/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013 by Hugh Bailey This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "d3d11-subsystem.hpp" #include "d3d11-config.h" #include "intel-nv12-support.hpp" struct UnsupportedHWError : HRError { inline UnsupportedHWError(const char *str, HRESULT hr) : HRError(str, hr) { } }; #ifdef _MSC_VER /* alignment warning - despite the fact that alignment is already fixed */ #pragma warning(disable : 4316) #endif static inline void LogD3D11ErrorDetails(HRError error, gs_device_t *device) { if (error.hr == DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) { HRESULT DeviceRemovedReason = device->device->GetDeviceRemovedReason(); blog(LOG_ERROR, " Device Removed Reason: %08lX", DeviceRemovedReason); } } gs_obj::gs_obj(gs_device_t *device_, gs_type type) : device(device_), obj_type(type) { prev_next = &device->first_obj; next = device->first_obj; device->first_obj = this; if (next) next->prev_next = &next; } gs_obj::~gs_obj() { if (prev_next) *prev_next = next; if (next) next->prev_next = prev_next; } static inline void make_swap_desc(DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC &desc, const gs_init_data *data, DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT effect, UINT flags) { memset(&desc, 0, sizeof(desc)); desc.BufferDesc.Width = data->cx; desc.BufferDesc.Height = data->cy; desc.BufferDesc.Format = ConvertGSTextureFormatView(data->format); desc.SampleDesc.Count = 1; desc.BufferUsage = DXGI_USAGE_RENDER_TARGET_OUTPUT; desc.BufferCount = data->num_backbuffers; desc.OutputWindow = (HWND)data->window.hwnd; desc.Windowed = TRUE; desc.SwapEffect = effect; desc.Flags = flags; } void gs_swap_chain::InitTarget(uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy) { HRESULT hr; target.width = cx; target.height = cy; hr = swap->GetBuffer(0, __uuidof(ID3D11Texture2D), (void **)target.texture.Assign()); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("Failed to get swap buffer texture", hr); D3D11_RENDER_TARGET_VIEW_DESC rtv; rtv.Format = target.dxgiFormatView; rtv.ViewDimension = D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D; rtv.Texture2D.MipSlice = 0; hr = device->device->CreateRenderTargetView( target.texture, &rtv, target.renderTarget[0].Assign()); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("Failed to create swap RTV", hr); if (target.dxgiFormatView == target.dxgiFormatViewLinear) { target.renderTargetLinear[0] = target.renderTarget[0]; } else { rtv.Format = target.dxgiFormatViewLinear; hr = device->device->CreateRenderTargetView( target.texture, &rtv, target.renderTargetLinear[0].Assign()); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("Failed to create linear swap RTV", hr); } } void gs_swap_chain::InitZStencilBuffer(uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy) { zs.width = cx; zs.height = cy; if (zs.format != GS_ZS_NONE && cx != 0 && cy != 0) { zs.InitBuffer(); } else { zs.texture.Clear(); zs.view.Clear(); } } void gs_swap_chain::Resize(uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy) { RECT clientRect; HRESULT hr; target.texture.Clear(); target.renderTarget[0].Clear(); target.renderTargetLinear[0].Clear(); zs.texture.Clear(); zs.view.Clear(); initData.cx = cx; initData.cy = cy; if (cx == 0 || cy == 0) { GetClientRect(hwnd, &clientRect); if (cx == 0) cx = clientRect.right; if (cy == 0) cy = clientRect.bottom; } hr = swap->ResizeBuffers(swapDesc.BufferCount, cx, cy, DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, swapDesc.Flags); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("Failed to resize swap buffers", hr); InitTarget(cx, cy); InitZStencilBuffer(cx, cy); } void gs_swap_chain::Init() { target.device = device; target.isRenderTarget = true; target.format = initData.format; target.dxgiFormatResource = ConvertGSTextureFormatResource(initData.format); target.dxgiFormatView = ConvertGSTextureFormatView(initData.format); target.dxgiFormatViewLinear = ConvertGSTextureFormatViewLinear(initData.format); InitTarget(initData.cx, initData.cy); zs.device = device; zs.format = initData.zsformat; zs.dxgiFormat = ConvertGSZStencilFormat(initData.zsformat); InitZStencilBuffer(initData.cx, initData.cy); } gs_swap_chain::gs_swap_chain(gs_device *device, const gs_init_data *data) : gs_obj(device, gs_type::gs_swap_chain), hwnd((HWND)data->window.hwnd), initData(*data) { struct win_version_info ver; get_win_ver(&ver); constexpr win_version_info minimum = [] { win_version_info ver{}; ver.major = 10; ver.minor = 0; ver.build = 22000; ver.revis = 0; return ver; }(); DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT effect = DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_DISCARD; UINT flags = 0; if (win_version_compare(&ver, &minimum) >= 0) { initData.num_backbuffers = max(data->num_backbuffers, 2); effect = DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_DISCARD; flags |= DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG_FRAME_LATENCY_WAITABLE_OBJECT; ComPtr factory5; factory5 = ComQIPtr(device->factory); if (factory5) { BOOL featureSupportData = FALSE; const HRESULT hr = factory5->CheckFeatureSupport( DXGI_FEATURE_PRESENT_ALLOW_TEARING, &featureSupportData, sizeof(featureSupportData)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && featureSupportData) { presentFlags |= DXGI_PRESENT_ALLOW_TEARING; flags |= DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG_ALLOW_TEARING; } } } make_swap_desc(swapDesc, &initData, effect, flags); HRESULT hr = device->factory->CreateSwapChain(device->device, &swapDesc, swap.Assign()); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("Failed to create swap chain", hr); /* Ignore Alt+Enter */ device->factory->MakeWindowAssociation(hwnd, DXGI_MWA_NO_ALT_ENTER); if (flags & DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG_FRAME_LATENCY_WAITABLE_OBJECT) { ComPtr swap2 = ComQIPtr(swap); hWaitable = swap2->GetFrameLatencyWaitableObject(); if (hWaitable) { hr = swap2->SetMaximumFrameLatency(40); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("Could not relax frame latency", hr); } } Init(); } gs_swap_chain::~gs_swap_chain() { if (hWaitable) CloseHandle(hWaitable); } void gs_device::InitCompiler() { char d3dcompiler[40] = {}; int ver = 49; while (ver > 30) { sprintf(d3dcompiler, "D3DCompiler_%02d.dll", ver); HMODULE module = LoadLibraryA(d3dcompiler); if (module) { d3dCompile = (pD3DCompile)GetProcAddress(module, "D3DCompile"); #ifdef DISASSEMBLE_SHADERS d3dDisassemble = (pD3DDisassemble)GetProcAddress( module, "D3DDisassemble"); #endif if (d3dCompile) { return; } FreeLibrary(module); } ver--; } throw "Could not find any D3DCompiler libraries. Make sure you've " "installed the " "DirectX components that OBS Studio requires."; } void gs_device::InitFactory() { HRESULT hr = CreateDXGIFactory1(IID_PPV_ARGS(&factory)); if (FAILED(hr)) throw UnsupportedHWError("Failed to create DXGIFactory", hr); } #define VENDOR_ID_INTEL 0x8086 #define IGPU_MEM (512 * 1024 * 1024) void gs_device::ReorderAdapters(uint32_t &adapterIdx) { std::vector adapterOrder; ComPtr adapter; DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC desc; uint32_t iGPUIndex = 0; bool hasIGPU = false; bool hasDGPU = false; int idx = 0; while (SUCCEEDED(factory->EnumAdapters(idx, &adapter))) { if (SUCCEEDED(adapter->GetDesc(&desc))) { if (desc.VendorId == VENDOR_ID_INTEL) { if (desc.DedicatedVideoMemory <= IGPU_MEM) { hasIGPU = true; iGPUIndex = (uint32_t)idx; } else { hasDGPU = true; } } } adapterOrder.push_back((uint32_t)idx++); } /* Intel specific adapter check for Intel integrated and Intel * dedicated. If both exist, then change adapter priority so that the * integrated comes first for the sake of improving overall * performance */ if (hasIGPU && hasDGPU) { adapterOrder.erase(adapterOrder.begin() + iGPUIndex); adapterOrder.insert(adapterOrder.begin(), iGPUIndex); adapterIdx = adapterOrder[adapterIdx]; } } void gs_device::InitAdapter(uint32_t adapterIdx) { HRESULT hr = factory->EnumAdapters1(adapterIdx, &adapter); if (FAILED(hr)) throw UnsupportedHWError("Failed to enumerate DXGIAdapter", hr); } const static D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL featureLevels[] = { D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0, }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define VERT_IN_OUT \ "\ struct VertInOut { \ float4 pos : POSITION; \ }; " #define NV12_Y_PS \ VERT_IN_OUT "\ float main(VertInOut vert_in) : TARGET \ { \ return 1.0; \ }" #define NV12_UV_PS \ VERT_IN_OUT "\ float2 main(VertInOut vert_in) : TARGET \ { \ return float2(1.0, 1.0); \ }" #define NV12_VS \ VERT_IN_OUT "\ VertInOut main(VertInOut vert_in) \ { \ VertInOut vert_out; \ vert_out.pos = float4(vert_in.pos.xyz, 1.0); \ return vert_out; \ } " /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define NV12_CX 128 #define NV12_CY 128 bool gs_device::HasBadNV12Output() try { vec3 points[4]; vec3_set(&points[0], -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); vec3_set(&points[1], -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); vec3_set(&points[2], 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); vec3_set(&points[3], 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); gs_texture_2d nv12_y(this, NV12_CX, NV12_CY, GS_R8, 1, nullptr, GS_RENDER_TARGET | GS_SHARED_KM_TEX, GS_TEXTURE_2D, false, true); gs_texture_2d nv12_uv(this, nv12_y.texture, GS_RENDER_TARGET | GS_SHARED_KM_TEX); gs_vertex_shader nv12_vs(this, "", NV12_VS); gs_pixel_shader nv12_y_ps(this, "", NV12_Y_PS); gs_pixel_shader nv12_uv_ps(this, "", NV12_UV_PS); gs_stage_surface nv12_stage(this, NV12_CX, NV12_CY); gs_vb_data *vbd = gs_vbdata_create(); vbd->num = 4; vbd->points = (vec3 *)bmemdup(&points, sizeof(points)); gs_vertex_buffer buf(this, vbd, 0); device_load_vertexbuffer(this, &buf); device_load_vertexshader(this, &nv12_vs); context->IASetPrimitiveTopology(D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLESTRIP); device_set_viewport(this, 0, 