[messages for room 2 -- lgcQuestions1 [ "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards" [ by Al Lowe %message 1 "Johnny Carson is\n\n a. a singer.\n b. David Letterman's\n sidekick.\n c. Ed McMahon's sidekick.\n d. an actor." %message 2 "VCR stands for\n\n a. Very Confusing Record.\n b. Visual Cartridge\n Recording.\n c. Very Complete Record.\n d. Video Cassette Recorder." %message 3 "The East Coast is\n\n a. home of the Mets.\n b. a country.\n c. where people talk funny.\n d. adjacent to Texas." %message 4 "Is this software pirated?\n\n a. Yes.\n b. I'm not talking.\n c. No. (How could you\n even ask!)\n d. No, just borrowed." %message 5 "Pia Zadora is\n\n a. sexy.\n b. a singer.\n c. short.\n d. all of the above." %message 6 "The world is\n\n a. flat.\n b. spherical.\n c. a big place.\n d. near Fresno." %message 7 "\"Let It Be\" was recorded by\n\n a. the Rolling Stones.\n b. the Monkees.\n c. Creedence Clearwater.\n d. the Beatles." %message 8 "All politicians are\n\n a. hardworking.\n b. honest.\n c. ethical.\n d. on the public payroll." %message 9 "Lingerie is\n\n a. sexy.\n b. a kind of car.\n c. a French food.\n d. edible." %message 10 "Paul, John, Ringo and\n\n a. Fred.\n b. George.\n c. Harry.\n d. me." %message 11 "Do girls really have cooties?\n\n a. Yes.\n b. No.\n c. Some do, some don't.\n d. Maybe." %message 12 "Which song was not recorded by Elvis?\n\n a. \"Hound Dog\"\n b. \"Love Me Tender\"\n c. \"What'd I Say\"\n d. \"Heartbreak Hotel\"" %message 13 "Edsel is a\n\n a. girl's name.\n b. plane.\n c. car.\n d. great investment." %message 14 "Sex is\n\n a. great.\n b. ok.\n c. a spectator sport.\n d. a mystery to me." %message 15 "Richard Nixon was the _____ President of the United States.\n\n a. last\n b. funniest\n c. thirty-seventh\n d. first Negro" %message 16 "During the 70's, Carroll O'Connor portrayed a\n\n a. kindly doctor.\n b. lovable bigot.\n c. handicapped lawyer.\n d. Negro junk dealer." %message 17 "The song \"American Pie\" was about\n\n a. miscegenation.\n b. Marilyn Chambers.\n c. a dead rock star.\n d. four minutes too long." %message 18 "Thomas Eagleton was dropped from the 1972 Democratic National Ticket when knowledge of his previous _____ treatments became known.\n\n a. skin\n b. screen\n c. shock\n d. scalp" %message 19 "The 70's practice of running around naked was called\n\n a. flashing.\n b. streaking.\n c. swinging.\n d. on account of rain." %message 20 "Peter Benchley's novel \"Jaws\" was about\n\n a. Linda Lovelace.\n b. dieting.\n c. Joan Rivers.\n d. sharks." %message 21 "Who was not Vice-President of the United States in 1973-74?\n\n a. Gerald Ford\n b. Nelson Rockefeller\n c. Thomas Hayden\n d. Spiro Agnew" %message 22 "The \"Chicago Seven\" was\n\n a. some people who only\n seem crazy in\n retrospect.\n b. the Bears' defensive\n line.\n c. burned for showing\n \"Country\" in three\n different theatres.\n d. partially convicted." %message 23 "President Ford prescribed _____ for dealing with economic problems.\n\n a. tranquilizers\n b. employment\n c. that everyone wear a\n WIN button\n d. that everyone should\n have a nice day" %message 24 "The tackiest seventies fashion was\n\n a. platform shoes.\n b. midi-skirts.\n c. short hair.\n d. bisexuality." %message 25 "O. J. Simpson is\n\n a. an R & B singer.\n b. under indictment.\n c. embarrassed by his first\n name (Olivia).\n d. no one to fool with." %message 26 "Angela Davis is\n\n a. the middle Pointer\n Sister.\n b. a failed politician.\n c. an example of split ends\n gone wild.\n d. Bette's daughter." %message 27 "Detente is\n\n a. prohibited by law in\n 41 states.\n b. a feminine hygiene\n spray.\n c. the masculine form of\n \"deteuse.\"\n d. a policy to replace war." %message 28 "Kwi-Chang-Caine became famous by saying\n\n a. \"I am not a crook.