[messages for room 6 -- rmAgeTest [ "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards" [ by Al Lowe %message 1 "Warning:\n\n\"Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards\" contains some elements of plot which may not be considered appropriate for some children." %message 2 "How old are you? " %message 3 "To verify you are really %v209, please answer five simple questions." %message 4 "Sorry.\n\n This game can only be played by adults, or with an adult.\n\n Please find an adult, come back, and try again." %message 5 "Oops. You blew that one!\n\n If you miss another, you can't possibly be %v209." %message 6 "You're a kid!!\n\n Shame on you for trying to deceive a friendly game like this!\n\n Please play again when you're older." %message 7 "Please answer a, b, c, or d: " %message 8 "Correct." %message 9 "So far, so good.\n\n Now for the final question." %message 10 " Thank you.\n\n And now, slip into your leisure suit and prepare to enter the \"Land of the Lounge Lizards\" with \"Leisure Suit Larry!\"" %message 11 " Warning!\n\n This game may be hazardous to those with heart conditions!" %message 12 "No, you're not!" %message 13 "Question #%v208. Correct answer is %v211." %message 14 "a" %message 15 "b" %message 16 "c" %message 17 "d" %message 18 "%v62 cycles in %v63 seconds"