[messages for room 25 -- rmInsideDisco [ "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards" [ by Al Lowe %message 1 "The disco is filled with remarkably similar guys, all looking for girls." %message 2 "What a knock-out! She has bright blue eyes, and a dazzling smile. Your eyes roam her body, and what you see, you like. She's sensational!!" %message 3 "Larry, this MUST be love!" %message 4 "\"Please,\" she says coyly, \"stop staring there.\"" %message 5 "Perhaps they're waiting for Fawn to return." %message 6 "Not now, you're busy." %message 7 "%m52dancing. I thought you'd never ask! Come on!!\"" %message 8 "" %message 9 "%m52roses.\"" %message 10 "%m52candy.\"" %message 11 "%m52diamonds.\"" %message 12 "It appears Fawn has caught you a \"little short,\" Larry. Better try the casino, and hope for a run of good luck!" %message 13 "\"Well, really. I'm not that kind of girl!!\"" %message 14 "%m52money.\"" %message 15 "\"Thanks, Larry. You won't regret this. Meet me at the Marriage Chapel near the Casino in a few minutes. I'll get us a room. Hurry, Larry, I can hardly wait!\"" %message 16 "\"Oooh, you're so sweet. I just LOVE you! Larry, I want you to make wild, passionate love to me!\"" %message 17 "(All right, Larry. At last, you're gonna get lucky!!)" %message 18 "She continues, \"But first, we must get married. I could never make love to a man not my husband. If you would loan me a hundred dollars, I'd rent the Honeymoon Suite at the Casino Hotel for us. Then, after we're married, we'll celebrate there.\"" %message 19 "\"You seem like a sweet, old-fashioned kind of guy,\" she says with a beautiful smile." %message 20 "\"What! At a time like this?!\"" %message 21 "\"Either give me some money, or I'll leave without you.\"" %message 22 "\"That's it! See ya later, chump!\"" %message 23 "\"Hi ya, Baby. What say you and me get it on?\"" %message 24 "Those beautiful eyes tell you this doll requires more than your usual smooth talk." %message 25 "\"Bad breath's one thing, Larry, but you could knock a buzzard off a manure truck!!\"" %message 26 "She smiles and says, \"I'm just a girl who can't say no..." %message 27 "(All right, Larry; this is what you've been waiting for!)" %message 28 "\"...to nice presents,\" she concludes." %message 29 "Her hair is beautiful, not thinning like some people we know." %message 30 "\"So what?\"" %message 31 "Her lips are moist and inviting, but remember that you also thought that about old Mrs. Bradley, your homeroom teacher!" %message 32 "\"What's your name, beautiful?\" you ask." %message 33 "\"Fawn,\" she replies." %message 34 "Somehow you knew that." %message 35 "\"I'm sorry, but I'll need at least a hundred dollars,\" she says with a coy smile." %message 36 "You fervently hope she'll wait for your return." %message 37 "Conveniently, she offers, \"I'll wait right here until you return.\"" %message 38 "I AM the marrying type, but you must convince me." %message 39 "\"How nice,\" she says, \"I love me, too.\"" %message 40 "The dance floor is lit from below with brightly colored lights. It is presently unused." %message 41 "Evidently every guy here has been turned down by the only girl in the place. Her beauty has them frozen in their tracks." %message 42 "There isn't one. This place is run by computer. (Besides, at this time of night DJ should be home with Chris.)" %message 43 "\"Say, Larry,\" she chuckles, glancing downward, \"is that a pez dispenser in your pocket, or are you just lonely?\"" %message 44 "\"Perhaps we shall,\" she replies, \"if you play your cards right!\"" %message 46 "\"Get lost, creep.\"" %message 47 "\"Hey, sweetheart. What's your sign?\" you ask her." %message 48 "\"Octagonal,\" she replies. \"Like in 'STOP!'\"" %message 49 "\"My name is Larry,\" you offer. \"Larry Laffer.\"" %message 50 "\"I'd really like to get to know you better,\" you say. \"What kind of girl are you, anyway?\"" %message 51 "(Oops.)" %message 52 "\"Oooh, you're so sweet. I just love " %message 57 "Funny, this is a dry club." %message 58 "\"So, how about it, Larry?\" Fawn says in her petite voice. \"May I have a measly hundred bucks, or not?\"" %message 59 "\"Not again. That trip through the ceiling gave me a headache!\"" %message 60 "SLAP!" %message 61 "SLAP!\n\n SLAP!!" %message 63 "They seem to be staring at something they all want." %message 64 "\"Uh, gosh, Fawn,\" you mumble. \"I've only got %v90 bucks on me!\"" %message 65 "Gee, Larry, this is working out swell."