/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2014 by Hugh Bailey This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "obs-ffmpeg-formats.h" #include "obs-ffmpeg-compat.h" //#define OBS_FFMPEG_VIDEO_FORMAT VIDEO_FORMAT_I420 #define OBS_FFMPEG_VIDEO_FORMAT VIDEO_FORMAT_NV12 /* NOTE: much of this stuff is test stuff that was more or less copied from * the muxing.c ffmpeg example */ struct ffmpeg_data { AVStream *video; AVStream *audio; AVCodec *acodec; AVCodec *vcodec; AVFormatContext *output; struct SwsContext *swscale; int video_bitrate; AVPicture dst_picture; AVFrame *vframe; int frame_size; int total_frames; uint64_t start_timestamp; int audio_bitrate; uint32_t audio_samplerate; enum audio_format audio_format; size_t audio_planes; size_t audio_size; struct circlebuf excess_frames[MAX_AV_PLANES]; uint8_t *samples[MAX_AV_PLANES]; AVFrame *aframe; int total_samples; const char *filename_test; bool initialized; }; struct ffmpeg_output { obs_output_t output; volatile bool active; struct ffmpeg_data ff_data; bool connecting; pthread_t start_thread; bool write_thread_active; pthread_mutex_t write_mutex; pthread_t write_thread; os_sem_t write_sem; os_event_t stop_event; DARRAY(AVPacket) packets; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static bool new_stream(struct ffmpeg_data *data, AVStream **stream, AVCodec **codec, enum AVCodecID id) { *codec = avcodec_find_encoder(id); if (!*codec) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't find encoder '%s'", avcodec_get_name(id)); return false; } *stream = avformat_new_stream(data->output, *codec); if (!*stream) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't create stream for encoder '%s'", avcodec_get_name(id)); return false; } (*stream)->id = data->output->nb_streams-1; return true; } static bool open_video_codec(struct ffmpeg_data *data) { AVCodecContext *context = data->video->codec; int ret; if (data->vcodec->id == AV_CODEC_ID_H264) { av_opt_set(context->priv_data, "preset", "veryfast", 0); av_opt_set(context->priv_data, "x264-params", "nal-hrd=cbr", 0); } ret = avcodec_open2(context, data->vcodec, NULL); if (ret < 0) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to open video codec: %s", av_err2str(ret)); return false; } data->vframe = av_frame_alloc(); if (!data->vframe) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to allocate video frame"); return false; } data->vframe->format = context->pix_fmt; data->vframe->width = context->width; data->vframe->height = context->height; ret = avpicture_alloc(&data->dst_picture, context->pix_fmt, context->width, context->height); if (ret < 0) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to allocate dst_picture: %s", av_err2str(ret)); return false; } *((AVPicture*)data->vframe) = data->dst_picture; return true; } static bool init_swscale(struct ffmpeg_data *data, AVCodecContext *context) { enum AVPixelFormat format; format = obs_to_ffmpeg_video_format(OBS_FFMPEG_VIDEO_FORMAT); data->swscale = sws_getContext( context->width, context->height, format, context->width, context->height, context->pix_fmt, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!data->swscale) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Could not initialize swscale"); return false; } return true; } static bool create_video_stream(struct ffmpeg_data *data) { AVCodecContext *context; struct obs_video_info ovi; enum AVPixelFormat vformat; vformat = obs_to_ffmpeg_video_format(OBS_FFMPEG_VIDEO_FORMAT); if (!obs_get_video_info(&ovi)) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "No active video"); return false; } if (!new_stream(data, &data->video, &data->vcodec, data->output->oformat->video_codec)) return false; context = data->video->codec; context->codec_id = data->output->oformat->video_codec; context->bit_rate = data->video_bitrate * 1000; context->rc_buffer_size = data->video_bitrate * 1000; context->rc_max_rate = data->video_bitrate * 1000; context->width = ovi.output_width; context->height = ovi.output_height; context->time_base.num = ovi.fps_den; context->time_base.den = ovi.fps_num; context->gop_size = 120; context->pix_fmt = vformat; if (data->output->oformat->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER) context->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER; if (!open_video_codec(data)) return false; if (context->pix_fmt != vformat) if (!init_swscale(data, context)) return false; return true; } static bool open_audio_codec(struct ffmpeg_data *data) { AVCodecContext *context = data->audio->codec; int ret; data->aframe = av_frame_alloc(); if (!data->aframe) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to allocate audio frame"); return false; } context->strict_std_compliance = -2; ret = avcodec_open2(context, data->acodec, NULL); if (ret < 0) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to open audio codec: %s", av_err2str(ret)); return false; } data->frame_size = context->frame_size ? context->frame_size : 1024; ret = av_samples_alloc(data->samples, NULL, context->channels, data->frame_size, context->sample_fmt, 0); if (ret < 0) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to create audio buffer: %s", av_err2str(ret)); return false; } return true; } static bool create_audio_stream(struct ffmpeg_data *data) { AVCodecContext *context; struct audio_output_info aoi; if (!obs_get_audio_info(&aoi)) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "No active audio"); return false; } if (!new_stream(data, &data->audio, &data->acodec, data->output->oformat->audio_codec)) return false; context = data->audio->codec; context->bit_rate = data->audio_bitrate * 1000; context->channels = get_audio_channels(aoi.speakers); context->sample_rate = aoi.samples_per_sec; context->sample_fmt = data->acodec->sample_fmts ? data->acodec->sample_fmts[0] : AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP; data->audio_samplerate = aoi.samples_per_sec; data->audio_format = convert_ffmpeg_sample_format(context->sample_fmt); data->audio_planes = get_audio_planes(data->audio_format, aoi.speakers); data->audio_size = get_audio_size(data->audio_format, aoi.speakers, 1); if (data->output->oformat->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER) context->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER; return open_audio_codec(data); } static inline bool init_streams(struct ffmpeg_data *data) { AVOutputFormat *format = data->output->oformat; if (format->video_codec != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) if (!create_video_stream(data)) return false; if (format->audio_codec != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) if (!create_audio_stream(data)) return false; return true; } static inline bool open_output_file(struct ffmpeg_data *data) { AVOutputFormat *format = data->output->oformat; int ret; if ((format->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE) == 0) { ret = avio_open(&data->output->pb, data->filename_test, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE); if (ret < 0) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't open file '%s', %s", data->filename_test, av_err2str(ret)); return false; } } ret = avformat_write_header(data->output, NULL); if (ret < 0) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Error opening file '%s': %s", data->filename_test, av_err2str(ret)); return false; } return true; } static void close_video(struct ffmpeg_data *data) { avcodec_close(data->video->codec); avpicture_free(&data->dst_picture); av_frame_free(&data->vframe); } static void close_audio(struct ffmpeg_data *data) { for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_AV_PLANES; i++) circlebuf_free(&data->excess_frames[i]); av_freep(&data->samples[0]); avcodec_close(data->audio->codec); av_frame_free(&data->aframe); } static void ffmpeg_data_free(struct ffmpeg_data *data) { if (data->initialized) av_write_trailer(data->output); if (data->video) close_video(data); if (data->audio) close_audio(data); if (data->output) { if ((data->output->oformat->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE) == 0) avio_close(data->output->pb); avformat_free_context(data->output); } memset(data, 0, sizeof(struct ffmpeg_data)); } static bool ffmpeg_data_init(struct ffmpeg_data *data, const char *filename, int vbitrate, int abitrate) { bool is_rtmp = false; memset(data, 0, sizeof(struct ffmpeg_data)); data->filename_test = filename; data->video_bitrate = vbitrate; data->audio_bitrate = abitrate; if (!filename || !*filename) return false; av_register_all(); avformat_network_init(); is_rtmp = (astrcmp_n(filename, "rtmp://", 7) == 0); /* TODO: settings */ avformat_alloc_output_context2(&data->output, NULL, is_rtmp ? "flv" : NULL, data->filename_test); if (is_rtmp) { data->output->oformat->video_codec = AV_CODEC_ID_H264; data->output->oformat->audio_codec = AV_CODEC_ID_AAC; } if (!data->output) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't create avformat context"); goto fail; } if (!init_streams(data)) goto fail; if (!open_output_file(data)) goto fail; av_dump_format(data->output, 0, NULL, 1); data->initialized = true; return true; fail: blog(LOG_WARNING, "ffmpeg_data_init failed"); ffmpeg_data_free(data); return false; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static const char *ffmpeg_output_getname(void) { return obs_module_text("FFmpegOutput"); } static void ffmpeg_log_callback(void *param, int level, const char *format, va_list args) { if (level <= AV_LOG_INFO) blogva(LOG_DEBUG, format, args); UNUSED_PARAMETER(param); } static void *ffmpeg_output_create(obs_data_t settings, obs_output_t output) { struct ffmpeg_output *data = bzalloc(sizeof(struct ffmpeg_output)); pthread_mutex_init_value(&data->write_mutex); data->output = output; if (pthread_mutex_init(&data->write_mutex, NULL) != 0) goto fail; if (os_event_init(&data->stop_event, OS_EVENT_TYPE_AUTO) != 0) goto fail; if (os_sem_init(&data->write_sem, 0) != 0) goto fail; av_log_set_callback(ffmpeg_log_callback); UNUSED_PARAMETER(settings); return data; fail: pthread_mutex_destroy(&data->write_mutex); os_event_destroy(data->stop_event); bfree(data); return NULL; } static void ffmpeg_output_stop(void *data); static void ffmpeg_output_destroy(void *data) { struct ffmpeg_output *output = data; if (output) { if (output->connecting) pthread_join(output->start_thread, NULL); ffmpeg_output_stop(output); pthread_mutex_destroy(&output->write_mutex); os_sem_destroy(output->write_sem); os_event_destroy(output->stop_event); bfree(data); } } static inline void copy_data(AVPicture *pic, const struct video_data *frame, int height) { for (int plane = 0; plane < MAX_AV_PLANES; plane++) { if (!frame->data[plane]) continue; int frame_rowsize = (int)frame->linesize[plane]; int pic_rowsize = pic->linesize[plane]; int bytes = frame_rowsize < pic_rowsize ? frame_rowsize : pic_rowsize; int plane_height = plane == 0 ? height : height/2; for (int y = 0; y < plane_height; y++) { int pos_frame = y * frame_rowsize; int pos_pic = y * pic_rowsize; memcpy(pic->data[plane] + pos_pic, frame->data[plane] + pos_frame, bytes); } } } static void receive_video(void *param, struct video_data *frame) { struct ffmpeg_output *output = param; struct ffmpeg_data *data = &output->ff_data; AVCodecContext *context = data->video->codec; AVPacket packet = {0}; int ret = 0, got_packet; enum AVPixelFormat format; av_init_packet(&packet); if (!data->start_timestamp) data->start_timestamp = frame->timestamp; format = obs_to_ffmpeg_video_format(OBS_FFMPEG_VIDEO_FORMAT); if (context->pix_fmt != format) sws_scale(data->swscale, (const uint8_t *const *)frame->data, (const int*)frame->linesize, 0, context->height, data->dst_picture.data, data->dst_picture.linesize); else copy_data(&data->dst_picture, frame, context->height); if (data->output->flags & AVFMT_RAWPICTURE) { packet.flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY; packet.stream_index = data->video->index; packet.data = data->dst_picture.data[0]; packet.size = sizeof(AVPicture); pthread_mutex_lock(&output->write_mutex); da_push_back(output->packets, &packet); pthread_mutex_unlock(&output->write_mutex); os_sem_post(output->write_sem); } else { data->vframe->pts = data->total_frames; ret = avcodec_encode_video2(context, &packet, data->vframe, &got_packet); if (ret < 0) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "receive_video: Error encoding " "video: %s", av_err2str(ret)); return; } if (!ret && got_packet && packet.size) { packet.pts = rescale_ts(packet.pts, context, data->video->time_base); packet.dts = rescale_ts(packet.dts, context, data->video->time_base); packet.duration = (int)av_rescale_q(packet.duration, context->time_base, data->video->time_base); pthread_mutex_lock(&output->write_mutex); da_push_back(output->packets, &packet); pthread_mutex_unlock(&output->write_mutex); os_sem_post(output->write_sem); } else { ret = 0; } } if (ret != 0) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "receive_video: Error writing video: %s", av_err2str(ret)); } data->total_frames++; } static void encode_audio(struct ffmpeg_output *output, struct AVCodecContext *context, size_t block_size) { struct ffmpeg_data *data = &output->ff_data; AVPacket packet = {0}; int ret, got_packet; size_t total_size = data->frame_size * block_size * context->channels; data->aframe->nb_samples = data->frame_size; data->aframe->pts = av_rescale_q(data->total_samples, (AVRational){1, context->sample_rate}, context->time_base); ret = avcodec_fill_audio_frame(data->aframe, context->channels, context->sample_fmt, data->samples[0], (int)total_size, 1); if (ret < 0) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "encode_audio: avcodec_fill_audio_frame " "failed: %s", av_err2str(ret)); return; } data->total_samples += data->frame_size; ret = avcodec_encode_audio2(context, &packet, data->aframe, &got_packet); if (ret < 0) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "encode_audio: Error encoding audio: %s", av_err2str(ret)); return; } if (!got_packet) return; packet.pts = rescale_ts(packet.pts, context, data->audio->time_base); packet.dts = rescale_ts(packet.dts, context, data->audio->time_base); packet.duration = (int)av_rescale_q(packet.duration, context->time_base, data->audio->time_base); packet.stream_index = data->audio->index; pthread_mutex_lock(&output->write_mutex); da_push_back(output->packets, &packet); pthread_mutex_unlock(&output->write_mutex); os_sem_post(output->write_sem); } static bool prepare_audio(struct ffmpeg_data *data, const struct audio_data *frame, struct audio_data *output) { *output = *frame; if (frame->timestamp < data->start_timestamp) { uint64_t duration = (uint64_t)frame->frames * 1000000000 / (uint64_t)data->audio_samplerate; uint64_t end_ts = (frame->timestamp + duration); uint64_t cutoff; if (end_ts <= data->start_timestamp) return false; cutoff = data->start_timestamp - frame->timestamp; cutoff = cutoff * (uint64_t)data->audio_samplerate / 1000000000; for (size_t i = 0; i < data->audio_planes; i++) output->data[i] += data->audio_size * (uint32_t)cutoff; output->frames -= (uint32_t)cutoff; } return true; } static void receive_audio(void *param, struct audio_data *frame) { struct ffmpeg_output *output = param; struct ffmpeg_data *data = &output->ff_data; size_t frame_size_bytes; struct audio_data in; AVCodecContext *context = data->audio->codec; if (!data->start_timestamp) return; if (!prepare_audio(data, frame, &in)) return; frame_size_bytes = (size_t)data->frame_size * data->audio_size; for (size_t i = 0; i < data->audio_planes; i++) circlebuf_push_back(&data->excess_frames[i], in.data[i], in.frames * data->audio_size); while (data->excess_frames[0].size >= frame_size_bytes) { for (size_t i = 0; i < data->audio_planes; i++) circlebuf_pop_front(&data->excess_frames[i], data->samples[i], frame_size_bytes); encode_audio(output, context, data->audio_size); } } static bool process_packet(struct ffmpeg_output *output) { AVPacket packet; bool new_packet = false; int ret; pthread_mutex_lock(&output->write_mutex); if (output->packets.num) { packet = output->packets.array[0]; da_erase(output->packets, 0); new_packet = true; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&output->write_mutex); if (!new_packet) return true; /*blog(LOG_DEBUG, "size = %d, flags = %lX, stream = %d, " "packets queued: %lu", packet.size, packet.flags, packet.stream_index, output->packets.num);*/ ret = av_interleaved_write_frame(output->ff_data.output, &packet); if (ret < 0) { av_free_packet(&packet); blog(LOG_WARNING, "receive_audio: Error writing packet: %s", av_err2str(ret)); return false; } return true; } static void *write_thread(void *data) { struct ffmpeg_output *output = data; while (os_sem_wait(output->write_sem) == 0) { /* check to see if shutting down */ if (os_event_try(output->stop_event) == 0) break; if (!process_packet(output)) { pthread_detach(output->write_thread); output->write_thread_active = false; ffmpeg_output_stop(output); break; } } output->active = false; return NULL; } static bool try_connect(struct ffmpeg_output *output) { const char *filename_test; obs_data_t settings; int audio_bitrate, video_bitrate; int ret; settings = obs_output_get_settings(output->output); filename_test = obs_data_getstring(settings, "filename"); video_bitrate = (int)obs_data_getint(settings, "video_bitrate"); audio_bitrate = (int)obs_data_getint(settings, "audio_bitrate"); obs_data_release(settings); if (!filename_test || !*filename_test) return false; if (!ffmpeg_data_init(&output->ff_data, filename_test, video_bitrate, audio_bitrate)) return false; struct audio_convert_info aci = { .format = output->ff_data.audio_format }; struct video_scale_info vsi = { .format = OBS_FFMPEG_VIDEO_FORMAT }; output->active = true; if (!obs_output_can_begin_data_capture(output->output, 0)) return false; ret = pthread_create(&output->write_thread, NULL, write_thread, output); if (ret != 0) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "ffmpeg_output_start: failed to create write " "thread."); ffmpeg_output_stop(output); return false; } obs_output_set_video_conversion(output->output, &vsi); obs_output_set_audio_conversion(output->output, &aci); obs_output_begin_data_capture(output->output, 0); output->write_thread_active = true; return true; } static void *start_thread(void *data) { struct ffmpeg_output *output = data; if (!try_connect(output)) obs_output_signal_stop(output->output, OBS_OUTPUT_CONNECT_FAILED); output->connecting = false; return NULL; } static bool ffmpeg_output_start(void *data) { struct ffmpeg_output *output = data; int ret; if (output->connecting) return false; ret = pthread_create(&output->start_thread, NULL, start_thread, output); return (output->connecting = (ret == 0)); } static void ffmpeg_output_stop(void *data) { struct ffmpeg_output *output = data; if (output->active) { obs_output_end_data_capture(output->output); if (output->write_thread_active) { os_event_signal(output->stop_event); os_sem_post(output->write_sem); pthread_join(output->write_thread, NULL); output->write_thread_active = false; } pthread_mutex_lock(&output->write_mutex); for (size_t i = 0; i < output->packets.num; i++) av_free_packet(output->packets.array+i); da_free(output->packets); pthread_mutex_unlock(&output->write_mutex); ffmpeg_data_free(&output->ff_data); } } struct obs_output_info ffmpeg_output = { .id = "ffmpeg_output", .flags = OBS_OUTPUT_AUDIO | OBS_OUTPUT_VIDEO, .getname = ffmpeg_output_getname, .create = ffmpeg_output_create, .destroy = ffmpeg_output_destroy, .start = ffmpeg_output_start, .stop = ffmpeg_output_stop, .raw_video = receive_video, .raw_audio = receive_audio, };