0, NV12_CX, NV12_CY); device_set_cull_mode(this, GS_NEITHER); device_enable_depth_test(this, false); device_enable_blending(this, false); LoadVertexBufferData(); device_set_render_target(this, &nv12_y, nullptr); device_load_pixelshader(this, &nv12_y_ps); UpdateBlendState(); UpdateRasterState(); UpdateZStencilState(); FlushOutputViews(); context->Draw(4, 0); device_set_viewport(this, 0, 0, NV12_CX / 2, NV12_CY / 2); device_set_render_target(this, &nv12_uv, nullptr); device_load_pixelshader(this, &nv12_uv_ps); UpdateBlendState(); UpdateRasterState(); UpdateZStencilState(); FlushOutputViews(); context->Draw(4, 0); device_load_pixelshader(this, nullptr); device_load_vertexbuffer(this, nullptr); device_load_vertexshader(this, nullptr); device_set_render_target(this, nullptr, nullptr); device_stage_texture(this, &nv12_stage, &nv12_y); uint8_t *data; uint32_t linesize; bool bad_driver = false; if (gs_stagesurface_map(&nv12_stage, &data, &linesize)) { bad_driver = data[linesize * NV12_CY] == 0; gs_stagesurface_unmap(&nv12_stage); } else { throw "Could not map surface"; } if (bad_driver) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Bad NV12 texture handling detected! " "Disabling NV12 texture support."); } return bad_driver; } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "HasBadNV12Output failed: %s (%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); return false; } catch (const char *error) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "HasBadNV12Output failed: %s", error); return false; } static bool increase_maximum_frame_latency(ID3D11Device *device) { ComQIPtr dxgiDevice(device); if (!dxgiDevice) { blog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Failed to get IDXGIDevice1", __FUNCTION__); return false; } const HRESULT hr = dxgiDevice->SetMaximumFrameLatency(16); if (FAILED(hr)) { blog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: SetMaximumFrameLatency failed", __FUNCTION__); return false; } blog(LOG_INFO, "DXGI increase maximum frame latency success"); return true; } #if USE_GPU_PRIORITY static bool set_priority(ID3D11Device *device) { typedef enum _D3DKMT_SCHEDULINGPRIORITYCLASS { D3DKMT_SCHEDULINGPRIORITYCLASS_IDLE, D3DKMT_SCHEDULINGPRIORITYCLASS_BELOW_NORMAL, D3DKMT_SCHEDULINGPRIORITYCLASS_NORMAL, D3DKMT_SCHEDULINGPRIORITYCLASS_ABOVE_NORMAL, D3DKMT_SCHEDULINGPRIORITYCLASS_HIGH, D3DKMT_SCHEDULINGPRIORITYCLASS_REALTIME } D3DKMT_SCHEDULINGPRIORITYCLASS; ComQIPtr dxgiDevice(device); if (!dxgiDevice) { blog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Failed to get IDXGIDevice", __FUNCTION__); return false; } HMODULE gdi32 = GetModuleHandleW(L"GDI32"); if (!gdi32) { blog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Failed to get GDI32", __FUNCTION__); return false; } NTSTATUS(WINAPI * d3dkmt_spspc)(HANDLE, D3DKMT_SCHEDULINGPRIORITYCLASS); d3dkmt_spspc = (decltype(d3dkmt_spspc))GetProcAddress( gdi32, "D3DKMTSetProcessSchedulingPriorityClass"); if (!d3dkmt_spspc) { blog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Failed to get d3dkmt_spspc", __FUNCTION__); return false; } NTSTATUS status = d3dkmt_spspc(GetCurrentProcess(), D3DKMT_SCHEDULINGPRIORITYCLASS_REALTIME); if (status != 0) { blog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Failed to set process priority class: %d", __FUNCTION__, (int)status); return false; } HRESULT hr = dxgiDevice->SetGPUThreadPriority(GPU_PRIORITY_VAL); if (FAILED(hr)) { blog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: SetGPUThreadPriority failed", __FUNCTION__); return false; } blog(LOG_INFO, "D3D11 GPU priority setup success"); return true; } #endif void gs_device::InitDevice(uint32_t adapterIdx) { wstring adapterName; DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC desc; D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL levelUsed = D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0; HRESULT hr = 0; adpIdx = adapterIdx; uint32_t createFlags = D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_BGRA_SUPPORT; #ifdef _DEBUG //createFlags |= D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG; #endif adapterName = (adapter->GetDesc(&desc) == S_OK) ? desc.Description : L""; BPtr adapterNameUTF8; os_wcs_to_utf8_ptr(adapterName.c_str(), 0, &adapterNameUTF8); blog(LOG_INFO, "Loading up D3D11 on adapter %s (%" PRIu32 ")", adapterNameUTF8.Get(), adapterIdx); hr = D3D11CreateDevice(adapter, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_UNKNOWN, NULL, createFlags, featureLevels, sizeof(featureLevels) / sizeof(D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL), D3D11_SDK_VERSION, device.Assign(), &levelUsed, context.Assign()); if (FAILED(hr)) throw UnsupportedHWError("Failed to create device", hr); blog(LOG_INFO, "D3D11 loaded successfully, feature level used: %x", (unsigned int)levelUsed); /* prevent stalls sometimes seen in Present calls */ if (!increase_maximum_frame_latency(device)) { blog(LOG_INFO, "DXGI increase maximum frame latency failed"); } /* adjust gpu thread priority on non-intel GPUs */ #if USE_GPU_PRIORITY if (desc.VendorId != 0x8086 && !set_priority(device)) { blog(LOG_INFO, "D3D11 GPU priority setup " "failed (not admin?)"); } #endif /* ---------------------------------------- */ /* check for nv12 texture output support */ nv12Supported = false; /* WARP NV12 support is suspected to be buggy on older Windows */ if (desc.VendorId == 0x1414 && desc.DeviceId == 0x8c) { return; } /* Intel CopyResource is very slow with NV12 */ if (desc.VendorId == 0x8086 && IsOldIntelPlatform(desc.DeviceId)) { return; } ComQIPtr d3d11_1(device); if (!d3d11_1) { return; } /* needs to support extended resource sharing */ D3D11_FEATURE_DATA_D3D11_OPTIONS opts = {}; hr = d3d11_1->CheckFeatureSupport(D3D11_FEATURE_D3D11_OPTIONS, &opts, sizeof(opts)); if (FAILED(hr) || !opts.ExtendedResourceSharing) { return; } /* needs to support the actual format */ UINT support = 0; hr = device->CheckFormatSupport(DXGI_FORMAT_NV12, &support); if (FAILED(hr)) { return; } if ((support & D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT_TEXTURE2D) == 0) { return; } /* must be usable as a render target */ if ((support & D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT_RENDER_TARGET) == 0) { return; } if (HasBadNV12Output()) { return; } nv12Supported = true; } static inline void ConvertStencilSide(D3D11_DEPTH_STENCILOP_DESC &desc, const StencilSide &side) { desc.StencilFunc = ConvertGSDepthTest(side.test); desc.StencilFailOp = ConvertGSStencilOp(side.fail); desc.StencilDepthFailOp = ConvertGSStencilOp(side.zfail); desc.StencilPassOp = ConvertGSStencilOp(side.zpass); } ID3D11DepthStencilState *gs_device::AddZStencilState() { HRESULT hr; D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC dsd; ID3D11DepthStencilState *state; dsd.DepthEnable = zstencilState.depthEnabled; dsd.DepthFunc = ConvertGSDepthTest(zstencilState.depthFunc); dsd.DepthWriteMask = zstencilState.depthWriteEnabled ? D3D11_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK_ALL : D3D11_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK_ZERO; dsd.StencilEnable = zstencilState.stencilEnabled; dsd.StencilReadMask = D3D11_DEFAULT_STENCIL_READ_MASK; dsd.StencilWriteMask = zstencilState.stencilWriteEnabled ? D3D11_DEFAULT_STENCIL_WRITE_MASK : 0; ConvertStencilSide(dsd.FrontFace, zstencilState.stencilFront); ConvertStencilSide(dsd.BackFace, zstencilState.stencilBack); SavedZStencilState savedState(zstencilState, dsd); hr = device->CreateDepthStencilState(&dsd, savedState.state.Assign()); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("Failed to create depth stencil state", hr); state = savedState.state; zstencilStates.push_back(savedState); return state; } ID3D11RasterizerState *gs_device::AddRasterState() { HRESULT hr; D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC rd; ID3D11RasterizerState *state; memset(&rd, 0, sizeof(rd)); /* use CCW to convert to a right-handed coordinate system */ rd.FrontCounterClockwise = true; rd.FillMode = D3D11_FILL_SOLID; rd.CullMode = ConvertGSCullMode(rasterState.cullMode); rd.DepthClipEnable = true; rd.ScissorEnable = rasterState.scissorEnabled; SavedRasterState savedState(rasterState, rd); hr = device->CreateRasterizerState(&rd, savedState.state.Assign()); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("Failed to create rasterizer state", hr); state = savedState.state; rasterStates.push_back(savedState); return state; } ID3D11BlendState *gs_device::AddBlendState() { HRESULT hr; D3D11_BLEND_DESC bd; ID3D11BlendState *state; memset(&bd, 0, sizeof(bd)); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { bd.RenderTarget[i].BlendEnable = blendState.blendEnabled; bd.RenderTarget[i].BlendOp = ConvertGSBlendOpType(blendState.op); bd.RenderTarget[i].BlendOpAlpha = ConvertGSBlendOpType(blendState.op); bd.RenderTarget[i].SrcBlend = ConvertGSBlendType(blendState.srcFactorC); bd.RenderTarget[i].DestBlend = ConvertGSBlendType(blendState.destFactorC); bd.RenderTarget[i].SrcBlendAlpha = ConvertGSBlendType(blendState.srcFactorA); bd.RenderTarget[i].DestBlendAlpha = ConvertGSBlendType(blendState.destFactorA); bd.RenderTarget[i].RenderTargetWriteMask = (blendState.redEnabled ? D3D11_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE_RED : 0) | (blendState.greenEnabled ? D3D11_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE_GREEN : 0) | (blendState.blueEnabled ? D3D11_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE_BLUE : 0) | (blendState.alphaEnabled ? D3D11_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE_ALPHA : 0); } SavedBlendState savedState(blendState, bd); hr = device->CreateBlendState(&bd, savedState.state.Assign()); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("Failed to create blend state", hr); state = savedState.state; blendStates.push_back(savedState); return state; } void gs_device::UpdateZStencilState() { ID3D11DepthStencilState *state = NULL; if (!zstencilStateChanged) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < zstencilStates.size(); i++) { SavedZStencilState &s = zstencilStates[i]; if (memcmp(&s, &zstencilState, sizeof(zstencilState)) == 0) { state = s.state; break; } } if (!state) state = AddZStencilState(); if (state != curDepthStencilState) { context->OMSetDepthStencilState(state, 0); curDepthStencilState = state; } zstencilStateChanged = false; } void gs_device::UpdateRasterState() { ID3D11RasterizerState *state = NULL; if (!rasterStateChanged) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < rasterStates.size(); i++) { SavedRasterState &s = rasterStates[i]; if (memcmp(&s, &rasterState, sizeof(rasterState)) == 0) { state = s.state; break; } } if (!state) state = AddRasterState(); if (state != curRasterState) { context->RSSetState(state); curRasterState = state; } rasterStateChanged = false; } void gs_device::UpdateBlendState() { ID3D11BlendState *state = NULL; if (!blendStateChanged) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < blendStates.size(); i++) { SavedBlendState &s = blendStates[i]; if (memcmp(&s, &blendState, sizeof(blendState)) == 0) { state = s.state; break; } } if (!state) state = AddBlendState(); if (state != curBlendState) { float f[4] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}; context->OMSetBlendState(state, f, 0xFFFFFFFF); curBlendState = state; } blendStateChanged = false; } void gs_device::UpdateViewProjMatrix() { gs_matrix_get(&curViewMatrix); /* negate Z col of the view matrix for right-handed coordinate system */ curViewMatrix.x.z = -curViewMatrix.x.z; curViewMatrix.y.z = -curViewMatrix.y.z; curViewMatrix.z.z = -curViewMatrix.z.z; curViewMatrix.t.z = -curViewMatrix.t.z; matrix4_mul(&curViewProjMatrix, &curViewMatrix, &curProjMatrix); matrix4_transpose(&curViewProjMatrix, &curViewProjMatrix); if (curVertexShader->viewProj) gs_shader_set_matrix4(curVertexShader->viewProj, &curViewProjMatrix); } void gs_device::FlushOutputViews() { if (curFramebufferInvalidate) { ID3D11RenderTargetView *rtv = nullptr; if (curRenderTarget) { const int i = curRenderSide; rtv = curFramebufferSrgb ? curRenderTarget->renderTargetLinear[i] .Get() : curRenderTarget->renderTarget[i].Get(); if (!rtv) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_draw (D3D11): texture is not a render target"); return; } } ID3D11DepthStencilView *dsv = nullptr; if (curZStencilBuffer) dsv = curZStencilBuffer->view; context->OMSetRenderTargets(1, &rtv, dsv); curFramebufferInvalidate = false; } } gs_device::gs_device(uint32_t adapterIdx) : curToplogy(D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_UNDEFINED) { matrix4_identity(&curProjMatrix); matrix4_identity(&curViewMatrix); matrix4_identity(&curViewProjMatrix); memset(&viewport, 0, sizeof(viewport)); for (size_t i = 0; i < GS_MAX_TEXTURES; i++) { curTextures[i] = NULL; curSamplers[i] = NULL; } InitCompiler(); InitFactory(); ReorderAdapters(adapterIdx); InitAdapter(adapterIdx); InitDevice(adapterIdx); device_set_render_target(this, NULL, NULL); } gs_device::~gs_device() { context->ClearState(); } const char *device_get_name(void) { return "Direct3D 11"; } int device_get_type(void) { return GS_DEVICE_DIRECT3D_11; } const char *device_preprocessor_name(void) { return "_D3D11"; } static inline void EnumD3DAdapters(bool (*callback)(void *, const char *, uint32_t), void *param) { ComPtr factory; ComPtr adapter; HRESULT hr; UINT i; hr = CreateDXGIFactory1(IID_PPV_ARGS(&factory)); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("Failed to create DXGIFactory", hr); for (i = 0; factory->EnumAdapters1(i, adapter.Assign()) == S_OK; ++i) { DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC desc; char name[512] = ""; hr = adapter->GetDesc(&desc); if (FAILED(hr)) continue; /* ignore Microsoft's 'basic' renderer' */ if (desc.VendorId == 0x1414 && desc.DeviceId == 0x8c) continue; os_wcs_to_utf8(desc.Description, 0, name, sizeof(name)); if (!callback(param, name, i)) break; } } bool device_enum_adapters(bool (*callback)(void *param, const char *name, uint32_t id), void *param) { try { EnumD3DAdapters(callback, param); return true; } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed enumerating devices: %s (%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); return false; } } static bool GetMonitorTarget(const MONITORINFOEX &info, DISPLAYCONFIG_TARGET_DEVICE_NAME &target) { bool found = false; UINT32 numPath, numMode; if (GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes(QDC_ONLY_ACTIVE_PATHS, &numPath, &numMode) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { std::vector paths(numPath); std::vector modes(numMode); if (QueryDisplayConfig(QDC_ONLY_ACTIVE_PATHS, &numPath, paths.data(), &numMode, modes.data(), nullptr) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { paths.resize(numPath); for (size_t i = 0; i < numPath; ++i) { const DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO &path = paths[i]; DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_DEVICE_NAME source; source.header.type = DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_GET_SOURCE_NAME; source.header.size = sizeof(source); source.header.adapterId = path.sourceInfo.adapterId; source.header.id = path.sourceInfo.id; if (DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo( &source.header) == ERROR_SUCCESS && wcscmp(info.szDevice, source.viewGdiDeviceName) == 0) { target.header.type = DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_GET_TARGET_NAME; target.header.size = sizeof(target); target.header.adapterId = path.sourceInfo.adapterId; target.header.id = path.targetInfo.id; found = DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo( &target.header) == ERROR_SUCCESS; break; } } } } return found; } static bool GetOutputDesc1(IDXGIOutput *const output, DXGI_OUTPUT_DESC1 *desc1) { ComPtr output6; HRESULT hr = output->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(output6.Assign())); bool success = SUCCEEDED(hr); if (success) { hr = output6->GetDesc1(desc1); success = SUCCEEDED(hr); if (!success) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "IDXGIOutput6::GetDesc1 failed: 0x%08lX", hr); } } return success; } // Returns true if this is an integrated display panel e.g. the screen attached to tablets or laptops. static bool IsInternalVideoOutput( const DISPLAYCONFIG_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY VideoOutputTechnologyType) { switch (VideoOutputTechnologyType) { case DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_INTERNAL: case DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_DISPLAYPORT_EMBEDDED: case DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_UDI_EMBEDDED: return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } } // Note: Since an hmon can represent multiple monitors while in clone, this function as written will return // the value for the internal monitor if one exists, and otherwise the highest clone-path priority. static HRESULT GetPathInfo(_In_ PCWSTR pszDeviceName, _Out_ DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO *pPathInfo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; UINT32 NumPathArrayElements = 0; UINT32 NumModeInfoArrayElements = 0; DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO *PathInfoArray = nullptr; DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO *ModeInfoArray = nullptr; do { // In case this isn't the first time through the loop, delete the buffers allocated delete[] PathInfoArray; PathInfoArray = nullptr; delete[] ModeInfoArray; ModeInfoArray = nullptr; hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes( QDC_ONLY_ACTIVE_PATHS, &NumPathArrayElements, &NumModeInfoArrayElements)); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; } PathInfoArray = new (std::nothrow) DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO[NumPathArrayElements]; if (PathInfoArray == nullptr) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } ModeInfoArray = new (std::nothrow) DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO[NumModeInfoArrayElements]; if (ModeInfoArray == nullptr) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(QueryDisplayConfig( QDC_ONLY_ACTIVE_PATHS, &NumPathArrayElements, PathInfoArray, &NumModeInfoArrayElements, ModeInfoArray, nullptr)); } while (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)); INT DesiredPathIdx = -1; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Loop through all sources until the one which matches the 'monitor' is found. for (UINT PathIdx = 0; PathIdx < NumPathArrayElements; ++PathIdx) { DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_DEVICE_NAME SourceName = {}; SourceName.header.type = DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_GET_SOURCE_NAME; SourceName.header.size = sizeof(SourceName); SourceName.header.adapterId = PathInfoArray[PathIdx].sourceInfo.adapterId; SourceName.header.id = PathInfoArray[PathIdx].sourceInfo.id; hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo(&SourceName.header)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (wcscmp(pszDeviceName, SourceName.viewGdiDeviceName) == 0) { // Found the source which matches this hmonitor. The paths are given in path-priority order // so the first found is the most desired, unless we later find an internal. if (DesiredPathIdx == -1 || IsInternalVideoOutput( PathInfoArray[PathIdx] .targetInfo .outputTechnology)) { DesiredPathIdx = PathIdx; } } } } } if (DesiredPathIdx != -1) { *pPathInfo = PathInfoArray[DesiredPathIdx]; } else { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } delete[] PathInfoArray; PathInfoArray = nullptr; delete[] ModeInfoArray; ModeInfoArray = nullptr; return hr; } // Overloaded function accepts an HMONITOR and converts to DeviceName static HRESULT GetPathInfo(HMONITOR hMonitor, _Out_ DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO *pPathInfo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Get the name of the 'monitor' being requested MONITORINFOEXW ViewInfo; RtlZeroMemory(&ViewInfo, sizeof(ViewInfo)); ViewInfo.cbSize = sizeof(ViewInfo); if (!GetMonitorInfoW(hMonitor, &ViewInfo)) { // Error