#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include #include #include #include #include "d3d1x_shaders.hpp" #include "graphics-hook.h" #include "../funchook.h" typedef HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE *resize_buffers_t)(IDXGISwapChain*, UINT, UINT, UINT, DXGI_FORMAT, UINT); typedef HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE *present_t)(IDXGISwapChain*, UINT, UINT); static struct func_hook resize_buffers; static struct func_hook present; struct dxgi_swap_data { IDXGISwapChain *swap; void (*capture)(void*, void*); void (*free)(void); }; static struct dxgi_swap_data data = {}; static bool setup_dxgi(IDXGISwapChain *swap) { const char *process_name = get_process_name(); bool ignore_d3d10 = false; IUnknown *device; HRESULT hr; /* Call of duty ghosts allows the context to be queried as a d3d10 * context when it's actually a d3d11 context. Why this is I don't * quite know. */ if (_strcmpi(process_name, "iw6sp64_ship.exe") == 0 || _strcmpi(process_name, "iw6mp64_ship.exe") == 0 || _strcmpi(process_name, "justcause3.exe") == 0) { ignore_d3d10 = true; } if (!ignore_d3d10) { hr = swap->GetDevice(__uuidof(ID3D10Device), (void**)&device); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { data.swap = swap; data.capture = d3d10_capture; data.free = d3d10_free; device->Release(); return true; } } hr = swap->GetDevice(__uuidof(ID3D11Device), (void**)&device); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { data.swap = swap; data.capture = d3d11_capture; data.free = d3d11_free; device->Release(); return true; } return false; } static bool resize_buffers_called = false; static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE hook_resize_buffers(IDXGISwapChain *swap, UINT buffer_count, UINT width, UINT height, DXGI_FORMAT format, UINT flags) { HRESULT hr; if (!!data.free) data.free(); data.swap = nullptr; data.free = nullptr; data.capture = nullptr; unhook(&resize_buffers); resize_buffers_t call = (resize_buffers_t)resize_buffers.call_addr; hr = call(swap, buffer_count, width, height, format, flags); rehook(&resize_buffers); resize_buffers_called = true; return hr; } static inline IDXGIResource *get_dxgi_backbuffer(IDXGISwapChain *swap) { IDXGIResource *res = nullptr; HRESULT hr; hr = swap->GetBuffer(0, __uuidof(ID3D11Resource), (void**)&res); if (FAILED(hr)) hlog_hr("get_dxgi_backbuffer: GetBuffer failed", hr); return res; } static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE hook_present(IDXGISwapChain *swap, UINT sync_interval, UINT flags) { IDXGIResource *backbuffer = nullptr; bool capture_overlay = global_hook_info->capture_overlay; bool test_draw = (flags & DXGI_PRESENT_TEST) != 0; bool capture; HRESULT hr; if (!data.swap && !capture_active()) { setup_dxgi(swap); } capture = !test_draw && swap == data.swap && !!data.capture; if (capture && !capture_overlay) { backbuffer = get_dxgi_backbuffer(swap); if (!!backbuffer) { data.capture(swap, backbuffer); backbuffer->Release(); } } unhook(&present); present_t call = (present_t)present.call_addr; hr = call(swap, sync_interval, flags); rehook(&present); if (capture && capture_overlay) { /* * It seems that the first call to Present after ResizeBuffers * will cause the backbuffer to be invalidated, so do not * perform the post-overlay capture if ResizeBuffers has * recently been called. (The backbuffer returned by * get_dxgi_backbuffer *will* be invalid otherwise) */ if (resize_buffers_called) { resize_buffers_called = false; } else { backbuffer = get_dxgi_backbuffer(swap); if (!!backbuffer) { data.capture(swap, backbuffer); backbuffer->Release(); } } } return hr; } static pD3DCompile get_compiler(void) { pD3DCompile compile = nullptr; char d3dcompiler[40] = {}; int ver = 49; while (ver > 30) { sprintf_s(d3dcompiler, 40, "D3DCompiler_%02d.dll", ver); HMODULE module = LoadLibraryA(d3dcompiler); if (module) { compile = (pD3DCompile)GetProcAddress(module, "D3DCompile"); if (compile) { break; } } ver--; } return compile; } static uint8_t vertex_shader_data[1024]; static uint8_t pixel_shader_data[1024]; static size_t vertex_shader_size = 0; static size_t pixel_shader_size = 0; bool hook_dxgi(void) { pD3DCompile compile; ID3D10Blob *blob; HMODULE dxgi_module = get_system_module("dxgi.dll"); HRESULT hr; void *present_addr; void *resize_addr; if (!dxgi_module) { return false; } compile = get_compiler(); if (!compile) { hlog("hook_dxgi: failed to find d3d compiler library"); return true; } /* ---------------------- */ hr = compile(vertex_shader_string, sizeof(vertex_shader_string), "vertex_shader_string", nullptr, nullptr, "main", "vs_4_0", D3D10_SHADER_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL1, 0, &blob, nullptr); if (FAILED(hr)) { hlog_hr("hook_dxgi: failed to compile vertex shader", hr); return true; } vertex_shader_size = (size_t)blob->GetBufferSize(); memcpy(vertex_shader_data, blob->GetBufferPointer(), blob->GetBufferSize()); blob->Release(); /* ---------------------- */ hr = compile(pixel_shader_string, sizeof(pixel_shader_string), "pixel_shader_string", nullptr, nullptr, "main", "ps_4_0", D3D10_SHADER_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL1, 0, &blob, nullptr); if (FAILED(hr)) { hlog_hr("hook_dxgi: failed to compile pixel shader", hr); return true; } pixel_shader_size = (size_t)blob->GetBufferSize(); memcpy(pixel_shader_data, blob->GetBufferPointer(), blob->GetBufferSize()); blob->Release(); /* ---------------------- */ present_addr = get_offset_addr(dxgi_module, global_hook_info->offsets.dxgi.present); resize_addr = get_offset_addr(dxgi_module, global_hook_info->offsets.dxgi.resize); hook_init(&present, present_addr, (void*)hook_present, "IDXGISwapChain::Present"); hook_init(&resize_buffers, resize_addr, (void*)hook_resize_buffers, "IDXGISwapChain::ResizeBuffers"); rehook(&resize_buffers); rehook(&present); hlog("Hooked DXGI"); return true; } uint8_t *get_d3d1x_vertex_shader(size_t *size) { *size = vertex_shader_size; return vertex_shader_data; } uint8_t *get_d3d1x_pixel_shader(size_t *size) { *size = pixel_shader_size; return pixel_shader_data; }