.SEGMENT "OCHIBA" .FUNCT OCHIBA-ROOM-F:ANY:1:1,RARG EQUAL? RARG,M-SCENE-SETUP \?CCL3 ICALL1 DRESS-BLACKTHORNE MOVE CAMELLIA,BLACKTHORNE MOVE SWORDS,BLACKTHORNE FSET SWORDS,WEARBIT FSET SWORDS,RMUNGBIT MOVE ISHIDO,OCHIBA-ROOM MOVE OCHIBA,OCHIBA-ROOM CALL QUEUE,I-OCHIBA,-1 RSTACK ?CCL3: EQUAL? RARG,M-BEG \FALSE EQUAL? PRSA,V?BOW,V?HELLO,V?KONNICHI-WA /?PRD12 EQUAL? PRSA,V?KONBANWA \?PRD10 ?PRD12: EQUAL? PRSO,FALSE-VALUE,OCHIBA,ISHIDO /?CTR7 ?PRD10: EQUAL? PRSA,V?KNEEL \?CCL8 ?CTR7: FSET? BLACKTHORNE,TRYTAKEBIT \?CCL17 EQUAL? PRSA,V?HELLO,V?KONNICHI-WA,V?KONBANWA \?CCL20 EQUAL? PRSO,OCHIBA,FALSE-VALUE \?CCL20 SET 'WINNER,OCHIBA ICALL2 PERFORM,V?HELLO SET 'WINNER,PLAYER RTRUE ?CCL20: PRINTR "You have already bowed to the hosts." ?CCL17: FSET? OCHIBA,RMUNGBIT \?CCL24 FSET BLACKTHORNE,TRYTAKEBIT ICALL1 B-STAND PRINTI "In front of the platform, you kneel and bow formally as you have seen the others do, once to Ochiba and once to Ishido. You then stand and walk forward." FSET? SWORDS,WEARBIT \?CND25 FSET? SWORDS,RMUNGBIT \?CND25 FCLEAR SWORDS,RMUNGBIT FCLEAR SWORDS,WEARBIT MOVE SWORDS,HERE PRINTR " Suddenly, just as you had feared, your sword belt comes loose and your swords clatter to the floor. You turn red, scrambling for them on the ground, and Ishido begins a swelling round of humiliating laughter." ?CND25: CRLF RTRUE ?CCL24: PRINTR "You must be very nervous: you aren't at the front of the line yet!" ?CCL8: EQUAL? PRSA,V?CURSE \?CCL30 EQUAL? PRSO,ISHIDO,OCHIBA \?CCL30 PRINTI "You insult " ICALL1 DPRINT-PRSO PRINTR ", forfeiting any gain you might have gotten from the exchange." ?CCL30: CALL1 ACT-CRAZY? ZERO? STACK /?CCL34 EQUAL? QCONTEXT,ISHIDO \?CCL37 PRINTR "Ishido stares at you. ""This is what I meant!""" ?CCL37: PRINTR "Ochiba looks disgusted." ?CCL34: CALL1 HOSTILE-VERB? ZERO? STACK \?CCL39 EQUAL? PRSA,V?DRAW,V?PICK,V?USE /?PRD43 EQUAL? PRSA,V?TAKE \FALSE ?PRD43: EQUAL? PRSO,SWORDS \FALSE ?CCL39: PRINTR "Such a foolish action would surely lead to your immediate death." .FUNCT NOT-A-BARBARIAN?:ANY:0:0 EQUAL? PRSA,V?BE \FALSE EQUAL? PRSO,BLACKTHORNE,ME \FALSE CALL1 P-NEGATIVE? ZERO? STACK /?CCL8 EQUAL? PRSI,GLOBAL-BARBARIAN,CRAZY /TRUE RFALSE ?CCL8: EQUAL? PRSI,GLOBAL-SAMURAI,GLOBAL-HATAMOTO /TRUE EQUAL? PRSI,INTADJ \FALSE GET PARSE-RESULT,11 EQUAL? STACK,W?SAMURAI /TRUE RFALSE .FUNCT CAMELLIA-F:ANY:0:0 EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?CCL3 PRINTR "This is a particularly beautiful pink camellia blossom that you cut from a tree in the garden. It is at the peak of its beauty." ?CCL3: EQUAL? PRSA,V?GIVE \FALSE EQUAL? PRSO,CAMELLIA \FALSE EQUAL? PRSI,OCHIBA \FALSE FSET? BLACKTHORNE,TRYTAKEBIT /?CCL11 PRINTR "Ochiba recoils from the unaccustomed familiarity. You haven't even greeted her properly. ""His manners are barbaric,"" she says to Ishido, with sadness." ?CCL11: REMOVE CAMELLIA ICALL2 SCORE-OBJECT,CAMELLIA PRINTR """In my land we are ruled by a Queen. We have the custom to always give a Lady a birthday gift. Even a Queen. Please excuse if this is not good manners."" She looks at the flower. Five hundred people wait to see how she will respond to your gallantry and daring. ""I am not a Queen, Anjin-san, only the mother of the Heir and widow of the Lord Taiko. I cannot accept your gift as a Queen, but as a Lady on her birthday, perhaps I may ask everyone's permission to accept the gift?"" The room bursts into applause." .FUNCT I-OCHIBA:ANY:0:0 INC 'DELAY-CNT EQUAL? OCHIBA-CNT,2 \?CCL5 FSET? BLACKTHORNE,TRYTAKEBIT /?CND3 GRTR? DELAY-CNT,4 \?CCL10 CRLF PRINTI "Ishido stands, bows to Lady Ochiba, and asks, ""With your permission, Lady, I will remove this insult to your person.""" CRLF ICALL1 JIGS-UP RETURN M-FATAL ?CCL10: CRLF PRINTR "Every eye is on you as you stand before Ochiba. Every breath is held." ?CCL5: EQUAL? OCHIBA-CNT,4 \?CCL12 EQUAL? OCHIBA-QUESTION,1 \?CND3 GRTR? DELAY-CNT,2 \?CCL17 SET 'OCHIBA-QUESTION,FALSE-VALUE CRLF PRINTR """Ah, I