-- Minetest 0.4.12+ mod: chat2 -- chat2 is mod for minetest game created by Andrey. It's purpose is to improve or replace game built in chat. -- + Higlight some messages in different colors - nearby talk, PM messages, messages with your name in it, shouts(!) -- + Also can show all regular chat messages (use "/chat2 *" command) -- + Switch on/off (use "/chat2" command) -- + Old messages dissapear after some time -- - Problems with unicode symbols on some clients -- This mod is Free and Open Source Software, released under the LGPL 2.1 or later. -- I used this mod:https://github.com/vegasd/minetest-mods/blob/master/kmchat/init.lua as example for how to use hud api. chat2 = {} chat2.speedlimit = {} chat2.lastmessagetimes = {} --minetest.get_gametime() chat2.users = {} chat2.additionalfilters = {} --additional words set by player, which need to be higligted chat2.firsthud = {} --to be able to use previously set huds chat2.messages_on_screen = 11 chat2.chat_width = 100 --symbols chat2.position_x = 0.01 chat2.position_y = 0.92 chat2.line_distance = 15 --it depends on client, 15 is ok for where i have tested. chat2.add_message = function(player, new_text, new_color) local temp_text local temp_color local hud local name = player:get_player_name() local firsthud = chat2.firsthud[name] if not player then minetest.log("action", "Player "..name.." - chat2 player error") end if (not chat2.firsthud[name]) or (not player:hud_get(chat2.firsthud[name]) ) then minetest.log("action", "Player "..name.." - chat2 no hud yet error") return end for id = firsthud, (firsthud + chat2.messages_on_screen - 1) do hud = player:hud_get(id) if hud and hud.name == "chat2" then temp_text = hud.text temp_color = hud.number player:hud_change(id, "number", new_color) player:hud_change(id, "text", new_text) new_text = temp_text new_color = temp_color end end end chat2.send_message = function(player, message, color) local line1 = nil --allow message to span at most to three lines. more is not ok for public chat. local line2 = nil local line3 = nil local symbols = '' for i = 1, #message do if string.byte(message, i) == 32 and --is space symbol string.len(symbols) > (chat2.chat_width - 8) and --space have priority for breaking lines ( not line1 or not line2 or not line3 ) then if not line1 then line1 = symbols symbols = '' elseif not line2 then line2 = symbols symbols = '' elseif not line3 then line3 = symbols symbols = '' end elseif (string.byte(message, i) < 128 or string.byte(message, i) >= 192) and --is ascii or first byte of unicode string.len(symbols) > (chat2.chat_width - 1) and ( not line1 or not line2 or not line3 ) then if not line1 then line1 = symbols symbols = '' elseif not line2 then line2 = symbols symbols = '' elseif not line3 then line3 = symbols symbols = '' end elseif line1 and line2 and line3 then --stop when all three lines filled break end symbols = symbols..message:sub(i,i) end if not line1 and symbols then --when message is shorten than line line1 = symbols elseif not line2 and symbols then --when message is shorten than line line2 = symbols elseif not line3 and symbols then --when message is shorten than line line3 = symbols end if line1 then chat2.add_message(player, line1, color) end if line2 then chat2.add_message(player, line2, color) end if line3 then chat2.add_message(player, line3, color) end if message ~= '' then chat2.lastmessagetimes[player:get_player_name()] = minetest.get_gametime() end end minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) minetest.after(2, function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() for i = 1, chat2.messages_on_screen do local hud_id = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "text", text = "", position = {x = chat2.position_x, y = chat2.position_y}, name = "chat2", scale = {x=500, y=50}, number = 0xCCCCCC, alignment = {x=1, y=0}, offset = {x=0, y= -i * chat2.line_distance} }) if not chat2.firsthud[name] then chat2.firsthud[name] = hud_id end end chat2.users[name] = 1 chat2.send_message(player, 'chat2 activated! Use /chat2 command to switch it off/on. Use /chat2 * to see all chat here.', 0xDDAA55) chat2.lastmessagetimes[name] = minetest.get_gametime() end, player) end) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() chat2.lastmessagetimes[name] = nil chat2.users[name] = nil chat2.firsthud[name] = nil end) minetest.register_on_chat_message(function(name, message) local fmt = nil local color = nil local submes = nil local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) local players = minetest.get_connected_players() if chat2.speedlimit[name]==nil then chat2.speedlimit[name] = true else return end if chat_anticurse then local uncensored = chat_anticurse.check_message(name, message) if uncensored == 2 or uncensored > 2 then return true elseif uncensored == 1 then return end end submes = string.match(message, "^/(.+)") if submes then return end submes = string.match(message, "^!(.