#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "window-basic-auto-config.hpp" #include "window-basic-main.hpp" #include "qt-wrappers.hpp" #include "obs-app.hpp" #include "ui_AutoConfigTestPage.h" #define wiz reinterpret_cast(wizard()) using namespace std; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class TestMode { obs_video_info ovi; OBSSource source[6]; static void render_rand(void *, uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy) { gs_effect_t *solid = obs_get_base_effect(OBS_EFFECT_SOLID); gs_eparam_t *randomvals[3] = { gs_effect_get_param_by_name(solid, "randomvals1"), gs_effect_get_param_by_name(solid, "randomvals2"), gs_effect_get_param_by_name(solid, "randomvals3")}; struct vec4 r; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { vec4_set(&r, rand_float(true) * 100.0f, rand_float(true) * 100.0f, rand_float(true) * 50000.0f + 10000.0f, 0.0f); gs_effect_set_vec4(randomvals[i], &r); } while (gs_effect_loop(solid, "Random")) gs_draw_sprite(nullptr, 0, cx, cy); } public: inline TestMode() { obs_get_video_info(&ovi); obs_add_main_render_callback(render_rand, this); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) { source[i] = obs_get_output_source(i); obs_source_release(source[i]); obs_set_output_source(i, nullptr); } } inline ~TestMode() { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) obs_set_output_source(i, source[i]); obs_remove_main_render_callback(render_rand, this); obs_reset_video(&ovi); } inline void SetVideo(int cx, int cy, int fps_num, int fps_den) { obs_video_info newOVI = ovi; newOVI.output_width = (uint32_t)cx; newOVI.output_height = (uint32_t)cy; newOVI.fps_num = (uint32_t)fps_num; newOVI.fps_den = (uint32_t)fps_den; obs_reset_video(&newOVI); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define TEST_STR(x) "Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage." x #define SUBTITLE_TESTING TEST_STR("Subtitle.Testing") #define SUBTITLE_COMPLETE TEST_STR("Subtitle.Complete") #define TEST_BW TEST_STR("TestingBandwidth") #define TEST_BW_CONNECTING TEST_STR("TestingBandwidth.Connecting") #define TEST_BW_CONNECT_FAIL TEST_STR("TestingBandwidth.ConnectFailed") #define TEST_BW_SERVER TEST_STR("TestingBandwidth.Server") #define TEST_RES TEST_STR("TestingRes") #define TEST_RES_VAL TEST_STR("TestingRes.Resolution") #define TEST_RES_FAIL TEST_STR("TestingRes.Fail") #define TEST_SE TEST_STR("TestingStreamEncoder") #define TEST_RE TEST_STR("TestingRecordingEncoder") #define TEST_RESULT_SE TEST_STR("Result.StreamingEncoder") #define TEST_RESULT_RE TEST_STR("Result.RecordingEncoder") void AutoConfigTestPage::StartBandwidthStage() { ui->progressLabel->setText(QTStr(TEST_BW)); testThread = std::thread([this]() { TestBandwidthThread(); }); } void AutoConfigTestPage::StartStreamEncoderStage() { ui->progressLabel->setText(QTStr(TEST_SE)); testThread = std::thread([this]() { TestStreamEncoderThread(); }); } void AutoConfigTestPage::StartRecordingEncoderStage() { ui->progressLabel->setText(QTStr(TEST_RE)); testThread = std::thread([this]() { TestRecordingEncoderThread(); }); } void AutoConfigTestPage::GetServers(std::vector &servers) { OBSData settings = obs_data_create(); obs_data_release(settings); obs_data_set_string(settings, "service", wiz->serviceName.c_str()); obs_properties_t *ppts = obs_get_service_properties("rtmp_common"); obs_property_t *p = obs_properties_get(ppts, "service"); obs_property_modified(p, settings); p = obs_properties_get(ppts, "server"); size_t count = obs_property_list_item_count(p); servers.reserve(count); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { const char *name = obs_property_list_item_name(p, i); const char *server = obs_property_list_item_string(p, i); if (wiz->CanTestServer(name)) { ServerInfo info(name, server); servers.push_back(info); } } obs_properties_destroy(ppts); } static inline void