, index, player) update_selected_item(state, state.param.player_main_list[index]) local item = state.param.player_main_list[index] if cache.citems[item.item].cgroups["armor"] then move_item_to_armor(state, state.param.player_main_list[index]) elseif cache.citems[item.item].cgroups["clothing"] then move_item_to_clothing(state, state.param.player_main_list[index]) end update_page(state) end) end if smart_inventory.skins_mod then local player_obj = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) -- Skins Grid local grid_skins = smart_inventory.smartfs_elements.buttons_grid(state, 12.9, 1.5, 7 , 7, "skins_grid", 0.80, 1.20) state:background(12.4, 1.2, 7.5 , 6.6, "bg_skins", "smart_inventory_background_border.png") grid_skins:onClick(function(self, state, index, player) local cur_skin = state.param.skins_list[index] if state.location.rootState.location.type ~= "inventory" and cur_skin._key:sub(1,17) == "character_creator" then state.location.rootState.obsolete = true -- other screen appears, obsolete the inventory session end skins.set_player_skin(player_obj, cur_skin) if smart_inventory.armor_mod then armor.textures[name].skin = cur_skin:get_texture() armor:set_player_armor(player_obj) end update_page(state) end) end -- not visible update plugin for updates from outsite (API) state:element("code", { name = "update_hook" }):onSubmit(function(self, state) update_page(state) state.location.rootState:show() end) update_page(state) end smart_inventory.register_page({ name = "player", icon = "player.png", tooltip = "Customize yourself", smartfs_callback = player_callback, sequence = 20, on_button_click = update_page }) -- register callback in 3d_armor for updates if smart_inventory.armor_mod and armor.register_on_update then local function submit_update_hook(player) local name = player:get_player_name() local state = smart_inventory.get_page_state("player", name) if state then state:get("update_hook"):submit() end end armor:register_on_update(submit_update_hook) -- There is no callback in 3d_armor for wear change in on_hpchange implementation minetest.register_on_player_hpchange(function(player, hp_change) minetest.after(0, submit_update_hook, player) end) end