#include "decklink-device-instance.hpp" #include "audio-repack.hpp" #include "DecklinkInput.hpp" #include "DecklinkOutput.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "OBSVideoFrame.h" #include #include static inline enum video_format ConvertPixelFormat(BMDPixelFormat format) { switch (format) { case bmdFormat8BitBGRA: return VIDEO_FORMAT_BGRX; default: case bmdFormat8BitYUV: case bmdFormat10BitYUV:; return VIDEO_FORMAT_UYVY; } } static inline int ConvertChannelFormat(speaker_layout format) { switch (format) { case SPEAKERS_2POINT1: case SPEAKERS_4POINT0: case SPEAKERS_4POINT1: case SPEAKERS_5POINT1: case SPEAKERS_7POINT1: return 8; default: case SPEAKERS_STEREO: return 2; } } static inline audio_repack_mode_t ConvertRepackFormat(speaker_layout format, bool swap) { switch (format) { case SPEAKERS_2POINT1: return repack_mode_8to3ch; case SPEAKERS_4POINT0: return repack_mode_8to4ch; case SPEAKERS_4POINT1: return swap ? repack_mode_8to5ch_swap : repack_mode_8to5ch; case SPEAKERS_5POINT1: return swap ? repack_mode_8to6ch_swap : repack_mode_8to6ch; case SPEAKERS_7POINT1: return swap ? repack_mode_8ch_swap : repack_mode_8ch; default: assert(false && "No repack requested"); return (audio_repack_mode_t)-1; } } DeckLinkDeviceInstance::DeckLinkDeviceInstance(DecklinkBase *decklink_, DeckLinkDevice *device_) : currentFrame(), currentPacket(), currentCaptions(), decklink(decklink_), device(device_) { currentPacket.samples_per_sec = 48000; currentPacket.speakers = SPEAKERS_STEREO; currentPacket.format = AUDIO_FORMAT_16BIT; } DeckLinkDeviceInstance::~DeckLinkDeviceInstance() { if (convertFrame) { delete convertFrame; } } void DeckLinkDeviceInstance::HandleAudioPacket( IDeckLinkAudioInputPacket *audioPacket, const uint64_t timestamp) { if (audioPacket == nullptr) return; void *bytes; if (audioPacket->GetBytes(&bytes) != S_OK) { LOG(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to get audio packet data"); return; } const uint32_t frameCount = (uint32_t)audioPacket->GetSampleFrameCount(); currentPacket.frames = frameCount; currentPacket.timestamp = timestamp; if (decklink && !static_cast(decklink)->buffering) { currentPacket.timestamp = os_gettime_ns(); currentPacket.timestamp -= util_mul_div64(frameCount, 1000000000ULL, currentPacket.samples_per_sec); } int maxdevicechannel = device->GetMaxChannel(); if (channelFormat != SPEAKERS_UNKNOWN && channelFormat != SPEAKERS_MONO && channelFormat != SPEAKERS_STEREO && (channelFormat != SPEAKERS_7POINT1 || static_cast(decklink)->swap) && maxdevicechannel >= 8) { if (audioRepacker->repack((uint8_t *)bytes, frameCount) < 0) { LOG(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to convert audio packet data"); return; } currentPacket.data[0] = (*audioRepacker)->packet_buffer; } else { currentPacket.data[0] = (uint8_t *)bytes; } nextAudioTS = timestamp + util_mul_div64(frameCount, 1000000000ULL, 48000ULL) + 1; obs_source_output_audio( static_cast(decklink)->GetSource(), ¤tPacket); } void DeckLinkDeviceInstance::HandleVideoFrame( IDeckLinkVideoInputFrame *videoFrame, const uint64_t timestamp) { if (videoFrame == nullptr) return; IDeckLinkVideoFrameAncillaryPackets *packets; if (videoFrame->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkVideoFrameAncillaryPackets, (void **)&packets) == S_OK) { IDeckLinkAncillaryPacketIterator *iterator; packets->GetPacketIterator(&iterator); IDeckLinkAncillaryPacket *packet; iterator->Next(&packet); if (packet) { auto did = packet->GetDID(); auto sdid = packet->GetSDID(); // Caption data if (did == 0x61 && sdid == 