/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013 by Hugh Bailey This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ #include "util/windows/win-registry.h" #include "util/windows/win-version.h" #include "util/platform.h" #include "util/dstr.h" #include "obs.h" #include "obs-internal.h" #include #include #include static uint32_t win_ver = 0; const char *get_module_extension(void) { return ".dll"; } #ifdef _WIN64 #define BIT_STRING "64bit" #else #define BIT_STRING "32bit" #endif static const char *module_bin[] = { "obs-plugins/" BIT_STRING, "../../obs-plugins/" BIT_STRING, }; static const char *module_data[] = { "data/%module%", "../../data/obs-plugins/%module%" }; static const int module_patterns_size = sizeof(module_bin)/sizeof(module_bin[0]); void add_default_module_paths(void) { for (int i = 0; i < module_patterns_size; i++) obs_add_module_path(module_bin[i], module_data[i]); } /* on windows, points to [base directory]/data/libobs */ char *find_libobs_data_file(const char *file) { struct dstr path; dstr_init(&path); if (check_path(file, "data/libobs/", &path)) return path.array; if (check_path(file, "../../data/libobs/", &path)) return path.array; dstr_free(&path); return NULL; } static void log_processor_info(void) { HKEY key; wchar_t data[1024]; char *str = NULL; DWORD size, speed; LSTATUS status; memset(data, 0, sizeof(data)); status = RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0", &key); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) return; size = sizeof(data); status = RegQueryValueExW(key, L"ProcessorNameString", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)data, &size); if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { os_wcs_to_utf8_ptr(data, 0, &str); blog(LOG_INFO, "CPU Name: %s", str); bfree(str); } size = sizeof(speed); status = RegQueryValueExW(key, L"~MHz", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&speed, &size); if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) blog(LOG_INFO, "CPU Speed: %ldMHz", speed); RegCloseKey(key); } static void log_processor_cores(void) { blog(LOG_INFO, "Physical Cores: %d, Logical Cores: %d", os_get_physical_cores(), os_get_logical_cores()); } static void log_available_memory(void) { MEMORYSTATUSEX ms; ms.dwLength = sizeof(ms); GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&ms); #ifdef _WIN64 const char *note = ""; #else const char *note = " (NOTE: 32bit programs cannot use more than 3gb)"; #endif blog(LOG_INFO, "Physical Memory: %luMB Total, %luMB Free%s", (DWORD)(ms.ullTotalPhys / 1048576), (DWORD)(ms.ullAvailPhys / 1048576), note); } static void log_windows_version(void) { struct win_version_info ver; get_win_ver(&ver); bool b64 = is_64_bit_windows(); const char *windows_bitness = b64 ? "64" : "32"; blog(LOG_INFO, "Windows Version: %d.%d Build %d (revision: %d; %s-bit)", ver.major, ver.minor, ver.build, ver.revis, windows_bitness); } static void log_admin_status(void) { SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY auth = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; PSID admin_group; BOOL success; success = AllocateAndInitializeSid(&auth, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &admin_group); if (success) { if (!CheckTokenMembership(NULL, admin_group, &success)) success = false; FreeSid(admin_group); } blog(LOG_INFO, "Running as administrator: %s", success ? "true" : "false"); } typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *dwm_is_composition_enabled_t)(BOOL*); static void log_aero(void) { dwm_is_composition_enabled_t composition_enabled = NULL; const char *aeroMessage = win_ver >= 0x602 ? " (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)" : ""; HMODULE dwm = LoadLibraryW(L"dwmapi"); BOOL bComposition = true; if (!dwm) { return; } composition_enabled = (dwm_is_composition_enabled_t)GetProcAddress(dwm, "DwmIsCompositionEnabled"); if (!composition_enabled) { return; } composition_enabled(&bComposition); blog(LOG_INFO, "Aero is %s%s", bComposition ? "Enabled" : "Disabled", aeroMessage); } #define WIN10_GAME_BAR_REG_KEY \ L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\GameDVR" #define WIN10_GAME_DVR_POLICY_REG_KEY \ L"SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\GameDVR" #define WIN10_GAME_DVR_REG_KEY L"System\\GameConfigStore" #define WIN10_GAME_MODE_REG_KEY L"Software\\Microsoft\\GameBar" static void log_gaming_features(void) { if (win_ver < 0xA00) return; struct reg_dword game_bar_enabled; struct reg_dword game_dvr_allowed; struct reg_dword game_dvr_enabled; struct reg_dword game_dvr_bg_recording; struct reg_dword game_mode_enabled; get_reg_dword(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, WIN10_GAME_BAR_REG_KEY, L"AppCaptureEnabled", &game_bar_enabled); get_reg_dword(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, WIN10_GAME_DVR_POLICY_REG_KEY, L"AllowGameDVR", &game_dvr_allowed); get_reg_dword(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, WIN10_GAME_DVR_REG_KEY, L"GameDVR_Enabled", &game_dvr_enabled); get_reg_dword(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, WIN10_GAME_BAR_REG_KEY, L"HistoricalCaptureEnabled", &game_dvr_bg_recording); get_reg_dword(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, WIN10_GAME_MODE_REG_KEY, L"AllowAutoGameMode", &game_mode_enabled); blog(LOG_INFO, "Windows 10 Gaming Features:"); if (game_bar_enabled.status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { blog(LOG_INFO, "\tGame Bar: %s", (bool)game_bar_enabled.return_value ? "On" : "Off"); } if (game_dvr_allowed.status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { blog(LOG_INFO, "\tGame DVR Allowed: %s", (bool)game_dvr_allowed.return_value ? "Yes" : "No"); } if (game_dvr_enabled.status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { blog(LOG_INFO, "\tGame DVR: %s", (bool)game_dvr_enabled.return_value ? "On" : "Off"); } if (game_dvr_bg_recording.status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { blog(LOG_INFO, "\tGame DVR Background Recording: %s", (bool)game_dvr_bg_recording.return_value ? "On" : "Off"); } if (game_mode_enabled.status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { blog(LOG_INFO, "\tGame Mode: %s", (bool)game_mode_enabled.return_value ? "On" : "Off"); } } static const char *get_str_for_state(int state) { switch (state) { case WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE_ON: return "enabled"; case WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE_OFF: return "disabled"; case WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE_SNOOZED: return "temporarily disabled"; case WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE_EXPIRED: return "expired"; default: return "unknown"; } } static const char *get_str_for_type(int type) { switch (type) { case WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_ANTIVIRUS: return "AV"; case WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_FIREWALL: return "FW"; case WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_ANTISPYWARE: return "ASW"; default: return "unknown"; } } static void log_security_products_by_type(IWSCProductList *prod_list, int type) { HRESULT hr; LONG count = 0; IWscProduct *prod; BSTR name; WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE prod_state; hr = prod_list->lpVtbl->Initialize(prod_list, type); if (FAILED(hr)) return; hr = prod_list->lpVtbl->get_Count(prod_list, &count); if (FAILED(hr)) { prod_list->lpVtbl->Release(prod_list); return; } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { hr = prod_list->lpVtbl->get_Item(prod_list, i, &prod); if (FAILED(hr)) continue; hr = prod->lpVtbl->get_ProductName(prod, &name); if (FAILED(hr)) continue; hr = prod->lpVtbl->get_ProductState(prod, &prod_state); if (FAILED(hr)) { SysFreeString(name); continue; } blog(LOG_INFO, "\t%S: %s (%s)", name, get_str_for_state(prod_state), get_str_for_type(type)); SysFreeString(name); prod->lpVtbl->Release(prod); } prod_list->lpVtbl->Release(prod_list); } static void log_security_products(void) { IWSCProductList *prod_list = NULL; HMODULE h_wsc; HRESULT hr; /* We load the DLL rather than import wcsapi.lib because the clsid / * iid only exists on Windows 8 or higher. */ h_wsc = LoadLibraryW(L"wscapi.dll"); if (!h_wsc) return; const CLSID *prod_list_clsid = (const CLSID *)GetProcAddress(h_wsc, "CLSID_WSCProductList"); const IID *prod_list_iid = (const IID *)GetProcAddress(h_wsc, "IID_IWSCProductList"); if (prod_list_clsid && prod_list_iid) { blog(LOG_INFO, "Sec. Software Status:"); hr = CoCreateInstance(prod_list_clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, prod_list_iid, &prod_list); if (!FAILED(hr)) { log_security_products_by_type(prod_list, WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_ANTIVIRUS); } hr = CoCreateInstance(prod_list_clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, prod_list_iid, &prod_list); if (!FAILED(hr)) { log_security_products_by_type(prod_list, WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_FIREWALL); } hr = CoCreateInstance(prod_list_clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, prod_list_iid, &prod_list); if (!FAILED(hr)) { log_security_products_by_type(prod_list, WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_ANTISPYWARE); } } FreeLibrary(h_wsc); } void log_system_info(void) { struct win_version_info ver; get_win_ver(&ver); win_ver = (ver.major << 8) | ver.minor; log_processor_info(); log_processor_cores(); log_available_memory(); log_windows_version(); log_admin_status(); log_aero(); log_gaming_features(); log_security_products(); } struct obs_hotkeys_platform { int vk_codes[OBS_KEY_LAST_VALUE]; }; static int get_virtual_key(obs_key_t key) { switch (key) { case OBS_KEY_RETURN: return VK_RETURN; case OBS_KEY_ESCAPE: return VK_ESCAPE; case OBS_KEY_TAB: return VK_TAB; case OBS_KEY_BACKTAB: return VK_OEM_BACKTAB; case OBS_KEY_BACKSPACE: return VK_BACK; case OBS_KEY_INSERT: return VK_INSERT; case OBS_KEY_DELETE: return VK_DELETE; case OBS_KEY_PAUSE: return VK_PAUSE; case OBS_KEY_PRINT: return VK_SNAPSHOT; case OBS_KEY_CLEAR: return VK_CLEAR; case OBS_KEY_HOME: return VK_HOME; case OBS_KEY_END: return VK_END; case OBS_KEY_LEFT: return VK_LEFT; case OBS_KEY_UP: return VK_UP; case OBS_KEY_RIGHT: return VK_RIGHT; case OBS_KEY_DOWN: return VK_DOWN; case OBS_KEY_PAGEUP: return VK_PRIOR; case OBS_KEY_PAGEDOWN: return VK_NEXT; case OBS_KEY_SHIFT: return VK_SHIFT; case OBS_KEY_CONTROL: return VK_CONTROL; case OBS_KEY_ALT: return VK_MENU; case OBS_KEY_CAPSLOCK: return VK_CAPITAL; case OBS_KEY_NUMLOCK: return VK_NUMLOCK; case OBS_KEY_SCROLLLOCK: return VK_SCROLL; case OBS_KEY_F1: return VK_F1; case OBS_KEY_F2: return VK_F2; case OBS_KEY_F3: return VK_F3; case OBS_KEY_F4: return VK_F4; case OBS_KEY_F5: return VK_F5; case OBS_KEY_F6: return VK_F6; case OBS_KEY_F7: return VK_F7; case OBS_KEY_F8: return VK_F8; case OBS_KEY_F9: return VK_F9; case OBS_KEY_F10: return VK_F10; case OBS_KEY_F11: return VK_F11; case OBS_KEY_F12: return VK_F12; case OBS_KEY_F13: return VK_F13; case OBS_KEY_F14: return VK_F14; case OBS_KEY_F15: return VK_F15; case OBS_KEY_F16: return VK_F16; case OBS_KEY_F17: return VK_F17; case OBS_KEY_F18: return VK_F18; case OBS_KEY_F19: return VK_F19; case OBS_KEY_F20: return VK_F20; case OBS_KEY_F21: return VK_F21; case OBS_KEY_F22: return VK_F22; case OBS_KEY_F23: return VK_F23; case OBS_KEY_F24: return VK_F24; case OBS_KEY_SPACE: return VK_SPACE; case OBS_KEY_APOSTROPHE: return VK_OEM_7; case OBS_KEY_PLUS: return VK_OEM_PLUS; case OBS_KEY_COMMA: return VK_OEM_COMMA; case OBS_KEY_MINUS: return VK_OEM_MINUS; case OBS_KEY_PERIOD: return VK_OEM_PERIOD; case OBS_KEY_SLASH: return VK_OEM_2; case OBS_KEY_0: return '0'; case