/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2014 by Nibbles This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #include #include "text-freetype2.h" #include "obs-convenience.h" #include "find-font.h" FT_Library ft2_lib; OBS_DECLARE_MODULE() OBS_MODULE_USE_DEFAULT_LOCALE("text-freetype2", "en-US") MODULE_EXPORT const char *obs_module_description(void) { return "FreeType2 text source"; } uint32_t texbuf_w = 2048, texbuf_h = 2048; static struct obs_source_info freetype2_source_info_v1 = { .id = "text_ft2_source", .type = OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_INPUT, .output_flags = OBS_SOURCE_VIDEO | OBS_SOURCE_CAP_OBSOLETE | OBS_SOURCE_CUSTOM_DRAW, .get_name = ft2_source_get_name, .create = ft2_source_create_v1, .destroy = ft2_source_destroy, .update = ft2_source_update, .get_width = ft2_source_get_width, .get_height = ft2_source_get_height, .video_render = ft2_source_render, .video_tick = ft2_video_tick, .get_properties = ft2_source_properties, .icon_type = OBS_ICON_TYPE_TEXT, }; static struct obs_source_info freetype2_source_info_v2 = { .id = "text_ft2_source", .version = 2, .type = OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_INPUT, .output_flags = OBS_SOURCE_VIDEO | #ifdef _WIN32 OBS_SOURCE_DEPRECATED | #endif OBS_SOURCE_CUSTOM_DRAW, .get_name = ft2_source_get_name, .create = ft2_source_create_v2, .destroy = ft2_source_destroy, .update = ft2_source_update, .get_width = ft2_source_get_width, .get_height = ft2_source_get_height, .video_render = ft2_source_render, .video_tick = ft2_video_tick, .get_properties = ft2_source_properties, .icon_type = OBS_ICON_TYPE_TEXT, }; static bool plugin_initialized = false; static void init_plugin(void) { if (plugin_initialized) return; FT_Init_FreeType(&ft2_lib); if (ft2_lib == NULL) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "FT2-text: Failed to initialize FT2."); return; } if (!load_cached_os_font_list()) load_os_font_list(); plugin_initialized = true; } bool obs_module_load() { char *config_dir = obs_module_config_path(NULL); if (config_dir) { os_mkdirs(config_dir); bfree(config_dir); } obs_register_source(&freetype2_source_info_v1); obs_register_source(&freetype2_source_info_v2); return true; } void obs_module_unload(void) { if (plugin_initialized) { free_os_font_list(); FT_Done_FreeType(ft2_lib); } } static const char *ft2_source_get_name(void *unused) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(unused); return obs_module_text("TextFreetype2"); } static uint32_t ft2_source_get_width(void *data) { struct ft2_source *srcdata = data; return srcdata->cx; } static uint32_t ft2_source_get_height(void *data) { struct ft2_source *srcdata = data; return srcdata->cy; } static obs_properties_t *ft2_source_properties(void *unused) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(unused); obs_properties_t *props = obs_properties_create(); //obs_property_t *prop; // TODO: // Scrolling. Can't think of a way to do it with the render // targets currently being broken. (0.4.2) // Better/pixel shader outline/drop shadow // Some way to pull text files from network, I dunno obs_properties_add_font(props, "font", obs_module_text("Font")); obs_properties_add_text(props, "text", obs_module_text("Text"), OBS_TEXT_MULTILINE); obs_properties_add_bool(props, "from_file", obs_module_text("ReadFromFile")); obs_properties_add_bool(props, "antialiasing", obs_module_text("Antialiasing")); obs_properties_add_bool(props, "log_mode", obs_module_text("ChatLogMode")); obs_properties_add_int(props, "log_lines", obs_module_text("ChatLogLines"), 1, 1000, 1); obs_properties_add_path(props, "text_file", obs_module_text("TextFile"), OBS_PATH_FILE, obs_module_text("TextFileFilter"), NULL); obs_properties_add_color(props, "color1", obs_module_text("Color1")); obs_properties_add_color(props, "color2", obs_module_text("Color2")); obs_properties_add_bool(props, "outline", obs_module_text("Outline")); obs_properties_add_bool(props, "drop_shadow", obs_module_text("DropShadow")); obs_properties_add_int(props, "custom_width", obs_module_text("CustomWidth"), 0, 4096, 1); obs_properties_add_bool(props, "word_wrap", obs_module_text("WordWrap")); return props; } static void ft2_source_destroy(void *data) { struct ft2_source *srcdata = data; if (srcdata->font_face != NULL) { FT_Done_Face(srcdata->font_face); srcdata->font_face = NULL; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_cache_slots; i++) { if (srcdata->cacheglyphs[i] != NULL) { bfree(srcdata->cacheglyphs[i]); srcdata->cacheglyphs[i] = NULL; } } if (srcdata->font_name != NULL) bfree(srcdata->font_name); if (srcdata->font_style != NULL) bfree(srcdata->font_style); if (srcdata->text != NULL) bfree(srcdata->text); if (srcdata->texbuf != NULL) bfree(srcdata->texbuf); if (srcdata->colorbuf != NULL) bfree(srcdata->colorbuf); if (srcdata->text_file != NULL) bfree(srcdata->text_file); obs_enter_graphics(); if (srcdata->tex != NULL) { gs_texture_destroy(srcdata->tex); srcdata->tex = NULL; } if (srcdata->vbuf != NULL) { gs_vertexbuffer_destroy(srcdata->vbuf); srcdata->vbuf = NULL; } if (srcdata->draw_effect != NULL) { gs_effect_destroy(srcdata->draw_effect); srcdata->draw_effect = NULL; } obs_leave_graphics(); bfree(srcdata); } static void ft2_source_render(void *data, gs_effect_t *effect) { struct ft2_source *srcdata = data; if (srcdata == NULL) return; if (srcdata->tex == NULL || srcdata->vbuf == NULL) return; if (srcdata->text == NULL || *srcdata->text == 0) return; gs_reset_blend_state(); if (srcdata->outline_text) draw_outlines(srcdata); if (srcdata->drop_shadow) draw_drop_shadow(srcdata); draw_uv_vbuffer(srcdata->vbuf, srcdata->tex, srcdata->draw_effect, (uint32_t)wcslen(srcdata->text) * 6); UNUSED_PARAMETER(effect); } static void ft2_video_tick(void *data, float seconds) { struct ft2_source *srcdata = data; if (srcdata == NULL) return; if (!srcdata->from_file || !srcdata->text_file) return; if (os_gettime_ns() - srcdata->last_checked >= 1000000000) { time_t t = get_modified_timestamp(srcdata->text_file); srcdata->last_checked = os_gettime_ns(); if (srcdata->update_file) { if (srcdata->log_mode) read_from_end(srcdata, srcdata->text_file); else load_text_from_file(srcdata, srcdata->text_file); cache_glyphs(srcdata, srcdata->text); set_up_vertex_buffer(srcdata); srcdata->update_file = false; } if (srcdata->m_timestamp != t) { srcdata->m_timestamp = t; srcdata->update_file = true; } } UNUSED_PARAMETER(seconds); } static bool init_font(struct ft2_source *srcdata) { FT_Long index; const char *path = get_font_path(srcdata->font_name, srcdata->font_size, srcdata->font_style, srcdata->font_flags, &index); if (!path) return false; if (srcdata->font_face != NULL) { FT_Done_Face(srcdata->font_face); srcdata->font_face = NULL; } return FT_New_Face(ft2_lib, path, index, &srcdata->font_face) == 0; } static void ft2_source_update(void *data, obs_data_t *settings) { struct ft2_source *srcdata = data; obs_data_t *font_obj = obs_data_get_obj(settings, "font"); bool vbuf_needs_update = false; bool word_wrap = false; uint32_t color[2]; uint32_t custom_width = 0; const char *font_name = obs_data_get_string(font_obj, "face"); const char *font_style = obs_data_get_string(font_obj, "style"); uint16_t font_size = (uint16_t)obs_data_get_int(font_obj, "size"); uint32_t font_flags = (uint32_t)obs_data_get_int(font_obj, "flags"); if (!font_obj) return; srcdata->drop_shadow = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "drop_shadow"); srcdata->outline_text = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "outline"); word_wrap = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "word_wrap"); color[0] = (uint32_t)obs_data_get_int(settings, "color1"); color[1] = (uint32_t)obs_data_get_int(settings, "color2"); custom_width = (uint32_t)obs_data_get_int(settings, "custom_width"); if (custom_width >= 100) { if (custom_width != srcdata->custom_width) { srcdata->custom_width = custom_width; vbuf_needs_update = true; } } else { if (srcdata->custom_width >= 100) vbuf_needs_update = true; srcdata->custom_width = 0; } if (word_wrap != srcdata->word_wrap) { srcdata->word_wrap = word_wrap; vbuf_needs_update = true; } if (color[0] != srcdata->color[0] || color[1] != srcdata->color[1]) { srcdata->color[0] = color[0]; srcdata->color[1] = color[1]; vbuf_needs_update = true; } bool from_file = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "from_file"); bool chat_log_mode = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "log_mode"); uint32_t log_lines = (uint32_t)obs_data_get_int(settings, "log_lines"); if (srcdata->log_lines != log_lines) { srcdata->log_lines = log_lines; vbuf_needs_update = true; } srcdata->log_mode = chat_log_mode; if (ft2_lib == NULL) goto error; const size_t texbuf_size = (size_t)texbuf_w * (size_t)texbuf_h; if (srcdata->draw_effect == NULL) { char *effect_file = NULL; char *error_string = NULL; effect_file = obs_module_file("text_default.effect"); if (effect_file) { obs_enter_graphics(); srcdata->draw_effect = gs_effect_create_from_file( effect_file, &error_string); obs_leave_graphics(); bfree(effect_file); if (error_string != NULL) bfree(error_string); } } if (srcdata->font_size != font_size || srcdata->from_file != from_file) vbuf_needs_update = true; const bool new_aa_setting = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "antialiasing"); const bool aa_changed = srcdata->antialiasing != new_aa_setting; if (aa_changed) { srcdata->antialiasing = new_aa_setting; if (srcdata->texbuf != NULL) { memset(srcdata->texbuf, 0, texbuf_size); } cache_standard_glyphs(srcdata); } srcdata->file_load_failed = false; srcdata->from_file = from_file; if (srcdata->font_name != NULL) { if (strcmp(font_name, srcdata->font_name) == 0 && strcmp(font_style, srcdata->font_style) == 0 && font_flags == srcdata->font_flags && font_size == srcdata->font_size) goto skip_font_load; bfree(srcdata->font_name); bfree(srcdata->font_style); srcdata->font_name = NULL; srcdata->font_style = NULL; srcdata->max_h = 0; vbuf_needs_update = true; } srcdata->font_name = bstrdup(font_name); srcdata->font_style = bstrdup(font_style); srcdata->font_size = font_size; srcdata->font_flags = font_flags; if (!init_font(srcdata) || srcdata->font_face == NULL) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "FT2-text: Failed to load font %s", srcdata->font_name); goto error; } else { FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(srcdata->font_face, 0, srcdata->font_size); FT_Select_Charmap(srcdata->font_face, FT_ENCODING_UNICODE); } if (srcdata->texbuf != NULL) { bfree(srcdata->texbuf); srcdata->texbuf = NULL; } srcdata->texbuf = bzalloc(texbuf_size); if (srcdata->font_face) cache_standard_glyphs(srcdata); skip_font_load: if (from_file) { const char *tmp = obs_data_get_string(settings, "text_file"); if (!tmp || !*tmp || !os_file_exists(tmp)) { const char *emptystr = " "; bfree(srcdata->text); srcdata->text = NULL; os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(emptystr, strlen(emptystr), &srcdata->text); blog(LOG_WARNING, "FT2-text: Failed to open %s for " "reading", tmp); } else { if (srcdata->text_file != NULL && strcmp(srcdata->text_file, tmp) == 0 && !vbuf_needs_update) goto error; bfree(srcdata->text_file); srcdata->text_file = bstrdup(tmp); if (chat_log_mode) read_from_end(srcdata, tmp); else load_text_from_file(srcdata, tmp); srcdata->last_checked = os_gettime_ns(); } } else { const char *tmp = obs_data_get_string(settings, "text"); if (!tmp || !*tmp) goto error; if (srcdata->text != NULL) { bfree(srcdata->text); srcdata->text = NULL; } os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(tmp, strlen(tmp), &srcdata->text); } if (srcdata->font_face) { cache_glyphs(srcdata, srcdata->text); set_up_vertex_buffer(srcdata); } error: obs_data_release(font_obj); } #ifdef _WIN32 #define DEFAULT_FACE "Arial" #elif __APPLE__ #define DEFAULT_FACE "Helvetica" #else #define DEFAULT_FACE "Sans Serif" #endif static void *ft2_source_create(obs_data_t *settings, obs_source_t *source, int ver) { struct ft2_source *srcdata = bzalloc(sizeof(struct ft2_source)); obs_data_t *font_obj = obs_data_create(); srcdata->src = source; init_plugin(); const uint16_t font_size = ver == 1 ? 32 : 256; srcdata->font_size = font_size; obs_data_set_default_string(font_obj, "face", DEFAULT_FACE); obs_data_set_default_int(font_obj, "size", font_size); obs_data_set_default_obj(settings, "font", font_obj); obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, "antialiasing", true); obs_data_set_default_int(settings, "log_lines", 6); obs_data_set_default_int(settings, "color1", 0xFFFFFFFF); obs_data_set_default_int(settings, "color2", 0xFFFFFFFF); ft2_source_update(srcdata, settings); obs_data_release(font_obj); return srcdata; } static void *ft2_source_create_v1(obs_data_t *settings, obs_source_t *source) { return ft2_source_create(settings, source, 1); } static void *ft2_source_create_v2(obs_data_t *settings, obs_source_t *source) { return ft2_source_create(settings, source, 2); }