suppose what we have heard is not true, then. He must not truly speak our language."" She turns to Ishido and smiles." ?CCL17: CRLF PRINTR """Is it true that you speak our language, Anjin-san?"" she asks in a friendly way, using the Japanese that you can barely understand." ?CCL12: EQUAL? OCHIBA-CNT,7 \?CND3 EQUAL? OCHIBA-QUESTION,2 \?CND3 GRTR? DELAY-CNT,3 \?CCL23 SET 'OCHIBA-QUESTION,0 CRLF PRINTR """Bah! It is clear he is a barbarian without honor!"" Ishido turns away with a snort of dirision." ?CCL23: CRLF PRINTI "Ishido continues to taunt you. ""You are a barbarian. You " ICALL2 PRINTUNDER,STR?590 PRINTR " are prone to fits of madness, as I've been told?"" The room is hushed, everyone waiting to see how you will respond." ?CND3: SET 'DELAY-CNT,0 INC 'OCHIBA-CNT EQUAL? OCHIBA-CNT,1 \?CCL26 CRLF PRINTR "The procession of guests creeps forward, each politely bowing to Ochiba and greeting her on her birthday." ?CCL26: EQUAL? OCHIBA-CNT,2 \?CCL28 FSET OCHIBA,RMUNGBIT CRLF PRINTR "Ochiba is looking at you, and then Ishido is looking at you, too. Soon all conversation dies and everyone is watching you. The men and women ahead of you in line melt away and suddenly no one is between you and the platform." ?CCL28: EQUAL? OCHIBA-CNT,3 /TRUE EQUAL? OCHIBA-CNT,4 \?CCL31 SET 'OCHIBA-QUESTION,1 SET 'QCONTEXT,OCHIBA CRLF PRINTI """Please wait, Anjin-san,"" says Ochiba. You feel the extraordinary sensuality that surrounds her, without conscious effort on her part. """ FSET? HANASE-MASEN,RMUNGBIT \?CCL34 PRINTR "You speak our language, then?""" ?CCL34: PRINTR "It is said that you speak our language?""" ?CCL31: EQUAL? OCHIBA-CNT,5 /TRUE EQUAL? OCHIBA-CNT,6 \?CCL37 SET 'QCONTEXT,ISHIDO CRLF PRINTR "Ishido rudely interrupts. ""When we last met, you were a madman. I hope you won't get mad tonight or any other night.""" ?CCL37: EQUAL? OCHIBA-CNT,7 \?CCL39 SET 'QCONTEXT,ISHIDO SET 'OCHIBA-QUESTION,2 CRLF PRINTI """Such madness is usual among you barbarians, " ICALL2 PRINTUNDER,STR?587 PRINTR """ He emphasizes the word 'barbarians.' Such public rudeness to a guest is very bad. Lady Ochiba seems surprised." ?CCL39: EQUAL? OCHIBA-CNT,8 \?CCL41 MOVE MARIKO,HERE CRLF PRINTI """Mariko-san, your pupil does you credit, " ICALL2 PRINTUNDER,STR?587 PRINTR """ calls out Ochiba. Mariko is coming through the guests. ""I have done little, Ochiba-sama. It's all the Anjin-san's work and the word book that the Christian fathers gave him.""" ?CCL41: EQUAL? OCHIBA-CNT,9 \?CCL43 CRLF PRINTI "Ochiba turns to Mariko. ""Now, Mariko-san, we must talk about the poetry competition! It will be held in two days, when Lord Toranaga leaves his own borders to journey here. What's the theme to be? And the first line of the poem?"" Mariko is renowned as a poetess. Mariko thinks a moment. ""It should be about " ICALL2 PRINTUNDER,STR?591 PRINTR ", Lady Ochiba, and the first line: 'On a leafless branch.'"" Ishido compliments her on her choice. ""Excellent, but we'll have to be very good to compete with you, Mariko-san!""" ?CCL43: EQUAL? OCHIBA-CNT,10 \?CCL45 CRLF PRINTR "Mariko continues, ""So sorry, Sire, but I will not be there. I'm leaving Osaka tomorrow with the Lady Kiritsubo and the Lady Sazuko, to meet Lord Toranaga."" ""Nonsense!"" replies Ishido. ""He will be here so soon that to go to meet him isn't necessary."" ""So sorry, Sire, but those are the orders of my liege Lord. I must leave tomorrow. Am I confined here? And if so, on whose orders?"" Ishido keeps his eyes riveted on her. ""No, you are not confined.""" ?CCL45: EQUAL? OCHIBA-CNT,11 \?CCL47 CRLF PRINTR "Many of the ladies in the room turn to their neighbors, and some whisper openly what all those held against their will in Osaka are thinking: 'If she can go, so can I, so can you! I'll leave tomorrow, too!'" ?CCL47: EQUAL? OCHIBA-CNT,12 \FALSE CRLF PRINTI "Mariko makes a half-bow to the room and leaves. Yabu steps forward with you and the two of you follow her