OBS_KEY_1: return '1'; case OBS_KEY_2: return '2'; case OBS_KEY_3: return '3'; case OBS_KEY_4: return '4'; case OBS_KEY_5: return '5'; case OBS_KEY_6: return '6'; case OBS_KEY_7: return '7'; case OBS_KEY_8: return '8'; case OBS_KEY_9: return '9'; case OBS_KEY_NUMASTERISK: return VK_MULTIPLY; case OBS_KEY_NUMPLUS: return VK_ADD; case OBS_KEY_NUMMINUS: return VK_SUBTRACT; case OBS_KEY_NUMPERIOD: return VK_DECIMAL; case OBS_KEY_NUMSLASH: return VK_DIVIDE; case OBS_KEY_NUM0: return VK_NUMPAD0; case OBS_KEY_NUM1: return VK_NUMPAD1; case OBS_KEY_NUM2: return VK_NUMPAD2; case OBS_KEY_NUM3: return VK_NUMPAD3; case OBS_KEY_NUM4: return VK_NUMPAD4; case OBS_KEY_NUM5: return VK_NUMPAD5; case OBS_KEY_NUM6: return VK_NUMPAD6; case OBS_KEY_NUM7: return VK_NUMPAD7; case OBS_KEY_NUM8: return VK_NUMPAD8; case OBS_KEY_NUM9: return VK_NUMPAD9; case OBS_KEY_SEMICOLON: return VK_OEM_1; case OBS_KEY_A: return 'A'; case OBS_KEY_B: return 'B'; case OBS_KEY_C: return 'C'; case OBS_KEY_D: return 'D'; case OBS_KEY_E: return 'E'; case OBS_KEY_F: return 'F'; case OBS_KEY_G: return 'G'; case OBS_KEY_H: return 'H'; case OBS_KEY_I: return 'I'; case OBS_KEY_J: return 'J'; case OBS_KEY_K: return 'K'; case OBS_KEY_L: return 'L'; case OBS_KEY_M: return 'M'; case OBS_KEY_N: return 'N'; case OBS_KEY_O: return 'O'; case OBS_KEY_P: return 'P'; case OBS_KEY_Q: return 'Q'; case OBS_KEY_R: return 'R'; case OBS_KEY_S: return 'S'; case OBS_KEY_T: return 'T'; case OBS_KEY_U: return 'U'; case OBS_KEY_V: return 'V'; case OBS_KEY_W: return 'W'; case OBS_KEY_X: return 'X'; case OBS_KEY_Y: return 'Y'; case OBS_KEY_Z: return 'Z'; case OBS_KEY_BRACKETLEFT: return VK_OEM_4; case OBS_KEY_BACKSLASH: return VK_OEM_5; case OBS_KEY_BRACKETRIGHT: return VK_OEM_6; case OBS_KEY_ASCIITILDE: return VK_OEM_3; case OBS_KEY_HENKAN: return VK_CONVERT; case OBS_KEY_MUHENKAN: return VK_NONCONVERT; case OBS_KEY_KANJI: return VK_KANJI; case OBS_KEY_TOUROKU: return VK_OEM_FJ_TOUROKU; case OBS_KEY_MASSYO: return VK_OEM_FJ_MASSHOU; case OBS_KEY_HANGUL: return VK_HANGUL; case OBS_KEY_BACKSLASH_RT102: return VK_OEM_102; case OBS_KEY_MOUSE1: return VK_LBUTTON; case OBS_KEY_MOUSE2: return VK_RBUTTON; case OBS_KEY_MOUSE3: return VK_MBUTTON; case OBS_KEY_MOUSE4: return VK_XBUTTON1; case OBS_KEY_MOUSE5: return VK_XBUTTON2; /* TODO: Implement keys for non-US keyboards */ default:; } return 0; } bool obs_hotkeys_platform_init(struct obs_core_hotkeys *hotkeys) { hotkeys->platform_context = bzalloc(sizeof(obs_hotkeys_platform_t)); for (size_t i = 0; i < OBS_KEY_LAST_VALUE; i++) hotkeys->platform_context->vk_codes[i] = get_virtual_key(i); return true; } void obs_hotkeys_platform_free(struct obs_core_hotkeys *hotkeys) { bfree(hotkeys->platform_context); hotkeys->platform_context = NULL; } static bool vk_down(DWORD vk) { short state = GetAsyncKeyState(vk); bool down = (state & 0x8000) != 0; return down; } bool obs_hotkeys_platform_is_pressed(obs_hotkeys_platform_t *context, obs_key_t key) { if (key == OBS_KEY_META) { return vk_down(VK_LWIN) || vk_down(VK_RWIN); } UNUSED_PARAMETER(context); return vk_down(obs_key_to_virtual_key(key)); } void obs_key_to_str(obs_key_t key, struct dstr *str) { wchar_t name[128] = L""; UINT scan_code; int vk; if (key == OBS_KEY_NONE) { return; } else if (key >= OBS_KEY_MOUSE1 && key <= OBS_KEY_MOUSE29) { if (obs->hotkeys.translations[key]) { dstr_copy(str, obs->hotkeys.translations[key]); } else { dstr_printf(str, "Mouse %d", (int)(key - OBS_KEY_MOUSE1 + 1)); } return; } if (key == OBS_KEY_PAUSE) { dstr_copy(str, obs_get_hotkey_translation(key, "Pause")); return; } else if (key == OBS_KEY_META) { dstr_copy(str, obs_get_hotkey_translation(key, "Windows")); return; } vk = obs_key_to_virtual_key(key); scan_code = MapVirtualKey(vk, 0) << 16; switch (vk) { case VK_HOME: case VK_END: case VK_LEFT: case VK_UP: case VK_RIGHT: case VK_DOWN: case VK_PRIOR: case VK_NEXT: case