condition, likely invalid monitor handle, could log error hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = GetPathInfo(ViewInfo.szDevice, pPathInfo); } return hr; } static ULONG GetSdrWhiteNits(HMONITOR monitor) { ULONG nits = 0; DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO info; if (SUCCEEDED(GetPathInfo(monitor, &info))) { const DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_TARGET_INFO &targetInfo = info.targetInfo; DISPLAYCONFIG_SDR_WHITE_LEVEL level; DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_HEADER &header = level.header; header.type = DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_GET_SDR_WHITE_LEVEL; header.size = sizeof(level); header.adapterId = targetInfo.adapterId; header.id = targetInfo.id; if (DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo(&header) == ERROR_SUCCESS) nits = (level.SDRWhiteLevel * 80) / 1000; } return nits; } static inline void LogAdapterMonitors(IDXGIAdapter1 *adapter) { UINT i; ComPtr output; for (i = 0; adapter->EnumOutputs(i, &output) == S_OK; ++i) { DXGI_OUTPUT_DESC desc; if (FAILED(output->GetDesc(&desc))) continue; unsigned refresh = 0; bool target_found = false; DISPLAYCONFIG_TARGET_DEVICE_NAME target; MONITORINFOEX info; info.cbSize = sizeof(info); if (GetMonitorInfo(desc.Monitor, &info)) { target_found = GetMonitorTarget(info, target); DEVMODE mode; mode.dmSize = sizeof(mode); mode.dmDriverExtra = 0; if (EnumDisplaySettings(info.szDevice, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &mode)) { refresh = mode.dmDisplayFrequency; } } if (!target_found) { target.monitorFriendlyDeviceName[0] = 0; } DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE type = DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709; FLOAT min_luminance = 0.f; FLOAT max_luminance = 0.f; FLOAT max_full_frame_luminance = 0.f; DXGI_OUTPUT_DESC1 desc1; if (GetOutputDesc1(output, &desc1)) { type = desc1.ColorSpace; min_luminance = desc1.MinLuminance; max_luminance = desc1.MaxLuminance; max_full_frame_luminance = desc1.MaxFullFrameLuminance; } const char *space = "Unknown"; switch (type) { case DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709: space = "RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709"; break; case DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G2084_NONE_P2020: space = "RGB_FULL_G2084_NONE_P2020"; break; default: blog(LOG_WARNING, "Unexpected DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE: %u", (unsigned)type); } const RECT &rect = desc.DesktopCoordinates; const ULONG nits = GetSdrWhiteNits(desc.Monitor); blog(LOG_INFO, "\t output %u:\n" "\t name=%ls\n" "\t pos={%d, %d}\n" "\t size={%d, %d}\n" "\t attached=%s\n" "\t refresh=%u\n" "\t space=%s\n" "\t sdr_white_nits=%lu\n" "\t nit_range=[min=%f, max=%f, max_full_frame=%f]", i, target.monitorFriendlyDeviceName, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, desc.AttachedToDesktop ? "true" : "false", refresh, space, nits, min_luminance, max_luminance, max_full_frame_luminance); } } static inline void LogD3DAdapters() { ComPtr factory; ComPtr adapter; HRESULT hr; UINT i; blog(LOG_INFO, "Available Video Adapters: "); hr = CreateDXGIFactory1(IID_PPV_ARGS(&factory)); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("Failed to create DXGIFactory", hr); for (i = 0; factory->EnumAdapters1(i, adapter.Assign()) == S_OK; ++i) { DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC desc; char name[512] = ""; hr = adapter->GetDesc(&desc); if (FAILED(hr)) continue; /* ignore Microsoft's 'basic' renderer' */ if (desc.VendorId == 0x1414 && desc.DeviceId == 0x8c) continue; os_wcs_to_utf8(desc.Description, 0, name, sizeof(name)); blog(LOG_INFO, "\tAdapter %u: %s", i, name); blog(LOG_INFO, "\t Dedicated VRAM: %u", desc.DedicatedVideoMemory); blog(LOG_INFO, "\t Shared VRAM: %u", desc.SharedSystemMemory); blog(LOG_INFO, "\t PCI ID: %x:%x", desc.VendorId, desc.DeviceId); /* driver version */ LARGE_INTEGER umd; hr = adapter->CheckInterfaceSupport(__uuidof(IDXGIDevice), &umd); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { const uint64_t version = umd.QuadPart; const uint16_t aa = (version >> 48) & 0xffff; const uint16_t bb = (version >> 32) & 0xffff; const uint16_t ccccc = (version >> 16) & 0xffff; const uint16_t ddddd = version & 0xffff; blog(LOG_INFO, "\t Driver Version: %" PRIu16 ".%" PRIu16 ".%" PRIu16 ".%" PRIu16, aa, bb, ccccc, ddddd); } else { blog(LOG_INFO, "\t Driver Version: Unknown (0x%X)", (unsigned)hr); } LogAdapterMonitors(adapter); } } int device_create(gs_device_t **p_device, uint32_t adapter) { gs_device *device = NULL; int errorcode = GS_SUCCESS; try { blog(LOG_INFO, "---------------------------------"); blog(LOG_INFO, "Initializing D3D11..."); LogD3DAdapters(); device = new gs_device(adapter); } catch (const UnsupportedHWError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_create (D3D11): %s (%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); errorcode = GS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_create (D3D11): %s (%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); errorcode = GS_ERROR_FAIL; } *p_device = device; return errorcode; } void device_destroy(gs_device_t *device) { delete device; } void device_enter_context(gs_device_t *device) { /* does nothing */ UNUSED_PARAMETER(device); } void device_leave_context(gs_device_t *device) { /* does nothing */ UNUSED_PARAMETER(device); } void *device_get_device_obj(gs_device_t *device) { return (void *)device->device.Get(); } gs_swapchain_t *device_swapchain_create(gs_device_t *device, const struct gs_init_data *data) { gs_swap_chain *swap = NULL; try { swap = new gs_swap_chain(device, data); } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_swapchain_create (D3D11): %s (%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); } return swap; } void device_resize(gs_device_t *device, uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy) { if (!device->curSwapChain) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "device_resize (D3D11): No active swap"); return; } try { ID3D11RenderTargetView *renderView = NULL; device->context->OMSetRenderTargets(1, &renderView, NULL); device->curSwapChain->Resize(cx, cy); device->curFramebufferInvalidate = true; } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_resize (D3D11): %s (%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); } } void device_get_size(const gs_device_t *device, uint32_t *cx, uint32_t *cy) { if (device->curSwapChain) { *cx = device->curSwapChain->target.width; *cy = device->curSwapChain->target.height; } else { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_get_size (D3D11): no active swap"); *cx = 0; *cy = 0; } } uint32_t device_get_width(const gs_device_t *device) { if (device->curSwapChain) { return device->curSwapChain->target.width; } else { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_get_size (D3D11): no active swap"); return 0; } } uint32_t device_get_height(const gs_device_t *device) { if (device->curSwapChain) { return device->curSwapChain->target.height; } else { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_get_size (D3D11): no active swap"); return 0; } } gs_texture_t *device_texture_create(gs_device_t *device, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, enum gs_color_format color_format, uint32_t levels, const uint8_t **data, uint32_t flags) { gs_texture *texture = NULL; try { texture = new gs_texture_2d(device, width, height, color_format, levels, data, flags, GS_TEXTURE_2D, false); } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_texture_create (D3D11): %s (%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); } catch (const char *error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_texture_create (D3D11): %s", error); } return texture; } gs_texture_t *device_cubetexture_create(gs_device_t *device, uint32_t size, enum gs_color_format color_format, uint32_t levels, const uint8_t **data, uint32_t flags) { gs_texture *texture = NULL; try { texture = new gs_texture_2d(device, size, size, color_format, levels, data, flags, GS_TEXTURE_CUBE, false); } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_cubetexture_create (D3D11): %s " "(%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); } catch (const char *error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_cubetexture_create (D3D11): %s", error); } return texture; } gs_texture_t *device_voltexture_create(gs_device_t *device, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t depth, enum gs_color_format color_format, uint32_t levels, const uint8_t *const *data, uint32_t flags) { gs_texture *texture = NULL; try { texture = new gs_texture_3d(device, width, height, depth, color_format, levels, data, flags); } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_voltexture_create (D3D11): %s (%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); } catch (const char *error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_voltexture_create (D3D11): %s", error); } return texture; } gs_zstencil_t *device_zstencil_create(gs_device_t *device, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, enum gs_zstencil_format format) { gs_zstencil_buffer *zstencil = NULL; try { zstencil = new gs_zstencil_buffer(device, width, height, format); } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_zstencil_create (D3D11): %s (%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); } return zstencil; } gs_stagesurf_t *device_stagesurface_create(gs_device_t *device, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, enum gs_color_format color_format) { gs_stage_surface *surf = NULL; try { surf = new gs_stage_surface(device, width, height, color_format); } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_stagesurface_create (D3D11): %s " "(%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); } return surf; } gs_samplerstate_t * device_samplerstate_create(gs_device_t *device, const struct gs_sampler_info *info) { gs_sampler_state *ss = NULL; try { ss = new gs_sampler_state(device, info); } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_samplerstate_create (D3D11): %s " "(%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); } return ss; } gs_shader_t *device_vertexshader_create(gs_device_t *device, const char *shader_string, const char *file, char **error_string) { gs_vertex_shader *shader = NULL; try { shader = new gs_vertex_shader(device, file, shader_string); } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_vertexshader_create (D3D11): %s " "(%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); } catch (const ShaderError &error) { const char *buf = (const char *)error.errors->GetBufferPointer(); if (error_string) *error_string = bstrdup(buf); blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_vertexshader_create (D3D11): " "Compile warnings/errors for %s:\n%s", file, buf); } catch (const char *error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_vertexshader_create (D3D11): %s", error); } return shader; } gs_shader_t *device_pixelshader_create(gs_device_t *device, const char *shader_string, const char *file, char **error_string) { gs_pixel_shader *shader = NULL; try { shader = new gs_pixel_shader(device, file, shader_string); } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_pixelshader_create (D3D11): %s " "(%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); } catch (const ShaderError &error) { const char *buf = (const char *)error.errors->GetBufferPointer(); if (error_string) *error_string = bstrdup(buf); blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_pixelshader_create (D3D11): " "Compiler warnings/errors for %s:\n%s", file, buf); } catch (const char *error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_pixelshader_create (D3D11): %s", error); } return shader; } gs_vertbuffer_t *device_vertexbuffer_create(gs_device_t *device, struct gs_vb_data *data, uint32_t flags) { gs_vertex_buffer *buffer = NULL; try { buffer = new gs_vertex_buffer(device, data, flags); } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_vertexbuffer_create (D3D11): %s " "(%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); } catch (const char *error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_vertexbuffer_create (D3D11): %s", error); } return buffer; } gs_indexbuffer_t *device_indexbuffer_create(gs_device_t *device, enum gs_index_type type, void *indices, size_t num, uint32_t flags) { gs_index_buffer *buffer = NULL; try { buffer = new gs_index_buffer(device, type, indices, num, flags); } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_indexbuffer_create (D3D11): %s (%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); } return buffer; } gs_timer_t *device_timer_create(gs_device_t *device) { gs_timer *timer = NULL; try { timer = new gs_timer(device); } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_timer_create (D3D11): %s (%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); } return timer; } gs_timer_range_t *device_timer_range_create(gs_device_t *device) { gs_timer_range *range = NULL; try { range = new gs_timer_range(device); } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_timer_range_create (D3D11): %s (%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); } return range; } enum gs_texture_type device_get_texture_type(const gs_texture_t *texture) { return texture->type; } void gs_device::LoadVertexBufferData() { if (curVertexBuffer == lastVertexBuffer && curVertexShader == lastVertexShader) return; ID3D11Buffer *buffers[D3D11_IA_VERTEX_INPUT_RESOURCE_SLOT_COUNT]; uint32_t strides[D3D11_IA_VERTEX_INPUT_RESOURCE_SLOT_COUNT]; uint32_t offsets[D3D11_IA_VERTEX_INPUT_RESOURCE_SLOT_COUNT]; UINT numBuffers{}; assert(curVertexShader->NumBuffersExpected() <= _countof(buffers)); assert(curVertexShader->NumBuffersExpected() <= _countof(strides)); assert(curVertexShader->NumBuffersExpected() <= _countof(offsets)); if (curVertexBuffer && curVertexShader) { numBuffers = curVertexBuffer->MakeBufferList(curVertexShader, buffers, strides); } else { numBuffers = curVertexShader ? curVertexShader->NumBuffersExpected() : 0; std::fill_n(buffers, numBuffers, nullptr); std::fill_n(strides, numBuffers, 0); } std::fill_n(offsets, numBuffers, 0); context->IASetVertexBuffers(0, numBuffers, buffers, strides, offsets); lastVertexBuffer = curVertexBuffer; lastVertexShader = curVertexShader; } void device_load_vertexbuffer(gs_device_t *device, gs_vertbuffer_t *vertbuffer) { if (device->curVertexBuffer == vertbuffer) return; device->curVertexBuffer = vertbuffer; } void device_load_indexbuffer(gs_device_t *device, gs_indexbuffer_t *indexbuffer) { DXGI_FORMAT format; ID3D11Buffer *buffer; if (device->curIndexBuffer == indexbuffer) return; if (indexbuffer) { switch (indexbuffer->indexSize) { case 2: format = DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT; break; default: case 4: format = DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT; break; } buffer = indexbuffer->indexBuffer; } else { buffer = NULL; format = DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT; } device->curIndexBuffer = indexbuffer; device->context->IASetIndexBuffer(buffer, format, 0); } static void device_load_texture_internal(gs_device_t *device, gs_texture_t *tex, int unit, ID3D11ShaderResourceView *view) { if (device->curTextures[unit] == tex) return; device->curTextures[unit] = tex; device->context->PSSetShaderResources(unit, 1, &view); } void device_load_texture(gs_device_t *device, gs_texture_t *tex, int unit) { ID3D11ShaderResourceView *view; if (tex) view = tex->shaderRes; else view = NULL; return device_load_texture_internal(device, tex, unit, view); } void device_load_texture_srgb(gs_device_t *device, gs_texture_t *tex, int unit) { ID3D11ShaderResourceView *view; if (tex) view = tex->shaderResLinear; else view = NULL; return device_load_texture_internal(device, tex, unit, view); } void device_load_samplerstate(gs_device_t *device, gs_samplerstate_t *samplerstate, int unit) { ID3D11SamplerState *state = NULL; if (device->curSamplers[unit] == samplerstate) return; if (samplerstate) state = samplerstate->state; device->curSamplers[unit] = samplerstate; device->context->PSSetSamplers(unit, 1, &state); } void device_load_vertexshader(gs_device_t *device, gs_shader_t *vertshader) { ID3D11VertexShader *shader = NULL; ID3D11InputLayout *layout = NULL; ID3D11Buffer *constants = NULL; if (device->curVertexShader == vertshader) return; gs_vertex_shader *vs = static_cast(vertshader); if (vertshader) { if (vertshader->type != GS_SHADER_VERTEX) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_load_vertexshader (D3D11): " "Specified shader is not a vertex " "shader"); return; } shader = vs->shader; layout = vs->layout; constants = vs->constants; } device->curVertexShader = vs; device->context->VSSetShader(shader, NULL, 0); device->context->IASetInputLayout(layout); device->context->VSSetConstantBuffers(0, 1, &constants); } static inline void clear_textures(gs_device_t *device) { ID3D11ShaderResourceView *views[GS_MAX_TEXTURES]; memset(views, 0, sizeof(views)); memset(device->curTextures, 0, sizeof(device->curTextures)); device->context->PSSetShaderResources(0, GS_MAX_TEXTURES, views); } void device_load_pixelshader(gs_device_t *device, gs_shader_t *pixelshader) { ID3D11PixelShader *shader = NULL; ID3D11Buffer *constants = NULL; ID3D11SamplerState *states[GS_MAX_TEXTURES]; if (device->curPixelShader == pixelshader) return; gs_pixel_shader *ps = static_cast(pixelshader); if (pixelshader) { if (pixelshader->type != GS_SHADER_PIXEL) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_load_pixelshader (D3D11): " "Specified shader is not a pixel " "shader"); return; } shader = ps->shader; constants = ps->constants; ps->GetSamplerStates(states); } else { memset(states, 0, sizeof(states)); } clear_textures(device); device->curPixelShader = ps; device->context->PSSetShader(shader, NULL, 0); device->context->PSSetConstantBuffers(0, 1, &constants); device->context->PSSetSamplers(0, GS_MAX_TEXTURES, states); for (int i = 0; i < GS_MAX_TEXTURES; i++) if (device->curSamplers[i] && device->curSamplers[i]->state != states[i]) device->curSamplers[i] = nullptr; } void device_load_default_samplerstate(gs_device_t *device, bool b_3d, int unit) { /* TODO */ UNUSED_PARAMETER(device); UNUSED_PARAMETER(b_3d); UNUSED_PARAMETER(unit); } gs_shader_t *device_get_vertex_shader(const gs_device_t *device) { return device->curVertexShader; } gs_shader_t *device_get_pixel_shader(const gs_device_t *device) { return device->curPixelShader; } gs_texture_t *device_get_render_target(const gs_device_t *device) { if (device->curRenderTarget == &device->curSwapChain->target) return NULL; return device->curRenderTarget; } gs_zstencil_t *device_get_zstencil_target(const gs_device_t *device) { if (device->curZStencilBuffer == &device->curSwapChain->zs) return NULL; return device->curZStencilBuffer; } void device_set_render_target(gs_device_t *device, gs_texture_t *tex, gs_zstencil_t *zstencil) { if (device->curSwapChain) { if (!tex) tex = &device->curSwapChain->target; if (!zstencil) zstencil = &device->curSwapChain->zs; } if (device->curRenderTarget == tex && device->curZStencilBuffer == zstencil) return; if (tex && tex->type != GS_TEXTURE_2D) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_set_render_target (D3D11): texture is not a 2D texture"); return; } gs_texture_2d *const tex2d = static_cast(tex); if (device->curRenderTarget != tex2d || device->curRenderSide != 0 || device->curZStencilBuffer != zstencil) { device->curRenderTarget = tex2d; device->curRenderSide = 0; device->curZStencilBuffer = zstencil; device->curFramebufferInvalidate = true; } } void device_set_cube_render_target(gs_device_t *device, gs_texture_t *tex, int side, gs_zstencil_t *zstencil) { if (device->curSwapChain) { if (!tex) { tex = &device->curSwapChain->target; side = 0; } if (!zstencil) zstencil = &device->curSwapChain->zs; } if (device->curRenderTarget == tex && device->curRenderSide == side && device->curZStencilBuffer == zstencil) return; if (tex->type != GS_TEXTURE_CUBE) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_set_cube_render_target (D3D11): " "texture is not a cube texture"); return; } gs_texture_2d *const tex2d = static_cast(tex); if (device->curRenderTarget != tex2d || device->curRenderSide != side || device->curZStencilBuffer != zstencil) { device->curRenderTarget = tex2d; device->curRenderSide = side; device->curZStencilBuffer = zstencil; device->curFramebufferInvalidate = true; } } void device_enable_framebuffer_srgb(gs_device_t *device, bool enable) { if (device->curFramebufferSrgb != enable) { device->curFramebufferSrgb = enable; device->curFramebufferInvalidate = true; } } bool device_framebuffer_srgb_enabled(gs_device_t *device) { return device->curFramebufferSrgb; } inline void gs_device::CopyTex(ID3D11Texture2D *dst, uint32_t dst_x, uint32_t dst_y, gs_texture_t *src, uint32_t src_x, uint32_t src_y, uint32_t src_w, uint32_t src_h) { if (src->type != GS_TEXTURE_2D) throw "Source texture must be a 2D texture"; gs_texture_2d *tex2d = static_cast(src); if (dst_x == 0 && dst_y == 0 && src_x == 0 && src_y == 0 && src_w == 0 && src_h == 0) { context->CopyResource(dst, tex2d->texture); } else { D3D11_BOX sbox; sbox.left = src_x; if (src_w > 0) sbox.right = src_x + src_w; else sbox.right = tex2d->width - 1; sbox.top = src_y; if (src_h > 0) sbox.bottom = src_y + src_h; else sbox.bottom = tex2d->height - 1; sbox.front = 0; sbox.back = 1; context->CopySubresourceRegion(dst, 0, dst_x, dst_y, 0, tex2d->texture, 0, &sbox); } } static DXGI_FORMAT get_copy_compare_format(gs_color_format format) { switch (format) { case GS_RGBA_UNORM: return DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_TYPELESS; case GS_BGRX_UNORM: return DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_TYPELESS; case GS_BGRA_UNORM: return DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_TYPELESS; default: return ConvertGSTextureFormatResource(format); } } void device_copy_texture_region(gs_device_t *device, gs_texture_t *dst, uint32_t dst_x, uint32_t dst_y, gs_texture_t *src, uint32_t src_x, uint32_t src_y, uint32_t src_w, uint32_t src_h) { try { gs_texture_2d *src2d = static_cast(src); gs_texture_2d *dst2d = static_cast(dst); if (!src) throw "Source texture is NULL"; if (!dst) throw "Destination texture is NULL"; if (src->type != GS_TEXTURE_2D || dst->type != GS_TEXTURE_2D) throw "Source and destination textures must be a 2D " "textures"; if (get_copy_compare_format(dst->format) != get_copy_compare_format(src->format)) throw "Source and destination formats do not match"; /* apparently casting to the same type that the variable * already exists as is supposed to prevent some warning * when used with the conditional operator? */ uint32_t copyWidth = (uint32_t)src_w ? (uint32_t)src_w : (src2d->width - src_x); uint32_t copyHeight = (uint32_t)src_h ? (uint32_t)src_h : (src2d->height - src_y); uint32_t dstWidth = dst2d->width - dst_x; uint32_t dstHeight = dst2d->height - dst_y; if (dstWidth < copyWidth || dstHeight < copyHeight) throw "Destination texture region is not big " "enough to hold the source region"; if (dst_x == 0 && dst_y == 0 && src_x == 0 && src_y == 0 && src_w == 0 && src_h == 0) { copyWidth = 0; copyHeight = 0; } device->CopyTex(dst2d->texture, dst_x, dst_y, src, src_x, src_y, copyWidth, copyHeight); } catch (const char *error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_copy_texture (D3D11): %s", error); } } void device_copy_texture(gs_device_t *device, gs_texture_t *dst, gs_texture_t *src) { device_copy_texture_region(device, dst, 0, 0, src, 0, 0, 0, 0); } void device_stage_texture(gs_device_t *device, gs_stagesurf_t *dst, gs_texture_t *src) { try { gs_texture_2d *src2d = static_cast(src); if (!src) throw "Source texture is NULL"; if (src->type != GS_TEXTURE_2D) throw "Source texture must be a 2D texture"; if (!dst) throw "Destination surface is NULL"; if (dst->format != GS_UNKNOWN && dst->format != src->format) throw "Source and destination formats do not match"; if (dst->width != src2d->width || dst->height != src2d->height) throw "Source and destination must have the same " "dimensions"; device->CopyTex(dst->texture, 0, 0, src, 0, 0, 0, 0); } catch (const char *error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_copy_texture (D3D11): %s", error); } } extern "C" void reset_duplicators(void); void device_begin_frame(gs_device_t *device) { /* does nothing in D3D11 */ UNUSED_PARAMETER(device); reset_duplicators(); } void device_begin_scene(gs_device_t *device) { clear_textures(device); } void device_draw(gs_device_t *device, enum gs_draw_mode draw_mode, uint32_t start_vert, uint32_t num_verts) { try { if (!device->curVertexShader) throw "No vertex shader specified"; if (!device->curPixelShader) throw "No pixel shader specified"; if (!device->curVertexBuffer && (num_verts == 0)) throw "No vertex buffer specified"; if (!device->curSwapChain && !device->curRenderTarget) throw "No render target or swap chain to render to"; device->FlushOutputViews(); gs_effect_t *effect = gs_get_effect(); if (effect) gs_effect_update_params(effect); device->LoadVertexBufferData(); device->UpdateBlendState(); device->UpdateRasterState(); device->UpdateZStencilState(); device->UpdateViewProjMatrix(); device->curVertexShader->UploadParams(); device->curPixelShader->UploadParams(); } catch (const char *error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_draw (D3D11): %s", error); return; } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_draw (D3D11): %s (%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); return; } D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY newTopology = ConvertGSTopology(draw_mode); if (device->curToplogy != newTopology) { device->context->IASetPrimitiveTopology(newTopology); device->curToplogy = newTopology; } if (device->curIndexBuffer) { if (num_verts == 0) num_verts = (uint32_t)device->curIndexBuffer->num; device->context->DrawIndexed(num_verts, start_vert, 0); } else { if (num_verts == 0) num_verts = (uint32_t)device->curVertexBuffer->numVerts; device->context->Draw(num_verts, start_vert); } } void device_end_scene(gs_device_t *device) { /* does nothing in D3D11 */ UNUSED_PARAMETER(device); } void device_load_swapchain(gs_device_t *device, gs_swapchain_t *swapchain) { gs_texture_t *target = device->curRenderTarget; gs_zstencil_t *zs = device->curZStencilBuffer; bool is_cube = device->curRenderTarget ? (device->curRenderTarget->type == GS_TEXTURE_CUBE) : false; if (device->curSwapChain) { if (target == &device->curSwapChain->target) target = NULL; if (zs == &device->curSwapChain->zs) zs = NULL; } device->curSwapChain = swapchain; if (is_cube) device_set_cube_render_target(device, target, device->curRenderSide, zs); else device_set_render_target(device, target, zs); } void device_clear(gs_device_t *device, uint32_t clear_flags, const struct vec4 *color, float depth, uint8_t stencil) { int side = device->curRenderSide; if ((clear_flags & GS_CLEAR_COLOR) != 0 && device->curRenderTarget) device->context->ClearRenderTargetView( device->curRenderTarget->renderTarget[side], color->ptr); if (device->curZStencilBuffer) { uint32_t flags = 0; if ((clear_flags & GS_CLEAR_DEPTH) != 0) flags |= D3D11_CLEAR_DEPTH; if ((clear_flags & GS_CLEAR_STENCIL) != 0) flags |= D3D11_CLEAR_STENCIL; if (flags && device->curZStencilBuffer->view) device->context->ClearDepthStencilView( device->curZStencilBuffer->view, flags, depth, stencil); } } void device_present(gs_device_t *device) { gs_swap_chain *const curSwapChain = device->curSwapChain; if (curSwapChain) { /* Skip Present at frame limit to avoid stall */ const HANDLE hWaitable = curSwapChain->hWaitable; if ((hWaitable == NULL) || WaitForSingleObject(hWaitable, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { const HRESULT hr = curSwapChain->swap->Present( 0, curSwapChain->presentFlags); if (hr == DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED || hr == DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET) { device->RebuildDevice(); } } } else { blog(LOG_WARNING, "device_present (D3D11): No active swap"); } } void device_flush(gs_device_t *device) { device->context->Flush(); } void device_set_cull_mode(gs_device_t *device, enum gs_cull_mode mode) { if (mode == device->rasterState.cullMode) return; device->rasterState.cullMode = mode; device->rasterStateChanged = true; } enum gs_cull_mode device_get_cull_mode(const gs_device_t *device) { return device->rasterState.cullMode; } void device_enable_blending(gs_device_t *device, bool enable) { if (enable == device->blendState.blendEnabled) return; device->blendState.blendEnabled = enable; device->blendStateChanged = true; } void device_enable_depth_test(gs_device_t *device, bool enable) { if (enable == device->zstencilState.depthEnabled) return; device->zstencilState.depthEnabled = enable; device->zstencilStateChanged = true; } void device_enable_stencil_test(gs_device_t *device, bool enable) { if (enable == device->zstencilState.stencilEnabled) return; device->zstencilState.stencilEnabled = enable; device->zstencilStateChanged = true; } void device_enable_stencil_write(gs_device_t *device, bool enable) { if (enable == device->zstencilState.stencilWriteEnabled) return; device->zstencilState.stencilWriteEnabled = enable; device->zstencilStateChanged = true; } void device_enable_color(gs_device_t *device, bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha) { if (device->blendState.redEnabled == red && device->blendState.greenEnabled == green && device->blendState.blueEnabled == blue && device->blendState.alphaEnabled == alpha) return; device->blendState.redEnabled = red; device->blendState.greenEnabled = green; device->blendState.blueEnabled = blue; device->blendState.alphaEnabled = alpha; device->blendStateChanged = true; } void device_blend_function(gs_device_t *device, enum gs_blend_type src, enum gs_blend_type dest) { if (device->blendState.srcFactorC == src && device->blendState.destFactorC == dest && device->blendState.srcFactorA == src && device->blendState.destFactorA == dest) return; device->blendState.srcFactorC = src; device->blendState.destFactorC = dest; device->blendState.srcFactorA = src; device->blendState.destFactorA = dest; device->blendStateChanged = true; } void device_blend_function_separate(gs_device_t *device, enum gs_blend_type src_c, enum gs_blend_type dest_c, enum gs_blend_type src_a, enum gs_blend_type dest_a) { if (device->blendState.srcFactorC == src_c && device->blendState.destFactorC == dest_c && device->blendState.srcFactorA == src_a && device->blendState.destFactorA == dest_a) return; device->blendState.srcFactorC = src_c; device->blendState.destFactorC = dest_c; device->blendState.srcFactorA = src_a; device->blendState.destFactorA = dest_a; device->blendStateChanged = true; } void device_blend_op(gs_device_t *device, enum gs_blend_op_type op) { if (device->blendState.op == op) return; device->blendState.op = op; device->blendStateChanged = true; } void device_depth_function(gs_device_t *device, enum gs_depth_test test) { if (device->zstencilState.depthFunc == test) return; device->zstencilState.depthFunc = test; device->zstencilStateChanged = true; } static inline void update_stencilside_test(gs_device_t *device, StencilSide &side, gs_depth_test test) { if (side.test == test) return; side.test = test; device->zstencilStateChanged = true; } void device_stencil_function(gs_device_t *device, enum gs_stencil_side side, enum gs_depth_test test) { int sideVal = (int)side; if (sideVal & GS_STENCIL_FRONT) update_stencilside_test( device, device->zstencilState.stencilFront, test); if (sideVal & GS_STENCIL_BACK) update_stencilside_test( device, device->zstencilState.stencilBack, test); } static inline void update_stencilside_op(gs_device_t *device, StencilSide &side, enum gs_stencil_op_type fail, enum gs_stencil_op_type zfail, enum gs_stencil_op_type zpass) { if (side.fail == fail && side.zfail == zfail && side.zpass == zpass) return; side.fail = fail; side.zfail = zfail; side.zpass = zpass; device->zstencilStateChanged = true; } void device_stencil_op(gs_device_t *device, enum gs_stencil_side side, enum gs_stencil_op_type fail, enum gs_stencil_op_type zfail, enum gs_stencil_op_type zpass) { int sideVal = (int)side; if (sideVal & GS_STENCIL_FRONT) update_stencilside_op(device, device->zstencilState.stencilFront, fail, zfail, zpass); if (sideVal & GS_STENCIL_BACK) update_stencilside_op(device, device->zstencilState.stencilBack, fail, zfail, zpass); } void device_set_viewport(gs_device_t *device, int x, int y, int width, int height) { D3D11_VIEWPORT vp; memset(&vp, 0, sizeof(vp)); vp.MaxDepth = 1.0f; vp.TopLeftX = (float)x; vp.TopLeftY = (float)y; vp.Width = (float)width; vp.Height = (float)height; device->context->RSSetViewports(1, &vp); device->viewport.x = x; device->viewport.y = y; device->viewport.cx = width; device->viewport.cy = height; } void device_get_viewport(const gs_device_t *device, struct gs_rect *rect) { memcpy(rect, &device->viewport, sizeof(gs_rect)); } void device_set_scissor_rect(gs_device_t *device, const struct gs_rect *rect) { D3D11_RECT d3drect; device->rasterState.scissorEnabled = (rect != NULL); if (rect != NULL) { d3drect.left = rect->x; d3drect.top = rect->y; d3drect.right = rect->x + rect->cx; d3drect.bottom = rect->y + rect->cy; device->context->RSSetScissorRects(1, &d3drect); } device->rasterStateChanged = true; } void device_ortho(gs_device_t *device, float left, float right, float top, float bottom, float zNear, float zFar) { matrix4 *dst = &device->curProjMatrix; float rml = right - left; float bmt = bottom - top; float fmn = zFar - zNear; vec4_zero(&dst->x); vec4_zero(&dst->y); vec4_zero(&dst->z); vec4_zero(&dst->t); dst->x.x = 2.0f / rml; dst->t.x = (left + right) / -rml; dst->y.y = 2.0f / -bmt; dst->t.y = (bottom + top) / bmt; dst->z.z = 1.0f / fmn; dst->t.z = zNear / -fmn; dst->t.w = 1.0f; } void device_frustum(gs_device_t *device, float left, float right, float top, float bottom, float zNear, float zFar) { matrix4 *dst = &device->curProjMatrix; float rml = right - left; float bmt = bottom - top; float fmn = zFar - zNear; float nearx2 = 2.0f * zNear; vec4_zero(&dst->x); vec4_zero(&dst->y); vec4_zero(&dst->z); vec4_zero(&dst->t); dst->x.x = nearx2 / rml; dst->z.x = (left + right) / -rml; dst->y.y = nearx2 / -bmt; dst->z.y = (bottom + top) / bmt; dst->z.z = zFar / fmn; dst->t.z = (zNear * zFar) / -fmn; dst->z.w = 1.0f; } void device_projection_push(gs_device_t *device) { mat4float mat; memcpy(&mat, &device->curProjMatrix, sizeof(matrix4)); device->projStack.push_back(mat); } void device_projection_pop(gs_device_t *device) { if (device->projStack.empty()) return; const mat4float &mat = device->projStack.back(); memcpy(&device->curProjMatrix, &mat, sizeof(matrix4)); device->projStack.pop_back(); } void gs_swapchain_destroy(gs_swapchain_t *swapchain) { if (swapchain->device->curSwapChain == swapchain) device_load_swapchain(swapchain->device, nullptr); delete swapchain; } void gs_texture_destroy(gs_texture_t *tex) { delete tex; } uint32_t gs_texture_get_width(const gs_texture_t *tex) { if (tex->type != GS_TEXTURE_2D) return 0; return static_cast(tex)->width; } uint32_t gs_texture_get_height(const gs_texture_t *tex) { if (tex->type != GS_TEXTURE_2D) return 0; return static_cast(tex)->height; } enum gs_color_format gs_texture_get_color_format(const gs_texture_t *tex) { if (tex->type != GS_TEXTURE_2D) return GS_UNKNOWN; return static_cast(tex)->format; } bool gs_texture_map(gs_texture_t *tex, uint8_t **ptr, uint32_t *linesize) { HRESULT hr; if (tex->type != GS_TEXTURE_2D) return false; gs_texture_2d *tex2d = static_cast(tex); D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE map; hr = tex2d->device->context->Map(tex2d->texture, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &map); if (FAILED(hr)) return false; *ptr = (uint8_t *)map.pData; *linesize = map.RowPitch; return true; } void gs_texture_unmap(gs_texture_t *tex) { if (tex->type != GS_TEXTURE_2D) return; gs_texture_2d *tex2d = static_cast(tex); tex2d->device->context->Unmap(tex2d->texture, 0); } void *gs_texture_get_obj(gs_texture_t *tex) { if (tex->type != GS_TEXTURE_2D) return nullptr; gs_texture_2d *tex2d = static_cast(tex); return tex2d->texture.Get(); } void gs_cubetexture_destroy(gs_texture_t *cubetex) { delete cubetex; } uint32_t gs_cubetexture_get_size(const gs_texture_t *cubetex) { if (cubetex->type != GS_TEXTURE_CUBE) return 0; const gs_texture_2d *tex = static_cast(cubetex); return tex->width; } enum gs_color_format gs_cubetexture_get_color_format(const gs_texture_t *cubetex) { if (cubetex->type != GS_TEXTURE_CUBE) return GS_UNKNOWN; const gs_texture_2d *tex = static_cast(cubetex); return tex->format; } void gs_voltexture_destroy(gs_texture_t *voltex) { delete voltex; } uint32_t gs_voltexture_get_width(const gs_texture_t *voltex) { /* TODO */ UNUSED_PARAMETER(voltex); return 0; } uint32_t gs_voltexture_get_height(const gs_texture_t *voltex) { /* TODO */ UNUSED_PARAMETER(voltex); return 0; } uint32_t gs_voltexture_get_depth(const gs_texture_t *voltex) { /* TODO */ UNUSED_PARAMETER(voltex); return 0; } enum gs_color_format gs_voltexture_get_color_format(const gs_texture_t *voltex) { /* TODO */ UNUSED_PARAMETER(voltex); return GS_UNKNOWN; } void gs_stagesurface_destroy(gs_stagesurf_t *stagesurf) { delete stagesurf; } uint32_t gs_stagesurface_get_width(const gs_stagesurf_t *stagesurf) { return stagesurf->width; } uint32_t gs_stagesurface_get_height(const gs_stagesurf_t *stagesurf) { return stagesurf->height; } enum gs_color_format gs_stagesurface_get_color_format(const gs_stagesurf_t *stagesurf) { return stagesurf->format; } bool gs_stagesurface_map(gs_stagesurf_t *stagesurf, uint8_t **data, uint32_t *linesize) { D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE map; if (FAILED(stagesurf->device->context->Map(stagesurf->texture, 0, D3D11_MAP_READ, 0, &map))) return false; *data = (uint8_t *)map.pData; *linesize = map.RowPitch; return true; } void gs_stagesurface_unmap(gs_stagesurf_t *stagesurf) { stagesurf->device->context->Unmap(stagesurf->texture, 0); } void gs_zstencil_destroy(gs_zstencil_t *zstencil) { delete zstencil; } void gs_samplerstate_destroy(gs_samplerstate_t *samplerstate) { if (!samplerstate) return; if (samplerstate->device) for (int i = 0; i < GS_MAX_TEXTURES; i++) if (samplerstate->device->curSamplers[i] == samplerstate) samplerstate->device->curSamplers[i] = nullptr; delete samplerstate; } void gs_vertexbuffer_destroy(gs_vertbuffer_t *vertbuffer) { if (vertbuffer && vertbuffer->device->lastVertexBuffer == vertbuffer) vertbuffer->device->lastVertexBuffer = nullptr; delete vertbuffer; } static inline void gs_vertexbuffer_flush_internal(gs_vertbuffer_t *vertbuffer, const gs_vb_data *data) { size_t num_tex = data->num_tex < vertbuffer->uvBuffers.size() ? data->num_tex : vertbuffer->uvBuffers.size(); if (!vertbuffer->dynamic) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "gs_vertexbuffer_flush: vertex buffer is " "not dynamic"); return; } if (data->points) vertbuffer->FlushBuffer(vertbuffer->vertexBuffer, data->points, sizeof(vec3)); if (vertbuffer->normalBuffer && data->normals) vertbuffer->FlushBuffer(vertbuffer->normalBuffer, data->normals, sizeof(vec3)); if (vertbuffer->tangentBuffer && data->tangents) vertbuffer->FlushBuffer(vertbuffer->tangentBuffer, data->tangents, sizeof(vec3)); if (vertbuffer->colorBuffer && data->colors) vertbuffer->FlushBuffer(vertbuffer->colorBuffer, data->colors, sizeof(uint32_t)); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_tex; i++) { gs_tvertarray &tv = data->tvarray[i]; vertbuffer->FlushBuffer(vertbuffer->uvBuffers[i], tv.array, tv.width * sizeof(float)); } } void gs_vertexbuffer_flush(gs_vertbuffer_t *vertbuffer) { gs_vertexbuffer_flush_internal(vertbuffer, vertbuffer->vbd.data); } void gs_vertexbuffer_flush_direct(gs_vertbuffer_t *vertbuffer, const