[Logics for room 1 -- title, credits [ "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards" [ by Al Lowe %include "rm1.msg" %include "gamedefs.h" [ This loops through the title screen, and the credits screens, until a [key is pressed. It then starts the game, at room 11. [ Note: using the standard "frame" pic, first line to print on is y = 3, [lowest is y = 19. X = 4 leaves 1 character blank at LEFT edge. [ View# Name Loop Cell Size X Y Contents [--------------------------------------------------------------------- [ 39 vCreditNames1 0 0 65x23 41 94 programmed by [ 39 vCreditNames1 0 1 69x60 41 114 designed by [ 40 vCreditNames2 0 0 62x23 53 80 graphics by [ 40 vCreditNames2 0 1 44x23 65 84 written by [ 41 vCreditNames3 0 0 38x23 68 59 music by [ 41 vCreditNames3 0 1 82x56 25 155 AGI by %define designPic lv2 %define creditsPic lv3 %define agdsPic lv4 %define framePic lv5 %object aDoll 1 %object aName 2 if (initLog) { SetHorizon( 1); StatusLineOff(); Set( demo); Set( handsOff); Set( programControl); PreventInput(); lastChar = 0; animationInterval = NORMAL_SPEED; LoadSound( mTitle); LoadView( vTitles); LoadView( vTitleDoll); LoadView( vTitleEgo); LoadView( vCreditNames1); LoadView( vCreditNames2); LoadView( vCreditNames3); LoadView( vCreditNames4); designPic = picCredits1; creditsPic = picCredits2; agdsPic = picCredits3; LoadPic( designPic); LoadPic( creditsPic); LoadPic( agdsPic); LoadPic( currentRoom); DrawPic( currentRoom); DiscardPic( currentRoom); AnimateObj( aDoll); IgnoreObjs( aDoll); SetView( aDoll, vTitleDoll); SetLoop( aDoll, FACING_RIGHT); Position( aDoll, 0, 130); AnimateObj( aName); SetView( aName, vCreditNames1); SetCel( aName, 0); SetPriority( aName, 4); StopCycling( aName); StepSize( ego, three); Position( ego, 0, 160); SetView( ego, vTitleEgo); SetLoop( ego, FACING_RIGHT); Sound( mTitle, musicDone); script = 0; AddToPic( vTitles, 0, 0, 4, 18, 4, 4); AddToPic( vTitles, 0, 1, 4, 36, 4, 4); AddToPic( vTitles, 0, 2, 46, 36, 4, 4); AddToPic( vTitles, 0, 3, 11, 87, 4, 4); [view, loop, cel, x, y, obj priority, box priority scriptTimer = 8; ShowPic(); Return(); } [ end initLOG [***** :noInput [***** if (scriptDone) { Reset( scriptDone); ++script; if (script == 1) { Draw( aDoll); MoveObj( aDoll, 36, 94, 2, scriptDone); } if (script == 2) { MoveObj( aDoll, 136, 94, 2, scriptDone); Draw( ego); MoveObj( ego, 80, 160, 3, scriptDone); } if (script == 3) { if (monitorType != MONO) { Display( 23, 3, 2); Display( 24, 4, 3); } SetLoop( ego, 2); FixLoop( ego); MoveObj( ego, 149, 160, 2, scriptDone); } if (script == 4) { Erase( aDoll); } if (script == 5) { Erase( ego); if (monitorType != MONO) { ClearLines( 23, 24, BG_COLOR); } DrawPic( designPic); [ draw new picture (pic.2) Position( aName, 41, 94); Draw( aName); [ programmed by ShowPic(); scriptTimer = 8; } if (script == 6) { SetCel( aName, 1); [ designed by RepositionTo( aName, 41, 114); SetLoop( aDoll, FACING_LEFT); Draw( aDoll); MoveObj( aDoll, 100, 94, 2, scriptDone); } if (script == 7) { MoveObj( aDoll, 0, 94, 2, scriptDone); SetLoop( ego, FACING_LEFT); Draw( ego); MoveObj( ego, 50, 160, 3, scriptDone); } if (script == 8) { SetLoop( ego, 3); FixLoop( ego); MoveObj( ego, 0, 160, 2, scriptDone); } if (script == 9) { Erase( aDoll); } if (script == 10) { Erase( ego); SetView( ego, vEgo); Erase( aName); DrawPic( creditsPic); [ Draw pic.3 SetView( aName, vCreditNames2); SetCel( aName, 0); [ graphics by Position( aName, 53, 80); Draw( aName); ShowPic(); scriptTimer = 9; } if (script == 11) { SetCel( aName, 1); [ written by RepositionTo( aName, 65, 84); scriptTimer = 8; } if (script == 12) { Erase( aName); DrawPic( agdsPic); [ draw pic.4 AddToPic( vCreditNames3, 0, 0, 68, 59, 4, 4); [ Music by AddToPic( vCreditNames3, 0, 1, 25, 155, 4, 4); [ AGDS by [view, loop, cel, x, y, obj priority, box priority ShowPic(); scriptTimer = 8; } if (script == 13) { DrawPic( creditsPic); [ Draw pic.3 AddToPic( vCreditNames4, 0, 0, 64, 84, 4, 4); [ Kenny ShowPic(); scriptTimer = 3; } if (script == 14 && !soundOn) { NewRoom( rmTitle); [ Let's do it again, and real soon. } } [***** :exit [***** if (musicDone) { if (script > 13) { NewRoom( rmTitle); [ Let's do it again, and real soon. } else { Sound( mTitle, musicDone); [ Play it again, Samantha. } }