.FUNCT HATCH-F:ANY:0:0 EQUAL? HERE,HATCHWAY,RAMP /?CCL3 EQUAL? PRSA,V?RUB /?CTR2 EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE,V?CLOSE,V?OPEN \?CCL3 ?CTR2: CALL2 NOT-HERE,HATCH RSTACK ?CCL3: EQUAL? PRSA,V?THROUGH,V?OPEN \FALSE FSET? HATCH,OPENBIT /FALSE PRINTR "The hatch appears to be jammed shut." .FUNCT FALL-OFF-RAMP:ANY:0:0 PRINTI "You fall off the edge of the ramp onto the surface of Magrathea.It's not a long way down and the ground breaks your fall, but nevertheless you die." LESS? MOVES,10 \?CCL3 PRINTI " This is something which is going to happen to you quite a lot, so you might as well get used to it." JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL3: PRINTI " You might not think it's very fair, but nobody said the Galaxy was a very fair place anyway." ?CND1: ICALL1 JIGS-UP RFALSE .FUNCT WANDER-AROUND:ANY:0:0 PRINTI "You wander gloomily around for a while, ruining your shoes, becoming thoroughly depressed, and ending up where you started." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT DEATH-BY-BLUBBER:ANY:0:0 PRINTI "You fall into the new-ish, nasty-ish crater, where the blubber and blood liberally spattered around break your fall. Unfortunately, however, on becoming aware of your surroundings, you die of disgust." CRLF ICALL1 JIGS-UP RFALSE .FUNCT SLOPE-SCRAMBLE:ANY:0:0 PRINTI "You plunge recklessly over the edge of the " PRINTD HERE PRINTI ", ruining your shoes in your desperate scrabble for a foothold. Fortunately for you, you regain your footing and scramble breathlessly back to level ground again." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT DOWN-TO-CRATER:ANY:0:0 PRINTI "You hop over the teeth and scramble down to the crater floor" MOVE WINNER,WHALE-CRATER RTRUE .ENDI