string_depad_key(string &key) { while (!key.empty()) { char ch = key.back(); if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') key.pop_back(); else break; } } const char *FindAudioEncoderFromCodec(const char *type); void AutoConfigTestPage::TestBandwidthThread() { bool connected = false; bool stopped = false; TestMode testMode; testMode.SetVideo(128, 128, 60, 1); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "Progress", Q_ARG(int, 0)); /* * create encoders * create output * test for 10 seconds */ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "UpdateMessage", Q_ARG(QString, QStringLiteral(""))); /* -----------------------------------*/ /* create obs objects */ const char *serverType = wiz->customServer ? "rtmp_custom" : "rtmp_common"; OBSEncoder vencoder = obs_video_encoder_create("obs_x264", "test_x264", nullptr, nullptr); OBSEncoder aencoder = obs_audio_encoder_create("ffmpeg_aac", "test_aac", nullptr, 0, nullptr); OBSService service = obs_service_create(serverType, "test_service", nullptr, nullptr); obs_encoder_release(vencoder); obs_encoder_release(aencoder); obs_service_release(service); /* -----------------------------------*/ /* configure settings */ // service: "service", "server", "key" // vencoder: "bitrate", "rate_control", // obs_service_apply_encoder_settings // aencoder: "bitrate" // output: "bind_ip" via main config -> "Output", "BindIP" // obs_output_set_service OBSData service_settings = obs_data_create(); OBSData vencoder_settings = obs_data_create(); OBSData aencoder_settings = obs_data_create(); OBSData output_settings = obs_data_create(); obs_data_release(service_settings); obs_data_release(vencoder_settings); obs_data_release(aencoder_settings); obs_data_release(output_settings); std::string key = wiz->key; if (wiz->service == AutoConfig::Service::Twitch) { string_depad_key(key); key += "?bandwidthtest"; } else if (wiz->serviceName == "Restream.io" || wiz->serviceName == "Restream.io - RTMP") { string_depad_key(key); key += "?test=true"; } else if (wiz->serviceName == "Restream.io - FTL") { string_depad_key(key); key += "?test"; } obs_data_set_string(service_settings, "service", wiz->serviceName.c_str()); obs_data_set_string(service_settings, "key", key.c_str()); obs_data_set_int(vencoder_settings, "bitrate", wiz->startingBitrate); obs_data_set_string(vencoder_settings, "rate_control", "CBR"); obs_data_set_string(vencoder_settings, "preset", "veryfast"); obs_data_set_int(vencoder_settings, "keyint_sec", 2); obs_data_set_int(aencoder_settings, "bitrate", 32); OBSBasic *main = reinterpret_cast(App()->GetMainWindow()); const char *bind_ip = config_get_string(main->Config(), "Output", "BindIP"); obs_data_set_string(output_settings, "bind_ip", bind_ip); /* -----------------------------------*/ /* determine which servers to test */ std::vector servers; if (wiz->customServer) servers.emplace_back(wiz->server.c_str(), wiz->server.c_str()); else GetServers(servers); /* just use the first server if it only has one alternate server, * or if using Restream or Nimo TV due to their "auto" servers */ if (servers.size() < 3 || wiz->serviceName.substr(0, 11) == "Restream.io" || wiz->serviceName == "Nimo TV") { servers.resize(1); } else if (wiz->service == AutoConfig::Service::Twitch && wiz->twitchAuto) { /* if using Twitch and "Auto" is available, test 3 closest * server */ servers.erase(servers.begin() + 1); servers.resize(3); } /* -----------------------------------*/ /* apply service settings */ obs_service_update(service, service_settings); obs_service_apply_encoder_settings(service, vencoder_settings, aencoder_settings); /* -----------------------------------*/ /* create output */ const char *output_type = obs_service_get_output_type(service); if (!output_type) output_type = "rtmp_output"; OBSOutput output = obs_output_create(output_type, "test_stream", nullptr, nullptr); obs_output_release(output); obs_output_update(output, output_settings); const char *audio_codec = obs_output_get_supported_audio_codecs(output); if (strcmp(audio_codec, "aac") != 0) { const char *id = FindAudioEncoderFromCodec(audio_codec); aencoder = obs_audio_encoder_create(id, "test_audio", nullptr, 0, nullptr); obs_encoder_release(aencoder); } /* -----------------------------------*/ /* connect encoders/services/outputs */ obs_encoder_update(vencoder, vencoder_settings); obs_encoder_update(aencoder, aencoder_settings); obs_encoder_set_video(vencoder, obs_get_video()); obs_encoder_set_audio(aencoder, obs_get_audio()); obs_output_set_video_encoder(output, vencoder); obs_output_set_audio_encoder(output, aencoder, 0); obs_output_set_service(output, service); /* -----------------------------------*/ /* connect signals */ auto on_started = [&]() { unique_lock lock(m); connected = true; stopped = false; cv.notify_one(); }; auto on_stopped = [&]() { unique_lock lock(m); connected = false; stopped = true; cv.notify_one(); }; using on_started_t = decltype(on_started); using on_stopped_t = decltype(on_stopped); auto pre_on_started = [](void *data, calldata_t *) { on_started_t &on_started = *reinterpret_cast(data); on_started(); }; auto pre_on_stopped = [](void *data, calldata_t *) { on_stopped_t &on_stopped = *reinterpret_cast(data); on_stopped(); }; signal_handler *sh = obs_output_get_signal_handler(output); signal_handler_connect(sh, "start", pre_on_started, &on_started); signal_handler_connect(sh, "stop", pre_on_stopped, &on_stopped); /* -----------------------------------*/ /* test servers */ bool success = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < servers.size(); i++) { auto &server = servers[i]; connected = false; stopped = false; int per = int((i + 1) * 100 / servers.size()); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "Progress", Q_ARG(int, per)); QMetaObject::invokeMethod( this, "UpdateMessage", Q_ARG(QString, QTStr(TEST_BW_CONNECTING) .arg(server.name.c_str()))); obs_data_set_string(service_settings, "server", server.address.c_str()); obs_service_update(service, service_settings); if (!obs_output_start(output)) continue; unique_lock ul(m); if (cancel) { ul.unlock(); obs_output_force_stop(output); return; } if (!stopped && !connected) cv.wait(ul); if (cancel) { ul.unlock(); obs_output_force_stop(output); return; } if (!connected) continue; QMetaObject::invokeMethod( this, "UpdateMessage", Q_ARG(QString, QTStr(TEST_BW_SERVER).arg(server.name.c_str()))); /* ignore first 2.5 seconds due to possible buffering skewing * the result */ cv.wait_for(ul, chrono::milliseconds(2500)); if (stopped) continue; if (cancel) { ul.unlock(); obs_output_force_stop(output); return; } /* continue test */ int start_bytes = (int)obs_output_get_total_bytes(output); uint64_t t_start = os_gettime_ns(); cv.wait_for(ul, chrono::seconds(10)); if (stopped) continue; if (cancel) { ul.unlock(); obs_output_force_stop(output); return; } obs_output_stop(output); cv.wait(ul); uint64_t total_time = os_gettime_ns() - t_start; if (total_time == 0) total_time = 1; int total_bytes = (int)obs_output_get_total_bytes(output) - start_bytes; uint64_t bitrate = util_mul_div64( total_bytes, 8ULL * 1000000000ULL / 1000ULL, total_time); if (obs_output_get_frames_dropped(output) || (int)bitrate < (wiz->startingBitrate * 75 / 100)) { server.bitrate = (int)bitrate * 70 / 100; } else { server.bitrate = wiz->startingBitrate; } server.ms = obs_output_get_connect_time_ms(output); success = true; } if (!success) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "Failure", Q_ARG(QString, QTStr(TEST_BW_CONNECT_FAIL))); return; } int bestBitrate = 0; int bestMS = 0x7FFFFFFF; string bestServer; string bestServerName; for (auto &server : servers) { bool close = abs(server.bitrate - bestBitrate) < 400; if ((!close && server.bitrate > bestBitrate) || (close && server.ms < bestMS)) { bestServer = server.address; bestServerName = server.name; bestBitrate = server.bitrate; bestMS = server.ms; } } wiz->server = bestServer; wiz->serverName = bestServerName; wiz->idealBitrate = bestBitrate; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "NextStage"); } /* this is used to estimate the lower bitrate limit for a given * resolution/fps. yes, it is a totally arbitrary equation that gets * the closest to the expected values */ static long double EstimateBitrateVal(int cx, int cy, int fps_num, int fps_den) { long fps = (long double)fps_num / (long double)fps_den; long double areaVal = pow((long double)(cx * cy), 0.85l); return areaVal * sqrt(pow(fps, 1.1l)); } static long double EstimateMinBitrate(int cx, int cy, int fps_num, int fps_den) { long double val = EstimateBitrateVal(1920, 1080, 60, 1) / 5800.0l; return EstimateBitrateVal(cx, cy, fps_num, fps_den) / val; } static long double EstimateUpperBitrate(int cx, int cy, int fps_num, int fps_den) { long double val = EstimateBitrateVal(1280, 720, 30, 1) / 3000.0l; return EstimateBitrateVal(cx, cy, fps_num, fps_den) / val; } struct Result { int cx; int cy; int fps_num; int fps_den; inline Result(int cx_, int cy_, int fps_num_, int fps_den_) : cx(cx_), cy(cy_), fps_num(fps_num_), fps_den(fps_den_) { } }; static void CalcBaseRes(int &baseCX, int &baseCY) { const int maxBaseArea = 1920 * 1200; const int clipResArea = 1920 * 1080; /* if base resolution unusually high, recalculate to a more reasonable * value to start the downscaling at, based upon 1920x1080's area. * * for 16:9 resolutions this will always change the starting value to * 1920x1080 */ if ((baseCX * baseCY) > maxBaseArea) { long double xyAspect = (long double)baseCX / (long double)baseCY; baseCY = (int)sqrt((long double)clipResArea / xyAspect); baseCX = (int)((long double)baseCY * xyAspect); } } bool AutoConfigTestPage::TestSoftwareEncoding() { TestMode testMode; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "UpdateMessage", Q_ARG(QString, QStringLiteral(""))); /* -----------------------------------*/ /* create obs objects */ OBSEncoder vencoder = obs_video_encoder_create("obs_x264", "test_x264", nullptr, nullptr); OBSEncoder aencoder = obs_audio_encoder_create("ffmpeg_aac", "test_aac", nullptr, 0, nullptr); OBSOutput output = obs_output_create("null_output", "null", nullptr, nullptr); obs_output_release(output); obs_encoder_release(vencoder); obs_encoder_release(aencoder); /* -----------------------------------*/ /* configure settings */ OBSData aencoder_settings = obs_data_create(); OBSData vencoder_settings = obs_data_create(); obs_data_release(aencoder_settings); obs_data_release(vencoder_settings); obs_data_set_int(aencoder_settings, "bitrate", 32); if (wiz->type != AutoConfig::Type::Recording) { obs_data_set_int(vencoder_settings, "keyint_sec", 2); obs_data_set_int(vencoder_settings, "bitrate", wiz->idealBitrate); obs_data_set_string(vencoder_settings, "rate_control", "CBR"); obs_data_set_string(vencoder_settings, "profile", "main"); obs_data_set_string(vencoder_settings, "preset", "veryfast"); } else { obs_data_set_int(vencoder_settings, "crf", 20); obs_data_set_string(vencoder_settings, "rate_control", "CRF"); obs_data_set_string(vencoder_settings, "profile", "high"); obs_data_set_string(vencoder_settings, "preset", "veryfast"); } /* -----------------------------------*/ /* apply settings */ obs_encoder_update(vencoder, vencoder_settings); obs_encoder_update(aencoder, aencoder_settings); /* -----------------------------------*/ /* connect encoders/services/outputs */ obs_output_set_video_encoder(output, vencoder); obs_output_set_audio_encoder(output, aencoder, 0); /* -----------------------------------*/ /* connect signals */ auto on_stopped = [&]() { unique_lock lock(m); cv.notify_one(); }; using on_stopped_t = decltype(on_stopped); auto pre_on_stopped = [](void *data, calldata_t *) { on_stopped_t &on_stopped = *reinterpret_cast(data); on_stopped(); }; signal_handler *sh = obs_output_get_signal_handler(output); signal_handler_connect(sh, "deactivate", pre_on_stopped, &on_stopped); /* -----------------------------------*/ /* calculate starting resolution */ int baseCX = wiz->baseResolutionCX; int baseCY = wiz->baseResolutionCY; CalcBaseRes(baseCX, baseCY); /* -----------------------------------*/ /* calculate starting test rates */ int pcores = os_get_physical_cores(); int lcores = os_get_logical_cores(); int maxDataRate; if (lcores > 8 || pcores > 4) { /* superb */ maxDataRate = 1920 * 1200 * 60 + 1000; } else if (lcores > 4 && pcores == 4) { /* great */ maxDataRate = 1920 * 1080 * 60 + 1000; } else if (pcores == 4) { /* okay */ maxDataRate = 1920 * 1080 * 30 + 1000; } else { /* toaster */ maxDataRate = 960 * 540 * 30 + 1000; } /* -----------------------------------*/ /* perform tests */ vector results; int i = 0; int count = 1; auto testRes = [&](int cy, int fps_num, int fps_den, bool force) { int per = ++i * 100 / count; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "Progress", Q_ARG(int, per)); if (cy > baseCY) return true; /* no need for more than 3 tests max */ if (results.size() >= 3) return true; if (!fps_num || !fps_den) { fps_num = wiz->specificFPSNum; fps_den = wiz->specificFPSDen; } long double fps = ((long double)fps_num / (long double)fps_den); int cx = int(((long double)baseCX / (long double)baseCY) * (long double)cy); if (!force && wiz->type != AutoConfig::Type::Recording) { int est = EstimateMinBitrate(cx, cy, fps_num, fps_den); if (est > wiz->idealBitrate) return true; } long double rate = (long double)cx * (long double)cy * fps; if (!force && rate > maxDataRate) return true; testMode.SetVideo(cx, cy, fps_num, fps_den); obs_encoder_set_video(vencoder, obs_get_video()); obs_encoder_set_audio(aencoder, obs_get_audio()); obs_encoder_update(vencoder, vencoder_settings); obs_output_set_media(output, obs_get_video(), obs_get_audio()); QString cxStr = QString::number(cx); QString cyStr = QString::number(cy); QString fpsStr = (fps_den > 1) ? QString::number(fps, 'f', 2) : QString::number(fps, 'g', 2); QMetaObject::invokeMethod( this, "UpdateMessage", Q_ARG(QString, QTStr(TEST_RES_VAL).arg(cxStr, cyStr, fpsStr))); unique_lock ul(m); if (cancel) return false; if (!obs_output_start(output)) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "Failure", Q_ARG(QString, QTStr(TEST_RES_FAIL))); return false; } cv.wait_for(ul, chrono::seconds(5)); obs_output_stop(output); cv.wait(ul); int skipped = (int)video_output_get_skipped_frames(obs_get_video()); if (force || skipped <= 10) results.emplace_back(cx, cy, fps_num, fps_den); return !cancel; }; if (wiz->specificFPSNum && wiz->specificFPSDen) { count = 7; if (!testRes(2160, 0, 0, false)) return false; if (!testRes(1440, 0, 0, false)) return false; if (!testRes(1080, 0, 0, false)) return false; if (!testRes(720, 0, 0, false)) return false; if (!testRes(480, 0, 0, false)) return false; if (!testRes(360, 0, 0, false)) return false; if (!testRes(240, 0, 0, true)) return false; } else { count = 14; if (!testRes(2160, 60, 1, false)) return false; if (!testRes(2160, 30, 1, false)) return false; if (!testRes(1440, 60, 1, false)) return false; if (!testRes(1440, 30, 1, false)) return false; if (!testRes(1080, 60, 1, false)) return false; if (!testRes(1080, 30, 1, false)) return false; if (!testRes(720, 60, 1, false)) return false; if (!testRes(720, 30, 1, false)) return false; if (!testRes(480, 60, 1, false)) return false; if (!testRes(480, 30, 1, false)) return false; if (!testRes(360, 60, 1, false)) return false; if (!testRes(360, 30, 1, false)) return false; if (!testRes(240, 60, 1, false)) return false; if (!testRes(240, 30, 1, true)) return