-- Import the library debugGraph = require 'debugGraph' -- https://love2d.org/wiki/General_math -- Returns 'n' rounded to the nearest 'deci'th (defaulting whole numbers). function math.round(n, deci) deci = 10^(deci or 0) return math.floor(n*deci+.5)/deci end function love.load() fpsGraph = debugGraph:new('fps', 0, 0) memGraph = debugGraph:new('mem', 0, 30) dtGraph = debugGraph:new('custom', 0, 60) end function love.update(dt) -- Update the graphs fpsGraph:update(dt) memGraph:update(dt) -- Update our custom graph dtGraph:update(dt, math.floor(dt * 1000)) dtGraph.label = 'DT: ' .. math.round(dt, 4) end function love.draw() -- Draw graphs fpsGraph:draw() memGraph:draw() dtGraph:draw() end function love.keypressed(key) if key == 'escape' then love.event.quit() end end