0x01) { this->HandleCaptionPacket(packet, timestamp); } packet->Release(); } iterator->Release(); packets->Release(); } IDeckLinkVideoFrame *frame; if (videoFrame->GetPixelFormat() != convertFrame->GetPixelFormat()) { IDeckLinkVideoConversion *frameConverter = CreateVideoConversionInstance(); frameConverter->ConvertFrame(videoFrame, convertFrame); frame = convertFrame; } else { frame = videoFrame; } void *bytes; if (frame->GetBytes(&bytes) != S_OK) { LOG(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to get video frame data"); return; } currentFrame.data[0] = (uint8_t *)bytes; currentFrame.linesize[0] = (uint32_t)frame->GetRowBytes(); currentFrame.width = (uint32_t)frame->GetWidth(); currentFrame.height = (uint32_t)frame->GetHeight(); currentFrame.timestamp = timestamp; obs_source_output_video2( static_cast(decklink)->GetSource(), ¤tFrame); } void DeckLinkDeviceInstance::HandleCaptionPacket( IDeckLinkAncillaryPacket *packet, const uint64_t timestamp) { const void *data; uint32_t size; packet->GetBytes(bmdAncillaryPacketFormatUInt8, &data, &size); auto anc = (uint8_t *)data; struct bitstream_reader reader; bitstream_reader_init(&reader, anc, size); // header1 bitstream_reader_r8(&reader); // header2 bitstream_reader_r8(&reader); // length bitstream_reader_r8(&reader); // frameRate bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 4); //reserved bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 4); auto cdp_timecode_added = bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 1); // cdp_data_block_added bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 1); // cdp_service_info_added bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 1); // cdp_service_info_start bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 1); // cdp_service_info_changed bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 1); // cdp_service_info_end bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 1); auto cdp_contains_captions = bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 1); //reserved bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 1); // cdp_counter bitstream_reader_r8(&reader); // cdp_counter2 bitstream_reader_r8(&reader); if (cdp_timecode_added) { // timecodeSectionID bitstream_reader_r8(&reader); //reserved bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 2); bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 2); bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 4); // reserved bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 1); bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 3); bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 4); bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 1); bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 3); bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 4); bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 1); bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 1); bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 3); bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 4); } if (cdp_contains_captions) { // cdp_data_section bitstream_reader_r8(&reader); //process_em_data_flag bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 1); // process_cc_data_flag bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 1); //additional_data_flag bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 1); auto cc_count = bitstream_reader_read_bits(&reader, 5); auto *outData = (uint8_t *)bzalloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * cc_count * 3); memcpy(outData, anc + reader.pos, cc_count * 3); currentCaptions.data = outData; currentCaptions.timestamp = timestamp; currentCaptions.packets = cc_count; obs_source_output_cea708( static_cast(decklink)->GetSource(), ¤tCaptions); bfree(outData); } } void DeckLinkDeviceInstance::FinalizeStream() { input->SetCallback(nullptr); input->DisableVideoInput(); if (channelFormat != SPEAKERS_UNKNOWN) input->DisableAudioInput(); if (audioRepacker != nullptr) { delete audioRepacker; audioRepacker = nullptr; } mode = nullptr; } //#define LOG_SETUP_VIDEO_FORMAT 1 void DeckLinkDeviceInstance::SetupVideoFormat(DeckLinkDeviceMode *mode_) { if (mode_ == nullptr) return; currentFrame.format = ConvertPixelFormat(pixelFormat); colorSpace = static_cast(decklink)->GetColorSpace(); if (colorSpace == VIDEO_CS_DEFAULT) { const BMDDisplayModeFlags flags = mode_->GetDisplayModeFlags(); if (flags & bmdDisplayModeColorspaceRec709) activeColorSpace = VIDEO_CS_709; else if (flags & bmdDisplayModeColorspaceRec601) activeColorSpace = VIDEO_CS_601; else activeColorSpace = VIDEO_CS_DEFAULT; } else { activeColorSpace = colorSpace; } colorRange = static_cast(decklink)->GetColorRange(); currentFrame.range = colorRange; video_format_get_parameters(activeColorSpace, colorRange, currentFrame.color_matrix, currentFrame.color_range_min, currentFrame.color_range_max); delete convertFrame; BMDPixelFormat convertFormat; switch (pixelFormat) { case bmdFormat8BitBGRA: convertFormat = bmdFormat8BitBGRA; break; default: case bmdFormat10BitYUV: case bmdFormat8BitYUV:; convertFormat = bmdFormat8BitYUV; break; } convertFrame = new OBSVideoFrame(mode_->GetWidth(), mode_->GetHeight(), convertFormat); #ifdef LOG_SETUP_VIDEO_FORMAT LOG(LOG_INFO, "Setup video format: %s, %s, %s", pixelFormat == bmdFormat8BitYUV ? "YUV" : "RGB", activeColorSpace == VIDEO_CS_601 ? "BT.601" : "BT.709", colorRange == VIDEO_RANGE_FULL ? "full" : "limited"); #endif } bool DeckLinkDeviceInstance::StartCapture(DeckLinkDeviceMode *mode_, bool allow10Bit_, BMDVideoConnection bmdVideoConnection, BMDAudioConnection bmdAudioConnection) { if (mode != nullptr) return false; if (mode_ == nullptr) return false; LOG(LOG_INFO, "Starting capture..."); if (!device->GetInput(&input)) return false; IDeckLinkConfiguration *deckLinkConfiguration = NULL; HRESULT result = input->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkConfiguration, (void **)&deckLinkConfiguration); if (result != S_OK) { LOG(LOG_ERROR, "Could not obtain the IDeckLinkConfiguration interface: %08x\n", result); } else { if (bmdVideoConnection > 0) { result = deckLinkConfiguration->SetInt( bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoInputConnection, bmdVideoConnection); if (result != S_OK) { LOG(LOG_ERROR, "Couldn't set input video port to %d\n\n", bmdVideoConnection); } } if (bmdAudioConnection > 0) { result = deckLinkConfiguration->SetInt( bmdDeckLinkConfigAudioInputConnection, bmdAudioConnection); if (result != S_OK) { LOG(LOG_ERROR, "Couldn't set input audio port to %d\n\n", bmdVideoConnection); } } } videoConnection = bmdVideoConnection; audioConnection = bmdAudioConnection; BMDVideoInputFlags flags; bool isauto = mode_->GetName() == "Auto"; if (isauto) { displayMode = bmdModeNTSC; if (allow10Bit) { pixelFormat = bmdFormat10BitYUV; } else { pixelFormat = bmdFormat8BitYUV; } flags = bmdVideoInputEnableFormatDetection; } else { displayMode = mode_->GetDisplayMode(); pixelFormat = static_cast(decklink)->GetPixelFormat(); flags = bmdVideoInputFlagDefault; } allow10Bit = allow10Bit_; const HRESULT videoResult = input->EnableVideoInput(displayMode, pixelFormat, flags); if (videoResult != S_OK) { LOG(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to