import json import socket import ssl import os import time import requests import sys import zipfile from io import BytesIO from random import randbytes from urllib.parse import urlparse from collections import defaultdict MINIMUM_PURGE_AGE = 9.75 * 24 * 60 * 60 # slightly less than 10 days TIMEOUT = 10 SKIPPED_SERVICES = {'YouNow', 'SHOWROOM', 'Dacast'} SERVICES_FILE = 'plugins/rtmp-services/data/services.json' PACKAGE_FILE = 'plugins/rtmp-services/data/package.json' CACHE_FILE = 'other/timestamps.json' DO_NOT_PING = {'jp9000'} PR_MESSAGE = '''This is an automatically created pull request to remove unresponsive servers and services. | Service | Action Taken | Author(s) | | ------- | ------------ | --------- | {table} If you are not responsible for an affected service and want to be excluded from future pings please let us know. Created by workflow run:{repository}/actions/runs/{run_id}''' # GQL is great isn't it GQL_QUERY = '''{ repositoryOwner(login: "obsproject") { repository(name: "obs-studio") { object(expression: "master") { ... on Commit { blame(path: "plugins/rtmp-services/data/services.json") { ranges { startingLine endingLine commit { author { user { login } } } } } } } } } }''' context = ssl.create_default_context() def check_ftl_server(hostname) -> bool: """Check if hostname resolves to a valid address - FTL handshake not implemented""" try: socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, 8084, proto=socket.IPPROTO_UDP) except socket.gaierror as e: print(f'⚠️ Could not resolve hostname for server: {hostname} (Exception: {e})') return False else: return True def check_hls_server(uri) -> bool: """Check if URL responds with status code < 500 and not 404, indicating that at least there's *something* there""" try: r =, timeout=TIMEOUT) if r.status_code >= 500 or r.status_code == 404: raise Exception(f'Server responded with {r.status_code}') except Exception as e: print(f'⚠️ Could not connect to HLS server: {uri} (Exception: {e})') return False else: return True def check_rtmp_server(uri) -> bool: """Try connecting and sending a RTMP handshake (with SSL if necessary)""" parsed = urlparse(uri) hostname, port = parsed.netloc.partition(':')[::2] port = int(port) if port else 1935 try: recv = b'' with socket.create_connection((hostname, port), timeout=TIMEOUT) as sock: # RTMP handshake is \x03 + 4 bytes time (can be 0) + 4 zero bytes + 1528 bytes random handshake = b'\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' + randbytes(1528) if parsed.scheme == 'rtmps': with context.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=hostname) as ssock: ssock.sendall(handshake) while True: _tmp = ssock.recv(4096) recv += _tmp if len(recv) >= 1536 or not _tmp: break else: sock.sendall(handshake) while True: _tmp = sock.recv(4096) recv += _tmp if len(recv) >= 1536 or not _tmp: break if len(recv) < 1536 or recv[0] != 3: raise ValueError('Invalid RTMP handshake received from server') except Exception as e: print(f'⚠️ Connection to server failed: {uri} (Exception: {e})') return False else: return True def get_last_artifact(): s = requests.session() s.headers['Authorization'] = f'Bearer {os.environ["GITHUB_TOKEN"]}' run_id = os.environ['WORKFLOW_RUN_ID'] repo = os.environ['REPOSITORY'] # fetch run first, get workflow id from there to get workflow runs r = s.get(f'{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}') r.raise_for_status() workflow_id = r.json()['workflow_id'] r = s.get( f'{repo}/actions/workflows/{workflow_id}/runs', params=dict(per_page=1, status='completed', branch='master', conclusion='success', event='schedule'), ) r.raise_for_status() runs = r.json() if not runs['workflow_runs']: raise ValueError('No completed workflow runs found') r = s.get(runs['workflow_runs'][0]['artifacts_url']) r.raise_for_status() for artifact in r.json()['artifacts']: if artifact['name'] == 'timestamps': artifact_url = artifact['archive_download_url'] break else: raise ValueError('No previous artifact found.') r = s.get(artifact_url) r.raise_for_status() zip_data = BytesIO() zip_data.write(r.content) with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_data) as zip_ref: for info in zip_ref.infolist(): if info.filename == 'timestamps.json': return json.loads( def find_people_to_blame(raw_services: str, servers: list[tuple[str, str]]) -> dict(): if not servers: return dict() # Fetch Blame data from github s = requests.session() s.headers['Authorization'] = f'Bearer {os.environ["GITHUB_TOKEN"]}' r ='', json=dict(query=GQL_QUERY, variables=dict())) r.raise_for_status() j = r.json() # The file is only ~2600 lines so this isn't too crazy and makes the lookup very easy line_author = dict() for blame in j['data']['repositoryOwner']['repository']['object']['blame']['ranges']: for i in range(blame['startingLine'] - 1, blame['endingLine']): if user := blame['commit']['author']['user']: line_author[i] = user['login'] service_authors = defaultdict(set) for i, line in enumerate(raw_services.splitlines()): if '"url":' not in line: continue for server, service in servers: if