/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013 by Hugh Bailey This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ #include "obs.h" #include "obs-internal.h" #include "graphics/vec4.h" #include "media-io/format-conversion.h" static void tick_sources(uint64_t cur_time, uint64_t *last_time) { size_t i; uint64_t delta_time; float seconds; if (!last_time) *last_time = cur_time - video_getframetime(obs->video.video); delta_time = cur_time - *last_time; seconds = (float)((double)delta_time / 1000000000.0); for (i = 0; i < obs->data.sources.num; i++) obs_source_video_tick(obs->data.sources.array[i], seconds); *last_time = cur_time; } static inline void render_display_begin(struct obs_display *display) { struct vec4 clear_color; uint32_t width, height; gs_load_swapchain(display ? display->swap : NULL); gs_getsize(&width, &height); gs_beginscene(); vec4_set(&clear_color, 0.3f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); gs_clear(GS_CLEAR_COLOR | GS_CLEAR_DEPTH | GS_CLEAR_STENCIL, &clear_color, 1.0f, 0); gs_enable_depthtest(false); /* gs_enable_blending(false); */ gs_setcullmode(GS_NEITHER); gs_ortho(0.0f, (float)obs->video.base_width, 0.0f, (float)obs->video.base_height, -100.0f, 100.0f); gs_setviewport(0, 0, width, height); } static inline void render_display_end(struct obs_display *display) { gs_endscene(); gs_present(); } static void render_display(struct obs_display *display) { render_display_begin(display); for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { struct obs_source **p_source; p_source = (display) ? display->channels+i : obs->data.channels+i; if (*p_source) { if ((*p_source)->removed) { obs_source_release(*p_source); *p_source = NULL; } else { obs_source_video_render(*p_source); } } } render_display_end(display); } static inline void render_displays(void) { if (!obs->data.valid) return; gs_entercontext(obs_graphics()); /* render extra displays/swaps */ pthread_mutex_lock(&obs->data.displays_mutex); for (size_t i = 0; i < obs->data.displays.num; i++) render_display(obs->data.displays.array[i]); pthread_mutex_unlock(&obs->data.displays_mutex); /* render main display */ render_display(NULL); gs_leavecontext(); } static inline void set_render_size(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { gs_enable_depthtest(false); gs_setcullmode(GS_NEITHER); gs_ortho(0.0f, (float)width, 0.0f, (float)height, -100.0f, 100.0f); gs_setviewport(0, 0, width, height); } static inline void render_channels(void) { struct obs_core_data *data = &obs->data; for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { struct obs_source *source = data->channels[i]; if (source) obs_source_video_render(source); } } static inline void unmap_last_surface(struct obs_core_video *video) { if (video->mapped_surface) { stagesurface_unmap(video->mapped_surface); video->mapped_surface = NULL; } } static inline void render_main_texture(struct obs_core_video *video, int cur_texture, int prev_texture) { struct vec4 clear_color; vec4_set(&clear_color, 0.3f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); gs_setrendertarget(video->render_textures[cur_texture], NULL); gs_clear(GS_CLEAR_COLOR, &clear_color, 1.0f, 0); set_render_size(video->base_width, video->base_height); render_channels(); video->textures_rendered[cur_texture] = true; } static inline void render_output_texture(struct obs_core_video *video, int cur_texture, int prev_texture) { texture_t texture = video->render_textures[prev_texture]; texture_t target = video->output_textures[cur_texture]; uint32_t width = texture_getwidth(target); uint32_t height = texture_getheight(target); /* TODO: replace with actual downscalers or unpackers */ effect_t effect = video->default_effect; technique_t tech = effect_gettechnique(effect, "DrawMatrix"); eparam_t diffuse = effect_getparambyname(effect, "diffuse"); eparam_t matrix = effect_getparambyname(effect, "color_matrix"); size_t passes, i; if (!video->textures_rendered[prev_texture]) return; gs_setrendertarget(target, NULL); set_render_size(width, height); /* TODO: replace with programmable code */ const float mat_val[16] = { -0.100644f, -0.338572f, 0.439216f, 0.501961f, 0.182586f, 0.614231f, 0.062007f, 0.062745f, 0.439216f, -0.398942f, -0.040274f, 0.501961f, 0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.000000f, 1.000000f }; effect_setval(effect, matrix, mat_val, sizeof(mat_val)); effect_settexture(effect, diffuse, texture); passes = technique_begin(tech); for (i = 0; i < passes; i++) { technique_beginpass(tech, i); gs_draw_sprite(texture, 0, width, height); technique_endpass(tech); } technique_end(tech); video->textures_output[cur_texture] = true; } static inline void stage_output_texture(struct obs_core_video *video, int cur_texture, int prev_texture) { texture_t texture = video->output_textures[prev_texture]; stagesurf_t copy = video->copy_surfaces[cur_texture]; unmap_last_surface(video); if (!video->textures_output[prev_texture]) return; gs_stage_texture(copy, texture); video->textures_copied[cur_texture] = true; } static inline void render_video(struct obs_core_video *video, int cur_texture, int prev_texture) { gs_beginscene(); gs_enable_depthtest(false); gs_setcullmode(GS_NEITHER); render_main_texture(video, cur_texture, prev_texture); render_output_texture(video, cur_texture, prev_texture); stage_output_texture(video, cur_texture, prev_texture); gs_setrendertarget(NULL, NULL); gs_endscene(); } /* TODO: replace with more optimal conversion */ static inline bool download_frame(struct obs_core_video *video, int cur_texture, int prev_texture, struct video_frame *frame) { stagesurf_t surface = video->copy_surfaces[prev_texture]; if (!video->textures_copied[prev_texture]) return false; if (!stagesurface_map(surface, &frame->data[0], &frame->linesize[0])) return false; video->mapped_surface = surface; return true; } static bool convert_frame(struct obs_core_video *video, struct video_frame *frame, const struct video_output_info *info, int cur_texture) { struct source_frame *new_frame = &video->convert_frames[cur_texture]; if (info->format == VIDEO_FORMAT_I420) { compress_uyvx_to_i420( frame->data[0], frame->linesize[0], info->width, info->height, 0, info->height, new_frame->data, new_frame->linesize); } else if (info->format == VIDEO_FORMAT_NV12) { compress_uyvx_to_nv12( frame->data[0], frame->linesize[0], info->width, info->height, 0, info->height, new_frame->data, new_frame->linesize); } else { blog(LOG_WARNING, "convert_frame: unsupported texture format"); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_VIDEO_PLANES; i++) { frame->data[i] = new_frame->data[i]; frame->linesize[i] = new_frame->linesize[i]; } return true; } static inline void output_video_data(struct obs_core_video *video, struct video_frame *frame, int cur_texture) { const struct video_output_info *info; info = video_output_getinfo(video->video); if (format_is_yuv(info->format)) if (!convert_frame(video, frame, info, cur_texture)) return; video_output_frame(video->video, frame); } static inline void output_frame(uint64_t timestamp) { struct obs_core_video *video = &obs->video; int cur_texture = video->cur_texture; int prev_texture = cur_texture == 0 ? NUM_TEXTURES-1 : cur_texture-1; struct video_frame frame; bool frame_ready; memset(&frame, 0, sizeof(struct video_frame)); frame.timestamp = timestamp; gs_entercontext(obs_graphics()); render_video(video, cur_texture, prev_texture); frame_ready = download_frame(video, cur_texture, prev_texture, &frame); gs_leavecontext(); if (frame_ready) output_video_data(video, &frame, cur_texture); if (++video->cur_texture == NUM_TEXTURES) video->cur_texture = 0; } void *obs_video_thread(void *param) { uint64_t last_time = 0; while (video_output_wait(obs->video.video)) { uint64_t cur_time = video_gettime(obs->video.video); tick_sources(cur_time, &last_time); render_displays(); output_frame(cur_time); } return NULL; }