out, very conscious that you are the only samurai present wearing Toranaga's uniform." CRLF CALL1 NEXT-SCENE RSTACK .FUNCT OCHIBA-DESC:ANY:2:2,RARG,OBJ EQUAL? RARG,M-OBJDESC? /TRUE PRINTI "On the platform, alone, is the Lady Ochiba." RTRUE .FUNCT OCHIBA-F:ANY:0:1,RARG EQUAL? RARG,M-SUBJ /FALSE EQUAL? RARG,M-WINNER \?CCL5 EQUAL? PRSA,V?YES,V?HAI,V?NO /?CTR7 EQUAL? PRSA,V?IYE /?CTR7 EQUAL? PRSA,V?SAY \?PRD12 EQUAL? PRSO,JAPANESE /?CTR7 ?PRD12: EQUAL? PRSA,V?NIHON-GO-GA \?CCL8 EQUAL? PRSO,HANASE-MASEN \?CCL8 ?CTR7: EQUAL? OCHIBA-QUESTION,1 /?CTR18 EQUAL? PRSA,V?NIHON-GO-GA \?CCL19 EQUAL? PRSO,HANASE-MASEN \?CCL19 ?CTR18: SET 'OCHIBA-QUESTION,FALSE-VALUE EQUAL? PRSA,V?HAI,V?IYE,V?SPEAK /?CCL25 EQUAL? PRSA,V?NIHON-GO-GA \?CND24 ?CCL25: FSET HANASE-MASEN,RMUNGBIT ?CND24: EQUAL? PRSA,V?NO,V?IYE \?CCL30 PRINTI """No, Highness. I have learned a few words and phrases, so that I may better be understood, however." JUMP ?CND28 ?CCL30: PRINTI """Please excuse me, Highness." ?CND28: PRINTR " I have to use short words and respectfully ask you to use simple words with me.""" ?CCL19: PRINTR "She doesn't seem to be listening." ?CCL8: EQUAL? PRSA,V?HELLO \?CCL32 FSET? OCHIBA,TRYTAKEBIT /?CCL35 FSET OCHIBA,TRYTAKEBIT PRINTR """May I respectfully congratulate you on your birthday and pray that you live to enjoy a thousand more.""" ?CCL35: PRINTR "You have already congratulated her." ?CCL32: EQUAL? PRSA,V?THANK \?CCL37 EQUAL? PRSO,YOU \?CCL37 PRINTR """Domo, Ochiba-sama."" She acknowledges your thanks." ?CCL37: EQUAL? PRSA,V?NO /?CTR40 CALL1 NOT-A-BARBARIAN? ZERO? STACK /?CCL41 ?CTR40: PRINTR """This may be true, Anjin-san, but your manners are less than perfect.""" ?CCL41: CALL1 WAKARIMASEN RSTACK ?CCL5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?CCL45 PRINTR "She is slight, almost girlish in build, with a luminous glow to her fair skin. She is at the peak of her beauty. Her sloe eyes are large under painted, arched brows, her hair set like a winged helmet. Her kimono is exquisitely rich, gold threads on the rarest blue-black silk. She sits comfortably on a cushion." ?CCL45: EQUAL? PRSA,V?WHO \FALSE PRINTR "The Lady Ochiba is the widow of the Taiko, and the mother of the Heir, Yaemon. The rumors say that she is now the mistress of Lord Ishido. All Japan wonders if the Taiko, who had never before sired a child, was truly the Yaemon's father, but only Ochiba knows for sure." .ENDSEG .SEGMENT "DEPARTURE" .FUNCT DEPARTURE-AFTER-F:ANY:0:0 PRINTI "Ishido and his supporters meet in Kiyama's opulent, overrich quarters. ""It's impossible, Lord General,"" Ochiba says. ""You can't let a lady of her rank commit seppuku. So sorry, but you've been trapped. The hostages will have to be freed, and then there's nothing to stop Toranaga."" ""I agree,"" Lord Kiyama says forcefully. ""With due humility, Lady,"" Ishido replies, ""whatever I said or didn't say, doesn't matter an " ICALL2 PRINTUNDER,STR?218 PRINTR "'s turd to her. She's already decided, at least Toranaga has. We are at war, Toranaga's not yet in our hands, and until he's dead the Heir is in total danger."" He walks over to the window. ""Suppose she's disarmed? Capture her! Confine her until Toranaga's in our hands, then the hostages don't matter. In eighteen days Toranaga has to be here!"" ""You really think Lady Toda could be captured?"" Kiyama says. ""Yes,"" replies Ishido." .FUNCT I-DEPARTURE:ANY:0:0 INC 'DELAY-CNT EQUAL? DEPARTURE-CNT,2 \?CND3 CALL2 QUEUED?,I-FIGHT ZERO? STACK \FALSE ?CND3: SET 'DELAY-CNT,0 INC 'DEPARTURE-CNT EQUAL? DEPARTURE-CNT,1 \?CCL9 MOVE YAMAZAKI,FORECOURT ICALL2 THIS-IS-IT,YAMAZAKI CRLF PRINTR "Twenty Browns form up as a vanguard and move off. Porters pick up Mariko's palanquin and follow the Browns, Kiri and Lady Sazuko close behind. When Mariko's palanquin comes into the sunlight, a Captain of Grays steps forward, standing directly in her way. ""May I see your papers?"" he inquires. Mariko says formally, ""We