/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013 by Hugh Bailey This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ /* Useful C++ classes/bindings for util data and pointers */ #pragma once #include #include #include "config-file.h" #include "text-lookup.h" /* RAII wrappers */ template class BPtr { T *ptr; BPtr(BPtr const&) = delete; BPtr &operator=(BPtr const&) = delete; public: inline BPtr(T *p=nullptr) : ptr(p) {} inline BPtr(BPtr &&other) : ptr(other.ptr) {other.ptr = nullptr;} inline ~BPtr() {bfree(ptr);} inline T *operator=(T *p) {bfree(ptr); ptr = p; return p;} inline operator T*() {return ptr;} inline T **operator&() {bfree(ptr); ptr = nullptr; return &ptr;} inline bool operator!() {return ptr == NULL;} inline bool operator==(T p) {return ptr == p;} inline bool operator!=(T p) {return ptr != p;} }; class ConfigFile { config_t config; ConfigFile(ConfigFile const&) = delete; ConfigFile &operator=(ConfigFile const&) = delete; public: inline ConfigFile() : config(NULL) {} inline ConfigFile(ConfigFile &&other) : config(other.config) { other.config = nullptr; } inline ~ConfigFile() { config_close(config); } inline bool Create(const char *file) { Close(); config = config_create(file); return config != NULL; } inline int Open(const char *file, config_open_type openType) { Close(); return config_open(&config, file, openType); } inline int Save() { return config_save(config); } inline void Close() { config_close(config); config = NULL; } inline operator config_t() const {return config;} }; class TextLookup { lookup_t lookup; TextLookup(TextLookup const&) = delete; TextLookup &operator=(TextLookup const&) = delete; public: inline TextLookup(lookup_t lookup=nullptr) : lookup(lookup) {} inline TextLookup(TextLookup &&other) : lookup(other.lookup) { other.lookup = nullptr; } inline ~TextLookup() {text_lookup_destroy(lookup);} inline TextLookup& operator=(lookup_t val) { text_lookup_destroy(lookup); lookup = val; return *this; } inline operator lookup_t() const {return lookup;} inline const char *GetString(const char *lookupVal) const { const char *out; if (!text_lookup_getstr(lookup, lookupVal, &out)) return lookupVal; return out; } };