--the map library maplib = {} chunkx,chunky = math.random(-1000,1000),math.random(-1000,1000) --create tiles mapheight = 48 mapwidth = 30 ore_min = 0 -- the minimum amount of ore that'll be generated in a map block ore_max = 3 -- the max --makes player move to next map section function maplib.new_block() if player.playerx < 1 then chunkx = chunkx - 1 maplib.createmap() -- create a new block player.playerx = mapwidth -- put player on other side of screen print(" block x -1") return false elseif player.playerx > mapwidth then chunkx = chunkx + 1 maplib.createmap() -- create a new block player.playerx = 1 -- put player on other side of screen print("block x +1") return false elseif player.playery < 1 then chunky = chunky - 1 maplib.createmap() -- create a new block player.playery = mapheight -- put player on other side of screen print(" block y -1") return false elseif player.playery > mapheight then chunky = chunky + 1 maplib.createmap() -- create a new block player.playery = 1 -- put player on other side of screen print("block y +1") return false end return true end --generates ore function maplib.generate_ore(tiles) local limit = math.random(ore_min, ore_max) print(limit) if limit ~= 0 then for limit = 1,limit do local x,y = math.random(1,mapwidth),math.random(1,mapheight) tiles[x][y]["block"] = 2 end end end --generates tile blocks function maplib.createmap() if not love.filesystem.exists("map") then love.filesystem.createDirectory( "map" ) end local block_exists = love.filesystem.exists("/map/"..chunkx.."_"..chunky..".txt") local number = 0 local val = 0 tiles = {} --generate map block if not block_exists then for x = 1,mapwidth do tiles[x] = {} for y = 1,mapheight do tiles[x][y] = {} tiles[x][y]["block"] = 1 end end maplib.generate_ore(tiles) --save love.filesystem.write( "/map/"..chunkx.."_"..chunky..".txt", TSerial.pack(tiles)) else tiles = TSerial.unpack(love.filesystem.read("/map/"..chunkx.."_"..chunky..".txt")) end end --executed in love.draw to draw map function maplib.draw() love.graphics.setFont(font) love.graphics.setColor(255,255,255,255) for x = 1,mapwidth do for y = 1,mapheight do local graphic if tiles[x][y]["block"] == 0 then graphic = "" --air elseif tiles[x][y]["block"] == 1 then graphic = "#" --stone elseif tiles[x][y]["block"] == 2 then graphic = "/" --stairs end love.graphics.print(graphic, x*scale, y*scale) end end end --[[ a test for x = 1,10 do local line = "" for y = 1,10 do line = line..tiles.x.y end print(line.."\n") end ]]--