+)") if submes then fmt = "<%s> %s" color = 0xFF0000 minetest.log("action", "chat2 !:"..string.format(fmt, name, submes)) end local senderpos = player:getpos() for i = 1, #players do local fmt_p = fmt local color_p = color local submes_p = submes local name_p = players[i]:get_player_name() --if not submes_p and chat2.users[name_p] and string.find(message, name_p, 1, true) ~= nil then if not submes_p and chat2.users[name_p] and string.find( string.lower(message), string.lower(name_p), 1, true) ~= nil then fmt_p = "<%s> %s" color_p = 0x00FF00 submes_p = message end if not submes_p and chat2.users[name_p] and chat2.additionalfilters[name_p] then local additionalfound = false for n = 1, #chat2.additionalfilters[name_p] do --if additionalfound or name == chat2.additionalfilters[name_p][n] or string.find(message, chat2.additionalfilters[name_p][n], 1, true) ~= nil then if additionalfound or name == chat2.additionalfilters[name_p][n] or string.find( string.lower(message), string.lower(chat2.additionalfilters[name_p][n]), 1, true) ~= nil then additionalfound = true end end if additionalfound then fmt_p = "<%s> %s" color_p = 0x55FF55 submes_p = message end end if not submes_p and chat2.users[name_p] and name_p ~= name then recieverpos = players[i]:getpos() if vector.distance(senderpos, recieverpos) < 12 then fmt_p = "<%s> %s" color_p = 0x88FFFF submes_p = message end end if not submes_p and chat2.users[name_p] == 2 then fmt_p = "<%s> %s" color_p = 0xFFFFFF submes_p = message end if submes_p and chat2.users[name_p] then chat2.send_message(players[i], string.format(fmt_p, name, submes_p), color_p) end end return end) if minetest.chatcommands["msg"] then local old_command = minetest.chatcommands["msg"].func minetest.chatcommands["msg"].func = function(name, param) local sendto, message = param:match("^(%S+)%s(.+)$") if sendto and message and chat2.users[sendto] then if chat_anticurse then local uncensored = chat_anticurse.check_message(name, message) if uncensored == 2 or uncensored > 2 then return old_command(name, param) elseif uncensored == 1 then return old_command(name, param) end end local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(sendto) local sender = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if player and sender then chat2.send_message(player, string.format("<%s> %s", name, message), 0xFF00FF) chat2.send_message(sender, string.format("<%s> %s", name, message), 0xF000F0) minetest.log("action", "chat2 msg:"..string.format("<%s> %s", name, message)) end end return old_command(name, param) end end minetest.register_chatcommand("chat2", { params = "", description = "Turn chat2 off/on or add words to monitor or use /chat2 * to see all chat here", privs = {shout = true}, func = function(name, param) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not player then return false, "chat2: Player not found" end if chat2.users[name] == nil and param and #param > 0 then minetest.chat_send_player(name, 'First, please turn chat2 on.') return end if param == "*" then if chat2.users[name] == 1 then chat2.users[name] = 2 minetest.chat_send_player(name, 'chat2 - receiving all') minetest.log("action", "chat2: receiving all "..name) else chat2.users[name] = 1 minetest.chat_send_player(name, 'chat2 - receiving only special messages') minetest.log("action", "chat2: receiving only special messages "..name) end return end --user add additional search strings if param and #param > 0 then local parameters = {} if chat2.additionalfilters[name] and #chat2.additionalfilters[name] > 0 and #chat2.additionalfilters[name] < 14 then parameters = chat2.additionalfilters[name] end for s in string.gmatch(param, "%g+") do parameters[#parameters+1] = s:sub(0, 20) end if #parameters > 0 and #parameters < 15 then chat2.additionalfilters[name] = parameters minetest.chat_send_player(name, 'chat2 parameters set') else chat2.additionalfilters[name] = nil minetest.chat_send_player(name, 'chat2 parameters removed(too mutch)') end return end if chat2.users[name] ~= nil then for i = 1, chat2.messages_on_screen do chat2.send_message(player, '', 0x000000) end chat2.lastmessagetimes[name] = nil chat2.users[name] = nil else minetest.chat_send_player(name, 'chat2 activated! Use /chat2 command if you want to switch it off.') chat2.send_message(player, 'chat2 activated!', 0xDDAA55) chat2.lastmessagetimes[name] = minetest.get_gametime() chat2.users[name] = 1 end end, }) -- every 3 seconds clean speedlimit local timer = 0 minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) timer = timer + dtime; if timer >= 3 then chat2.speedlimit = {} timer = 0 --clean chat local players = minetest.get_connected_players() for i = 1, #players do local name = players[i]:get_player_name() if chat2.lastmessagetimes[name] and (minetest.get_gametime() - chat2.lastmessagetimes[name]) > 90 then chat2.send_message(players[i], '', 0x000000) if (minetest.get_gametime() - chat2.lastmessagetimes[name]) > (90 + chat2.messages_on_screen * 3) then chat2.lastmessagetimes[name] = nil end end end end end)