#include "auth-oauth.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include "window-basic-main.hpp" #include "remote-text.hpp" #include #include using namespace json11; #include extern QCef *cef; extern QCefCookieManager *panel_cookies; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OAuthLogin::OAuthLogin(QWidget *parent, const std::string &url, bool token) : QDialog (parent), get_token (token) { setWindowTitle("Auth"); resize(700, 700); OBSBasic::InitBrowserPanelSafeBlock(true); cefWidget = cef->create_widget(nullptr, url, panel_cookies); if (!cefWidget) { fail = true; return; } connect(cefWidget, SIGNAL(titleChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(setWindowTitle(const QString &))); connect(cefWidget, SIGNAL(urlChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(urlChanged(const QString &))); QPushButton *close = new QPushButton(QTStr("Cancel")); connect(close, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &QDialog::reject); QHBoxLayout *bottomLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); bottomLayout->addStretch(); bottomLayout->addWidget(close); bottomLayout->addStretch(); QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); topLayout->addWidget(cefWidget); topLayout->addLayout(bottomLayout); } OAuthLogin::~OAuthLogin() { delete cefWidget; } void OAuthLogin::urlChanged(const QString &url) { std::string uri = get_token ? "access_token=" : "code="; int code_idx = url.indexOf(uri.c_str()); if (code_idx == -1) return; if (url.left(22) != "https://obsproject.com") return; code_idx += (int)uri.size(); int next_idx = url.indexOf("&", code_idx); if (next_idx != -1) code = url.mid(code_idx, next_idx - code_idx); else code = url.right(url.size() - code_idx); accept(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct OAuthInfo { Auth::Def def; OAuth::login_cb login; OAuth::delete_cookies_cb delete_cookies; }; static std::vector loginCBs; void OAuth::RegisterOAuth(const Def &d, create_cb create, login_cb login, delete_cookies_cb delete_cookies) { OAuthInfo info = {d, login, delete_cookies}; loginCBs.push_back(info); RegisterAuth(d, create); } std::shared_ptr OAuth::Login(QWidget *parent, const std::string &service) { for (auto &a : loginCBs) { if (service.find(a.def.service) != std::string::npos) { return a.login(parent); } } return nullptr; } void OAuth::DeleteCookies(const std::string &service) { for (auto &a : loginCBs) { if (service.find(a.def.service) != std::string::npos) { a.delete_cookies(); } } } void OAuth::SaveInternal() { OBSBasic *main = OBSBasic::Get(); config_set_string(main->Config(), service(), "RefreshToken", refresh_token.c_str()); config_set_string(main->Config(), service(), "Token", token.c_str()); config_set_uint(main->Config(), service(), "ExpireTime", expire_time); config_set_int(main->Config(), service(), "ScopeVer", currentScopeVer); } static inline std::string get_config_str( OBSBasic *main, const char *section, const char *name) { const char *val = config_get_string(main->Config(), section, name); return val ? val : ""; } bool OAuth::LoadInternal() { OBSBasic *main = OBSBasic::Get(); refresh_token = get_config_str(main, service(), "RefreshToken"); token = get_config_str(main, service(), "Token"); expire_time = config_get_uint(main->Config(), service(), "ExpireTime"); currentScopeVer = (int)config_get_int(main->Config(), service(), "ScopeVer"); return implicit ? !token.empty() : !refresh_token.empty(); } bool OAuth::TokenExpired() { if (token.empty()) return true; if ((uint64_t)time(nullptr) > expire_time - 5) return true; return false; } bool OAuth::GetToken(const char *url, const std::string &client_id, int scope_ver, const std::string &auth_code, bool retry) try { std::string output; std::string error; std::string desc; if (currentScopeVer > 0 && currentScopeVer < scope_ver) { if (RetryLogin()) { return true; } else { QString title = QTStr("Auth.InvalidScope.Title"); QString text = QTStr("Auth.InvalidScope.Text") .arg(service()); QMessageBox::warning(OBSBasic::Get(), title, text); } } if (auth_code.empty() && !TokenExpired()) { return true; } std::string post_data; post_data += "action=redirect&client_id="; post_data += client_id; if (!auth_code.empty()) { post_data += "&grant_type=authorization_code&code="; post_data += auth_code; } else { post_data += "&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token="; post_data += refresh_token; } bool success = false; auto func = [&] () { success = GetRemoteFile( url, output, error, nullptr, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", post_data.c_str(), std::vector(), nullptr, 5); }; ExecuteFuncSafeBlockMsgBox( func, QTStr("Auth.Authing.Title"), QTStr("Auth.Authing.Text").arg(service())); if (!success || output.empty()) throw ErrorInfo("Failed to get token from remote", error); Json json = Json::parse(output, error); if (!error.empty()) throw ErrorInfo("Failed to parse json", error); /* -------------------------- */ /* error handling */ error = json["error"].string_value(); if (!retry && error == "invalid_grant") { if (RetryLogin()) { return true; } } if (!error.empty()) throw ErrorInfo(error, json["error_description"].string_value()); /* -------------------------- */ /* success! */ expire_time = (uint64_t)time(nullptr) + json["expires_in"].int_value(); token = json["access_token"].string_value(); if (token.empty()) throw ErrorInfo("Failed to get token from remote", error); if (!auth_code.empty()) { refresh_token = json["refresh_token"].string_value(); if (refresh_token.empty()) throw ErrorInfo("Failed to get refresh token from " "remote", error); currentScopeVer = scope_ver; } return true; } catch (ErrorInfo info) { if (!retry) { QString title = QTStr("Auth.AuthFailure.Title"); QString text = QTStr("Auth.AuthFailure.Text") .arg(service(), info.message.c_str(), info.error.c_str()); QMessageBox::warning(OBSBasic::Get(), title, text); } blog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: %s: %s", __FUNCTION__, info.message.c_str(), info.error.c_str()); return false; } void OAuthStreamKey::OnStreamConfig() { OBSBasic *main = OBSBasic::Get(); obs_service_t *service = main->GetService(); obs_data_t *settings = obs_service_get_settings(service); obs_data_set_string(settings, "key", key_.c_str()); obs_service_update(service, settings); obs_data_release(settings); }