/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013-2015 by Hugh Bailey Philippe Groarke This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ #include "util/threading.h" #include "graphics/math-defs.h" #include "obs-scene.h" static const char *obs_scene_signals[] = { "void item_add(ptr scene, ptr item)", "void item_remove(ptr scene, ptr item)", "void reorder(ptr scene)", "void item_visible(ptr scene, ptr item, bool visible)", "void item_select(ptr scene, ptr item)", "void item_deselect(ptr scene, ptr item)", "void item_transform(ptr scene, ptr item)", NULL }; static inline void signal_item_remove(struct obs_scene_item *item) { struct calldata params = {0}; calldata_set_ptr(¶ms, "scene", item->parent); calldata_set_ptr(¶ms, "item", item); signal_handler_signal(item->parent->source->context.signals, "item_remove", ¶ms); calldata_free(¶ms); } static const char *scene_getname(void *unused) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(unused); return "Scene"; } static void *scene_create(obs_data_t *settings, struct obs_source *source) { pthread_mutexattr_t attr; struct obs_scene *scene = bmalloc(sizeof(struct obs_scene)); scene->source = source; scene->first_item = NULL; signal_handler_add_array(obs_source_get_signal_handler(source), obs_scene_signals); if (pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr) != 0) goto fail; if (pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE) != 0) goto fail; if (pthread_mutex_init(&scene->audio_mutex, &attr) != 0) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "scene_create: Couldn't initialize audio " "mutex"); goto fail; } if (pthread_mutex_init(&scene->video_mutex, &attr) != 0) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "scene_create: Couldn't initialize video " "mutex"); goto fail; } UNUSED_PARAMETER(settings); return scene; fail: pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&attr); bfree(scene); return NULL; } #define audio_lock(scene) pthread_mutex_lock(&scene->audio_mutex) #define video_lock(scene) pthread_mutex_lock(&scene->video_mutex) #define audio_unlock(scene) pthread_mutex_unlock(&scene->audio_mutex) #define video_unlock(scene) pthread_mutex_unlock(&scene->video_mutex) static inline void full_lock(struct obs_scene *scene) { video_lock(scene); audio_lock(scene); } static inline void full_unlock(struct obs_scene *scene) { audio_unlock(scene); video_unlock(scene); } static void remove_all_items(struct obs_scene *scene) { struct obs_scene_item *item; full_lock(scene); item = scene->first_item; while (item) { struct obs_scene_item *del_item = item; item = item->next; obs_sceneitem_remove(del_item); } full_unlock(scene); } static void scene_destroy(void *data) { struct obs_scene *scene = data; remove_all_items(scene); pthread_mutex_destroy(&scene->video_mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&scene->audio_mutex); bfree(scene); } static void scene_enum_sources(void *data, obs_source_enum_proc_t enum_callback, void *param) { struct obs_scene *scene = data; struct obs_scene_item *item; struct obs_scene_item *next; full_lock(scene); item = scene->first_item; while (item) { next = item->next; obs_sceneitem_addref(item); if (os_atomic_load_long(&item->active_refs) > 0) enum_callback(scene->source, item->source, param); obs_sceneitem_release(item); item = next; } full_unlock(scene); } static inline void detach_sceneitem(struct obs_scene_item *item) { if (item->prev) item->prev->next = item->next; else item->parent->first_item = item->next; if (item->next) item->next->prev = item->prev; item->parent = NULL; } static inline void attach_sceneitem(struct obs_scene *parent, struct obs_scene_item *item, struct obs_scene_item *prev) { item->prev = prev; item->parent = parent; if (prev) { item->next = prev->next; if (prev->next) prev->next->prev = item; prev->next = item; } else { item->next = parent->first_item; if (parent->first_item) parent->first_item->prev = item; parent->first_item = item; } } static void add_alignment(struct vec2 *v, uint32_t align, int cx, int cy) { if (align & OBS_ALIGN_RIGHT) v->x += (float)cx; else if ((align & OBS_ALIGN_LEFT) == 0) v->x += (float)(cx / 2); if (align & OBS_ALIGN_BOTTOM) v->y += (float)cy; else if ((align & OBS_ALIGN_TOP) == 0) v->y += (float)(cy / 2); } static void calculate_bounds_data(struct obs_scene_item *item, struct vec2 *origin, struct vec2 *scale, uint32_t *cx, uint32_t *cy) { float width = (float)(*cx) * fabsf(scale->x); float height = (float)(*cy) * fabsf(scale->y); float item_aspect = width / height; float bounds_aspect = item->bounds.x / item->bounds.y; uint32_t bounds_type = item->bounds_type; float width_diff, height_diff; if (item->bounds_type == OBS_BOUNDS_MAX_ONLY) if (width > item->bounds.x || height > item->bounds.y) bounds_type = OBS_BOUNDS_SCALE_INNER; if (bounds_type == OBS_BOUNDS_SCALE_INNER || bounds_type == OBS_BOUNDS_SCALE_OUTER) { bool use_width = (bounds_aspect < item_aspect); float mul; if (item->bounds_type == OBS_BOUNDS_SCALE_OUTER) use_width = !use_width; mul = use_width ? item->bounds.x / width : item->bounds.y / height; vec2_mulf(scale, scale, mul); } else if (bounds_type == OBS_BOUNDS_SCALE_TO_WIDTH) { vec2_mulf(scale, scale, item->bounds.x / width); } else if (bounds_type == OBS_BOUNDS_SCALE_TO_HEIGHT) { vec2_mulf(scale, scale, item->bounds.y / height); } else if (bounds_type == OBS_BOUNDS_STRETCH) { scale->x = item->bounds.x / (float)(*cx); scale->y = item->bounds.y / (float)(*cy); } width = (float)(*cx) * scale->x; height = (float)(*cy) * scale->y; width_diff = item->bounds.x - width; height_diff = item->bounds.y - height; *cx = (uint32_t)item->bounds.x; *cy = (uint32_t)item->bounds.y; add_alignment(origin, item->bounds_align, (int)-width_diff, (int)-height_diff); } static void update_item_transform(struct obs_scene_item *item) { uint32_t width = obs_source_get_width(item->source); uint32_t height = obs_source_get_height(item->source); uint32_t cx = width; uint32_t cy = height; struct vec2 base_origin; struct vec2 origin; struct vec2 scale = item->scale; struct calldata params = {0}; vec2_zero(&base_origin); vec2_zero(&origin); /* ----------------------- */ if (item->bounds_type != OBS_BOUNDS_NONE) { calculate_bounds_data(item, &origin, &scale, &cx, &cy); } else { cx = (uint32_t)((float)cx * scale.x); cy = (uint32_t)((float)cy * scale.y); } add_alignment(&origin, item->align, (int)cx, (int)cy); matrix4_identity(&item->draw_transform); matrix4_scale3f(&item->draw_transform, &item->draw_transform, scale.x, scale.y, 1.0f); matrix4_translate3f(&item->draw_transform, &item->draw_transform, -origin.x, -origin.y, 0.0f); matrix4_rotate_aa4f(&item->draw_transform, &item->draw_transform, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, RAD(item->rot)); matrix4_translate3f(&item->draw_transform, &item->draw_transform, item->pos.x, item->pos.y, 0.0f); /* ----------------------- */ if (item->bounds_type != OBS_BOUNDS_NONE) { vec2_copy(&scale, &item->bounds); } else { scale.x = (float)width * item->scale.x; scale.y = (float)height * item->scale.y; } add_alignment(&base_origin, item->align, (int)scale.x, (int)scale.y); matrix4_identity(&item->box_transform); matrix4_scale3f(&item->box_transform, &item->box_transform, scale.x, scale.y, 1.0f); matrix4_translate3f(&item->box_transform, &item->box_transform, -base_origin.x, -base_origin.y, 0.0f); matrix4_rotate_aa4f(&item->box_transform, &item->box_transform, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, RAD(item->rot)); matrix4_translate3f(&item->box_transform, &item->box_transform, item->pos.x, item->pos.y, 0.0f); /* ----------------------- */ item->last_width = width; item->last_height = height; calldata_set_ptr(¶ms, "scene", item->parent); calldata_set_ptr(¶ms, "item", item); signal_handler_signal(item->parent->source->context.signals, "item_transform", ¶ms); calldata_free(¶ms); } static inline bool source_size_changed(struct