/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013 by Hugh Bailey This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include "util/darray.h" #include "gl-subsystem.h" #include "glew/include/GL/wglew.h" /* Basically swapchain-specific information. Fortunately for windows this is * super basic stuff */ struct gl_windowinfo { HWND hwnd; HDC hdc; }; /* Like the other subsystems, the GL subsystem has one swap chain created by * default. */ struct gl_platform { HGLRC hrc; struct gs_swap_chain swap; }; /* For now, only support basic 32bit formats for graphics output. */ static inline int get_color_format_bits(enum gs_color_format format) { switch (format) { case GS_RGBA: return 32; default: return 0; } } static inline int get_depth_format_bits(enum gs_zstencil_format zsformat) { switch (zsformat) { case GS_Z16: return 16; case GS_Z24_S8: return 24; default: return 0; } } static inline int get_stencil_format_bits(enum gs_zstencil_format zsformat) { switch (zsformat) { case GS_Z24_S8: return 8; default: return 0; } } /* would use designated initializers but microsoft sort of sucks */ static inline void init_dummy_pixel_format(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *pfd) { memset(pfd, 0, sizeof(pfd)); pfd->nSize = sizeof(pfd); pfd->nVersion = 1; pfd->iPixelType = PFD_TYPE_RGBA; pfd->cColorBits = 32; pfd->cDepthBits = 24; pfd->cStencilBits = 8; pfd->iLayerType = PFD_MAIN_PLANE; pfd->dwFlags = PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER; } static const char *dummy_window_class = "GLDummyWindow"; static bool registered_dummy_window_class = false; struct dummy_context { HWND hwnd; HGLRC hrc; HDC hdc; }; /* Need a dummy window for the dummy context */ static bool gl_register_dummy_window_class(void) { WNDCLASSA wc; if (registered_dummy_window_class) return true; memset(&wc, 0, sizeof(wc)); wc.style = CS_OWNDC; wc.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL); wc.lpfnWndProc = DefWindowProc; wc.lpszClassName = dummy_window_class; if (!RegisterClassA(&wc)) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Could not create dummy window class"); return false; } registered_dummy_window_class = true; return true; } static inline HWND gl_create_dummy_window(void) { HWND hwnd = CreateWindowExA(0, dummy_window_class, "Dummy GL Window", WS_POPUP, 0, 0, 2, 2, NULL, NULL, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL); if (!hwnd) blog(LOG_ERROR, "Could not create dummy context window"); return hwnd; } static inline HGLRC gl_init_context(HDC hdc) { HGLRC hglrc = wglCreateContext(hdc); if (!hglrc) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "wglCreateContext failed, %u", GetLastError()); return NULL; } if (!wglMakeCurrent(hdc, hglrc)) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "wglMakeCurrent failed, %u", GetLastError()); wglDeleteContext(hglrc); return NULL; } return hglrc; } static bool gl_dummy_context_init(struct dummy_context *dummy) { PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd; int format_index; if (!gl_register_dummy_window_class()) return false; dummy->hwnd = gl_create_dummy_window(); if (!dummy->hwnd) return false; dummy->hdc = GetDC(dummy->hwnd); init_dummy_pixel_format(&pfd); format_index = ChoosePixelFormat(dummy->hdc, &pfd); if (!format_index) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Dummy ChoosePixelFormat failed, %u", GetLastError()); return false; } if (!SetPixelFormat(dummy->hdc, format_index, &pfd)) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Dummy SetPixelFormat failed, %u", GetLastError()); return false; } dummy->hrc = gl_init_context(dummy->hdc); if (!dummy->hrc) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to initialize dummy context"); return false; } return true; } static inline void gl_dummy_context_free(struct dummy_context *dummy) { wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL); wglDeleteContext(dummy->hrc); DestroyWindow(dummy->hwnd); memset(dummy, 0, sizeof(struct dummy_context)); } static inline void required_extension_error(const char *extension) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "OpenGL extension %s is required", extension); } static bool gl_init_extensions(void) { GLenum errorcode = glewInit(); if (errorcode != GLEW_OK) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "glewInit failed, %u", errorcode); return false; } if (!GLEW_VERSION_2_1) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "OpenGL 2.1 minimum required by the graphics " "adapter"); return false; } if (!GLEW_ARB_framebuffer_object) { required_extension_error("GL_ARB_framebuffer_object"); return false; } if (!WGLEW_ARB_pixel_format) { required_extension_error("WGL_ARB_pixel_format"); return false; } return true; } static inline void add_attrib(struct