Dynamic Arrays ============== Dynamically resizing arrays (a C equivalent to std::vector). .. code:: cpp #include .. type:: struct darray The base dynamic array structure. .. type:: DARRAY(type) Macro for a dynamic array based upon an actual type. Use this with da_* macros. .. member:: void *darray.array The array pointer. .. member:: size_t darray.num The number of items within the array. .. member:: size_t darray.capacity The capacity of the array. Dynamic Array Macros -------------------- These macro functions are used with variables created with the **DARRAY** type macro. When using these functions, do not use the dynamic array value with a reference (&) operator. For example: .. code:: cpp /* creates an array of integers: 0..9 */ DARRAY(int) array_of_integers; da_init(array_of_integers); for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) da_push_back(array_of_integers, &i); [...] /* free when complete */ da_free(array_of_integers); .. function:: void da_init(da) Initializes a dynamic array. :param da: The dynamic array --------------------- .. function:: void da_free(da) Frees a dynamic array. :param da: The dynamic array --------------------- .. function:: void *da_end(da) Gets a pointer to the last value. :param da: The dynamic array :return: The last value of a dynamic array, or *NULL* if empty. --------------------- .. function:: void da_reserve(da, size_t capacity) Reserves a specific amount of buffer space for the dynamic array. :param da: The dynamic array :param capacity: New capacity of the dynamic array --------------------- .. function:: void da_resize(da, size_t new_size) Resizes the dynamic array with zeroed values. :param da: The dynamic array :param size: New size of the dynamic array --------------------- .. function:: void da_copy(da_dst, da_src) Makes a copy of a dynamic array. :param da_dst: The dynamic array to copy to :param da_src: The dynamic array to copy from --------------------- .. function:: void da_copy_array(da, const void *src_array, size_t size) Makes a copy of an array pointer. :param da: The dynamic array :param src_array: The array pointer to make a copy from :param size: New size of the dynamic array --------------------- .. function:: void da_move(da_dst, da_src) Moves one dynamic array variable to another without allocating new data. *da_dst* is freed before moving, *da_dst* is set to *da_src*, then *da_src* is then zeroed. :param da_dst: Destination variable :param da_src: Source variable --------------------- .. function:: size_t da_find(da, const void *item_data, size_t starting_idx) Finds a value based upon its data. If the value cannot be found, the return value will be DARRAY_INVALID (-1). :param da: The dynamic array :param item_data: The item data to find :param starting_idx: The index to start from or 0 to search the entire array --------------------- .. function:: void da_push_back(da, const void *data) Pushes data to the back of the array. :param da: The dynamic array :param data: Pointer to the new data to push --------------------- .. function:: void *da_push_back_new(da) Pushes a zeroed value to the back of the array, and returns a pointer to it. :param da: The dynamic array :return: Pointer to the new value --------------------- .. function:: void da_push_back_array(da, const void *src_array, size_t item_count) Pushes an array of values to the back of the array. :param da: The dynamic array :param src_array: Pointer of the array of values :param item_count: Number of items to push back --------------------- .. function:: void da_insert(da, size_t idx, const void *data) Inserts a value at a given index. :param da: The dynamic array: :param idx: Index where the new item will be inserted :param data: Pointer to the item data to insert --------------------- .. function:: void *da_insert_new(da, size_t idx) Inserts a new zeroed value at a specific index, and returns a pointer to it. :param da: The dynamic array :param idx: Index to insert at :return: Pointer to the new value --------------------- .. function:: void da_insert_da(da_dst, size_t idx, da_src) Inserts a dynamic array in to another dynamic array at a specific index. :param da_dst: Destination dynamic array being inserted in to :param idx: Index to insert the data at :param da_src: The dynamic array to insert --------------------- .. function:: void da_erase(da, size_t idx) Erases an item at a specific index. :param da: The dynamic array :param idx: The index of the value to remove --------------------- .. function:: void da_erase_item(da, const void *item_data) Erases an item that matches the value specified :param da: The dynamic array :param item_data: Pointer to the data to remove --------------------- .. function:: void da_erase_range(da, size_t start_idx, size_t end_idx) Erases a range of values. :param da: The dynamic array :param start_idx: The starting index :param end_idx: The ending index --------------------- .. function:: void da_pop_back(da) Removes one item from the end of a dynamic array. :param da: The dynamic array --------------------- .. function:: void da_join(da_dst, da_src) Pushes *da_src* to the end of *da_dst* and frees *da_src*. :param da_dst: The destination dynamic array :param da_src: The source dynamic array --------------------- .. function:: void da_split(da_dst1, da_dst2, da_src, size_t split_idx) Creates two dynamic arrays by splitting another dynamic array at a specific index. If the destination arrays are not freed, they will be freed before getting their new values. The array being split will not be freed. :param da_dst1: Dynamic array that will get the lower half :param da_dst2: Dynamic array that will get the upper half :param da_src: Dynamic array to split :param split_idx: Index to split *da_src* at --------------------- .. function:: void da_move_item(da, size_t src_idx, size_t dst_idx) Moves an item from one index to another, moving data between if necessary. :param da: The dynamic array :param src_idx: The index of the item to move :param dst_idx: The new index of where the item will be moved to --------------------- .. function:: void da_swap(da, size_t idx1, size_t idx2) Swaps two values at the given indices. :param da: The dynamic array :param idx1: Index of the first item to swap :param idx2: Index of the second item to swap