obs_scene_item *item) { uint32_t width = obs_source_get_width(item->source); uint32_t height = obs_source_get_height(item->source); return item->last_width != width || item->last_height != height; } static void scene_video_render(void *data, gs_effect_t *effect) { struct obs_scene *scene = data; struct obs_scene_item *item; video_lock(scene); item = scene->first_item; gs_blend_state_push(); gs_reset_blend_state(); while (item) { if (obs_source_removed(item->source)) { struct obs_scene_item *del_item = item; item = item->next; obs_sceneitem_remove(del_item); continue; } if (source_size_changed(item)) update_item_transform(item); if (item->user_visible) { gs_matrix_push(); gs_matrix_mul(&item->draw_transform); obs_source_video_render(item->source); gs_matrix_pop(); } item = item->next; } gs_blend_state_pop(); video_unlock(scene); UNUSED_PARAMETER(effect); } static inline void set_visibility(struct obs_scene_item *item, bool vis) { pthread_mutex_lock(&item->actions_mutex); da_resize(item->audio_actions, 0); if (os_atomic_load_long(&item->active_refs) > 0) { if (!vis) obs_source_remove_active_child(item->parent->source, item->source); } else if (vis) { obs_source_add_active_child(item->parent->source, item->source); } os_atomic_set_long(&item->active_refs, vis ? 1 : 0); item->visible = vis; item->user_visible = vis; pthread_mutex_unlock(&item->actions_mutex); } static void scene_load_item(struct obs_scene *scene, obs_data_t *item_data) { const char *name = obs_data_get_string(item_data, "name"); obs_source_t *source = obs_get_source_by_name(name); struct obs_scene_item *item; bool visible; if (!source) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "[scene_load_item] Source %s not found!", name); return; } item = obs_scene_add(scene, source); if (!item) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "[scene_load_item] Could not add source '%s' " "to scene '%s'!", name, obs_source_get_name(scene->source)); obs_source_release(source); return; } obs_data_set_default_int(item_data, "align", OBS_ALIGN_TOP | OBS_ALIGN_LEFT); item->rot = (float)obs_data_get_double(item_data, "rot"); item->align = (uint32_t)obs_data_get_int(item_data, "align"); visible = obs_data_get_bool(item_data, "visible"); obs_data_get_vec2(item_data, "pos", &item->pos); obs_data_get_vec2(item_data, "scale", &item->scale); set_visibility(item, visible); item->bounds_type = (enum obs_bounds_type)obs_data_get_int(item_data, "bounds_type"); item->bounds_align = (uint32_t)obs_data_get_int(item_data, "bounds_align"); obs_data_get_vec2(item_data, "bounds", &item->bounds); obs_source_release(source); update_item_transform(item); } static void scene_load(void *scene, obs_data_t *settings) { obs_data_array_t *items = obs_data_get_array(settings, "items"); size_t count, i; remove_all_items(scene); if (!items) return; count = obs_data_array_count(items); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { obs_data_t *item_data = obs_data_array_item(items, i); scene_load_item(scene, item_data); obs_data_release(item_data); } obs_data_array_release(items); } static void scene_save_item(obs_data_array_t *array, struct obs_scene_item *item) { obs_data_t *item_data = obs_data_create(); const char *name = obs_source_get_name(item->source); obs_data_set_string(item_data, "name", name); obs_data_set_bool (item_data, "visible", item->user_visible); obs_data_set_double(item_data, "rot", item->rot); obs_data_set_vec2 (item_data, "pos", &item->pos); obs_data_set_vec2 (item_data, "scale", &item->scale); obs_data_set_int (item_data, "align", (int)item->align); obs_data_set_int (item_data, "bounds_type", (int)item->bounds_type); obs_data_set_int (item_data, "bounds_align", (int)item->bounds_align); obs_data_set_vec2 (item_data, "bounds", &item->bounds); obs_data_array_push_back(array, item_data); obs_data_release(item_data); } static void scene_save(void *data, obs_data_t *settings) { struct obs_scene *scene = data; obs_data_array_t *array = obs_data_array_create(); struct obs_scene_item *item; full_lock(scene); item = scene->first_item; while (item) { scene_save_item(array, item); item = item->next; } full_unlock(scene); obs_data_set_array(settings, "items", array); obs_data_array_release(array); } static uint32_t scene_getwidth(void *data) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(data); return obs->video.base_width; } static uint32_t scene_getheight(void *data) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(data); return obs->video.base_height; } static void apply_scene_item_audio_actions(struct obs_scene_item *item, float **p_buf, uint64_t ts, size_t sample_rate) { bool cur_visible = item->visible; uint64_t frame_num = 0; size_t deref_count = 0; float *buf; if (!*p_buf) *p_buf = malloc(AUDIO_OUTPUT_FRAMES * sizeof(float)); buf = *p_buf; pthread_mutex_lock(&item->actions_mutex); for (size_t i = 0; i < item->audio_actions.num; i++) { struct item_action action = item->audio_actions.array[i]; uint64_t timestamp = action.timestamp; uint64_t new_frame_num; if (timestamp < ts) timestamp = ts; new_frame_num = (timestamp - ts) * (uint64_t)sample_rate / 1000000000ULL; if (new_frame_num >= AUDIO_OUTPUT_FRAMES) break; da_erase(item->audio_actions, i--); item->visible = action.visible; if (!item->visible) deref_count++; if (new_frame_num > frame_num) { for (; frame_num < new_frame_num; frame_num++) buf[frame_num] = cur_visible ? 1.0f : 0.0f; } cur_visible = item->visible; } for (; frame_num < AUDIO_OUTPUT_FRAMES; frame_num++) buf[frame_num] = cur_visible ? 1.0f : 0.0f; pthread_mutex_unlock(&item->actions_mutex); while (deref_count--) { if (os_atomic_dec_long(&item->active_refs) == 0) { obs_source_remove_active_child(item->parent->source, item->source); } } } static inline bool apply_scene_item_volume(struct obs_scene_item *item, float **buf, uint64_t ts, size_t sample_rate) { bool actions_pending; struct item_action action; pthread_mutex_lock(&item->actions_mutex); actions_pending = item->audio_actions.num > 0; if (actions_pending) action = item->audio_actions.array[0]; pthread_mutex_unlock(&item->actions_mutex); if (actions_pending) { uint64_t duration = (uint64_t)AUDIO_OUTPUT_FRAMES * 1000000000ULL / (uint64_t)sample_rate; if (action.timestamp < (ts + duration)) { apply_scene_item_audio_actions(item, buf, ts, sample_rate); return true; } } return false; } static void mix_audio_with_buf(float *p_out, float *p_in, float *buf_in, size_t pos, size_t count) { register float *out = p_out; register float *buf = buf_in + pos; register float *in = p_in + pos; register float *end = in + count; while (in < end) *(out++) += *(in++) * *(buf++); } static inline void mix_audio(float *p_out, float *p_in, size_t pos, size_t count) { register float *out = p_out; register float *in = p_in + pos; register float *end = in + count; while (in < end) *(out++) += *(in++); } static bool scene_audio_render(void *data, uint64_t *ts_out, struct obs_source_audio_mix *audio_output, uint32_t mixers, size_t channels, size_t sample_rate) { uint64_t timestamp = 0; float *buf = NULL; struct obs_source_audio_mix child_audio; struct obs_scene *scene = data; struct obs_scene_item *item; audio_lock(scene); item = scene->first_item; while (item) { if (!obs_source_audio_pending(item->source)) { uint64_t source_ts = obs_source_get_audio_timestamp(item->source); if (!timestamp || source_ts < timestamp) timestamp = source_ts; } item = item->next; } if (!timestamp) { audio_unlock(scene); return false; } item = scene->first_item; while (item) { uint64_t source_ts; size_t pos, count; bool apply_buf; apply_buf = apply_scene_item_volume(item, &buf, timestamp, sample_rate); if (obs_source_audio_pending(item->source)) { item = item->next; continue; } source_ts = obs_source_get_audio_timestamp(item->source); pos = (size_t)ns_to_audio_frames(sample_rate, source_ts - timestamp); count = AUDIO_OUTPUT_FRAMES - pos; if (!apply_buf && !item->visible) { item = item->next; continue; } obs_source_get_audio_mix(item->source, &child_audio); for (size_t mix = 0; mix < MAX_AUDIO_MIXES; mix++) { if ((mixers & (1 << mix)) == 0) continue; for (size_t ch = 0; ch < channels; ch++) { float *out = audio_output->output[mix].data[ch]; float *in = child_audio.output[mix].data[ch]; if (apply_buf) mix_audio_with_buf(out, in, buf, pos, count); else mix_audio(out, in, pos, count); } } item = item->next; } *ts_out = timestamp; audio_unlock(scene); free(buf); return true; } const struct obs_source_info scene_info = { .id = "scene", .type = OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_INPUT, .output_flags = OBS_SOURCE_VIDEO | OBS_SOURCE_CUSTOM_DRAW | OBS_SOURCE_COMPOSITE, .get_name = scene_getname, .create = scene_create, .destroy = scene_destroy, .video_render = scene_video_render, .audio_render = scene_audio_render, .get_width = scene_getwidth, .get_height = scene_getheight, .load = scene_load, .save = scene_save, .enum_active_sources = scene_enum_sources }; obs_scene_t *obs_scene_create(const char *name) { struct obs_source *source = obs_source_create(OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_INPUT, "scene", name, NULL, NULL); return source->context.data; } obs_scene_t *obs_scene_duplicate(obs_scene_t *scene, const char *name) { struct obs_scene *new_scene = obs_scene_create(name); struct obs_scene_item *item = scene->first_item; full_lock(scene); while (item) { struct obs_source *source = item->source; if (source) { struct obs_scene_item *new_item = obs_scene_add(new_scene, source); if (!new_item) { item = item->next; continue; } if (!item->user_visible) set_visibility(new_item, false); new_item->selected = item->selected; new_item->pos = item->pos; new_item->scale = item->scale; new_item->align = item->align; new_item->last_width = item->last_width; new_item->last_height = item->last_height; new_item->box_transform = item->box_transform; new_item->draw_transform = item->draw_transform; new_item->bounds_type = item->bounds_type; new_item->bounds_align = item->bounds_align; new_item->bounds = item->bounds; } item = item->next; } full_unlock(scene); return new_scene; } void obs_scene_addref(obs_scene_t *scene) { if (scene) obs_source_addref(scene->source); } void obs_scene_release(obs_scene_t *scene) { if (scene) obs_source_release(scene->source); } obs_source_t *obs_scene_get_source(const obs_scene_t *scene) { return scene ? scene->source : NULL; } obs_scene_t *obs_scene_from_source(const obs_source_t *source) { if (!source || source->info.id != scene_info.id) return NULL; return source->context.data; } obs_sceneitem_t *obs_scene_find_source(obs_scene_t *scene, const char *name) { struct obs_scene_item *item; if (!scene) return NULL; full_lock(scene); item = scene->first_item; while (item) { if (strcmp(item->source->context.name, name) == 0) break; item = item->next; } full_unlock(scene); return item; } void obs_scene_enum_items(obs_scene_t *scene, bool (*callback)(obs_scene_t*, obs_sceneitem_t*, void*), void *param) { struct obs_scene_item *item; if (!scene || !callback) return; full_lock(scene); item = scene->first_item; while (item) { struct obs_scene_item *next = item->next; obs_sceneitem_addref(item); if (!callback(scene, item, param)) { obs_sceneitem_release(item); break; } obs_sceneitem_release(item); item = next; } full_unlock(scene); } static obs_sceneitem_t *sceneitem_get_ref(obs_sceneitem_t *si) { long owners = si->ref; while (owners > 0) { if (os_atomic_compare_swap_long(&si->ref, owners, owners + 1)) return si; owners = si->ref; } return NULL; } static bool hotkey_show_sceneitem(void *data, obs_hotkey_pair_id id, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, bool pressed) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); UNUSED_PARAMETER(hotkey); obs_sceneitem_t *si = sceneitem_get_ref(data); if (pressed && si && !si->user_visible) { obs_sceneitem_set_visible(si, true); obs_sceneitem_release(si); return