false; } /* -----------------------------------*/ /* find preferred settings */ int minArea = 960 * 540 + 1000; if (!wiz->specificFPSNum && wiz->preferHighFPS && results.size() > 1) { Result &result1 = results[0]; Result &result2 = results[1]; if (result1.fps_num == 30 && result2.fps_num == 60) { int nextArea = result2.cx * result2.cy; if (nextArea >= minArea) results.erase(results.begin()); } } Result result = results.front(); wiz->idealResolutionCX = result.cx; wiz->idealResolutionCY = result.cy; wiz->idealFPSNum = result.fps_num; wiz->idealFPSDen = result.fps_den; long double fUpperBitrate = EstimateUpperBitrate( result.cx, result.cy, result.fps_num, result.fps_den); int upperBitrate = int(floor(fUpperBitrate / 50.0l) * 50.0l); if (wiz->streamingEncoder != AutoConfig::Encoder::x264) { upperBitrate *= 114; upperBitrate /= 100; } if (wiz->idealBitrate > upperBitrate) wiz->idealBitrate = upperBitrate; softwareTested = true; return true; } void AutoConfigTestPage::FindIdealHardwareResolution() { int baseCX = wiz->baseResolutionCX; int baseCY = wiz->baseResolutionCY; CalcBaseRes(baseCX, baseCY); vector results; int pcores = os_get_physical_cores(); int maxDataRate; if (pcores >= 4) { maxDataRate = 1920 * 1200 * 60 + 1000; } else { maxDataRate = 1280 * 720 * 30 + 1000; } auto testRes = [&](int cy, int fps_num, int fps_den, bool force) { if (cy > baseCY) return; if (results.size() >= 3) return; if (!fps_num || !fps_den) { fps_num = wiz->specificFPSNum; fps_den = wiz->specificFPSDen; } long double fps = ((long double)fps_num / (long double)fps_den); int cx = int(((long double)baseCX / (long double)baseCY) * (long double)cy); long double rate = (long double)cx * (long double)cy * fps; if (!force && rate > maxDataRate) return; AutoConfig::Encoder encType = wiz->streamingEncoder; bool nvenc = encType == AutoConfig::Encoder::NVENC; int minBitrate = EstimateMinBitrate(cx, cy, fps_num, fps_den); /* most hardware encoders don't have a good quality to bitrate * ratio, so increase the minimum bitrate estimate for them. * NVENC currently is the exception because of the improvements * its made to its quality in recent generations. */ if (!nvenc) minBitrate = minBitrate * 114 / 100; if (wiz->type == AutoConfig::Type::Recording) force = true; if (force || wiz->idealBitrate >= minBitrate) results.emplace_back(cx, cy, fps_num, fps_den); }; if (wiz->specificFPSNum && wiz->specificFPSDen) { testRes(2160, 0, 0, false); testRes(1440, 0, 0, false); testRes(1080, 0, 0, false); testRes(720, 0, 0, false); testRes(480, 0, 0, false); testRes(360, 0, 0, false); testRes(240, 0, 0, true); } else { testRes(2160, 60, 1, false); testRes(2160, 30, 1, false); testRes(1440, 60, 1, false); testRes(1440, 30, 1, false); testRes(1080, 60, 1, false); testRes(1080, 30, 1, false); testRes(720, 60, 1, false); testRes(720, 30, 1, false); testRes(480, 60, 1, false); testRes(480, 30, 1, false); testRes(360, 60, 1, false); testRes(360, 30, 1, false); testRes(240, 60, 1, false); testRes(240, 30, 1, true); } int minArea = 960 * 540 + 1000; if (!wiz->specificFPSNum && wiz->preferHighFPS && results.size() > 1) { Result &result1 = results[0]; Result &result2 = results[1]; if (result1.fps_num == 30 && result2.fps_num == 60) { int nextArea = result2.cx * result2.cy; if (nextArea >= minArea) results.erase(results.begin()); } } Result result = results.front(); wiz->idealResolutionCX = result.cx; wiz->idealResolutionCY = result.cy; wiz->idealFPSNum = result.fps_num; wiz->idealFPSDen = result.fps_den; } void AutoConfigTestPage::TestStreamEncoderThread() { bool preferHardware = wiz->preferHardware; if (!softwareTested) { if (!preferHardware || !wiz->hardwareEncodingAvailable) { if (!TestSoftwareEncoding()) { return; } } } if (!softwareTested) { if (wiz->nvencAvailable) wiz->streamingEncoder = AutoConfig::Encoder::NVENC; else if (wiz->qsvAvailable) wiz->streamingEncoder = AutoConfig::Encoder::QSV; else wiz->streamingEncoder = AutoConfig::Encoder::AMD; } else { wiz->streamingEncoder = AutoConfig::Encoder::x264; } if (preferHardware && !softwareTested && wiz->hardwareEncodingAvailable) FindIdealHardwareResolution(); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "NextStage"); } void AutoConfigTestPage::TestRecordingEncoderThread() { if (!wiz->hardwareEncodingAvailable && !softwareTested) { if (!TestSoftwareEncoding()) { return; } } if (wiz->type == AutoConfig::Type::Recording && wiz->hardwareEncodingAvailable) FindIdealHardwareResolution(); wiz->recordingQuality = AutoConfig::Quality::High; bool recordingOnly = wiz->type == AutoConfig::Type::Recording; if (wiz->hardwareEncodingAvailable) { if (wiz->nvencAvailable) wiz->recordingEncoder = AutoConfig::Encoder::NVENC; else if (wiz->qsvAvailable) wiz->recordingEncoder = AutoConfig::Encoder::QSV; else wiz->recordingEncoder = AutoConfig::Encoder::AMD; } else { wiz->recordingEncoder = AutoConfig::Encoder::x264; } if (wiz->recordingEncoder != AutoConfig::Encoder::NVENC) { if (!recordingOnly) { wiz->recordingEncoder = AutoConfig::Encoder::Stream; wiz->recordingQuality = AutoConfig::Quality::Stream; } } QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "NextStage"); } #define ENCODER_TEXT(x) "Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Encoder." x #define ENCODER_SOFTWARE ENCODER_TEXT("Software") #define ENCODER_NVENC ENCODER_TEXT("Hardware.NVENC") #define ENCODER_QSV ENCODER_TEXT("Hardware.QSV") #define ENCODER_AMD ENCODER_TEXT("Hardware.AMD") #define QUALITY_SAME "Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.RecordingQuality.Stream" #define QUALITY_HIGH "Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.RecordingQuality.Small" void AutoConfigTestPage::FinalizeResults() { ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(1); setSubTitle(QTStr(SUBTITLE_COMPLETE)); QFormLayout *form = results; auto encName = [](AutoConfig::Encoder enc) -> QString { switch (enc) { case AutoConfig::Encoder::x264: return QTStr(ENCODER_SOFTWARE); case AutoConfig::Encoder::NVENC: return QTStr(ENCODER_NVENC); case AutoConfig::Encoder::QSV: return QTStr(ENCODER_QSV); case AutoConfig::Encoder::AMD: return QTStr(ENCODER_AMD); case AutoConfig::Encoder::Stream: return QTStr(QUALITY_SAME); } return QTStr(ENCODER_SOFTWARE); }; auto newLabel = [this](const char *str) -> QLabel * { return new QLabel(QTStr(str), this); }; if (wiz->type == AutoConfig::Type::Streaming) { const char *serverType = wiz->customServer ? "rtmp_custom" : "rtmp_common"; OBSService service = obs_service_create( serverType, "temp_service", nullptr, nullptr); obs_service_release(service); OBSData service_settings = obs_data_create(); OBSData vencoder_settings = obs_data_create(); obs_data_release(service_settings); obs_data_release(vencoder_settings); obs_data_set_int(vencoder_settings, "bitrate", wiz->idealBitrate); obs_data_set_string(service_settings, "service", wiz->serviceName.c_str()); obs_service_update(service, service_settings); obs_service_apply_encoder_settings(service, vencoder_settings, nullptr); wiz->idealBitrate = (int)obs_data_get_int(vencoder_settings, "bitrate"); if (!wiz->customServer) form->addRow( newLabel("Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.Service"), new QLabel(wiz->serviceName.c_str(), ui->finishPage)); form->addRow(newLabel("Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.Server"), new QLabel(wiz->serverName.c_str(), ui->finishPage)); form->addRow(newLabel("Basic.Settings.Output.VideoBitrate"), new QLabel(QString::number(wiz->idealBitrate), ui->finishPage)); form->addRow(newLabel(TEST_RESULT_SE), new QLabel(encName(wiz->streamingEncoder), ui->finishPage)); } QString baseRes = QString("%1x%2").arg(QString::number(wiz->baseResolutionCX), QString::number(wiz->baseResolutionCY)); QString