darray *list, int attrib, int val) { darray_push_back(sizeof(int), list, &attrib); darray_push_back(sizeof(int), list, &val); } /* Creates the real pixel format for the target window */ static int gl_choose_pixel_format(HDC hdc, struct gs_init_data *info) { struct darray attribs; int color_bits = get_color_format_bits(info->format); int depth_bits = get_depth_format_bits(info->zsformat); int stencil_bits = get_stencil_format_bits(info->zsformat); UINT num_formats; BOOL success; int format; if (!color_bits) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "gl_init_pixel_format: color format not " "supported"); return false; } darray_init(&attribs); add_attrib(&attribs, WGL_DRAW_TO_WINDOW_ARB, GL_TRUE); add_attrib(&attribs, WGL_SUPPORT_OPENGL_ARB, GL_TRUE); add_attrib(&attribs, WGL_ACCELERATION_ARB, WGL_FULL_ACCELERATION_ARB); add_attrib(&attribs, WGL_DOUBLE_BUFFER_ARB, GL_TRUE); add_attrib(&attribs, WGL_PIXEL_TYPE_ARB, WGL_TYPE_RGBA_ARB); add_attrib(&attribs, WGL_COLOR_BITS_ARB, color_bits); add_attrib(&attribs, WGL_DEPTH_BITS_ARB, depth_bits); add_attrib(&attribs, WGL_STENCIL_BITS_ARB, stencil_bits); add_attrib(&attribs, 0, 0); success = wglChoosePixelFormatARB(hdc, attribs.array, NULL, 1, &format, &num_formats); if (!success || !num_formats) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "wglChoosePixelFormatARB failed, %u", GetLastError()); format = 0; } darray_free(&attribs); return format; } static inline bool gl_get_pixel_format(HDC hdc, struct gs_init_data *info, int *format, PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *pfd) { *format = gl_choose_pixel_format(hdc, info); if (!format) return false; if (!DescribePixelFormat(hdc, *format, sizeof(*pfd), pfd)) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "DescribePixelFormat failed, %u", GetLastError()); return false; } return true; } static inline bool gl_set_pixel_format(HDC hdc, int format, PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *pfd) { if (!SetPixelFormat(hdc, format, pfd)) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "SetPixelFormat failed, %u", GetLastError()); return false; } return true; } static struct gl_windowinfo *gl_windowinfo_bare(struct gs_init_data *info) { struct gl_windowinfo *wi = bmalloc(sizeof(struct gl_windowinfo)); memset(wi, 0, sizeof(struct gl_windowinfo)); wi->hwnd = info->hwnd; wi->hdc = GetDC(wi->hwnd); if (!wi->hdc) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to get device context from window"); bfree(wi); return NULL; } return wi; } static bool init_default_swap(struct gl_platform *plat, device_t device, int pixel_format, PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *pfd, struct gs_init_data *info) { plat->swap.device = device; plat->swap.info = *info; plat->swap.wi = gl_windowinfo_bare(info); if (!plat->swap.wi) return false; if (!gl_set_pixel_format(plat->swap.wi->hdc, pixel_format, pfd)) return false; return true; } struct gl_platform *gl_platform_create(device_t device, struct gs_init_data *info) { struct gl_platform *plat = bmalloc(sizeof(struct gl_platform)); struct dummy_context dummy; int pixel_format; PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd; memset(plat, 0, sizeof(struct gl_platform)); memset(&dummy, 0, sizeof(struct dummy_context)); if (!gl_dummy_context_init(&dummy)) goto fail; if (!gl_init_extensions()) goto fail; /* you have to have a dummy context open before you can actually * use wglChoosePixelFormatARB */ if (!gl_get_pixel_format(dummy.hdc, info, &pixel_format, &pfd)) goto fail; gl_dummy_context_free(&dummy); if (!init_default_swap(plat, device, pixel_format, &pfd, info)) goto fail; plat->hrc = gl_init_context(plat->swap.wi->hdc); if (!plat->hrc) goto fail; return plat; fail: blog(LOG_ERROR, "gl_platform_create failed"); gl_platform_destroy(plat); gl_dummy_context_free(&dummy); return NULL; } struct gs_swap_chain *gl_platform_getswap(struct gl_platform *platform) { return &platform->swap; } void gl_platform_destroy(struct gl_platform *plat) { if (plat) { if (plat->hrc) { wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL); wglDeleteContext(plat->hrc); } gl_windowinfo_destroy(plat->swap.wi); bfree(plat); } } struct gl_windowinfo *gl_windowinfo_create(struct gs_init_data *info) { struct gl_windowinfo *wi = gl_windowinfo_bare(info); PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd; int pixel_format; if (!wi) return NULL; if (!gl_get_pixel_format(wi->hdc, info, &pixel_format, &pfd)) goto fail; if (!gl_set_pixel_format(wi->hdc, pixel_format, &pfd)) goto fail; return wi; fail: blog(LOG_ERROR, "gl_windowinfo_create failed"); gl_windowinfo_destroy(wi); return NULL; } void gl_windowinfo_destroy(struct gl_windowinfo *wi) { if (wi) { if (wi->hdc) ReleaseDC(wi->hwnd, wi->hdc); bfree(wi); } }