/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2014 by Zachary Lund This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "gl-subsystem.h" #include "GL/glx_obs.h" static const GLenum fb_attribs[] = { /* Hardcoded for now... */ GLX_STENCIL_SIZE, 8, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 24, GLX_BUFFER_SIZE, 32, /* Color buffer depth */ GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, True, None }; static const GLenum ctx_attribs[] = { #ifdef _DEBUG GLX_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, GLX_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB, #endif GLX_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB, GLX_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_ARB, None, }; struct gl_windowinfo { uint32_t id; Display *display; }; struct gl_platform { GLXContext context; struct gs_swap_chain swap; }; extern struct gs_swap_chain *gl_platform_getswap(struct gl_platform *platform) { return &platform->swap; } extern struct gl_windowinfo *gl_windowinfo_create(struct gs_init_data *info) { struct gl_windowinfo *wi = bmalloc(sizeof(struct gl_windowinfo)); memset(wi, 0, sizeof(struct gl_windowinfo)); wi->id = info->window.id; /* wi->display = info->window.display; */ /* The above no longer works with Qt. Let's hope it continues to work. */ return wi; } extern void gl_windowinfo_destroy(struct gl_windowinfo *wi) { bfree(wi); } extern void gl_getclientsize(struct gs_swap_chain *swap, uint32_t *width, uint32_t *height) { XWindowAttributes info = { 0 }; XGetWindowAttributes(swap->wi->display, swap->wi->id, &info); *height = info.height; *width = info.width; } static void print_info_stuff(struct gs_init_data *info) { blog( LOG_INFO, "X and Y: %i %i\n" "Backbuffers: %i\n" "Color Format: %i\n" "ZStencil Format: %i\n" "Adapter: %i\n", info->cx, info->cy, info->num_backbuffers, info->format, info->zsformat, info->adapter ); } struct gl_platform *gl_platform_create(device_t device, struct gs_init_data *info) { int num_configs = 0; int error_base = 0, event_base = 0; Display *display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); /* Open default screen */ struct gl_platform *plat = bmalloc(sizeof(struct gl_platform)); GLXFBConfig* configs; print_info_stuff(info); memset(plat, 0, sizeof(struct gl_platform)); if (!display) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to find display. DISPLAY variable may not be set correctly."); goto fail0; } if (!glx_LoadFunctions(display, DefaultScreen(display))) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to load GLX entry functions."); goto fail0; } if (!glXQueryExtension(display, &error_base, &event_base)) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "GLX not supported."); goto fail0; } /* We require glX version 1.4 */ { int major = 0, minor = 0; glXQueryVersion(display, &major, &minor); if (major < 1 || minor < 4) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "GLX version found: %i.%i\nRequired: 1.4", major, minor); goto fail0; } } if (!glx_ext_ARB_create_context) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "ARB_GLX_create_context not supported!"); goto fail0; } configs = glXChooseFBConfig(display, DefaultScreen(display), fb_attribs, &num_configs); if(!configs) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Attribute list or screen is invalid."); goto fail0; } if(num_configs == 0) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "No framebuffer configurations found."); goto fail1; } /* We just use the first configuration found... as it does everything we want at the very least. */ plat->context = glXCreateContextAttribsARB(display, configs[0], NULL, True, ctx_attribs); if(!plat->context) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create OpenGL context."); goto fail1; } if(!glXMakeCurrent(display, info->window.id, plat->context)) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to make context current."); goto fail2; } if (!ogl_LoadFunctions()) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to load OpenGL entry functions."); goto fail2; } blog(LOG_INFO, "OpenGL version: %s\n", glGetString(GL_VERSION)); plat->swap.device = device; plat->swap.info = *info; plat->swap.wi = gl_windowinfo_create(info); plat->swap.wi->display = display; XFree(configs); XSync(display, False); return plat; fail2: glXMakeCurrent(display, None, NULL); glXDestroyContext(display, plat->context); fail1: XFree(configs); fail0: bfree(plat); return NULL; } void gl_platform_destroy(struct gl_platform *platform) { if (!platform) return; glXMakeCurrent(platform->swap.wi->display, None, NULL); glXDestroyContext(platform->swap.wi->display, platform->context); XCloseDisplay(platform->swap.wi->display); gl_windowinfo_destroy(platform->swap.wi); bfree(platform); } void device_entercontext(device_t device) { GLXContext context = device->plat->context; XID window = device->plat->swap.wi->id; Display *display = device->plat->swap.wi->display; if (device->cur_swap) device->plat->swap.wi->id = device->cur_swap->wi->id; if (!glXMakeCurrent(display, window, context)) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to make context current."); } } void device_leavecontext(device_t device) { Display *display = device->plat->swap.wi->display; if(!glXMakeCurrent(display, None, NULL)) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to reset current context."); } } void gl_update(device_t device) { /* I don't know of anything we can do here. */ } void device_load_swapchain(device_t device, swapchain_t swap) { if(!swap) swap = &device->plat->swap; device->cur_swap = swap; } void device_present(device_t device) { Display *display = device->plat->swap.wi->display; XID window = device->plat->swap.wi->id; glXSwapBuffers(display, window); }