--basic grid based collision detection --{-x,+x,-y,+y} player_collision_box = {-0.2,0.2,-0.9,0.8} --squared collision detection player.on_block = false function collision(oldposx,oldposy) --do stairs player_in_unloaded_chunk = false local xer = {player_collision_box[1],player_collision_box[2]} local yer = {player_collision_box[3],player_collision_box[4]} local fall = true --check the corners (y) player.playery = player.playery + player.inertiay for q = 1,2 do for r = 1,2 do local squarex = math.floor(player.playerx+xer[q]) local squarey = math.floor(player.playery+yer[r]) --use this to detect outside chunk 00 local chunkerx = 0 local chunkery = 0 if squarex < 1 then chunkerx = -1 squarex = map_max --print("adjusting x -1") elseif squarex > map_max then chunkerx = 1 squarex = 1 --print("adjusting x +1") end if squarey < 1 then chunkery = 1 squarey = map_max --print("adjusting y +1") elseif squarey > map_max then chunkery = -1 squarey = 1 --print("adjusting y -1") end --print(chunkerx, chunkery, "|", squarex,squarey) --print( loaded_chunks[chunkerx][chunkery][squarex][squarey]["block"]) --if (squarex1 > map_max or squarex1 <= 0) or (squarey1 > map_max or squarey1 <= 0) or blocks[loaded_chunks[0][0][squarex1][squarey1]["block"]]["collide"] ~= false then if loaded_chunks[chunkx+chunkerx] and loaded_chunks[chunkx+chunkerx][chunkery+chunky] and loaded_chunks[chunkx+chunkerx][chunkery+chunky][squarex] and loaded_chunks[chunkx+chunkerx][chunkery+chunky][squarex][squarey] then if blocks[loaded_chunks[chunkx+chunkerx][chunkery+chunky][squarex][squarey]["block"]]["collide"] ~= false then player.playery = oldposy if r == 2 then player.on_block = true fall = false end if r == 1 then player.on_block = false end end else player_in_unloaded_chunk = true end end end if fall == true then player.on_block = false end --check the corners(x) player.playerx = player.playerx + player.inertiax for q = 1,2 do for r = 1,3 do local squarex = math.floor(player.playerx+xer[q]) local squarey if r < 3 then squarey = math.floor(player.playery+yer[r]) else squarey = math.floor(player.playery) end --print(squarex) --use this to detect outside chunk 00 local chunkerx = 0 local chunkery = 0 if squarex < 1 then chunkerx = -1 squarex = map_max --print("adjusting x -1") elseif squarex > map_max then chunkerx = 1 squarex = 1 --print("adjusting x +1") end if squarey < 1 then chunkery = 1 squarey = map_max --print("adjusting y +1") elseif squarey > map_max then chunkery = -1 squarey = 1 --print("adjusting y -1") end --if (squarex1 > map_max or squarex1 <= 0) or (squarey1 > map_max or squarey1 <= 0) or blocks[loaded_chunks[0][0][squarex1][squarey1]["block"]]["collide"] ~= false then if loaded_chunks[chunkx+chunkerx] and loaded_chunks[chunkx+chunkerx][chunkery+chunky] and loaded_chunks[chunkx+chunkerx][chunkery+chunky][squarex] and loaded_chunks[chunkx+chunkerx][chunkery+chunky][squarex][squarey] then if blocks[loaded_chunks[chunkx+chunkerx][chunkery+chunky][squarex][squarey]["block"]]["collide"] ~= false then player.inertiax = 0 player.playerx = oldposx --print("stopping x inertia and pos") end else player_in_unloaded_chunk = true end end end end