true; } obs_sceneitem_release(si); return false; } static bool hotkey_hide_sceneitem(void *data, obs_hotkey_pair_id id, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, bool pressed) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); UNUSED_PARAMETER(hotkey); obs_sceneitem_t *si = sceneitem_get_ref(data); if (pressed && si && si->user_visible) { obs_sceneitem_set_visible(si, false); obs_sceneitem_release(si); return true; } obs_sceneitem_release(si); return false; } static void init_hotkeys(obs_scene_t *scene, obs_sceneitem_t *item, const char *name) { struct dstr show = {0}; struct dstr hide = {0}; struct dstr show_desc = {0}; struct dstr hide_desc = {0}; dstr_copy(&show, "libobs.show_scene_item.%1"); dstr_replace(&show, "%1", name); dstr_copy(&hide, "libobs.hide_scene_item.%1"); dstr_replace(&hide, "%1", name); dstr_copy(&show_desc, obs->hotkeys.sceneitem_show); dstr_replace(&show_desc, "%1", name); dstr_copy(&hide_desc, obs->hotkeys.sceneitem_hide); dstr_replace(&hide_desc, "%1", name); item->toggle_visibility = obs_hotkey_pair_register_source(scene->source, show.array, show_desc.array, hide.array, hide_desc.array, hotkey_show_sceneitem, hotkey_hide_sceneitem, item, item); dstr_free(&show); dstr_free(&hide); dstr_free(&show_desc); dstr_free(&hide_desc); } static inline bool source_has_audio(obs_source_t *source) { return (source->info.output_flags & (OBS_SOURCE_AUDIO | OBS_SOURCE_COMPOSITE)) != 0; } obs_sceneitem_t *obs_scene_add(obs_scene_t *scene, obs_source_t *source) { struct obs_scene_item *last; struct obs_scene_item *item; struct calldata params = {0}; pthread_mutex_t mutex; struct item_action action = { .visible = true, .timestamp = os_gettime_ns() }; if (!scene) return NULL; if (!source) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Tried to add a NULL source to a scene"); return NULL; } if (pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL) != 0) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to create scene item mutex"); return NULL; } if (!obs_source_add_active_child(scene->source, source)) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to add source to scene due to " "infinite source recursion"); pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); return NULL; } item = bzalloc(sizeof(struct obs_scene_item)); item->source = source; item->parent = scene; item->ref = 1; item->align = OBS_ALIGN_TOP | OBS_ALIGN_LEFT; item->actions_mutex = mutex; item->user_visible = true; os_atomic_set_long(&item->active_refs, 1); vec2_set(&item->scale, 1.0f, 1.0f); matrix4_identity(&item->draw_transform); matrix4_identity(&item->box_transform); obs_source_addref(source); if (source_has_audio(source)) { item->visible = false; da_push_back(item->audio_actions, &action); } else { item->visible = true; } full_lock(scene); last = scene->first_item; if (!last) { scene->first_item = item; } else { while (last->next) last = last->next; last->next = item; item->prev = last; } full_unlock(scene); init_hotkeys(scene, item, obs_source_get_name(source)); calldata_set_ptr(¶ms, "scene", scene); calldata_set_ptr(¶ms, "item", item); signal_handler_signal(scene->source->context.signals, "item_add", ¶ms); calldata_free(¶ms); return item; } static void obs_sceneitem_destroy(obs_sceneitem_t *item) { if (item) { obs_hotkey_pair_unregister(item->toggle_visibility); pthread_mutex_destroy(&item->actions_mutex); if (item->source) obs_source_release(item->source); da_free(item->audio_actions); bfree(item); } } void obs_sceneitem_addref(obs_sceneitem_t *item) { if (item) os_atomic_inc_long(&item->ref); } void obs_sceneitem_release(obs_sceneitem_t *item) { if (!item) return; if (os_atomic_dec_long(&item->ref) == 0) obs_sceneitem_destroy(item); } void obs_sceneitem_remove(obs_sceneitem_t *item) { obs_scene_t *scene; if (!item) return; scene = item->parent; if (scene) full_lock(scene); if (item->removed) { if (scene) full_unlock(scene); return; } item->removed = true; assert(scene != NULL); assert(scene->source != NULL); set_visibility(item, false); signal_item_remove(item); detach_sceneitem(item); full_unlock(scene); obs_sceneitem_release(item); } obs_scene_t *obs_sceneitem_get_scene(const obs_sceneitem_t *item) { return item ? item->parent : NULL; } obs_source_t *obs_sceneitem_get_source(const obs_sceneitem_t *item) { return item ? item->source : NULL; } void obs_sceneitem_select(obs_sceneitem_t *item, bool select) { struct calldata params = {0}; const char *command = select ? "item_select" : "item_deselect"; if (!item || item->selected == select) return; item->selected = select; calldata_set_ptr(¶ms, "scene", item->parent); calldata_set_ptr(¶ms, "item", item); signal_handler_signal(item->parent->source->context.signals, command, ¶ms); calldata_free(¶ms); } bool obs_sceneitem_selected(const obs_sceneitem_t *item) { return item ? item->selected : false; } void obs_sceneitem_set_pos(obs_sceneitem_t *item, const struct vec2 *pos) { if (item) { vec2_copy(&item->pos, pos); update_item_transform(item); } } void obs_sceneitem_set_rot(obs_sceneitem_t *item, float rot) { if (item) { item->rot = rot; update_item_transform(item); } } void obs_sceneitem_set_scale(obs_sceneitem_t *item, const struct vec2 *scale) { if (item) { vec2_copy(&item->scale, scale); update_item_transform(item); } } void obs_sceneitem_set_alignment(obs_sceneitem_t *item, uint32_t alignment) { if (item) { item->align = alignment; update_item_transform(item); } } static inline void signal_reorder(struct obs_scene_item *item) { const char *command = NULL; struct calldata params = {0}; command = "reorder"; calldata_set_ptr(¶ms, "scene", item->parent); signal_handler_signal(item->parent->source->context.signals, command, ¶ms); calldata_free(¶ms); } void obs_sceneitem_set_order(obs_sceneitem_t *item, enum obs_order_movement movement) { if (!item) return; struct obs_scene_item *next, *prev; struct obs_scene *scene = item->parent; obs_scene_addref(scene); full_lock(scene); next = item->next; prev = item->prev; detach_sceneitem(item); if (movement == OBS_ORDER_MOVE_DOWN) { attach_sceneitem(scene, item, prev ? prev->prev : NULL); } else if (movement == OBS_ORDER_MOVE_UP) { attach_sceneitem(scene, item, next ? next : prev); } else if (movement == OBS_ORDER_MOVE_TOP) { struct obs_scene_item *last = next; if (!last) { last = prev; } else { while (last->next) last = last->next; } attach_sceneitem(scene, item, last); } else if (movement == OBS_ORDER_MOVE_BOTTOM) { attach_sceneitem(scene, item, NULL); } signal_reorder(item); full_unlock(scene); obs_scene_release(scene); } void obs_sceneitem_set_order_position(obs_sceneitem_t *item, int position) { if (!item) return; struct obs_scene *scene = item->parent; struct obs_scene_item *next; obs_scene_addref(scene); full_lock(scene); detach_sceneitem(item); next = scene->first_item; if (position == 0) { attach_sceneitem(scene, item, NULL); } else { for (int i = position; i > 1; --i) { if (next->next == NULL) break; next = next->next; } attach_sceneitem(scene, item, next); } signal_reorder(item); full_unlock(scene); obs_scene_release(scene); } void obs_sceneitem_set_bounds_type(obs_sceneitem_t *item, enum obs_bounds_type type) { if (item) { item->bounds_type = type; update_item_transform(item); } } void obs_sceneitem_set_bounds_alignment(obs_sceneitem_t *item, uint32_t alignment) { if (item) { item->bounds_align = alignment; update_item_transform(item); } } void obs_sceneitem_set_bounds(obs_sceneitem_t *item, const struct vec2 *bounds) { if (item) { item->bounds = *bounds; update_item_transform(item); } } void obs_sceneitem_get_pos(const obs_sceneitem_t *item, struct vec2 *pos) { if (item) vec2_copy(pos, &item->pos); } float obs_sceneitem_get_rot(const obs_sceneitem_t *item) { return item ? item->rot : 0.0f; } void obs_sceneitem_get_scale(const obs_sceneitem_t *item, struct vec2 *scale) { if (item) vec2_copy(scale, &item->scale); } uint32_t