--Extreme Survival created by maikerumine -- Minetest 0.4.13 mod: "Extreme Survival" -- namespace: es --https://github.com/maikerumine --License: --~~~~~~~~ --Code: --(c) Copyright 2015 maikerumine; modified zlib-License --see "LICENSE.txt" for details. --Media(if not stated differently): --(c) Copyright (2014-2015) maikerumine; CC-BY-SA 3.0 es = {} --NOTE: THIS--v v--MUST BE FIRST IN THE INIT FOR EVERYTHING TO WORK enable_stairsplus = true local load_start = os.clock() local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("es") es.modpath = modpath -- REMOVE NODES DO NOT USE IN YOUR WORLD --dofile(modpath.."/technodrem.lua") --dofile(modpath.."/moreorerem.lua") --dofile(modpath.."/villrem.lua") -- Alias dofile(modpath.."/alias.lua") -- Anticheat by RND dofile(modpath.."/anticheat.lua") -- Armor [abort migration] dofile(modpath.."/armor.lua") -- Craft recipes for items dofile(modpath.."/crafting.lua") -- Shutdown dofile(modpath.."/shutdown.lua") --Spawn dofile(modpath.."/spawn.lua") -- Nodes dofile(modpath.."/nodes.lua") dofile(modpath.."/crushingfurnace.lua") -- Ore Generation dofile(modpath.."/oregen.lua") -- Tools dofile(modpath.."/tools.lua") dofile(modpath.."/screwdriver.lua") --dofile(modpath.."/hoes.lua") -- Climate very laggy --dofile(minetest.get_modpath("es").."/freeze.lua") --dofile(minetest.get_modpath("es").."/snow.lua") --dofile(minetest.get_modpath("es").."/thaw.lua") --MOREBLOCKS / STAIRSPLUS SUPPORT if moreblocks then dofile(modpath.."/mostair.lua") end --STAIR SUPPORT if stairs then dofile(modpath.."/stair.lua") end --MAP GENERATION SELECTION SWITCH --Enter a number between 0 and 5 to choose map style. es.MAP_SETTING = 0; -- Map Generation --(CURRENTLY YOU NEED TO REPLACE THE DEFAULT WITH --the one that says stone IF YOU WANT AN ALL STONE WORLD.) --MAP GENERATION SELECTION SWITCH --ES OVERRIDE SETTINGS IN INIT FILE IN ES FOLDER if es.MAP_SETTING == 0 then --DEFAULT MAPGEN dofile(minetest.get_modpath("default").."/mapgen.lua") end if es.MAP_SETTING == 1 then --ALL STONE LIKE JUST TEST dofile(modpath.."/mapgen-stone.lua") end if es.MAP_SETTING == 2 then --ALL DESERT -STONE STARTS AT -413 dofile(modpath.."/mapgen-desert.lua") end if es.MAP_SETTING == 3 then --STONE, DESERT, ALPINE CLIMATE dofile(modpath.."/mapgen-es.lua") end if es.MAP_SETTING == 4 then --NO DESERT OR COLD CLIMATE dofile(modpath.."/mapgen-v7green.lua") end if es.MAP_SETTING == 5 then --ALWAYS CURRENT FROM MINETEST_GAME dofile(modpath.."/mapgen-v7green_current.lua") end --MAPFIX CODE (USE WHEN DARK SHADOWS FORM, TYPE /MAPFIX) minetest.register_chatcommand("mapfix", { params = "", description = "Recalculate the flowing liquids of a chunk", func = function(name, param) local pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(name):getpos() local size = tonumber(param) or 40 if size > 50 and not minetest.check_player_privs(name, {server=true}) then return false, "You need the server privilege to exceed the radius of 50 blocks" end local minp, maxp = {x = math.floor(pos.x - size), y = math.floor(pos.y - size), z = math.floor(pos.z - size)}, {x = math.ceil(pos.x + size), y = math.ceil(pos.y + size), z = math.ceil(pos.z + size)} local vm = minetest.get_voxel_manip() vm:read_from_map(minp, maxp) vm:calc_lighting() vm:update_liquids() vm:write_to_map() vm:update_map() return true, "Done." end, })