enable video input"); return false; } SetupVideoFormat(mode_); channelFormat = static_cast(decklink)->GetChannelFormat(); currentPacket.speakers = channelFormat; swap = static_cast(decklink)->swap; int maxdevicechannel = device->GetMaxChannel(); if (channelFormat != SPEAKERS_UNKNOWN) { const int channel = ConvertChannelFormat(channelFormat); const HRESULT audioResult = input->EnableAudioInput( bmdAudioSampleRate48kHz, bmdAudioSampleType16bitInteger, channel); if (audioResult != S_OK) LOG(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to enable audio input; continuing..."); if (channelFormat != SPEAKERS_UNKNOWN && channelFormat != SPEAKERS_MONO && channelFormat != SPEAKERS_STEREO && (channelFormat != SPEAKERS_7POINT1 || swap) && maxdevicechannel >= 8) { const audio_repack_mode_t repack_mode = ConvertRepackFormat(channelFormat, swap); audioRepacker = new AudioRepacker(repack_mode); } } if (input->SetCallback(this) != S_OK) { LOG(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to set callback"); FinalizeStream(); return false; } if (input->StartStreams() != S_OK) { LOG(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to start streams"); FinalizeStream(); return false; } mode = mode_; return true; } bool DeckLinkDeviceInstance::StopCapture(void) { if (mode == nullptr || input == nullptr) return false; LOG(LOG_INFO, "Stopping capture of '%s'...", GetDevice()->GetDisplayName().c_str()); input->StopStreams(); FinalizeStream(); return true; } bool DeckLinkDeviceInstance::StartOutput(DeckLinkDeviceMode *mode_) { if (mode != nullptr) return false; if (mode_ == nullptr) return false; LOG(LOG_INFO, "Starting output..."); if (!device->GetOutput(&output)) return false; const HRESULT videoResult = output->EnableVideoOutput( mode_->GetDisplayMode(), bmdVideoOutputFlagDefault); if (videoResult != S_OK) { LOG(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to enable video output"); return false; } const HRESULT audioResult = output->EnableAudioOutput( bmdAudioSampleRate48kHz, bmdAudioSampleType16bitInteger, 2, bmdAudioOutputStreamTimestamped); if (audioResult != S_OK) { LOG(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to enable audio output"); return false; } mode = mode_; int keyerMode = device->GetKeyerMode(); IDeckLinkKeyer *deckLinkKeyer = nullptr; if (device->GetKeyer(&deckLinkKeyer)) { if (keyerMode) { deckLinkKeyer->Enable(keyerMode == 1); deckLinkKeyer->SetLevel(255); } else { deckLinkKeyer->Disable(); } } auto decklinkOutput = dynamic_cast(decklink); if (decklinkOutput == nullptr) return false; int rowBytes = decklinkOutput->GetWidth() * 2; if (decklinkOutput->keyerMode != 0) { rowBytes = decklinkOutput->GetWidth() * 4; } BMDPixelFormat pixelFormat = bmdFormat8BitYUV; if (keyerMode != 0) { pixelFormat = bmdFormat8BitBGRA; } HRESULT result; result = output->CreateVideoFrame(decklinkOutput->GetWidth(), decklinkOutput->GetHeight(), rowBytes, pixelFormat, bmdFrameFlagDefault, &decklinkOutputFrame); if (result != S_OK) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "failed to make frame 0x%X", result); return false; } return true; } bool DeckLinkDeviceInstance::StopOutput() { if (mode == nullptr || output == nullptr) return false; LOG(LOG_INFO, "Stopping output of '%s'...", GetDevice()->GetDisplayName().c_str()); output->DisableVideoOutput(); output->DisableAudioOutput(); if (decklinkOutputFrame != nullptr) { decklinkOutputFrame->Release(); decklinkOutputFrame = nullptr; } return true; } void DeckLinkDeviceInstance::DisplayVideoFrame(video_data *frame) { auto decklinkOutput = dynamic_cast(decklink); if (decklinkOutput == nullptr) return; uint8_t *destData; decklinkOutputFrame->GetBytes((void **)&destData); uint8_t *outData = frame->data[0]; int rowBytes = decklinkOutput->GetWidth() * 2; if (device->GetKeyerMode()) { rowBytes = decklinkOutput->GetWidth() * 4; } std::copy(outData, outData + (decklinkOutput->GetHeight() * rowBytes), destData); output->DisplayVideoFrameSync(decklinkOutputFrame); } void DeckLinkDeviceInstance::WriteAudio(audio_data *frames) { uint32_t sampleFramesWritten; output->WriteAudioSamplesSync(frames->data[0], frames->frames, &sampleFramesWritten); } #define TIME_BASE 1000000000 HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DeckLinkDeviceInstance::VideoInputFrameArrived( IDeckLinkVideoInputFrame *videoFrame, IDeckLinkAudioInputPacket *audioPacket) { BMDTimeValue videoTS = 0; BMDTimeValue videoDur = 0; BMDTimeValue audioTS = 0; if (videoFrame) { videoFrame->GetStreamTime(&videoTS, &videoDur, TIME_BASE); lastVideoTS = (uint64_t)videoTS; } if (audioPacket) { BMDTimeValue newAudioTS = 0; int64_t diff; audioPacket->GetPacketTime(&newAudioTS, TIME_BASE); audioTS = newAudioTS + audioOffset; diff = (int64_t)audioTS - (int64_t)nextAudioTS; if (diff > 10000000LL) { audioOffset -= diff; audioTS = newAudioTS + audioOffset; } else if (diff < -1000000) { audioOffset = 0; audioTS = newAudioTS; } } if (videoFrame && videoTS >= 0) HandleVideoFrame(videoFrame, (uint64_t)videoTS); if (audioPacket && audioTS >= 0) HandleAudioPacket(audioPacket, (uint64_t)audioTS); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DeckLinkDeviceInstance::VideoInputFormatChanged( BMDVideoInputFormatChangedEvents events, IDeckLinkDisplayMode *newMode, BMDDetectedVideoInputFormatFlags detectedSignalFlags) { if (events & bmdVideoInputColorspaceChanged) { if (detectedSignalFlags & bmdDetectedVideoInputRGB444) { pixelFormat = bmdFormat8BitBGRA; } if (detectedSignalFlags & bmdDetectedVideoInputYCbCr422) { if (detectedSignalFlags & bmdDetectedVideoInput10BitDepth) { if (allow10Bit) { pixelFormat = bmdFormat10BitYUV; } else { pixelFormat = bmdFormat8BitYUV; } } if (detectedSignalFlags & bmdDetectedVideoInput8BitDepth) { pixelFormat = bmdFormat8BitYUV; } } } if (events & bmdVideoInputDisplayModeChanged) { input->PauseStreams(); mode->SetMode(newMode); displayMode = mode->GetDisplayMode(); const HRESULT videoResult = input->EnableVideoInput( displayMode, pixelFormat, bmdVideoInputEnableFormatDetection); if (videoResult != S_OK) { LOG(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to enable video input"); input->StopStreams(); FinalizeStream(); return E_FAIL; } SetupVideoFormat(mode); input->FlushStreams(); input->StartStreams(); } return S_OK; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE DeckLinkDeviceInstance::AddRef(void) { return os_atomic_inc_long(&refCount); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DeckLinkDeviceInstance::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, LPVOID *ppv) { HRESULT result = E_NOINTERFACE; *ppv = nullptr; CFUUIDBytes unknown = CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes(IUnknownUUID); if (memcmp(&iid, &unknown, sizeof(REFIID)) == 0) { *ppv = this; AddRef(); result = S_OK; } else if (memcmp(&iid, &IID_IDeckLinkNotificationCallback, sizeof(REFIID)) == 0) { *ppv = (IDeckLinkNotificationCallback *)this; AddRef(); result = S_OK; } return result; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE DeckLinkDeviceInstance::Release(void) { const long newRefCount = os_atomic_dec_long(&refCount); if (newRefCount == 0) { delete this; return 0; } return newRefCount; }