VK_INSERT: case VK_DELETE: case VK_NUMLOCK: scan_code |= 0x01000000; } if (scan_code != 0 && GetKeyNameTextW(scan_code, name, 128) != 0) { dstr_from_wcs(str, name); } else if (key != OBS_KEY_NONE) { dstr_copy(str, obs_key_to_name(key)); } } obs_key_t obs_key_from_virtual_key(int code) { obs_hotkeys_platform_t *platform = obs->hotkeys.platform_context; for (size_t i = 0; i < OBS_KEY_LAST_VALUE; i++) { if (platform->vk_codes[i] == code) { return (obs_key_t)i; } } return OBS_KEY_NONE; } int obs_key_to_virtual_key(obs_key_t key) { if (key == OBS_KEY_META) return VK_LWIN; return obs->hotkeys.platform_context->vk_codes[(int)key]; } static inline void add_combo_key(obs_key_t key, struct dstr *str) { struct dstr key_str = {0}; obs_key_to_str(key, &key_str); if (!dstr_is_empty(&key_str)) { if (!dstr_is_empty(str)) { dstr_cat(str, " + "); } dstr_cat_dstr(str, &key_str); } dstr_free(&key_str); } void obs_key_combination_to_str(obs_key_combination_t combination, struct dstr *str) { if ((combination.modifiers & INTERACT_CONTROL_KEY) != 0) { add_combo_key(OBS_KEY_CONTROL, str); } if ((combination.modifiers & INTERACT_COMMAND_KEY) != 0) { add_combo_key(OBS_KEY_META, str); } if ((combination.modifiers & INTERACT_ALT_KEY) != 0) { add_combo_key(OBS_KEY_ALT, str); } if ((combination.modifiers & INTERACT_SHIFT_KEY) != 0) { add_combo_key(OBS_KEY_SHIFT, str); } if (combination.key != OBS_KEY_NONE) { add_combo_key(combination.key, str); } } bool sym_initialize_called = false; void reset_win32_symbol_paths(void) { static BOOL (WINAPI *sym_initialize_w)(HANDLE, const wchar_t*, BOOL); static BOOL (WINAPI *sym_set_search_path_w)(HANDLE, const wchar_t*); static bool funcs_initialized = false; static bool initialize_success = false; struct obs_module *module = obs->first_module; struct dstr path_str = {0}; DARRAY(char*) paths; wchar_t *path_str_w = NULL; char *abspath; da_init(paths); if (!funcs_initialized) { HMODULE mod; funcs_initialized = true; mod = LoadLibraryW(L"DbgHelp"); if (!mod) return; sym_initialize_w = (void*)GetProcAddress(mod, "SymInitializeW"); sym_set_search_path_w = (void*)GetProcAddress(mod, "SymSetSearchPathW"); if (!sym_initialize_w || !sym_set_search_path_w) return; initialize_success = true; } if (!initialize_success) return; abspath = os_get_abs_path_ptr("."); if (abspath) da_push_back(paths, &abspath); while (module) { bool found = false; struct dstr path = {0}; char *path_end; dstr_copy(&path, module->bin_path); dstr_replace(&path, "/", "\\"); path_end = strrchr(path.array, '\\'); if (!path_end) { module = module->next; dstr_free(&path); continue; } *path_end = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.num; i++) { const char *existing_path = paths.array[i]; if (astrcmpi(path.array, existing_path) == 0) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { abspath = os_get_abs_path_ptr(path.array); if (abspath) da_push_back(paths, &abspath); } dstr_free(&path); module = module->next; } for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.num; i++) { const char *path = paths.array[i]; if (path && *path) { if (i != 0) dstr_cat(&path_str, ";"); dstr_cat(&path_str, paths.array[i]); } } if (path_str.array) { os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(path_str.array, path_str.len, &path_str_w); if (path_str_w) { if (!sym_initialize_called) { sym_initialize_w(GetCurrentProcess(), path_str_w, false); sym_initialize_called = true; } else { sym_set_search_path_w(GetCurrentProcess(), path_str_w); } bfree(path_str_w); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.num; i++) bfree(paths.array[i]); dstr_free(&path_str); da_free(paths); } extern void initialize_crash_handler(void); void obs_init_win32_crash_handler(void) { initialize_crash_handler(); } void initialize_com(void) { CoInitializeEx(0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); } void uninitialize_com(void) { CoUninitialize(); }