/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013 by Hugh Bailey This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "obs-app.hpp" #include "platform.hpp" #include "qt-wrappers.hpp" #include "window-basic-settings.hpp" #include using namespace std; struct BaseLexer { lexer lex; public: inline BaseLexer() {lexer_init(&lex);} inline ~BaseLexer() {lexer_free(&lex);} operator lexer*() {return &lex;} }; /* parses "[width]x[height]", string, i.e. 1024x768 */ static bool ConvertResText(const char *res, uint32_t &cx, uint32_t &cy) { BaseLexer lex; base_token token; lexer_start(lex, res); /* parse width */ if (!lexer_getbasetoken(lex, &token, IGNORE_WHITESPACE)) return false; if (token.type != BASETOKEN_DIGIT) return false; cx = std::stoul(token.text.array); /* parse 'x' */ if (!lexer_getbasetoken(lex, &token, IGNORE_WHITESPACE)) return false; if (strref_cmpi(&token.text, "x") != 0) return false; /* parse height */ if (!lexer_getbasetoken(lex, &token, IGNORE_WHITESPACE)) return false; if (token.type != BASETOKEN_DIGIT) return false; cy = std::stoul(token.text.array); /* shouldn't be any more tokens after this */ if (lexer_getbasetoken(lex, &token, IGNORE_WHITESPACE)) return false; return true; } OBSBasicSettings::OBSBasicSettings(QWidget *parent) : QDialog (parent), ui (new Ui::OBSBasicSettings), generalChanged (false), outputsChanged (false), audioChanged (false), videoChanged (false), pageIndex (0), loading (true) { string path; ui->setupUi(this); if (!GetDataFilePath("locale/locale.ini", path)) throw "Could not find locale/locale.ini path"; if (localeIni.Open(path.c_str(), CONFIG_OPEN_EXISTING) != 0) throw "Could not open locale.ini"; LoadSettings(false); } void OBSBasicSettings::LoadLanguageList() { const char *currentLang = config_get_string(GetGlobalConfig(), "General", "Language"); ui->language->clear(); size_t numSections = config_num_sections(localeIni); for (size_t i = 0; i < numSections; i++) { const char *tag = config_get_section(localeIni, i); const char *name = config_get_string(localeIni, tag, "Name"); int idx = ui->language->count(); ui->language->addItem(QT_UTF8(name), QT_UTF8(tag)); if (strcmp(tag, currentLang) == 0) ui->language->setCurrentIndex(idx); } ui->language->model()->sort(0); } void OBSBasicSettings::LoadGeneralSettings() { loading = true; LoadLanguageList(); loading = false; } void OBSBasicSettings::LoadRendererList() { const char *renderer = config_get_string(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "Renderer"); #ifdef _WIN32 ui->renderer->addItem(QT_UTF8("Direct3D 11")); #endif ui->renderer->addItem(QT_UTF8("OpenGL")); int idx = ui->renderer->findText(QT_UTF8(renderer)); if (idx == -1) idx = 0; ui->renderer->setCurrentIndex(idx); } Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(MonitorInfo); static string ResString(uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy) { stringstream res; res << cx << "x" << cy; return res.str(); } /* some nice default output resolution vals */ static const double vals[] = { 1.0, 1.25, (1.0/0.75), 1.5, (1.0/0.6), 1.75, 2.0, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3.0 }; static const size_t numVals = sizeof(vals)/sizeof(double); void OBSBasicSettings::ResetDownscales(uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy) { for (size_t idx = 0; idx < numVals; idx++) { uint32_t downscaleCX = uint32_t(double(cx) / vals[idx]); uint32_t downscaleCY = uint32_t(double(cy) / vals[idx]); string res = ResString(downscaleCX, downscaleCY); ui->outputResolution->addItem(res.c_str()); } ui->outputResolution->lineEdit()->setText(ResString(cx, cy).c_str()); } void OBSBasicSettings::LoadResolutionLists() { uint32_t cx = config_get_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "BaseCX"); uint32_t cy = config_get_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "BaseCY"); vector monitors; ui->baseResolution->clear(); ui->outputResolution->clear(); GetMonitors(monitors); for (MonitorInfo &monitor : monitors) { string res = ResString(monitor.cx, monitor.cy); ui->baseResolution->addItem(res.c_str()); } ResetDownscales(cx, cy); cx = config_get_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "OutputCX"); cy = config_get_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "OutputCY"); ui->outputResolution->lineEdit()->setText(ResString(cx, cy).c_str()); } static inline void LoadFPSCommon(Ui::OBSBasicSettings *ui) { const char *val = config_get_string(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "FPSCommon"); int idx = ui->fpsCommon->findText(val); if (idx == -1) idx = 3; ui->fpsCommon->setCurrentIndex(idx); } static inline void LoadFPSInteger(Ui::OBSBasicSettings *ui) { uint32_t val = config_get_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "FPSInt"); ui->fpsInteger->setValue(val); } static inline void LoadFPSFraction(Ui::OBSBasicSettings *ui) { uint32_t num = config_get_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "FPSNum"); uint32_t den = config_get_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "FPSDen"); ui->fpsNumerator->setValue(num); ui->fpsDenominator->setValue(den); } void