gs_vb_data *data) { gs_vertexbuffer_flush_internal(vertbuffer, data); } struct gs_vb_data *gs_vertexbuffer_get_data(const gs_vertbuffer_t *vertbuffer) { return vertbuffer->vbd.data; } void gs_indexbuffer_destroy(gs_indexbuffer_t *indexbuffer) { delete indexbuffer; } static inline void gs_indexbuffer_flush_internal(gs_indexbuffer_t *indexbuffer, const void *data) { HRESULT hr; if (!indexbuffer->dynamic) return; D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE map; hr = indexbuffer->device->context->Map( indexbuffer->indexBuffer, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &map); if (FAILED(hr)) return; memcpy(map.pData, data, indexbuffer->num * indexbuffer->indexSize); indexbuffer->device->context->Unmap(indexbuffer->indexBuffer, 0); } void gs_indexbuffer_flush(gs_indexbuffer_t *indexbuffer) { gs_indexbuffer_flush_internal(indexbuffer, indexbuffer->indices.data); } void gs_indexbuffer_flush_direct(gs_indexbuffer_t *indexbuffer, const void *data) { gs_indexbuffer_flush_internal(indexbuffer, data); } void *gs_indexbuffer_get_data(const gs_indexbuffer_t *indexbuffer) { return indexbuffer->indices.data; } size_t gs_indexbuffer_get_num_indices(const gs_indexbuffer_t *indexbuffer) { return indexbuffer->num; } enum gs_index_type gs_indexbuffer_get_type(const gs_indexbuffer_t *indexbuffer) { return indexbuffer->type; } void gs_timer_destroy(gs_timer_t *timer) { delete timer; } void gs_timer_begin(gs_timer_t *timer) { timer->device->context->End(timer->query_begin); } void gs_timer_end(gs_timer_t *timer) { timer->device->context->End(timer->query_end); } bool gs_timer_get_data(gs_timer_t *timer, uint64_t *ticks) { uint64_t begin, end; HRESULT hr_begin, hr_end; do { hr_begin = timer->device->context->GetData( timer->query_begin, &begin, sizeof(begin), 0); } while (hr_begin == S_FALSE); do { hr_end = timer->device->context->GetData(timer->query_end, &end, sizeof(end), 0); } while (hr_end == S_FALSE); const bool succeeded = SUCCEEDED(hr_begin) && SUCCEEDED(hr_end); if (succeeded) *ticks = end - begin; return succeeded; } void gs_timer_range_destroy(gs_timer_range_t *range) { delete range; } void gs_timer_range_begin(gs_timer_range_t *range) { range->device->context->Begin(range->query_disjoint); } void gs_timer_range_end(gs_timer_range_t *range) { range->device->context->End(range->query_disjoint); } bool gs_timer_range_get_data(gs_timer_range_t *range, bool *disjoint, uint64_t *frequency) { D3D11_QUERY_DATA_TIMESTAMP_DISJOINT timestamp_disjoint; HRESULT hr; do { hr = range->device->context->GetData(range->query_disjoint, ×tamp_disjoint, sizeof(timestamp_disjoint), 0); } while (hr == S_FALSE); const bool succeeded = SUCCEEDED(hr); if (succeeded) { *disjoint = timestamp_disjoint.Disjoint; *frequency = timestamp_disjoint.Frequency; } return succeeded; } gs_timer::gs_timer(gs_device_t *device) : gs_obj(device, gs_type::gs_timer) { Rebuild(device->device); } gs_timer_range::gs_timer_range(gs_device_t *device) : gs_obj(device, gs_type::gs_timer_range) { Rebuild(device->device); } extern "C" EXPORT bool device_gdi_texture_available(void) { return true; } extern "C" EXPORT bool device_shared_texture_available(void) { return true; } extern "C" EXPORT bool device_nv12_available(gs_device_t *device) { return device->nv12Supported; } extern "C" EXPORT void device_debug_marker_begin(gs_device_t *, const char *markername, const float color[4]) { D3DCOLOR bgra = D3DCOLOR_ARGB((DWORD)(255.0f * color[3]), (DWORD)(255.0f * color[0]), (DWORD)(255.0f * color[1]), (DWORD)(255.0f * color[2])); wchar_t wide[64]; os_utf8_to_wcs(markername, 0, wide, _countof(wide)); D3DPERF_BeginEvent(bgra, wide); } extern "C" EXPORT void device_debug_marker_end(gs_device_t *) { D3DPERF_EndEvent(); } extern "C" EXPORT gs_texture_t * device_texture_create_gdi(gs_device_t *device, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { gs_texture *texture = nullptr; try { texture = new gs_texture_2d(device, width, height, GS_BGRA_UNORM, 1, nullptr, GS_RENDER_TARGET, GS_TEXTURE_2D, true); } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_texture_create_gdi (D3D11): %s (%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); } catch (const char *error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_texture_create_gdi (D3D11): %s", error); } return texture; } static inline bool TextureGDICompatible(gs_texture_2d *tex2d, const char *func) { if (!tex2d->isGDICompatible) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "%s (D3D11): Texture is not GDI compatible", func); return false; } return true; } extern "C" EXPORT void *gs_texture_get_dc(gs_texture_t *tex) { HDC hDC = nullptr; if (tex->type != GS_TEXTURE_2D) return nullptr; gs_texture_2d *tex2d = static_cast(tex); if (!TextureGDICompatible(tex2d, "gs_texture_get_dc")) return nullptr; if (!tex2d->gdiSurface) return nullptr; tex2d->gdiSurface->GetDC(true, &hDC); return hDC; } extern "C" EXPORT void gs_texture_release_dc(gs_texture_t *tex) { if (tex->type != GS_TEXTURE_2D) return; gs_texture_2d *tex2d = static_cast(tex); if (!TextureGDICompatible(tex2d, "gs_texture_release_dc")) return; tex2d->gdiSurface->ReleaseDC(nullptr); } extern "C" EXPORT gs_texture_t *device_texture_open_shared(gs_device_t *device, uint32_t handle) { gs_texture *texture = nullptr; try { texture = new gs_texture_2d(device, handle); } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "gs_texture_open_shared (D3D11): %s (%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); } catch (const char *error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "gs_texture_open_shared (D3D11): %s", error); } return texture; } extern "C" EXPORT gs_texture_t * device_texture_open_nt_shared(gs_device_t *device, uint32_t handle) { gs_texture *texture = nullptr; try { texture = new gs_texture_2d(device, handle, true); } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "gs_texture_open_nt_shared (D3D11): %s (%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); } catch (const char *error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "gs_texture_open_nt_shared (D3D11): %s", error); } return texture; } extern "C" EXPORT uint32_t device_texture_get_shared_handle(gs_texture_t *tex) { gs_texture_2d *tex2d = reinterpret_cast(tex); if (tex->type != GS_TEXTURE_2D) return GS_INVALID_HANDLE; return tex2d->isShared ? tex2d->sharedHandle : GS_INVALID_HANDLE; } extern "C" EXPORT gs_texture_t *device_texture_wrap_obj(gs_device_t *device, void *obj) { gs_texture *texture = nullptr; try { texture = new gs_texture_2d(device, (ID3D11Texture2D *)obj); } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "gs_texture_wrap_obj (D3D11): %s (%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); } catch (const char *error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "gs_texture_wrap_obj (D3D11): %s", error); } return texture; } int device_texture_acquire_sync(gs_texture_t *tex, uint64_t key, uint32_t ms) { gs_texture_2d *tex2d = reinterpret_cast(tex); if (tex->type != GS_TEXTURE_2D) return -1; if (tex2d->acquired) return 0; ComQIPtr keyedMutex(tex2d->texture); if (!keyedMutex) return -1; HRESULT hr = keyedMutex->AcquireSync(key, ms); if (hr == S_OK) { tex2d->acquired = true; return 0; } else if (hr == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { return ETIMEDOUT; } return -1; } extern "C" EXPORT int device_texture_release_sync(gs_texture_t *tex, uint64_t key) { gs_texture_2d *tex2d = reinterpret_cast(tex); if (tex->type != GS_TEXTURE_2D) return -1; if (!tex2d->acquired) return 0; ComQIPtr keyedMutex(tex2d->texture); if (!keyedMutex) return -1; HRESULT hr = keyedMutex->ReleaseSync(key); if (hr == S_OK) { tex2d->acquired = false; return 0; } return -1; } extern "C" EXPORT bool device_texture_create_nv12(gs_device_t *device, gs_texture_t **p_tex_y, gs_texture_t **p_tex_uv, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t flags) { if (!device->nv12Supported) return false; *p_tex_y = nullptr; *p_tex_uv = nullptr; gs_texture_2d *tex_y; gs_texture_2d *tex_uv; try { tex_y = new gs_texture_2d(device, width, height, GS_R8, 1, nullptr, flags, GS_TEXTURE_2D, false, true); tex_uv = new gs_texture_2d(device, tex_y->texture, flags); } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "gs_texture_create_nv12 (D3D11): %s (%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); return false; } catch (const char *error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "gs_texture_create_nv12 (D3D11): %s", error); return false; } tex_y->pairedNV12texture = tex_uv; tex_uv->pairedNV12texture = tex_y; *p_tex_y = tex_y; *p_tex_uv = tex_uv; return true; } extern "C" EXPORT gs_stagesurf_t * device_stagesurface_create_nv12(gs_device_t *device, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { gs_stage_surface *surf = NULL; try { surf = new gs_stage_surface(device, width, height); } catch (const HRError &error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "device_stagesurface_create (D3D11): %s " "(%08lX)", error.str, error.hr); LogD3D11ErrorDetails(error, device); } return surf; } extern "C" EXPORT void device_register_loss_callbacks(gs_device_t *device, const gs_device_loss *callbacks) { device->loss_callbacks.emplace_back(*callbacks); } extern "C" EXPORT void device_unregister_loss_callbacks(gs_device_t *device, void *data) { for (auto iter = device->loss_callbacks.begin(); iter != device->loss_callbacks.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->data == data) { device->loss_callbacks.erase(iter); break; } } } uint32_t gs_get_adapter_count(void) { uint32_t count = 0; ComPtr factory; HRESULT hr = CreateDXGIFactory1(IID_PPV_ARGS(&factory)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ComPtr adapter; for (UINT i = 0; factory->EnumAdapters1(i, adapter.Assign()) == S_OK; ++i) { DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC desc; if (SUCCEEDED(adapter->GetDesc(&desc))) { /* ignore Microsoft's 'basic' renderer' */ if (desc.VendorId != 0x1414 && desc.DeviceId != 0x8c) { ++count; } } } } return count; }