scaleRes = QString("%1x%2").arg(QString::number(wiz->idealResolutionCX), QString::number(wiz->idealResolutionCY)); if (wiz->recordingEncoder != AutoConfig::Encoder::Stream || wiz->recordingQuality != AutoConfig::Quality::Stream) form->addRow(newLabel(TEST_RESULT_RE), new QLabel(encName(wiz->recordingEncoder), ui->finishPage)); QString recQuality; switch (wiz->recordingQuality) { case AutoConfig::Quality::High: recQuality = QTStr(QUALITY_HIGH); break; case AutoConfig::Quality::Stream: recQuality = QTStr(QUALITY_SAME); break; } form->addRow(newLabel("Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.RecordingQuality"), new QLabel(recQuality, ui->finishPage)); long double fps = (long double)wiz->idealFPSNum / (long double)wiz->idealFPSDen; QString fpsStr = (wiz->idealFPSDen > 1) ? QString::number(fps, 'f', 2) : QString::number(fps, 'g', 2); form->addRow(newLabel("Basic.Settings.Video.BaseResolution"), new QLabel(baseRes, ui->finishPage)); form->addRow(newLabel("Basic.Settings.Video.ScaledResolution"), new QLabel(scaleRes, ui->finishPage)); form->addRow(newLabel("Basic.Settings.Video.FPS"), new QLabel(fpsStr, ui->finishPage)); } #define STARTING_SEPARATOR \ "\n==== Auto-config wizard testing commencing ======\n" #define STOPPING_SEPARATOR \ "\n==== Auto-config wizard testing stopping ========\n" void AutoConfigTestPage::NextStage() { if (testThread.joinable()) testThread.join(); if (cancel) return; ui->subProgressLabel->setText(QString()); /* make it skip to bandwidth stage if only set to config recording */ if (stage == Stage::Starting) { if (!started) { blog(LOG_INFO, STARTING_SEPARATOR); started = true; } if (wiz->type != AutoConfig::Type::Streaming) { stage = Stage::StreamEncoder; } else if (!wiz->bandwidthTest) { stage = Stage::BandwidthTest; } } if (stage == Stage::Starting) { stage = Stage::BandwidthTest; StartBandwidthStage(); } else if (stage == Stage::BandwidthTest) { stage = Stage::StreamEncoder; StartStreamEncoderStage(); } else if (stage == Stage::StreamEncoder) { stage = Stage::RecordingEncoder; StartRecordingEncoderStage(); } else { stage = Stage::Finished; FinalizeResults(); emit completeChanged(); } } void AutoConfigTestPage::UpdateMessage(QString message) { ui->subProgressLabel->setText(message); } void AutoConfigTestPage::Failure(QString message) { ui->errorLabel->setText(message); ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(2); } void AutoConfigTestPage::Progress(int percentage) { ui->progressBar->setValue(percentage); } AutoConfigTestPage::AutoConfigTestPage(QWidget *parent) : QWizardPage(parent), ui(new Ui_AutoConfigTestPage) { ui->setupUi(this); setTitle(QTStr("Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage")); setSubTitle(QTStr(SUBTITLE_TESTING)); setCommitPage(true); } AutoConfigTestPage::~AutoConfigTestPage() { delete ui; if (testThread.joinable()) { { unique_lock ul(m); cancel = true; cv.notify_one(); } testThread.join(); } if (started) blog(LOG_INFO, STOPPING_SEPARATOR); } void AutoConfigTestPage::initializePage() { if (wiz->type == AutoConfig::Type::VirtualCam) { wiz->idealResolutionCX = wiz->baseResolutionCX; wiz->idealResolutionCY = wiz->baseResolutionCY; wiz->idealFPSNum = 30; wiz->idealFPSDen = 1; stage = Stage::Finished; } else { stage = Stage::Starting; } setSubTitle(QTStr(SUBTITLE_TESTING)); softwareTested = false; cancel = false; DeleteLayout(results); results = new QFormLayout(); results->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); ui->finishPageLayout->insertLayout(1, results); ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); NextStage(); } void AutoConfigTestPage::cleanupPage() { if (testThread.joinable()) { { unique_lock ul(m); cancel = true; cv.notify_one(); } testThread.join(); } } bool AutoConfigTestPage::isComplete() const { return stage == Stage::Finished; } int AutoConfigTestPage::nextId() const { return -1; }