Blackthorne's Biography 1564; Born (36 at time of story) 1576; begins apprenticeship with Alban Caradoc 1588; end of apprenticeship; Spanish Armada 1589; married Felicity 1592; sunk by the Turks; plague 1593; voyage to the West Indies 1595; voyage to find the NE Passage 1598, May; left Holland 1599; Reached Tierra del Fuego 1600, April 21; start of story ---- pp. 3-9; History of the expedition; longitude; Alban Caradoc; Tierra del Fuego; Santa Maria Island p. 25; why they headed across the Pacific p. 38; Blackthorne's family in England (wife Felicity, son Tudor, daughter Lisbeth) pp. 85-86; Blackthorne and the London Company of Barbary Merchants; Barbary Coast, Lagos, West Africa, Salerno; sunk by the Turks; voyage to West Indies; NE Passage; recruitment by the Dutch pp. 91-92; voyage to find Northeast Passage; Barbary Coast, Tripoli; Spanish Armada pp. 135-138; the situation in Europe pp. 156-161; Friar Domingo explains the situation in Asia pp. 163-164; the Spanish Armada; Alban Caradoc's death pp. 176-183; the Known World, history, etc.