require none. I am Toda Mariko-noh-Buntaro and I have been ordered by my leige Lord, Lord Toranaga, to escort his ladies to meet him. Kindly let us pass."" ""My name is Yamazaki Danzenji, Captain of the Fourth Legion, and my line is as ancient as your own, my Lady. Please excuse me, but my leige Lord, Lord Ishido, says no one may leave Osaka Castle without papers."" ""So sorry, Captain, but if you do not move out of the way I will order you killed.""" ?CCL9: EQUAL? DEPARTURE-CNT,2 \?CCL11 ICALL QUEUE,I-FIGHT,-1 SET 'OPPONENT,YAMAZAKI CRLF PRINT STR?592 PRINTR " the Gray Captain replies proudly. Mariko nods sadly. ""Please kill him,"" she orders quietly, and at once the battle is joined. It is terrifyingly fair and formal, one Gray for each Brown and one for yourself." ?CCL11: EQUAL? DEPARTURE-CNT,3 \?CCL13 MOVE MARIKO,HERE MOVE KOJIMA,HERE SET 'OPPONENT,KOJIMA ICALL2 THIS-IS-IT,KOJIMA CRLF PRINTR "Almost immediately, twenty more Browns run forward to form a new vanguard. From up ahead twenty more Grays move silently out from the hundreds that are waiting. ""Wait,"" Mariko orders. She steps out of her palanquin and picks up a sword, unsheaths it, and walks forward alone. She approaches the officer. ""You know who I am. Please get out of my way."" ""I am Kojima Harutomo, Captain of the Sixth Legion. Please excuse me, you may not pass, Lady.""" ?CCL13: EQUAL? DEPARTURE-CNT,4 \?CCL15 CRLF PRINTR "Mariko darts forward but her blow is contained. The Gray stays on the defensive although he could kill her without effort. Again Mariko tries to bring the Gray to battle, but he slides away, allowing her to exhaust herself. But he does this gravely, giving her every courtesy, giving her the honor that is her due. She knows she cannot last much longer. She sees how easy it would be for the massed Grays to cut them all off if they wish and leave them stranded and helpless. She breaks off the fight." ?CCL15: EQUAL? DEPARTURE-CNT,5 \?CCL17 SET 'OPPONENT,FALSE-VALUE MOVE ISHIDO,HERE CRLF PRINTR "Lord Ishido emerges from the crowd of Grays. ""Lady Toda, the castle orders must be obeyed. But if you wish, I will call a meeting of the Regents and ask for a ruling."" Mariko turns to Ishido and bows. ""My orders are clear. If I am not permitted to obey, I will not be able to live with that shame.""" ?CCL17: EQUAL? DEPARTURE-CNT,6 \FALSE CRLF PRINTI """These men have prevented me from doing my duty, from obeying my leige Lord. I cannot live with this shame, Sire. Unless we are allowed to obey our leige Lord, as is our right, I will commit seppuku at sunset!"" She bows and walks toward the gateway. All in the avenue and all on the battlements bow to her in homage. She goes into the garden, her footsteps taking her to the secluded, rustic little tea house. She goes inside and, once there, she weeps silently for all the men who have died." CRLF REMOVE KOJIMA REMOVE YAMAZAKI REMOVE MARIKOS-LITTER CALL1 NEXT-SCENE RSTACK .FUNCT YAMAZAKI-F:ANY:0:1,RARG,H EQUAL? RARG,M-SUBJ /FALSE EQUAL? RARG,M-WINNER \?CCL5 EQUAL? PRSA,V?WHO \?CCL8 EQUAL? PRSO,YAMAZAKI,YOU \?CCL8 PRINTR """My name is Yamazaki Danzenji, Captain of the Fourth Legion!""" ?CCL8: EQUAL? PRSA,V?STOP \?CCL12 PRINT STR?592 CRLF RTRUE ?CCL12: CALL1 WAKARIMASEN RSTACK ?CCL5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?CCL14 FSET? PRSO,DEAD \?CCL17 PRINTR "He is dead. You have killed him." ?CCL17: PRINT STR?274 CRLF RTRUE ?CCL14: EQUAL? PRSA,V?BOW \?CCL19 PRINTR "He looks you over carefully, considering his options." ?CCL19: CALL1 HOSTILE-VERB? ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? PRSA,V?BITE,V?PISS,V?SPIT /?CTR23 EQUAL? PRSA,V?KICK \?CCL24 ?CTR23: PRINTR "He is clearly insulted that you would ever try such a barbaric action." ?CCL24: EQUAL? PRSO,YAMAZAKI \?PRD30 EQUAL? PRSI,SWORDS,FALSE-VALUE \?CTR27 ?PRD30: EQUAL? PRSI,YAMAZAKI \?CCL28 EQUAL? PRSO,SWORDS,FALSE-VALUE /?CCL28 ?CTR27: PRINTR "You aren't taking him very seriously, are you?" ?CCL28: FSET? YAMAZAKI,DEAD \?CCL36 PRINTR "You strike the already-dead Gray with your sword. The onlookers are shocked at this insult to a worthy opponent!" ?CCL36: FSET? YAMAZAKI,RMUNGBIT /?CCL38 CALL2 QUEUED?,I-FIGHT ZERO? STACK /?CCL41 FSET YAMAZAKI,RMUNGBIT FSET? SWORDS,WEARBIT \?CCL44 FCLEAR SWORDS,WEARBIT PRINTR "You draw your sword, and the Captain bows to you and does the same." ?CCL44: SET 'DELAYING-FIGHT?,FALSE-VALUE PRINTR "You strike at the Gray Captain, and he dodges expertly as he draws his sword. He is clearly shocked that you would attack him before he had a chance to draw his sword." ?CCL41: PRINTR """Not yet, Anjin-san! Wait for my order!""" ?CCL38: ZERO? YAMAZAKI-ATTACK \?CCL46 SET 'DELAYING-FIGHT?,FALSE-VALUE PRINTR "You swing powerfully if somewhat inexpertly with your sword. The Captain parries." ?CCL46: SET 'DELAYING-FIGHT?,FALSE-VALUE SET 'YAMAZAKI-ATTACK,FALSE-VALUE GETP YAMAZAKI,P?HEALTH >H DEC 'H PUTP YAMAZAKI,P?HEALTH,H CALL2 PICK-ONE,SWORD-ATTACKS PRINT STACK CRLF ZERO? H \TRUE FSET YAMAZAKI,DEAD SET 'OPPONENT,FALSE-VALUE GETP BROWNS,P?COUNT ZERO? STACK \?CND49 ICALL2 DEQUEUE,I-FIGHT ?CND49: CRLF PRINTI "The captain, slowed by pain and loss of blood, cannot even parry your next stroke, which skewers him like a lamb. He stares at you silently for a moment, then his eyes glaze and he falls to the ground, dead." CRLF ICALL2 SCORE-OBJECT,YAMAZAKI RTRUE .FUNCT KOJIMA-F:ANY:0:1,RARG EQUAL? RARG,M-SUBJ /FALSE EQUAL? RARG,M-WINNER \?CCL5 EQUAL? PRSA,V?WHO \?CCL8 EQUAL? PRSO,KOJIMA,YOU \?CCL8 PRINTR """My name is Kojima Harumoto, Captain of the Sixth Legion!""" ?CCL8: EQUAL? PRSA,V?STOP \?CCL12 PRINT STR?592 CRLF RTRUE ?CCL12: CALL1 WAKARIMASEN RSTACK ?CCL5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?CCL14 FSET? PRSO,DEAD \?CCL17 PRINTR "He is dead. Mariko has killed him." ?CCL17: PRINT STR?274 CRLF RTRUE ?CCL14: CALL1 HOSTILE-VERB? ZERO? STACK /FALSE FSET? KOJIMA,DEAD \?CCL22 PRINTR "You prepare to strike the already-dead Gray with your sword. Mariko says, ""No, Anjin-san. He was samurai. He was doing his duty.""" ?CCL22: PRINTR "Mariko says, ""Anjin-san, this is my fight. You must not shame me by fighting this man. I am samurai, and this is my duty, and my honor.""" .FUNCT CAPTAIN-KILLS-YOU:ANY:0:0 CRLF CALL2 JIGS-UP,STR?601 RSTACK .FUNCT I-FIGHT:ANY:0:0,B GETP BROWNS,P?COUNT >B FSET? YAMAZAKI,DEAD /?CND1 INC 'DELAYING-FIGHT? FSET? BLACKTHORNE,SITTING \?CCL5 GRTR? DELAYING-FIGHT?,4 \?CCL8 ICALL1 CAPTAIN-KILLS-YOU JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL8: CRLF PRINTI "The Captain motions for you to stand and fight." CRLF JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL5: CALL2 HELD?,SWORDS ZERO? STACK /?CTR9 FSET? SWORDS,WEARBIT \?CCL10 ?CTR9: GRTR? DELAYING-FIGHT?,4 \?CCL15 ICALL1 CAPTAIN-KILLS-YOU CRLF ICALL2 JIGS-UP,STR?601 JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL15: CRLF PRINTI "The Captain waits for you to draw your sword." CRLF JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL10: FSET? YAMAZAKI,RMUNGBIT /?CCL18 FSET YAMAZAKI,RMUNGBIT ICALL2 THIS-IS-IT,YAMAZAKI SET 'OPPONENT,YAMAZAKI CRLF PRINTI "The Captain bows formally, draws his sword, and prepares to attack you." CRLF JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL18: ZERO? YAMAZAKI-ATTACK /?CCL20 CRLF PRINTI "The Captain swings his sword at you, but oddly, at the last second he seems to adjust his attack so that you are only slightly cut, rather than sliced in two." CRLF JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL20: SET 'YAMAZAKI-ATTACK,TRUE-VALUE CRLF CALL2 PICK-ONE,YAMAZAKI-ATTACKS PRINT STACK CRLF ?CND1: ZERO? B /TRUE RANDOM 7 SUB B,STACK >B GRTR? B,0 /?CND23 SET 'B,0 ?CND23: PUTP BROWNS,P?COUNT,B ZERO? B \?CCL27 FSET? YAMAZAKI,DEAD \?CND28 ICALL2 DEQUEUE,I-FIGHT ?CND28: CRLF PRINTR "It is now one to one, the last Brown, blood-stained and wounded, already the victor of four duels. The fresh