\"\n b. \"The barren fig tree\n bears no plums.\"\n c. \"Hi, sailor.\ New in town?\"\n d. \"Aaaaaiiiyeeeaagggh!\"" %message 29 "Ted Kennedy is best remem- bered for his\n\n a. driving.\n b. underwater free-style.\n c. brothers.\n d. All of the above." %message 30 "\"NORML\" is\n\n a. not gay.\n b. what Falwell wants you\n to be.\n c. trying to legalize\n marijuana.\n d. misspelled." %message 31 "Tom Hayden is\n\n a. one of the Chicago\n Seven.\n b. a U. S. Congressman.\n c. Mr. Jane Fonda.\n d. All of the above." %message 32 "Spiro Agnew is\n\n a. a form of social\n disease.\n b. a jazz-fusion rock band.\n c. a former Vice President.\n d. the first woman in\n Congress." %message 33 "The germ that transmits syphilis is\n\n a. Spiro Agnew.\n b. Spirochete.\n c. Spirograph.\n d. Barbarella." %message 34 "Kookie's address was\n\n a. 77 Sunset Strip.\n b. on Wistful Vista Street.\n c. 334 Elm Street.\n d. 1313 Mockingbird Lane." %message 35 "\"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?\"\n\n a. The Psychiatrist\n b. The Shadow\n c. The Creeper\n d. Ingmar Bergman" %message 36 "Al Lowe is:\n\n a. under 25.\n b. pregnant.\n c. never \"carded.\"\n d. a Woody Allen\n impersonator." %message 37 "Frank Sinatra is a\n\n a. female impersonator.\n b. shy pacifist.\n c. saloon singer.\n d. distance runner." %message 38 "Ralph Boysen invented\n\n a. the boysenberry.\n b. fins on 50's cars.\n c. bell bottomed jeans.\n d. the juke box." %message 39 "The first man on the moon was\n\n a. John Glenn.\n b. Neil Diamond.\n c. Neil Armstrong.\n d. Jack Armstrong." %message 40 "\"Gone With The Wind\" is about\n\n a. outer space.\n b. a bank robbery.\n c. four hours long.\n d. dust." %message 41 "Who is not a sportscaster?\n\n a. Jayne Kennedy\n b. Howard Cosell\n c. Jayne Mansfield\n d. Frank Gifford" %message 42 "Which is not a wine?\n\n a. Colombard\n b. Bon Aire\n c. Cabernet\n d. Muscatel" %message 43 "Which is not a mountain range?\n\n a. Cayman\n b. Appalachian\n c. Rockies\n d. Himalayas" %message 44 "In the movie, \"Paint Your Wagon,\" Clint Eastwood sang\n\n a. \"I Talk to the Trees\"\n b. \"Go Ahead, Make My\n Wagon\"\n c. \"If I Had A Mayor\"\n d. None of the above." %message 45 "The drink \"Screwdriver\" contains\n\n a. tomato juice.\n b. orange juice.\n c. grapefruit juice.\n d. borax." %message 46 "Ronald Reagan's co-star in \"Bedtime for Bonzo\" was\n\n a. a monkey.\n b. Peter O'Toole.\n c. Bonzo the Clown.\n d. Marilyn Monroe." %message 47 "The slogan \"It takes two hands to handle a whopper\" refers to\n\n a. John Holmes.\n b. a hamburger.\n c. overstuffed grocery\n bags.\n d. fishing." %message 48 "If you arrived at a party wearing your birthday suit, you would\n\n a. make many new friends.\n b. be thrown out.\n c. fit right in.\n d. It depends on the party." %message 49 "Cesar Chavez led a boycott of\n\n a. grapes.\n b. X-rated movies.\n c. dirty magazines.\n d. goods from South Africa." %message 50 "James Brown is often referred to as\n\n a. the Chairman of the\n Board.\n b. a great athlete.\n c. the Velvet Fog.\n d. the Godfather of Soul." %message 51 "Who lost a daughter but gained a \"meathead?\"\n\n a. George Jefferson\n b. Ronald Reagan\n c. Archie Bunker\n d. Ted Knight" %message 52 "Which U. S. Secretary of State was born in Germany?\n\n a. Dean Rusk\n b. William Rogers\n c. George Schultz\n d. Henry Kissinger" %message 53 "Who was the inventive genius behind the Apple computer?\n\n a. Bill Gates\n b. Steve Wozniak\n c. Ken Williams\n d. Steve Russell" %message 60 "Dynamic logic = 2." %message 61 "a" %message 62 "b" %message 63 "c" %message 64 "d" %message 65 "So far, so good.\n\n Now for the final question." %message 66 "Question #%v96. Correct answer is %v93." %message 67 "Please answer a, b, c, or d: " %message 69 "So far, so good.\n\n Now for the final question."