/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013 by Hugh Bailey This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ #include "math-defs.h" #include "matrix4.h" #include "matrix3.h" void matrix4_from_matrix3(struct matrix4 *dst, const struct matrix3 *m) { dst->x.m = m->x.m; dst->y.m = m->y.m; dst->z.m = m->z.m; dst->t.m = m->t.m; dst->t.w = 1.0f; } void matrix4_mul(struct matrix4 *dst, const struct matrix4 *m1, const struct matrix4 *m2) { const struct vec4 *m1v = (const struct vec4*)m1; const float *m2f = (const float*)m2; struct vec4 out[4]; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (j=0; j<4; j++) { struct vec4 temp; vec4_set(&temp, m2f[j], m2f[j+4], m2f[j+8], m2f[j+12]); out[i].ptr[j] = vec4_dot(&m1v[i], &temp); } } matrix4_copy(dst, (struct matrix4*)out); } static inline void get_3x3_submatrix(float *dst, const struct matrix4 *m, int i, int j) { const float *mf = (const float *)m; int ti, tj, idst, jdst; for (ti = 0; ti < 4; ti++) { if (ti < i) idst = ti; else if (ti > i) idst = ti-1; else continue; for (tj = 0; tj < 4; tj++) { if (tj < j) jdst = tj; else if (tj > j) jdst = tj-1; else continue; dst[(idst*3) + jdst] = mf[(ti*4) + tj]; } } } static inline float get_3x3_determinant(const float *m) { return (m[0] * ((m[4]*m[8]) - (m[7]*m[5]))) - (m[1] * ((m[3]*m[8]) - (m[6]*m[5]))) + (m[2] * ((m[3]*m[7]) - (m[6]*m[4]))); } float matrix4_determinant(const struct matrix4 *m) { const float *mf = (const float *)m; float det, result = 0.0f, i = 1.0f; float m3x3[9]; int n; for (n = 0; n < 4; n++, i *= -1.0f) { get_3x3_submatrix(m3x3, m, 0, n); det = get_3x3_determinant(m3x3); result += mf[n] * det * i; } return result; } bool matrix4_inv(struct matrix4 *dst, const struct matrix4 *m) { struct vec4 *dstv = (struct vec4 *)dst; float det = matrix4_determinant(m); float m3x3[9]; int i, j, sign; if (fabs(det) < 0.0005f) return false; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { sign = 1 - ((i+j) % 2) * 2; get_3x3_submatrix(m3x3, m, i, j); dstv[j].ptr[i] = get_3x3_determinant(m3x3) * (float)sign / det; } } return true; } void matrix4_transpose(struct matrix4 *dst, const struct matrix4 *m) { struct matrix4 temp; /* TODO: Add SSE */ temp.x.x = m->x.x; temp.x.y = m->y.x; temp.x.z = m->z.x; temp.x.w = m->t.x; temp.y.x = m->x.y; temp.y.y = m->y.y; temp.y.z = m->z.y; temp.y.w = m->t.y; temp.z.x = m->x.z; temp.z.y = m->y.z; temp.z.z = m->z.z; temp.z.w = m->t.z; temp.t.x = m->x.w; temp.t.y = m->y.w; temp.t.z = m->z.w; temp.t.w = m->t.w; matrix4_copy(dst, &temp); }