Gray dispatches him easily and stands alone among the bodies." ?CCL27: CRLF PRINTI "Each time a Gray falls, another calmly walks out of the waiting pack to join his comrades in the killing. It is now " GET NUMBERS,B PRINT STACK PRINTI " Brown" EQUAL? B,1 /?CCL32 PRINTR "s versus as many Grays." ?CCL32: PRINTR " versus one Gray." .ENDSEG .SEGMENT "ESCAPE" .SEGMENT "SEPPUKU" .FUNCT FORMAL-GARDEN-F:ANY:1:1,RARG EQUAL? RARG,M-SCENE-SETUP \?CCL3 ICALL1 DRESS-BLACKTHORNE ICALL QUEUE,I-SEPPUKU,-1 FSET FORTIFIED-GATE,OPENBIT MOVE MARIKO,TEA-HOUSE FCLEAR MARIKO,SCOREBIT FSET GARDEN-GATE,OPENBIT MOVE CHIMMOKO,HERE MOVE YABU,FORECOURT MOVE KIRITSUBO,FORECOURT MOVE SUMIYORI,FORECOURT MOVE ISHIDO,GENERIC-OBJECTS RTRUE ?CCL3: EQUAL? RARG,M-ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? SCENE,S-ESCAPE \TRUE EQUAL? OHERE,COURTYARD \TRUE IN? MARIKO,COURTYARD \TRUE ICALL QUEUE,I-COME-BACK,6 PRINTI "As you enter the garden, Mariko calls to you ""Anjin-san, we are leaving soon. Come back!"" You see her explain to Yabu what she said." CRLF CRLF RTRUE .FUNCT LILY-POND-F:ANY:0:0 EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?CCL3 PRINTR "The lily pond glistens in the sun, its waters rippled by the gentle fall of water from the brook." ?CCL3: EQUAL? PRSA,V?BOARD,V?THROUGH \FALSE PRINTR "To do so would disturb the serenity and peace of the garden and the pond." .ENDSEG .SEGMENT "SEPPUKU" .FUNCT SEPPUKU-EXAMINE-MARIKO:ANY:0:0 PRINTR "She is kneeling, facing the doorway, freshly made up, lips crimson, immaculately coiffured, wearing a fresh kimono of somber blue edged with green, with a lighter green obi and a thin green ribbon for her hair." .FUNCT SEPPUKU-TAKE-MARIKO:ANY:0:0 EQUAL? HERE,FORMAL-GARDEN,TEA-HOUSE \?CCL3 PRINTR """No, Anjin-san, I cannot stop. This is my duty to our master. Only in this way may I expiate the sin of my father, and not die in shame.""" ?CCL3: FSET? MARIKO,SCOREBIT \?CCL5 FSET? MARIKO,SITTING /?CCL5 MOVE MARIKO,WINNER ICALL2 DEQUEUE,I-SEPPUKU PRINTI "You decide that she has endured enough, proved enough, so you come forward and catch her in your arms as she falls, lift her up just as her mind leaves her. For a moment you stand there alone, proud that you alone decided. She rests like a broken doll in your arms. Then you carry her inside. No one moves or bars your path." CRLF ICALL2 SCORE-OBJECT,MARIKO CALL1 NEXT-SCENE RSTACK ?CCL5: CALL JIGS-UP?,J-SEPPUKU,STR?264 ZERO? STACK /TRUE PRINTI "You come forward to try to help her." CALL1 INTERRUPTED-SEPPUKU RSTACK .SEGMENT "ESCAPE" .FUNCT TEA-HOUSE-F:ANY:1:1,RARG EQUAL? RARG,M-BEG \?CCL3 EQUAL? PRSA,V?KISS \FALSE EQUAL? PRSO,MARIKO \FALSE PRINTR "You kiss her gently and tenderly." ?CCL3: EQUAL? RARG,M-ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? SCENE,S-SEPPUKU \?CND11 ICALL2 THIS-IS-IT,MARIKO SET 'QCONTEXT,MARIKO PRINTI "You go forward alone. " ?CND11: PRINTI "You " FSET? SANDALS,WEARBIT \?CND13 FCLEAR SANDALS,WEARBIT MOVE SANDALS,FORMAL-GARDEN PRINTI "slip your feet out of your thongs and " ?CND13: PRINTI "walk up the three steps. You have to stoop, almost to your knees, to go through the tiny screened doorway." CRLF CRLF RTRUE .ENDSEG .SEGMENT "SEPPUKU" .FUNCT GREEN-RIBBON-F:ANY:0:0 EQUAL? PRSA,V?DROP \?CCL3 FSET? PRSO,RMUNGBIT \?CCL3 CALL2 YOULL-HAVE-TO,STR?605 RSTACK ?CCL3: EQUAL? PRSA,V?TIE \?CCL7 EQUAL? PRSO,RIBBON \?CCL7 EQUAL? PRSI,FALSE-VALUE \?CCL7 CALL2 HELD?,PRSO ZERO? STACK \?CCL13 PRINT STR?606 CRLF RTRUE ?CCL13: FSET? PRSO,RMUNGBIT /?CCL15 FSET PRSO,RMUNGBIT PRINTR "You tie the ribbon to your sash in homage to Mariko's courage." ?CCL15: PRINT STR?131 CRLF RTRUE ?CCL7: EQUAL? PRSA,V?UNTIE \FALSE CALL2 HELD?,PRSO ZERO? STACK \?CCL20 PRINT STR?606 CRLF RTRUE ?CCL20: FSET? PRSO,RMUNGBIT \?CCL22 FCLEAR PRSO,RMUNGBIT PRINTR "You untie the ribbon." ?CCL22: PRINT STR?131 CRLF RTRUE .FUNCT SUMIYORI-F:ANY:0:1,RARG EQUAL? RARG,M-SUBJ /FALSE EQUAL? RARG,M-WINNER \?CCL5 CALL1 WAKARIMASEN RSTACK ?CCL5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?WHO \FALSE PRINTR "Sumiyori is the senior officer of Toranaga's Browns in Osaka." .FUNCT I-SEPPUKU:ANY:0:0 INC 'DELAY-CNT ZERO? SEPPUKU-CNT \?CCL5 EQUAL? HERE,FORMAL-GARDEN,TEA-HOUSE /?CND3 MOVE CHIMMOKO,HERE CRLF PRINTR "Mariko's servant Chimmoko urges you to return to the garden." ?CCL5: EQUAL? SEPPUKU-CNT,1 \?CCL9 EQUAL? HERE,FORMAL-GARDEN \?CND3 MOVE CHIMMOKO,HERE CRLF PRINTR "Chimmoko points imploringly at the tea house. ""My mistress wishes to see you, please, Anjin-san,"" she says in the simplified Japanese that is all you can understand." ?CCL9: EQUAL? SEPPUKU-CNT,3 \?CND3 EQUAL? HERE,TEA-HOUSE /TRUE ?CND3: SET 'DELAY-CNT,0 INC 'SEPPUKU-CNT EQUAL? SEPPUKU-CNT,1 \?CCL17 EQUAL? HERE,FORMAL-GARDEN \FALSE MOVE CHIMMOKO,HERE CRLF PRINTI "Chimmoko points to the little " ICALL2 PRINTUNDER,STR?607 PRINTR " house." ?CCL17: EQUAL? SEPPUKU-CNT,2 \?CCL22 MOVE CHIMMOKO,FORMAL-GARDEN EQUAL? HERE,TEA-HOUSE \FALSE CRLF PRINTR """Thou,"" Mariko says in Latin, the language of love." ?CCL22: EQUAL? SEPPUKU-CNT,3 \?CCL27 MOVE MARIKO,FORMAL-GARDEN EQUAL? HERE,TEA-HOUSE \?CCL30 CRLF PRINTR "Chimmoko approaches. ""It's time, Mistress."" ""Is everything ready?"" Mariko asks. ""Yes, Mistress."" ""Wait for me beside the lily pond."" The footsteps go away. Mariko turns back to you and kisses you gently. She bows to you and goes through the doorway." ?CCL30: EQUAL? HERE,FORMAL-GARDEN \FALSE CRLF PRINTR "Chimmoko enters the tea house, then re-emerges a moment later. Mariko follows her, and bows to you as she goes by." ?CCL27: EQUAL? SEPPUKU-CNT,4 \?CCL34 MOVE GREEN-RIBBON,FORMAL-GARDEN EQUAL? HERE,FORMAL-GARDEN \FALSE CRLF PRINTR "Mariko stops by the lily pond and undoes her obi and lets it fall. Chimmoko helps her out of her blue kimono. Beneath it Mariko wears the most brilliant white kimono and obi you have ever seen. It is a formal death kimono. She unties the green ribbon from her hair and casts it aside." ?CCL34: EQUAL? SEPPUKU-CNT,5 \?CCL39 FCLEAR COURTYARD,TOUCHBIT MOVE MARIKO,COURTYARD MOVE CHIMMOKO,COURTYARD EQUAL? HERE,FORMAL-GARDEN,FORECOURT,COURTYARD \FALSE CRLF PRINTR "Clad completely in white, Mariko walks from the garden into the courtyard, never looking at you." ?CCL39: EQUAL? SEPPUKU-CNT,6 \?CCL44 FCLEAR FORECOURT,TOUCHBIT MOVE MARIKO,FORECOURT MOVE CHIMMOKO,FORECOURT EQUAL? HERE,FORMAL-GARDEN,FORECOURT,COURTYARD \FALSE CRLF PRINTR "Mariko walks to the gateway, where eight tatamis have been laid out in the center of the main gate." ?CCL44: EQUAL? SEPPUKU-CNT,7 \?CCL49 FSET MARIKO,SITTING EQUAL? HERE,FORECOURT \?CCL52 CRLF PRINTR "At a sign from Sumiyori everyone bows. Mariko bows to them. Four samurai come forward and spread a crimson coverlet over the tatamis. Mariko goes to the crimson square and kneels in the center, in front of the tiny white cushion. Her right hand brings out her stiletto dagger from her white obi and she places it on the cushion in front of her. Mariko arranges the skirts of her kimono perfectly, Chimmoko helping her, tying a small white blanket around her waist with the cord. You know that this is to prevent her skirts being blooded and disarranged by her death throes." ?CCL52: EQUAL? HERE,COURTYARD \FALSE CRLF PRINTR "Through the crowd to the south you can see Mariko in the forecourt preparing for her death." ?CCL49: EQUAL? SEPPUKU-CNT,8 \?CCL56 EQUAL? HERE,FORECOURT \?CCL59 CRLF PRINTR "Serene and prepared, Mariko looks up at the castle donjon. Sun still dominates the upper story, glittering off the golden tiles. Rapidly the flaming light mounts the spire. Then it disappears. Servants are lighting flares along the avenue. When they finish, they flee as quickly and silently as they arrived. Mariko reaches forward and straightens the knife. She looks through the gateway to the far end of the avenue. It is as still and as empty as it had ever been." ?CCL59: EQUAL? HERE,COURTYARD \FALSE CRLF