/* -LICENSE-START- ** Copyright (c) 2014 Blackmagic Design ** ** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization ** obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by ** this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute, ** execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the ** Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to ** do so, all subject to the following: ** ** The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including ** the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer, ** must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and ** all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative ** works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by ** a source language processor. ** ** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT ** SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR ANYONE DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE ** FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ** ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER ** DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ** -LICENSE-END- */ #ifndef BMD_CONST #if defined(_MSC_VER) #define BMD_CONST __declspec(selectany) static const #else #define BMD_CONST static const #endif #endif // Type Declarations // Enumeration Mapping cpp_quote("#if 0") cpp_quote("#endif") /* Enum BMDDeckLinkConfigurationID - DeckLink Configuration ID */ typedef [v1_enum] enum _BMDDeckLinkConfigurationID { /* Serial port Flags */ bmdDeckLinkConfigSwapSerialRxTx = /* 'ssrt' */ 0x73737274, /* Video Input/Output Flags */ bmdDeckLinkConfigUse1080pNotPsF = /* 'fpro' */ 0x6670726F, /* Video Input/Output Integers */ bmdDeckLinkConfigHDMI3DPackingFormat = /* '3dpf' */ 0x33647066, bmdDeckLinkConfigBypass = /* 'byps' */ 0x62797073, bmdDeckLinkConfigClockTimingAdjustment = /* 'ctad' */ 0x63746164, /* Audio Input/Output Flags */ bmdDeckLinkConfigAnalogAudioConsumerLevels = /* 'aacl' */ 0x6161636C, /* Video output flags */ bmdDeckLinkConfigFieldFlickerRemoval = /* 'fdfr' */ 0x66646672, bmdDeckLinkConfigHD1080p24ToHD1080i5994Conversion = /* 'to59' */ 0x746F3539, bmdDeckLinkConfig444SDIVideoOutput = /* '444o' */ 0x3434346F, bmdDeckLinkConfigSingleLinkVideoOutput = /* 'sglo' */ 0x73676C6F, bmdDeckLinkConfigBlackVideoOutputDuringCapture = /* 'bvoc' */ 0x62766F63, bmdDeckLinkConfigLowLatencyVideoOutput = /* 'llvo' */ 0x6C6C766F, /* Video Output Integers */ bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoOutputConnection = /* 'vocn' */ 0x766F636E, bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoOutputConversionMode = /* 'vocm' */ 0x766F636D, bmdDeckLinkConfigAnalogVideoOutputFlags = /* 'avof' */ 0x61766F66, bmdDeckLinkConfigReferenceInputTimingOffset = /* 'glot' */ 0x676C6F74, bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoOutputIdleOperation = /* 'voio' */ 0x766F696F, bmdDeckLinkConfigDefaultVideoOutputMode = /* 'dvom' */ 0x64766F6D, bmdDeckLinkConfigDefaultVideoOutputModeFlags = /* 'dvof' */ 0x64766F66, /* Video Output Floats */ bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoOutputComponentLumaGain = /* 'oclg' */ 0x6F636C67, bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoOutputComponentChromaBlueGain = /* 'occb' */ 0x6F636362, bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoOutputComponentChromaRedGain = /* 'occr' */ 0x6F636372, bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoOutputCompositeLumaGain = /* 'oilg' */ 0x6F696C67, bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoOutputCompositeChromaGain = /* 'oicg' */ 0x6F696367, bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoOutputSVideoLumaGain = /* 'oslg' */ 