--menu animation and info menu = {} mx,my = 1,1 menutitle = {"O","p","e","n"," ","T","e","r","r","a","r","i","u","m"," ","0",".","0",".","1"} menu_char = {} for i, v in ipairs(menutitle) do --print(i) menu_char[i] = 0 end print(menutitle[1]) menutimer = 0 characters = table.getn(menutitle) pause = false letter = 1 function menu.animate() if pause == false then menutimer = menutimer + 1 end if menutimer > 10 then --push up menu_char[letter] = menu_char[letter] + 2 if menutimer >= 20 then menutimer = 0 letter = letter + 1 --skip spaces if menutitle[letter] == " " then letter = letter + 1 end if letter > characters then letter = 1 end end elseif menutimer <= 10 then --push down menu_char[letter] = menu_char[letter] - 2 end end selected_chunkx,selected_chunky = 0,0 function menu.draw() menu.cursor() love.graphics.setFont(font) love.graphics.setColor(0,0,120,255) for i = 1,characters do love.graphics.print(menutitle[i], screenwidth-260+(12*i)-2,screenheight-10+menu_char[i]+2 ) end love.graphics.setColor(255,0,0,255) for i = 1,characters do love.graphics.print(menutitle[i], screenwidth-260+(12*i),screenheight-10+menu_char[i] ) end love.graphics.setColor(255,255,255,255) if debugger == true then love.graphics.setColor(255,255,255,255) fpsGraph:draw() memGraph:draw() dtGraph:draw() --redo this as a table --love.graphics.setFont(fontbig) --love.graphics.setColor(255,0,0,255) --love.graphics.print("D", 400, menutitle.g) --love.graphics.print("I", 440, menutitle.a) --love.graphics.print("G", 480, menutitle.m) --love.graphics.print("!", 520, menutitle.e) local xxer = 600 --score debug love.graphics.setFont(font) love.graphics.setColor(255,255,255,255) love.graphics.print("Score:"..tostring(score),xxer,12) --debug mining if player.mining == true then love.graphics.setColor(255,0,0,255) love.graphics.print("Mining", xxer,24) love.graphics.setColor(128,128,128,255) love.graphics.print("Placing", xxer+80,24) elseif player.mining == false then love.graphics.setColor(128,128,128,255) love.graphics.print("Mining", xxer,24) love.graphics.setColor(255,0,0,255) love.graphics.print("Placing", xxer+80,24) --love.graphics.print("PosX:"..player.playerx.." PosY:"..player.playery, 400,150) end --debug player's pos love.graphics.setColor(255,255,255,255) love.graphics.print("PosX:"..(player.playerx+(chunkx*map_max)).." PosY:"..((map_max-player.playery)+(chunky*map_max)), 5,5) --debug mouse's pos love.graphics.setColor(255,255,255,255) love.graphics.print("MX:"..mx.." MY:"..my, xxer,36) --debug selected item love.graphics.setColor(255,255,255,255) love.graphics.print("ITEM:", xxer,48) love.graphics.draw(texture_table[player.selected],xxer+60,45,0,0.8,0.8) love.graphics.print("Chunkx:"..chunkx, xxer,60) love.graphics.print("Chunky:"..chunky, xxer,72) love.graphics.print("Current FPS:"..tostring(love.timer.getFPS( )), xxer, 84) love.graphics.print("Intx:"..tostring(player.inertiax), xxer, 96) love.graphics.print("Inty:"..tostring(player.inertiay), xxer, 108) love.graphics.print("Deaths:"..tostring(deaths), xxer, 250) end if crafting.held_item["id"] then local x, y = love.mouse.getPosition( ) love.graphics.draw(texture_table[crafting.held_item["id"]], x-32, y-32,0, 4, 4) love.graphics.print( crafting.held_item["count"], x+8, y+22, 0, 1, 1) end end function menu.cursor() --interact with world if crafting_open == false then local x, y = love.mouse.getPosition( ) --love.graphics.circle( "fill", player_drawnx, player_drawny, 4 ) --local xx,yy = math.floor(x/scale),math.floor((y+3)/scale) local xx,yy = ((x-player_drawnx)/scale)*scale,((y-player_drawny)/scale)*scale mx,my = math.floor(player.playerx + (xx/scale)),math.floor(player.playery + (yy/scale)) --print(mx,my) selected_chunkx,selected_chunky = chunkx,chunky --only change and draw if in boundaries if ((mx >= 1 and mx <= map_max) and (my >= 1 and my <= map_max)) and (math.abs(player.playerx-mx) <=radius_of_selection and math.abs(player.playery-my) <=radius_of_selection) then local draw_selection_x = player_drawnx+(mx*scale)-(player.playerx*scale) local draw_selection_y = player_drawny+(my*scale)-(player.playery*scale) love.graphics.rectangle("line",draw_selection_x, draw_selection_y, scale, scale ) if mine_process > 0 then love.graphics.draw(mining_texture[math.ceil(mine_process)], draw_selection_x, draw_selection_y,0, scale/16, scale/16,0,0) end --reach outside of chunk elseif (math.abs(player.playerx-mx) <=radius_of_selection and math.abs(player.playery-my) <=radius_of_selection) then --ocal chunkex,chunkey = math.floor(mx/map_max),math.floor(my/map_max) --overreach x if mx > map_max then mx = mx - map_max selected_chunkx = chunkx + 1 elseif mx < 1 then mx = mx + map_max selected_chunkx = chunkx - 1 else --selected_chunkx = chunkx end --overreach y if my < 1 then my = my + map_max selected_chunky = chunky + 1 --print("up") elseif my > map_max then my = my - map_max selected_chunky = chunky - 1 --print("down") else --print("current") --selected_chunky = chunky end --print("chunkey:"..chunkey.."|my:"..my) --print(selected_chunkx, selected_chunky) local draw_selection_x = player_drawnx+(mx*scale)+(map_max*scale*(selected_chunkx-chunkx))-(player.playerx*scale) local draw_selection_y = player_drawny+(my*scale)+(map_max*scale*(chunky-selected_chunky))-(player.playery*scale) love.graphics.rectangle("line", draw_selection_x, draw_selection_y, scale, scale ) if mine_process > 0 then love.graphics.draw(mining_texture[math.ceil(mine_process)], draw_selection_x, draw_selection_y,0, scale/16, scale/16,0,0) end else mx,my = -1,-1 end if mine_process ~= 0 and (mx ~= old_mx or my ~= old_my) then mine_process = 0 end old_mx,old_my = mx,my --interact with inventory else local x, y = love.mouse.getPosition( ) if x > crafting_x and x < crafting_x + (inventory_size*84) and y > crafting_y and y < crafting_y + (inventory_height*84) then crafting_selection_x = math.ceil((x-crafting_x)/84) crafting_selection_y = math.ceil((y-crafting_y)/84) else crafting_selection_x = -1 crafting_selection_y = -1 end if x > craft_inv_x and x < craft_inv_x + (crafting.craft_size*84) and y > craft_inv_y and y < craft_inv_y + (crafting.craft_size*84) then craft_inventory_selection_x = math.ceil((x-craft_inv_x)/84) craft_inventory_selection_y = math.ceil((y-craft_inv_y)/84) else craft_inventory_selection_x = -1 craft_inventory_selection_y = -1 end if x > craft_output_x and x < craft_output_x + 84 and y > craft_output_y and y < craft_output_y + 84 then craft_output_selection_x = math.ceil((x-craft_output_x)/84) craft_output_selection_y = math.ceil((y-craft_output_y)/84) else craft_output_selection_x = -1 craft_output_selection_y = -1 end end end