%<> WORD> %<> WORD> > > %<> WORD> > ) (HL (T)) (HLL .HL) V (CL (T)) (CLL .CL) TCL TCLL) STRING>> ) (T >>> >)>>> >>)>>> )> )> )> >) (T > 2>> >>)>)> >)>> >>>>)> >>> < PLTABLE "Will Mrs Hudson do anything for me?" "Have you tried kissing her?" "Have you tried bribing her?" "The sad fact is that she won't do anything for you."> "CABS" "WESTMINSTER ABBEY" < PLTABLE "Are the tombs important?" "They are to the people buried in them." "Yes."> "BRITISH MUSEUM" "ST PAUL'S" "TRAFALGAR SQUARE" "ON THE THAMES" "VICTORIA STATION" "COVENT GARDEN" "MADAME TUSSAUD'S" "SCOTLAND YARD" "BANK OF ENGLAND" < PLTABLE "How can I stop the kidnapping?" "Hire bodyguards." "Put Holmes in your medical bag." "You can't."> "DIOGENES CLUB" "TOWER OF LONDON" "GEMS"