OBSBasicSettings::LoadFPSData() { LoadFPSCommon(ui.get()); LoadFPSInteger(ui.get()); LoadFPSFraction(ui.get()); uint32_t fpsType = config_get_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "FPSType"); if (fpsType > 2) fpsType = 0; ui->fpsType->setCurrentIndex(fpsType); ui->fpsTypes->setCurrentIndex(fpsType); } void OBSBasicSettings::LoadVideoSettings() { loading = true; LoadRendererList(); LoadResolutionLists(); LoadFPSData(); loading = false; } void OBSBasicSettings::LoadSettings(bool changedOnly) { if (!changedOnly || generalChanged) LoadGeneralSettings(); //if (!changedOnly || outputChanged) // LoadOutputSettings(); //if (!changedOnly || audioChanged) // LoadOutputSettings(); if (!changedOnly || videoChanged) LoadVideoSettings(); } void OBSBasicSettings::SaveGeneralSettings() { int languageIndex = ui->language->currentIndex(); QVariant langData = ui->language->itemData(languageIndex); string language = langData.toString().toStdString(); config_set_string(GetGlobalConfig(), "General", "Language", language.c_str()); } void OBSBasicSettings::SaveVideoSettings() { QString renderer = ui->renderer->currentText(); QString baseResolution = ui->baseResolution->currentText(); QString outputResolution = ui->outputResolution->currentText(); int fpsType = ui->fpsType->currentIndex(); QString fpsCommon = ui->fpsCommon->currentText(); int fpsInteger = ui->fpsInteger->value(); int fpsNumerator = ui->fpsNumerator->value(); int fpsDenominator = ui->fpsDenominator->value(); uint32_t cx, cy; /* ------------------- */ config_set_string(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "Renderer", QT_TO_UTF8(renderer)); if (ConvertResText(QT_TO_UTF8(baseResolution), cx, cy)) { config_set_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "BaseCX", cx); config_set_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "BaseCY", cy); } if (ConvertResText(QT_TO_UTF8(outputResolution), cx, cy)) { config_set_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "OutputCX", cx); config_set_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "OutputCY", cy); } config_set_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "FPSType", fpsType); config_set_string(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "FPSCommon", QT_TO_UTF8(fpsCommon)); config_set_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "FPSInt", fpsInteger); config_set_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "FPSNum", fpsNumerator); config_set_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "FPSDen", fpsDenominator); } void OBSBasicSettings::SaveSettings() { if (generalChanged) SaveGeneralSettings(); //if (outputChanged) // SaveOutputSettings(); //if (audioChanged) // SaveAudioSettings(); if (videoChanged) SaveVideoSettings(); config_save(GetGlobalConfig()); } bool OBSBasicSettings::QueryChanges() { QMessageBox::StandardButton button; button = QMessageBox::question(this, QTStr("Settings.ConfirmTitle"), QTStr("Settings.Confirm"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Cancel); if (button == QMessageBox::Cancel) return false; else if (button == QMessageBox::Yes) SaveSettings(); else LoadSettings(true); ClearChanged(); return true; } void OBSBasicSettings::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { if (Changed() && !QueryChanges()) event->ignore(); } void OBSBasicSettings::on_listWidget_itemSelectionChanged() { int row = ui->listWidget->currentRow(); if (loading || row == pageIndex) return; if (Changed() && !QueryChanges()) { ui->listWidget->setCurrentRow(pageIndex); return; } pageIndex = row; } void OBSBasicSettings::on_buttonBox_clicked(QAbstractButton *button) { QDialogButtonBox::ButtonRole val = ui->buttonBox->buttonRole(button); if (val == QDialogButtonBox::ApplyRole || val == QDialogButtonBox::AcceptRole) { SaveSettings(); ClearChanged(); } if (val == QDialogButtonBox::AcceptRole || val == QDialogButtonBox::RejectRole) { ClearChanged(); close(); } } static bool ValidResolutions(Ui::OBSBasicSettings *ui) { QString baseRes = ui->baseResolution->lineEdit()->text(); QString outputRes = ui->outputResolution->lineEdit()->text(); uint32_t cx, cy; if (!ConvertResText(QT_TO_UTF8(baseRes), cx, cy) || !ConvertResText(QT_TO_UTF8(outputRes), cx, cy)) { ui->errorText->setText( QTStr("Settings.Video.InvalidResolution")); return false; } ui->errorText->setText(""); return true; } void OBSBasicSettings::on_language_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if (!loading) generalChanged = true; } void OBSBasicSettings::on_renderer_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if (!loading) { videoChanged = true; ui->errorText->setText( QTStr("Settings.ProgramRestart")); } } void OBSBasicSettings::on_fpsType_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if (!loading) videoChanged = true; } void OBSBasicSettings::on_baseResolution_editTextChanged(const QString &text) { if (!loading && ValidResolutions(ui.get())) videoChanged = true; } void OBSBasicSettings::on_outputResolution_editTextChanged(const QString &text) { if (!loading && ValidResolutions(ui.get())) videoChanged = true; }