0x6F736C67, bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoOutputSVideoChromaGain = /* 'oscg' */ 0x6F736367, /* Video Input Flags */ bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoInputScanning = /* 'visc' */ 0x76697363, // Applicable to H264 Pro Recorder only bmdDeckLinkConfigUseDedicatedLTCInput = /* 'dltc' */ 0x646C7463, // Use timecode from LTC input instead of SDI stream /* Video Input Integers */ bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoInputConnection = /* 'vicn' */ 0x7669636E, bmdDeckLinkConfigAnalogVideoInputFlags = /* 'avif' */ 0x61766966, bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoInputConversionMode = /* 'vicm' */ 0x7669636D, bmdDeckLinkConfig32PulldownSequenceInitialTimecodeFrame = /* 'pdif' */ 0x70646966, bmdDeckLinkConfigVANCSourceLine1Mapping = /* 'vsl1' */ 0x76736C31, bmdDeckLinkConfigVANCSourceLine2Mapping = /* 'vsl2' */ 0x76736C32, bmdDeckLinkConfigVANCSourceLine3Mapping = /* 'vsl3' */ 0x76736C33, bmdDeckLinkConfigCapturePassThroughMode = /* 'cptm' */ 0x6370746D, /* Video Input Floats */ bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoInputComponentLumaGain = /* 'iclg' */ 0x69636C67, bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoInputComponentChromaBlueGain = /* 'iccb' */ 0x69636362, bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoInputComponentChromaRedGain = /* 'iccr' */ 0x69636372, bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoInputCompositeLumaGain = /* 'iilg' */ 0x69696C67, bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoInputCompositeChromaGain = /* 'iicg' */ 0x69696367, bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoInputSVideoLumaGain = /* 'islg' */ 0x69736C67, bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoInputSVideoChromaGain = /* 'iscg' */ 0x69736367, /* Audio Input Integers */ bmdDeckLinkConfigAudioInputConnection = /* 'aicn' */ 0x6169636E, /* Audio Input Floats */ bmdDeckLinkConfigAnalogAudioInputScaleChannel1 = /* 'ais1' */ 0x61697331, bmdDeckLinkConfigAnalogAudioInputScaleChannel2 = /* 'ais2' */ 0x61697332, bmdDeckLinkConfigAnalogAudioInputScaleChannel3 = /* 'ais3' */ 0x61697333, bmdDeckLinkConfigAnalogAudioInputScaleChannel4 = /* 'ais4' */ 0x61697334, bmdDeckLinkConfigDigitalAudioInputScale = /* 'dais' */ 0x64616973, /* Audio Output Integers */ bmdDeckLinkConfigAudioOutputAESAnalogSwitch = /* 'aoaa' */ 0x616F6161, /* Audio Output Floats */ bmdDeckLinkConfigAnalogAudioOutputScaleChannel1 = /* 'aos1' */ 0x616F7331, bmdDeckLinkConfigAnalogAudioOutputScaleChannel2 = /* 'aos2' */ 0x616F7332, bmdDeckLinkConfigAnalogAudioOutputScaleChannel3 = /* 'aos3' */ 0x616F7333, bmdDeckLinkConfigAnalogAudioOutputScaleChannel4 = /* 'aos4' */ 0x616F7334, bmdDeckLinkConfigDigitalAudioOutputScale = /* 'daos' */ 0x64616F73 } BMDDeckLinkConfigurationID; // Forward Declarations interface IDeckLinkConfiguration; /* Interface IDeckLinkConfiguration - DeckLink Configuration interface */ [ object, uuid(1E69FCF6-4203-4936-8076-2A9F4CFD50CB), local, helpstring("DeckLink Configuration interface") ] interface IDeckLinkConfiguration : IUnknown { HRESULT SetFlag([in] BMDDeckLinkConfigurationID cfgID, [in] BOOL value); HRESULT GetFlag([in] BMDDeckLinkConfigurationID cfgID, [out] BOOL *value); HRESULT SetInt([in] BMDDeckLinkConfigurationID cfgID, [in] LONGLONG value); HRESULT GetInt([in] BMDDeckLinkConfigurationID cfgID, [out] LONGLONG *value); HRESULT SetFloat([in] BMDDeckLinkConfigurationID cfgID, [in] double value); HRESULT GetFloat([in] BMDDeckLinkConfigurationID cfgID, [out] double *value); HRESULT SetString([in] BMDDeckLinkConfigurationID cfgID, [in] BSTR value); HRESULT GetString([in] BMDDeckLinkConfigurationID cfgID, [out] BSTR *value); HRESULT WriteConfigurationToPreferences(void); }; /* Coclasses */