obs_sceneitem_get_alignment(const obs_sceneitem_t *item) { return item ? item->align : 0; } enum obs_bounds_type obs_sceneitem_get_bounds_type(const obs_sceneitem_t *item) { return item ? item->bounds_type : OBS_BOUNDS_NONE; } uint32_t obs_sceneitem_get_bounds_alignment(const obs_sceneitem_t *item) { return item ? item->bounds_align : 0; } void obs_sceneitem_get_bounds(const obs_sceneitem_t *item, struct vec2 *bounds) { if (item) *bounds = item->bounds; } void obs_sceneitem_get_info(const obs_sceneitem_t *item, struct obs_transform_info *info) { if (item && info) { info->pos = item->pos; info->rot = item->rot; info->scale = item->scale; info->alignment = item->align; info->bounds_type = item->bounds_type; info->bounds_alignment = item->bounds_align; info->bounds = item->bounds; } } void obs_sceneitem_set_info(obs_sceneitem_t *item, const struct obs_transform_info *info) { if (item && info) { item->pos = info->pos; item->rot = info->rot; item->scale = info->scale; item->align = info->alignment; item->bounds_type = info->bounds_type; item->bounds_align = info->bounds_alignment; item->bounds = info->bounds; update_item_transform(item); } } void obs_sceneitem_get_draw_transform(const obs_sceneitem_t *item, struct matrix4 *transform) { if (item) matrix4_copy(transform, &item->draw_transform); } void obs_sceneitem_get_box_transform(const obs_sceneitem_t *item, struct matrix4 *transform) { if (item) matrix4_copy(transform, &item->box_transform); } bool obs_sceneitem_visible(const obs_sceneitem_t *item) { return item ? item->user_visible : false; } bool obs_sceneitem_set_visible(obs_sceneitem_t *item, bool visible) { struct calldata cd = {0}; struct item_action action = { .visible = visible, .timestamp = os_gettime_ns() }; if (!item) return false; if (item->user_visible == visible) return false; if (!item->parent) return false; if (visible) { if (os_atomic_inc_long(&item->active_refs) == 1) { if (!obs_source_add_active_child(item->parent->source, item->source)) { os_atomic_dec_long(&item->active_refs); return false; } } } item->user_visible = visible; calldata_set_ptr(&cd, "scene", item->parent); calldata_set_ptr(&cd, "item", item); calldata_set_bool(&cd, "visible", visible); signal_handler_signal(item->parent->source->context.signals, "item_visible", &cd); calldata_free(&cd); if (source_has_audio(item->source)) { pthread_mutex_lock(&item->actions_mutex); da_push_back(item->audio_actions, &action); pthread_mutex_unlock(&item->actions_mutex); } else { set_visibility(item, visible); } return true; } static bool sceneitems_match(obs_scene_t *scene, obs_sceneitem_t * const *items, size_t size, bool *order_matches) { obs_sceneitem_t *item = scene->first_item; size_t count = 0; while (item) { bool found = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (items[i] != item) continue; if (count != i) *order_matches = false; found = true; break; } if (!found) return false; item = item->next; count += 1; } return count == size; } bool obs_scene_reorder_items(obs_scene_t *scene, obs_sceneitem_t * const *item_order, size_t item_order_size) { if (!scene || !item_order_size) return false; obs_scene_addref(scene); full_lock(scene); bool order_matches = true; if (!sceneitems_match(scene, item_order, item_order_size, &order_matches) || order_matches) { full_unlock(scene); obs_scene_release(scene); return false; } scene->first_item = item_order[0]; obs_sceneitem_t *prev = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < item_order_size; i++) { item_order[i]->prev = prev; item_order[i]->next = NULL; if (prev) prev->next = item_order[i]; prev = item_order[i]; } signal_reorder(scene->first_item); full_unlock(scene); obs_scene_release(scene); return true; } void obs_scene_atomic_update(obs_scene_t *scene, obs_scene_atomic_update_func func, void *data) { if (!scene) return; obs_scene_addref(scene); full_lock(scene); func(data, scene); full_unlock(scene); obs_scene_release(scene); }