/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2014 by Hugh Bailey This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ #include "obs-internal.h" static inline const struct obs_service_info *find_service(const char *id) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < obs->service_types.num; i++) if (strcmp(obs->service_types.array[i].id, id) == 0) return obs->service_types.array+i; return NULL; } const char *obs_service_getdisplayname(const char *id, const char *locale) { const struct obs_service_info *info = find_service(id); return (info != NULL) ? info->getname(locale) : NULL; } obs_service_t obs_service_create(const char *id, const char *name, obs_data_t settings) { const struct obs_service_info *info = find_service(id); struct obs_service *service; if (!info) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Service '%s' not found", id); return NULL; } service = bzalloc(sizeof(struct obs_service)); if (!obs_context_data_init(&service->context, settings, name)) { bfree(service); return NULL; } service->info = *info; service->context.data = service->info.create(service->context.settings, service); if (!service->context.data) { obs_service_destroy(service); return NULL; } obs_context_data_insert(&service->context, &obs->data.services_mutex, &obs->data.first_service); return service; } static void actually_destroy_service(struct obs_service *service) { if (service->context.data) service->info.destroy(service->context.data); if (service->output) service->output->service = NULL; obs_context_data_free(&service->context); bfree(service); } void obs_service_destroy(obs_service_t service) { if (service) { obs_context_data_remove(&service->context); service->destroy = true; /* do NOT destroy the service until the service is no * longer in use */ if (!service->active) actually_destroy_service(service); } } const char *obs_service_getname(obs_service_t service) { return service ? service->context.name : NULL; } static inline obs_data_t get_defaults(const struct obs_service_info *info) { obs_data_t settings = obs_data_create(); if (info->defaults) info->defaults(settings); return settings; } obs_data_t obs_service_defaults(const char *id) { const struct obs_service_info *info = find_service(id); return (info) ? get_defaults(info) : NULL; } obs_properties_t obs_get_service_properties(const char *id, const char *locale) { const struct obs_service_info *info = find_service(id); if (info && info->properties) { obs_data_t defaults = get_defaults(info); obs_properties_t properties; properties = info->properties(locale); obs_properties_apply_settings(properties, defaults); obs_data_release(defaults); return properties; } return NULL; } obs_properties_t obs_service_properties(obs_service_t service, const char *locale) { if (service && service->info.properties) { obs_properties_t props; props = service->info.properties(locale); obs_properties_apply_settings(props, service->context.settings); return props; } return NULL; } const char *obs_service_gettype(obs_service_t service) { return service ? service->info.id : NULL; } void obs_service_update(obs_service_t service, obs_data_t settings) { if (!service) return; obs_data_apply(service->context.settings, settings); if (service->info.update) service->info.update(service->context.data, service->context.settings); } obs_data_t obs_service_get_settings(obs_service_t service) { if (!service) return NULL; obs_data_addref(service->context.settings); return service->context.settings; } signal_handler_t obs_service_signalhandler(obs_service_t service) { return service ? service->context.signals : NULL; } proc_handler_t obs_service_prochandler(obs_service_t service) { return service ? service->context.procs : NULL; } const char *obs_service_get_url(obs_service_t service) { if (!service || !service->info.get_url) return NULL; return service->info.get_url(service->context.data); } const char *obs_service_get_key(obs_service_t service) { if (!service || !service->info.get_key) return NULL; return service->info.get_key(service->context.data); } const char *obs_service_get_username(obs_service_t service) { if (!service || !service->info.get_username) return NULL; return service->info.get_username(service->context.data); } const char *obs_service_get_password(obs_service_t service) { if (!service || !service->info.get_password) return NULL; return service->info.get_password(service->context.data); } void obs_service_activate(struct obs_service *service) { if (!service || !service->output || service->active) return; if (service->info.activate) service->info.activate(service->context.data, service->context.settings); service->active = true; } void obs_service_deactivate(struct obs_service *service, bool remove) { if (!service || !service->output || !service->active) return; if (service->info.deactivate) service->info.deactivate(service->context.data); service->active = false; if (service->destroy) actually_destroy_service(service); else if (remove) service->output = NULL; }