/***************************************************************************** INTEL CORPORATION PROPRIETARY INFORMATION This software is supplied under the terms of a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement with Intel Corporation and may not be copied or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of that agreement. Copyright(c) 2005-2014 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. *****************************************************************************/ #include "common_directx11.h" #include ID3D11Device* g_pD3D11Device; ID3D11DeviceContext* g_pD3D11Ctx; IDXGIFactory2* g_pDXGIFactory; IDXGIAdapter* g_pAdapter; std::map allocResponses; std::map allocDecodeResponses; std::map allocDecodeRefCount; typedef struct { mfxMemId memId; mfxMemId memIdStage; mfxU16 rw; } CustomMemId; const struct { mfxIMPL impl; // actual implementation mfxU32 adapterID; // device adapter number } implTypes[] = { {MFX_IMPL_HARDWARE, 0}, {MFX_IMPL_HARDWARE2, 1}, {MFX_IMPL_HARDWARE3, 2}, {MFX_IMPL_HARDWARE4, 3} }; // ================================================================= // DirectX functionality required to manage DX11 device and surfaces // IDXGIAdapter* GetIntelDeviceAdapterHandle(mfxSession session) { mfxU32 adapterNum = 0; mfxIMPL impl; MFXQueryIMPL(session, &impl); mfxIMPL baseImpl = MFX_IMPL_BASETYPE(impl); // Extract Media SDK base implementation type // get corresponding adapter number for (mfxU8 i = 0; i < sizeof(implTypes)/sizeof(implTypes[0]); i++) { if (implTypes[i].impl == baseImpl) { adapterNum = implTypes[i].adapterID; break; } } HRESULT hres = CreateDXGIFactory(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory2), (void**)(&g_pDXGIFactory) ); if (FAILED(hres)) return NULL; IDXGIAdapter* adapter; hres = g_pDXGIFactory->EnumAdapters(adapterNum, &adapter); if (FAILED(hres)) return NULL; return adapter; } // Create HW device context mfxStatus CreateHWDevice(mfxSession session, mfxHDL* deviceHandle, HWND hWnd, bool bCreateSharedHandles) { //Note: not using bCreateSharedHandles for DX11 -- for API consistency only hWnd; // Window handle not required by DX11 since we do not showcase rendering. bCreateSharedHandles; // For rendering, not used here. Just for consistencies sake. HRESULT hres = S_OK; static D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL FeatureLevels[] = { D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0 }; D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL pFeatureLevelsOut; g_pAdapter = GetIntelDeviceAdapterHandle(session); if (NULL == g_pAdapter) return MFX_ERR_DEVICE_FAILED; UINT dxFlags = 0; //UINT dxFlags = D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG; hres = D3D11CreateDevice( g_pAdapter, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_UNKNOWN, NULL, dxFlags, FeatureLevels, (sizeof(FeatureLevels) / sizeof(FeatureLevels[0])), D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &g_pD3D11Device, &pFeatureLevelsOut, &g_pD3D11Ctx); if (FAILED(hres)) return MFX_ERR_DEVICE_FAILED; // turn on multithreading for the DX11 context CComQIPtr p_mt(g_pD3D11Ctx); if (p_mt) p_mt->SetMultithreadProtected(true); else return MFX_ERR_DEVICE_FAILED; *deviceHandle = (mfxHDL)g_pD3D11Device; return MFX_ERR_NONE; } void SetHWDeviceContext(CComPtr devCtx) { g_pD3D11Ctx = devCtx; devCtx->GetDevice(&g_pD3D11Device); } // Free HW device context void CleanupHWDevice() { if (g_pAdapter) { g_pAdapter->Release(); g_pAdapter = NULL; } if (g_pD3D11Device) { g_pD3D11Device->Release(); g_pD3D11Device = NULL; } if (g_pD3D11Ctx) { g_pD3D11Ctx->Release(); g_pD3D11Ctx = NULL; } if (g_pDXGIFactory) { g_pDXGIFactory->Release(); g_pDXGIFactory = NULL; } } CComPtr GetHWDeviceContext() { return g_pD3D11Ctx; } /* (Hugh) Functions currently unused */ #if 0 void ClearYUVSurfaceD3D(mfxMemId memId) { // TBD } void ClearRGBSurfaceD3D(mfxMemId memId) { // TBD } #endif // // Intel Media SDK memory allocator entrypoints.... // mfxStatus _simple_alloc(mfxFrameAllocRequest* request, mfxFrameAllocResponse* response) { HRESULT hRes; // Determine surface format DXGI_FORMAT format; if (MFX_FOURCC_NV12 == request->Info.FourCC) format = DXGI_FORMAT_NV12; else if (MFX_FOURCC_RGB4 == request->Info.FourCC) format = DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM; else if (MFX_FOURCC_YUY2== request->Info.FourCC) format = DXGI_FORMAT_YUY2; else if (MFX_FOURCC_P8 == request->Info.FourCC ) //|| MFX_FOURCC_P8_TEXTURE == request->Info.FourCC format = DXGI_FORMAT_P8; else format = DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; if (DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN == format) return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED; // Allocate custom container to keep texture and stage buffers for each surface // Container also stores the intended read and/or write operation. CustomMemId** mids = (CustomMemId**)calloc(request->NumFrameSuggested, sizeof(CustomMemId*)); if (!mids) return MFX_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC; for (int i=0; iNumFrameSuggested; i++) { mids[i] = (CustomMemId*)calloc(1, sizeof(CustomMemId)); if (!mids[i]) { return MFX_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC; } mids[i]->rw = request->Type & 0xF000; // Set intended read/write operation } request->Type = request->Type & 0x0FFF; // because P8 data (bitstream) for h264 encoder should be allocated by CreateBuffer() // but P8 data (MBData) for MPEG2 encoder should be allocated by CreateTexture2D() if (request->Info.FourCC == MFX_FOURCC_P8) { D3D11_BUFFER_DESC desc = { 0 }; if (!request->NumFrameSuggested) return MFX_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC; desc.ByteWidth = request->Info.Width * request->Info.Height; desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_STAGING; desc.BindFlags = 0; desc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_READ; desc.MiscFlags = 0; desc.StructureByteStride = 0; ID3D11Buffer* buffer = 0; hRes = g_pD3D11Device->CreateBuffer(&desc, 0, &buffer); if (FAILED(hRes)) return MFX_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC; mids[0]->memId = reinterpret_cast(buffer); } else { D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC desc = {0}; desc.Width = request->Info.Width; desc.Height = request->Info.Height; desc.MipLevels = 1; desc.ArraySize = 1; // number of subresources is 1 in this case desc.Format = format; desc.SampleDesc.Count = 1; desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT; desc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_DECODER; desc.MiscFlags = 0; //desc.MiscFlags = D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_SHARED; if ( (MFX_MEMTYPE_FROM_VPPIN & request->Type) && (DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM == desc.Format) ) { desc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET; if (desc.ArraySize > 2) return MFX_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC; } if ( (MFX_MEMTYPE_FROM_VPPOUT & request->Type) || (MFX_MEMTYPE_VIDEO_MEMORY_PROCESSOR_TARGET & request->Type)) { desc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET; if (desc.ArraySize > 2) return MFX_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC; } if ( DXGI_FORMAT_P8 == desc.Format ) desc.BindFlags = 0; ID3D11Texture2D* pTexture2D; // Create surface textures for (size_t i = 0; i < request->NumFrameSuggested / desc.ArraySize; i++) { hRes = g_pD3D11Device->CreateTexture2D(&desc, NULL, &pTexture2D); if (FAILED(hRes)) return MFX_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC; mids[i]->memId = pTexture2D; } desc.ArraySize = 1; desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_STAGING; desc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_READ;// | D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE; desc.BindFlags = 0; desc.MiscFlags = 0; //desc.MiscFlags = D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_SHARED; // Create surface staging textures for (size_t i = 0; i < request->NumFrameSuggested; i++) { hRes = g_pD3D11Device->CreateTexture2D(&desc, NULL, &pTexture2D); if (FAILED(hRes)) return MFX_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC; mids[i]->memIdStage = pTexture2D; } } response->mids = (mfxMemId*)mids; response->NumFrameActual = request->NumFrameSuggested; return MFX_ERR_NONE; } mfxStatus simple_alloc(mfxHDL pthis, mfxFrameAllocRequest* request, mfxFrameAllocResponse* response) { mfxStatus sts = MFX_ERR_NONE; if (request->Type & MFX_MEMTYPE_SYSTEM_MEMORY) return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED; if (allocDecodeResponses.find(pthis) != allocDecodeResponses.end() && MFX_MEMTYPE_EXTERNAL_FRAME & request->Type && MFX_MEMTYPE_FROM_DECODE & request->Type) { // Memory for this request was already allocated during manual allocation stage. Return saved response // When decode acceleration device (DXVA) is created it requires a list of d3d surfaces to be passed. // Therefore Media SDK will ask for the surface info/mids again at Init() stage, thus