Mark, Here are the steps I used to load the zipped Ultimate MK3 title screen into program memory. I originally got the file called ULT.VDA ;------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Convert ULT.VDA into a zipped BIN file called ULT.BIN by running Warren's batch file called VDA2FRM.BAT which calls: PKZIPO.EXE (you must use this old version of PKZIP) ZIP2BIN.EXE (converts pkzips output to a BIN file) ;------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Make an LOD file which includes your BIN file in PROGRAM memory My LOD file (mkgmil.lod) looked like this: ; ; mk3: program area pics ; ***> ffe78000 <-------- note: this is PROGRAM area I chose ASM> MK3ZIP.TBL <----- table file created with LABEL: ULT FRM> ULT ^ | |_____ ULT is the binary file created with Warrens batch file ;------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Include the LOD file in your "Make game roms" batch file This is my batch file to create my game program ROMS It uses the "learn" file: mk3groms.lrn @echo off copy d:main.out srec < mk3groms.lrn copy /b mainf8.0 + mainfa.0 + mainfc.0 + mainfe.0 mk3.0 copy /b mainf8.1 + mainfa.1 + mainfc.1 + mainfe.1 mk3.1 erase mainf*.0 erase mainf*.1 This is the "learn" file which I described. Note: mkgmil.irw is included along with main.out which basically included the zipped picture in the program rom space. ***** ff800000 2 c:\video\supermk3\img\mkgmil.irw <----- mkgmil is the GAME space IRW main.out a ;------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Running Loadimg with the MKGMIL.LOD file created a file called MK3ZIP.TBL which contains: .DATA ULT .set 0ffe78000h .TEXT You must include this file in your code so you can point the unzipper routine to the address of the zipped picture. ;------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. In your program call the unzipper like dis: clr a10 ; a10 = coordiantes to use movi ULT,a8 ; a8 = address of zipped picture jsrp movie_run ;------------------------------------------------------------------ Ed