PRINTR "The crowd is such that you can no longer see Mariko." ?CCL56: EQUAL? SEPPUKU-CNT,9 \?CCL63 EQUAL? HERE,FORECOURT \FALSE CRLF PRINTR "Mariko looks once again at the knife. She says ""Kasigi Yabu-sama! It seems Lord Kiyama has declined to assist me. Please, I would be honored if you would be my second. ""It is my honor,"" Yabu replies. He bows, gets to his feet, and stands behind her to her left. His sword sings as it slides from its scabbard. ""I am ready, Lady,"" he says. ""Please wait until I make the second cut.""" ?CCL63: EQUAL? SEPPUKU-CNT,10 \?CCL68 MOVE ISHIDO,FORECOURT EQUAL? HERE,FORECOURT \?CCL71 ICALL2 MARGINAL-PIC,P-SEPPUKU CRLF PRINTR "With her right hand, Mariko makes the sign of the cross, then leans forward and takes the knife and touches it to her lips as though to taste the polished steel. She changes her grip and holds the knife firmly with her right hand under the left side of her throat. Suddenly flares round the far end of the avenue. A retinue approaches. Ishido is at their head. Mariko does not move the knife. Yabu is as still as a coiled spring. ""Lady,"" he says, ""do you wait or are you continuing? I wish to be perfect for you.""" ?CCL71: CRLF PRINTR "You can hear a subdued whispering coming from all around." ?CCL68: EQUAL? SEPPUKU-CNT,11 \?CCL73 EQUAL? HERE,FORECOURT \?CCL76 CRLF PRINTI """I wait ... we ... I"" Her hand lowers the knife. Yabu lowers his sword and it hisses back into his scabbard. Ishido stands at the gateway. ""It's not sunset yet, Lady. Are you so keen to die?"" ""No, Lord General. Just to obey my Lord ... "" She holds her hands together to stop their shaking. A rumble of anger goes through the Browns at Ishido's arrogant rudeness." CRLF CRLF PRINTI "Ishido says loudly, ""The Lady Ochiba begged the Regents on behalf of the Heir to make an exception in your case. Here are permits for you to leave at dawn tomorrow."" He shoves them into the hands of Sumiyori. ""Sire?"" Mariko says, without understanding, her voice threadbare." CRLF CRLF PRINTI """You are free to leave. At dawn,"" barks Ishido. ""And Kiritsubo-san and the Lady Sazuko?"" ""Isn't that also part of your 'duty?' Their permits are there also.""" CRLF CRLF PRINTR "Ishido addresses the others. ""Any ladies may apply, any samurai. I've said before, it's stupid to leave for seventeen days, it's insulting to flout the Heir's welcome ..."" -- his ruthless gaze goes back to Mariko -- ""or to pressure them with threats of seppuku!""" ?CCL76: CRLF PRINTI "You can hear a building, burgeoning noise from all around the forecourt." CRLF CRLF PRINTR "As suddenly as it started, the noise ceases." ?CCL73: EQUAL? SEPPUKU-CNT,12 \?CCL78 MOVE ISHIDO,GENERIC-OBJECTS EQUAL? HERE,FORECOURT \?CCL81 CRLF PRINTR "Ishido turns on his heel, shouts an order to the Grays, and walks off." ?CCL81: CRLF PRINTR "From the forecourt you can hear the sound of marching feet." ?CCL78: EQUAL? SEPPUKU-CNT,13 \?CCL83 FSET MARIKO,SCOREBIT SET 'MARIKO-WON-FLAG,TRUE-VALUE FCLEAR MARIKO,SITTING EQUAL? HERE,FORECOURT \FALSE CRLF PRINTR "Yabu turns to Mariko. ""Lady, it's over now. You've ... you've won. You've won."" Mariko tries to grope to her feet. She fails. She tries a second time. Again she fails. Her hands go to the crimson again, and this time she forces herself upright. She wavers and almost falls, then her feet move and slowly she totters across the crimson, reeling helplessly toward the main door." ?CCL83: EQUAL? SEPPUKU-CNT,14 \FALSE EQUAL? HERE,FORECOURT \?CCL91 CRLF PRINTI "Mariko teeters helplessly, unable to move forward any further. There is a hushed silence, everyone in the forecourt watching her. She falls to the ground." CRLF JUMP ?CND89 ?CCL91: CRLF PRINTI "From the forecourt is hushed silence, as though all of Osaka is waiting for something, and then a sigh, just barely audible though thousands of throats make it, comes over the walls." CRLF ?CND89: CALL1 NEXT-SCENE RSTACK .ENDSEG .ENDI