server in line and (author := line_author.get(i)): if author not in DO_NOT_PING: service_authors[service].add(author) return service_authors def main(): try: with open(SERVICES_FILE, encoding='utf-8') as services_file: raw_services = services = json.loads(raw_services) with open(PACKAGE_FILE, encoding='utf-8') as package_file: package = json.load(package_file) except OSError as e: print(f'❌ Could not open services/package file: {e}') return 1 # attempt to load last check result cache try: with open(CACHE_FILE, encoding='utf-8') as check_file: fail_timestamps = json.load(check_file) except OSError as e: # cache might be evicted or not exist yet, so this is non-fatal print(f'⚠️ Could not read cache file, trying to get last artifact (Exception: {e})') try: fail_timestamps = get_last_artifact() except Exception as e: print(f'⚠️ Could not fetch cache file, starting fresh. (Exception: {e})') fail_timestamps = dict() else: print('Fetched cache file from last run artifact.') else: print('Successfully loaded cache file:', CACHE_FILE) start_time = int(time.time()) affected_services = dict() removed_servers = list() # create temporary new list new_services = services.copy() new_services['services'] = [] for service in services['services']: # skip services that do custom stuff that we can't easily check if service['name'] in SKIPPED_SERVICES: new_services['services'].append(service) continue service_type = service.get('recommended', {}).get('output', 'rtmp_output') if service_type not in {'rtmp_output', 'ffmpeg_hls_muxer', 'ftl_output'}: print('Unknown service type:', service_type) new_services['services'].append(service) continue # create a copy to mess with new_service = service.copy() new_service['servers'] = [] # run checks for all the servers, and store results in timestamp cache for server in service['servers']: if service_type == 'ftl_output': is_ok = check_ftl_server(server['url']) elif service_type == 'ffmpeg_hls_muxer': is_ok = check_hls_server(server['url']) else: # rtmp is_ok = check_rtmp_server(server['url']) if not is_ok: if ts := fail_timestamps.get(server['url'], None): if (delta := start_time - ts) >= MINIMUM_PURGE_AGE: print( f'🗑️ Purging server "{server["url"]}", it has been ' f'unresponsive for {round(delta/60/60/24)} days.' ) removed_servers.append((server['url'], service['name'])) # continuing here means not adding it to the new list, thus dropping it continue else: fail_timestamps[server['url']] = start_time elif is_ok and server['url'] in fail_timestamps: # remove timestamp of failed check if server is back delta = start_time - fail_timestamps[server['url']] print(f'💡 Server "{server["url"]}" is back after {round(delta/60/60/24)} days!') del fail_timestamps[server['url']] new_service['servers'].append(server) if (diff := len(service['servers']) - len(new_service['servers'])) > 0: print(f'ℹ️ Removed {diff} server(s) from {service["name"]}') affected_services[service['name']] = f'{diff} servers removed' # remove services with no valid servers if not new_service['servers']: print(f'💀 Service "{service["name"]}" has no valid servers left, removing!') affected_services[service['name']] = f'Service removed' continue new_services['services'].append(new_service) # write cache file try: os.makedirs('other', exist_ok=True) with open(CACHE_FILE, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as cache_file: json.dump(fail_timestamps, cache_file) except OSError as e: print(f'❌ Could not write cache file: {e}') return 1 else: print('Successfully wrote cache file:', CACHE_FILE) if removed_servers: # increment package version and save that as well package['version'] += 1 package['files'][0]['version'] += 1 try: with open(SERVICES_FILE, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as services_file: json.dump(new_services, services_file, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) services_file.write('\n') with open(PACKAGE_FILE, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as package_file: json.dump(package, package_file, indent=4) package_file.write('\n') except OSError as e: print(f'❌ Could not write services/package file: {e}') return 1 else: print(f'Successfully wrote services/package files:\n- {SERVICES_FILE}\n- {PACKAGE_FILE}') # try to find authors to ping, this is optional and is allowed to fail try: service_authors = find_people_to_blame(raw_services, removed_servers) except Exception as e: print(f'⚠ Could not fetch blame for some reason: {e}') service_authors = dict() # set GitHub outputs print(f'::set-output name=make_pr::true') msg = PR_MESSAGE.format( repository=os.environ['REPOSITORY'], run_id=os.environ['WORKFLOW_RUN_ID'], table='\n'.join( '| {name} | {action} | {authors} |'.format( name=name.replace('|', '\\|'), action=action, authors=', '.join(f'@{author}' for author in sorted(service_authors.get(name, []))), ) for name, action in sorted(affected_services.items()) ), ) print(f'::set-output name=pr_message::{json.dumps(msg)}') else: print(f'::set-output name=make_pr::false') if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())