requiring us to return the saved response // (No such restriction applies to Encode or VPP) *response = allocDecodeResponses[pthis]; allocDecodeRefCount[pthis]++; } else { sts = _simple_alloc(request, response); if (MFX_ERR_NONE == sts) { if ( MFX_MEMTYPE_EXTERNAL_FRAME & request->Type && MFX_MEMTYPE_FROM_DECODE & request->Type) { // Decode alloc response handling allocDecodeResponses[pthis] = *response; allocDecodeRefCount[pthis]++; } else { // Encode and VPP alloc response handling allocResponses[response->mids] = pthis; } } } return sts; } mfxStatus simple_lock(mfxHDL pthis, mfxMemId mid, mfxFrameData* ptr) { pthis; // To suppress warning for this unused parameter HRESULT hRes = S_OK; D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC desc = {0}; D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE lockedRect = {0}; CustomMemId* memId = (CustomMemId*)mid; ID3D11Texture2D* pSurface = (ID3D11Texture2D*)memId->memId; ID3D11Texture2D* pStage = (ID3D11Texture2D*)memId->memIdStage; D3D11_MAP mapType = D3D11_MAP_READ; UINT mapFlags = D3D11_MAP_FLAG_DO_NOT_WAIT; if (NULL == pStage) { hRes = g_pD3D11Ctx->Map(pSurface, 0, mapType, mapFlags, &lockedRect); desc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_P8; } else { pSurface->GetDesc(&desc); // copy data only in case of user wants to read from stored surface if (memId->rw & WILL_READ) g_pD3D11Ctx->CopySubresourceRegion(pStage, 0, 0, 0, 0, pSurface, 0, NULL); do { hRes = g_pD3D11Ctx->Map(pStage, 0, mapType, mapFlags, &lockedRect); if (S_OK != hRes && DXGI_ERROR_WAS_STILL_DRAWING != hRes) return MFX_ERR_LOCK_MEMORY; } while (DXGI_ERROR_WAS_STILL_DRAWING == hRes); } if (FAILED(hRes)) return MFX_ERR_LOCK_MEMORY; switch (desc.Format) { case DXGI_FORMAT_NV12: ptr->Pitch = (mfxU16)lockedRect.RowPitch; ptr->Y = (mfxU8*)lockedRect.pData; ptr->U = (mfxU8*)lockedRect.pData + desc.Height * lockedRect.RowPitch; ptr->V = ptr->U + 1; break; case DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM : ptr->Pitch = (mfxU16)lockedRect.RowPitch; ptr->B = (mfxU8*)lockedRect.pData; ptr->G = ptr->B + 1; ptr->R = ptr->B + 2; ptr->A = ptr->B + 3; break; case DXGI_FORMAT_YUY2: ptr->Pitch = (mfxU16)lockedRect.RowPitch; ptr->Y = (mfxU8*)lockedRect.pData; ptr->U = ptr->Y + 1; ptr->V = ptr->Y + 3; break; case DXGI_FORMAT_P8 : ptr->Pitch = (mfxU16)lockedRect.RowPitch; ptr->Y = (mfxU8*)lockedRect.pData; ptr->U = 0; ptr->V = 0; break; default: return MFX_ERR_LOCK_MEMORY; } return MFX_ERR_NONE; } mfxStatus simple_unlock(mfxHDL pthis, mfxMemId mid, mfxFrameData* ptr) { pthis; // To suppress warning for this unused parameter CustomMemId* memId = (CustomMemId*)mid; ID3D11Texture2D* pSurface = (ID3D11Texture2D*)memId->memId; ID3D11Texture2D* pStage = (ID3D11Texture2D*)memId->memIdStage; if (NULL == pStage) { g_pD3D11Ctx->Unmap(pSurface, 0); } else { g_pD3D11Ctx->Unmap(pStage, 0); // copy data only in case of user wants to write to stored surface if (memId->rw & WILL_WRITE) g_pD3D11Ctx->CopySubresourceRegion(pSurface, 0, 0, 0, 0, pStage, 0, NULL); } if (ptr) { ptr->Pitch=0; ptr->U=ptr->V=ptr->Y=0; ptr->A=ptr->R=ptr->G=ptr->B=0; } return MFX_ERR_NONE; } mfxStatus simple_gethdl(mfxHDL pthis, mfxMemId mid, mfxHDL* handle) { pthis; // To suppress warning for this unused parameter if (NULL == handle) return MFX_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; mfxHDLPair* pPair = (mfxHDLPair*)handle; CustomMemId* memId = (CustomMemId*)mid; pPair->first = memId->memId; // surface texture pPair->second = 0; return MFX_ERR_NONE; } mfxStatus _simple_free(mfxFrameAllocResponse* response) { if (response->mids) { for (mfxU32 i = 0; i < response->NumFrameActual; i++) { if (response->mids[i]) { CustomMemId* mid = (CustomMemId*)response->mids[i]; ID3D11Texture2D* pSurface = (ID3D11Texture2D*)mid->memId; ID3D11Texture2D* pStage = (ID3D11Texture2D*)mid->memIdStage; if (pSurface) pSurface->Release(); if (pStage) pStage->Release(); free(mid); } } free(response->mids); response->mids = NULL; } return MFX_ERR_NONE; } mfxStatus simple_free(mfxHDL pthis, mfxFrameAllocResponse* response) { if (NULL == response) return MFX_ERR_NULL_PTR; if (allocResponses.find(response->mids) == allocResponses.end()) { // Decode free response handling if (--allocDecodeRefCount[pthis] == 0) { _simple_free(response); allocDecodeResponses.erase(pthis); allocDecodeRefCount.erase(pthis); } } else { // Encode and VPP free response handling allocResponses.erase(response->mids); _simple_free(response); } return MFX_ERR_NONE; }