import json from jsonschema import Draft7Validator from json_source_map import calculate from json_source_map.errors import InvalidInputError import os import sys errors = [] def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("JSON path required.") return 1 for filename in sys.argv[1:]: prep(filename) try: with open('validation_errors.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(errors, outfile) except OSError as e: print(f'Failed to write validation output to file: {e}') return 1 if errors: return 1 return 0 def prep(filename): try: with open(filename) as json_file: json_string = json_data = json.loads(json_string) except OSError as e: print(f'Failed to load file "{filename}": {e}') return schema_filename = json_data.get('$schema') if not schema_filename: print('File has no schema:', filename) return file_path = os.path.split(filename)[0] schema_file = os.path.join(file_path, schema_filename) try: with open(schema_file) as json_file: schema = json.load(json_file) except OSError as e: print(f'Failed to load schema file "{schema_file}": {e}') return validate(filename, json_data, json_string, schema) def validate(filename, json_data, json_string, schema): try: servicesPaths = calculate(json_string) except InvalidInputError as e: print("Error with file:", e) return cls = Draft7Validator(schema) for e in sorted(cls.iter_errors(json_data), key=str): print(f'{e}\nIn "{filename}"\n\n') errorPath = '/'.join(str(v) for v in e.absolute_path) errorEntry = servicesPaths['/' + errorPath] errors.append({ "file": filename, "start_line": errorEntry.value_start.line + 1, "end_line": errorEntry.value_end.line + 1, "title": "Validation Error", "message": e.message, "annotation_level": "failure" }) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())