/* * lanczos sharper * note - this shader is adapted from the GPL bsnes shader, very good stuff * there. */ uniform float4x4 ViewProj; uniform texture2d image; uniform float2 base_dimension; uniform float2 base_dimension_i; uniform float undistort_factor = 1.0; sampler_state textureSampler { AddressU = Clamp; AddressV = Clamp; Filter = Linear; }; struct VertData { float4 pos : POSITION; float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; }; struct VertOut { float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; float4 pos : POSITION; }; struct FragData { float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; }; VertOut VSDefault(VertData v_in) { VertOut vert_out; vert_out.uv = v_in.uv * base_dimension; vert_out.pos = mul(float4(v_in.pos.xyz, 1.0), ViewProj); return vert_out; } float weight(float x) { float x_pi = x * 3.141592654; return 3.0 * sin(x_pi) * sin(x_pi * (1.0 / 3.0)) / (x_pi * x_pi); } void weight6(float f_neg, out float3 tap012, out float3 tap345) { tap012 = float3( weight(f_neg - 2.0), weight(f_neg - 1.0), min(1.0, weight(f_neg))); // Replace NaN with 1.0. tap345 = float3( weight(f_neg + 1.0), weight(f_neg + 2.0), weight(f_neg + 3.0)); // Normalize weights float sum = tap012.x + tap012.y + tap012.z + tap345.x + tap345.y + tap345.z; float sum_i = 1.0 / sum; tap012 = tap012 * sum_i; tap345 = tap345 * sum_i; } float AspectUndistortX(float x, float a) { // The higher the power, the longer the linear part will be. return (1.0 - a) * (x * x * x * x * x) + a * x; } float AspectUndistortU(float u) { // Normalize texture coord to -1.0 to 1.0 range, and back. return AspectUndistortX((u - 0.5) * 2.0, undistort_factor) * 0.5 + 0.5; } float2 undistort_coord(float xpos, float ypos) { return float2(AspectUndistortU(xpos), ypos); } float4 undistort_pixel(float xpos, float ypos) { return image.Sample(textureSampler, undistort_coord(xpos, ypos)); } float4 undistort_line(float3 xpos012, float3 xpos345, float ypos, float3 rowtap012, float3 rowtap345) { return undistort_pixel(xpos012.x, ypos) * rowtap012.x + undistort_pixel(xpos012.y, ypos) * rowtap012.y + undistort_pixel(xpos012.z, ypos) * rowtap012.z + undistort_pixel(xpos345.x, ypos) * rowtap345.x + undistort_pixel(xpos345.y, ypos) * rowtap345.y + undistort_pixel(xpos345.z, ypos) * rowtap345.z; } float4 DrawLanczos(FragData f_in, bool undistort) { float2 pos = f_in.uv; float2 pos2 = floor(pos - 0.5) + 0.5; float2 f_neg = pos2 - pos; float3 rowtap012, rowtap345; weight6(f_neg.x, rowtap012, rowtap345); float3 coltap012, coltap345; weight6(f_neg.y, coltap012, coltap345); float2 uv2 = pos2 * base_dimension_i; float2 uv1 = uv2 - base_dimension_i; float2 uv0 = uv1 - base_dimension_i; float2 uv3 = uv2 + base_dimension_i; float2 uv4 = uv3 + base_dimension_i; float2 uv5 = uv4 + base_dimension_i; if (undistort) { float3 xpos012 = float3(uv0.x, uv1.x, uv2.x); float3 xpos345 = float3(uv3.x, uv4.x, uv5.x); return undistort_line(xpos012, xpos345, uv0.y, rowtap012, rowtap345) * coltap012.x + undistort_line(xpos012, xpos345, uv1.y, rowtap012, rowtap345) * coltap012.y + undistort_line(xpos012, xpos345, uv2.y, rowtap012, rowtap345) * coltap012.z + undistort_line(xpos012, xpos345, uv3.y, rowtap012, rowtap345) * coltap345.x + undistort_line(xpos012, xpos345, uv4.y, rowtap012, rowtap345) * coltap345.y + undistort_line(xpos012, xpos345, uv5.y, rowtap012, rowtap345) * coltap345.z; } float u_weight_sum = rowtap012.z + rowtap345.x; float u_middle_offset = rowtap345.x * base_dimension_i.x / u_weight_sum; float u_middle = uv2.x + u_middle_offset; float v_weight_sum = coltap012.z + coltap345.x; float v_middle_offset = coltap345.x * base_dimension_i.y / v_weight_sum; float v_middle = uv2.y + v_middle_offset; float2 coord_limit = base_dimension - 0.5; float2 coord0_f = max(uv0 * base_dimension, 0.5); float2 coord1_f = max(uv1 * base_dimension, 0.5); float2 coord4_f = min(uv4 * base_dimension, coord_limit); float2 coord5_f = min(uv5 * base_dimension, coord_limit); int2 coord0 = int2(coord0_f); int2 coord1 = int2(coord1_f); int2 coord4 = int2(coord4_f); int2 coord5 = int2(coord5_f); float4 row0 = image.Load(int3(coord0, 0)) * rowtap012.x; row0 += image.Load(int3(coord1.x, coord0.y, 0)) * rowtap012.y; row0 += image.Sample(textureSampler, float2(u_middle, uv0.y)) * u_weight_sum; row0 += image.Load(int3(coord4.x, coord0.y, 0)) * rowtap345.y; row0 += image.Load(int3(coord5.x, coord0.y, 0)) * rowtap345.z; float4 total = row0 * coltap012.x; float4 row1 = image.Load(int3(coord0.x, coord1.y, 0)) * rowtap012.x; row1 += image.Load(int3(coord1.x, coord1.y, 0)) * rowtap012.y; row1 += image.Sample(textureSampler, float2(u_middle, uv1.y)) * u_weight_sum; row1 += image.Load(int3(coord4.x, coord1.y, 0)) * rowtap345.y; row1 += image.Load(int3(coord5.x, coord1.y, 0)) * rowtap345.z; total += row1 * coltap012.y; float4 row23 = image.Sample(textureSampler, float2(uv0.x, v_middle)) * rowtap012.x; row23 += image.Sample(textureSampler, float2(uv1.x, v_middle)) * rowtap012.y; row23 += image.Sample(textureSampler, float2(u_middle, v_middle)) * u_weight_sum; row23 += image.Sample(textureSampler, float2(uv4.x, v_middle)) * rowtap345.y; row23 += image.Sample(textureSampler, float2(uv5.x, v_middle)) * rowtap345.z; total += row23 * v_weight_sum; float4 row4 = image.Load(int3(coord0.x, coord4.y, 0)) * rowtap012.x; row4 += image.Load(int3(coord1.x, coord4.y, 0)) * rowtap012.y; row4 += image.Sample(textureSampler, float2(u_middle, uv4.y)) * u_weight_sum; row4 += image.Load(int3(coord4.x, coord4.y, 0)) * rowtap345.y; row4 += image.Load(int3(coord5.x, coord4.y, 0)) * rowtap345.z; total += row4 * coltap345.y; float4 row5 = image.Load(int3(coord0.x, coord5.y, 0)) * rowtap012.x; row5 += image.Load(int3(coord1.x, coord5.y, 0)) * rowtap012.y; row5 += image.Sample(textureSampler, float2(u_middle, uv5.y)) * u_weight_sum; row5 += image.Load(int3(coord4.x, coord5.y, 0)) * rowtap345.y; row5 += image.Load(int3(coord5, 0)) * rowtap345.z; total += row5 * coltap345.z; return total; } float4 PSDrawLanczosRGBA(FragData f_in, bool undistort) : TARGET { return DrawLanczos(f_in, undistort); } float4 PSDrawLanczosRGBADivide(FragData f_in) : TARGET { float4 rgba = DrawLanczos(f_in, false); float alpha = rgba.a; float multiplier = (alpha > 0.0) ? (1.0 / alpha) : 0.0; return float4(rgba.rgb * multiplier, alpha); } technique Draw { pass { vertex_shader = VSDefault(v_in); pixel_shader = PSDrawLanczosRGBA(f_in, false); } } technique DrawAlphaDivide { pass { vertex_shader = VSDefault(v_in); pixel_shader = PSDrawLanczosRGBADivide(f_in); } } technique DrawUndistort { pass { vertex_shader = VSDefault(v_in); pixel_shader = PSDrawLanczosRGBA(f_in, true); } }