.FUNCT HOUSE-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?ELS5 PRINTR "It's dark, but you can make out a stately two-story home with chimneys near the east and west ends of the house. Hardly anything has changed since you were last here several years ago, though you always remember the house as full of life, and now it is deserted and silent." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE CALL DO-WALK,P?IN RSTACK .FUNCT SOUTH-JUNCTION-F,RARG EQUAL? RARG,M-ENTER \FALSE INC 'SOUTH-JUNCTION-VISITS RETURN SOUTH-JUNCTION-VISITS .FUNCT TO-FRONT-PORCH FSET? SOUTH-JUNCTION,BLACK-CAT-BIT \?ELS5 PRINTI "As you walk toward the house, a large black cat scurries across the path, heading toward Johnny Carson's house." CRLF CRLF FCLEAR SOUTH-JUNCTION,BLACK-CAT-BIT RETURN FRONT-PORCH ?ELS5: RETURN FRONT-PORCH .FUNCT COMPASS-ROSE-PSEUDO EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \FALSE PRINTR "The compass rose encircles the base of the statue." .FUNCT BAZOOKA-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?TURN,V?MOVE,V?PUSH \?ELS5 CALL PERFORM,PRSA,BUCK,PRSI RTRUE ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?ELS7 PRINTI "The bazooka is pointing to the " CALL SAY-BUCK-DIR PRINTR "." ?ELS7: EQUAL? PRSA,V?SHOOT \FALSE PRINTR "It's a stone gun, you geek." .FUNCT TO-&-FROM-SOUTH-JUNCTION,NEW-ROOM PRINTI "You follow the stone walkway as it turns " EQUAL? HERE,SOUTHEAST-JUNCTION \?ELS3 SET 'NEW-ROOM,SOUTH-JUNCTION PRINTI "west" JUMP ?CND1 ?ELS3: EQUAL? HERE,SOUTHWEST-JUNCTION \?ELS5 SET 'NEW-ROOM,SOUTH-JUNCTION PRINTI "east" JUMP ?CND1 ?ELS5: PRINTI "north" EQUAL? PRSO,P?WEST \?ELS10 SET 'NEW-ROOM,SOUTHWEST-JUNCTION JUMP ?CND1 ?ELS10: SET 'NEW-ROOM,SOUTHEAST-JUNCTION ?CND1: PRINTI " around the corner of the house, arriving at..." CRLF CRLF RETURN NEW-ROOM .FUNCT TO-&-FROM-TOP-LANDING FSET? NORTHEAST-JUNCTION,EVERYBIT \?ELS3 FCLEAR NORTHEAST-JUNCTION,EVERYBIT PRINTI "As you walk along the path you hear footsteps running south along the stone walkway." CRLF CRLF JUMP ?CND1 ?ELS3: PRINTI "You walk a short distance along the grass path, arriving at..." CRLF CRLF ?CND1: EQUAL? HERE,NORTHEAST-JUNCTION \?ELS10 RETURN TOP-LANDING ?ELS10: EQUAL? HERE,TOP-LANDING \FALSE RETURN NORTHEAST-JUNCTION .FUNCT PATIO-F,RARG EQUAL? RARG,M-LOOK \FALSE PRINTI "This is a large fieldstone patio spanning the entire width of the back of the house. In the daytime you can look out onto Aunt Hildegarde's beautiful garden, said to be the envy of the Malibu colony. This is where Uncle Buddy and Aunt Hildegarde would often entertain. Standing here you remember the time at one of their parties when you swiped one of Uncle Buddy's big Hollywood cigars and smoked it, then got sick on a rose bush in the garden. You snicker a little bit thinking about that poor rose bush now and the goofy things you did as a child. To the north a stone pathway leads to the garden. Steps lead down off to the east and west, and there is a" FSET? PATIO-DOOR,OPENBIT \?ELS8 PRINTI "n open" JUMP ?CND6 ?ELS8: PRINTI " closed" ?CND6: PRINTI " door to the south." RTRUE .FUNCT GARDEN-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?ELS5 PRINTI "This garden was Aunt Hildegarde's pride and joy. " GRTR? MOVES,535 /?ELS8 PRINTI "By the moonlight you can see the outline of" JUMP ?CND6 ?ELS8: PRINTI "You can see" ?CND6: PRINTR " dozens of fancy varieties of flowers and shrubs. Several small trees dot the garden, giving shade during the day to the more delicate blossoms. Stone walkways lead through the garden. A stone wall surrounds the garden with entrances north and south." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE PRINTR "You can only enter the garden from the north or south of the garden." .FUNCT GARDEN-WALLS-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?ELS5 PRINTR "The stone wall surrounds the entire garden, with entrances to the north and south of the garden." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?CLIMB-UP,V?CLIMB-ON,V?CLIMB /?THN8 EQUAL? PRSA,V?CLIMB-OVER \FALSE ?THN8: PRINTR "Aunt Hildegarde would paddle your fanny if she saw you do that." .FUNCT ROSE-BUSH-PSEUDO EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?ELS5 PRINTR "You remember this rose bush from many summers ago. It's the one you got sick on after smoking one of Uncle Buddy's cigars." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?SMELL \?ELS7 PRINTR "No doubt the fragrance would be sweeter had you not thrown-up on it many years ago." ?ELS7: EQUAL? PRSA,V?WATER \FALSE PRINTR "Driven by guilt, you splash some water on the bush. It looks better already." .FUNCT FLORAL-PSEUDO EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?ELS5 PRINTR "It's the lovely flora you would expect in Aunt Hildegarde's reknowned garden." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?SMELL \FALSE PRINTR "Hmmm. What a lovely scent." .FUNCT POND-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?PUT \?ELS5 EQUAL? PRSI,POND \?ELS5 PRINTI "You drop" CALL TPRINT,PRSO PRINTI " in" CALL TPRINT,POND GETP PRSO,P?SIZE GRTR? STACK,5 \?CND8 PRINTI " with a splash" ?CND8: PRINTC 46 MOVE PRSO,POND CALL ALL-WET,PRSO CALL BLOW-OUT-ALL-IN,PRSO,STR?189 EQUAL? PRSO,BUCKET \?CND11 FIRST? PRSO \?CND11 CALL ROB,BUCKET,POND PRINTI " The contents of the bucket sink to the bottom of the shallow pond." ?CND11: EQUAL? PRSO,FLASHLIGHT \?CND16 FSET? FLASHLIGHT,ONBIT \?CND16 FCLEAR FLASHLIGHT,ONBIT FSET FLASHLIGHT,WETBIT PRINTI " The flashlight goes out." ?CND16: CRLF RTRUE ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?ENTER \?ELS22 PRINTR "How soon they forget. Don't you remember the summer Aunt Hildegarde caught you wading in the pond and paddled your behind?" ?ELS22: EQUAL? PRSA,V?CLOSE,V?OPEN \FALSE CALL CANT-OPEN-CLOSE RSTACK .FUNCT BLOW-OUT-ALL-IN,OBJ,STR=0 ZERO? STR \?CND1 SET 'STR,STR?190 ?CND1: ?PRG4: ZERO? OBJ /TRUE FSET? OBJ,FLAMEBIT \?CND11 FCLEAR OBJ,FLAMEBIT FCLEAR OBJ,ONBIT PRINTI " The " CALL DPRINT,OBJ PRINTI " goes out" PRINT STR PRINTC 46 EQUAL? OBJ,RED-CANDLE \?ELS16 CALL STOP-RED-BURNING JUMP ?CND11 ?ELS16: EQUAL? OBJ,WHITE-CANDLE \?ELS18 CALL STOP-WHITE-BURNING JUMP ?CND11 ?ELS18: EQUAL? OBJ,BLUE-CANDLE \?ELS20 CALL STOP-BLUE-BURNING JUMP ?CND11 ?ELS20: EQUAL? OBJ,GREEN-MATCH,RED-MATCH \?CND11 CALL DEQUEUE,I-MATCH-BURN ?CND11: FIRST? OBJ \?CND23 FIRST? OBJ /?KLU26 ?KLU26: CALL BLOW-OUT-ALL-IN,STACK,STR ?CND23: NEXT? OBJ >OBJ /?PRG4 JUMP ?PRG4 .FUNCT TO-&-FROM-CANNON,NEW-ROOM PRINTI "You follow the walkway as it turns " EQUAL? HERE,NORTHWEST-JUNCTION \?ELS3 SET 'NEW-ROOM,CANNON-EMPLACEMENT PRINTI "east" JUMP ?CND1 ?ELS3: EQUAL? HERE,NORTHEAST-JUNCTION \?ELS5 SET 'NEW-ROOM,CANNON-EMPLACEMENT PRINTI "west" JUMP ?CND1 ?ELS5: PRINTI "south" EQUAL? PRSO,P?WEST \?ELS10 SET 'NEW-ROOM,NORTHWEST-JUNCTION JUMP ?CND1 ?ELS10: SET 'NEW-ROOM,NORTHEAST-JUNCTION ?CND1: PRINTI " around the hedge leading to..." CRLF CRLF RETURN NEW-ROOM .FUNCT CANNON-EMPLACEMENT-F,RARG EQUAL? RARG,M-LOOK \FALSE PRINTI "This is a cannon emplacement complete with a Civil War-style cannon and a neatly stacked pyramid of cannon balls. During the day this area affords a spectacular view of the coastline. Stone walkways lead east and west, and a steep path leads down." RTRUE .FUNCT TO-CLIFF FSET? SKIS,WORNBIT \?ELS5 CALL JIGS-UP,STR?192 RSTACK ?ELS5: PRINTI "You attempt to walk down, but end up sliding most of the way to a cliff below." CRLF CRLF RETURN CLIFF .FUNCT CLIFF-F,RARG EQUAL? RARG,M-LOOK \FALSE PRINTI "This cliff affords the same spectacular view as from the cannon emplacement above. Far below you and stretching east, are the white sands of a beach" GRTR? MOVES,535 /?CND6 PRINTI ", illuminated by the moon's glow" ?CND6: PRINTI ". You can hear the faint sound of waves lapping at the shore. Nearby in the ground is a" FSET? HATCH,OPENBIT \?ELS13 PRINTI "n open hatch, forming a hole which leads down." RTRUE ?ELS13: PRINTI " closed hatch." RTRUE .FUNCT CLIFF-PSEUDO EQUAL? PRSA,V?LEAP \FALSE CALL JIGS-UP,STR?193 RSTACK .FUNCT TO-CANNON-EMPLACEMENT PRINTI "You slip and slide in the loose rock, " CALL ULTIMATELY-IN?,LADDER ZERO? STACK /?ELS5 PRINTI "unable to climb up the cliff because of the weight of the ladder." CRLF RFALSE ?ELS5: PRINTI "but manage to make your way up to the cannon emplacement." CRLF CRLF RETURN CANNON-EMPLACEMENT .FUNCT TO-&-FROM-BOMB-SHELTER FSET? HATCH,OPENBIT /?ELS5 PRINT YOU-CANT PRINTI "go through the closed hatch." CRLF RFALSE ?ELS5: FSET? HATCH,OPENBIT \?ELS7 FSET? SKIS,WORNBIT \?ELS7 PRINTI "You can't fit through the opening wearing the skis." CRLF RFALSE ?ELS7: FSET? LADDER,HUNG-BIT \?ELS11 EQUAL? HERE,BOMB-SHELTER \?ELS16 PRINTI "You climb up the ladder to the cliff." CRLF CRLF MOVE LADDER,CLIFF RETURN CLIFF ?ELS16: PRINTI "You climb down the ladder to the bomb shelter." CRLF CRLF MOVE LADDER,BOMB-SHELTER RETURN BOMB-SHELTER ?ELS11: EQUAL? HERE,BOMB-SHELTER \?ELS25 PRINTI "You'll have to figure that out for yourself." CRLF RFALSE ?ELS25: PRINTI "You drop into the hole, managing to land on your feet." CRLF CRLF RETURN BOMB-SHELTER .FUNCT LADDER-F EQUAL? HERE,CLIFF \?ELS5 FSET? LADDER,HUNG-BIT \?ELS5 FSET? HATCH,OPENBIT /?ELS5 CALL CANT-SEE-ANY,LADDER RTRUE ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?ELS9 PRINTR "This straight ladder is made of heavy-duty steel bars. It resembles a ladder you might find on a fire escape." ?ELS9: EQUAL? PRSA,V?UNTIE,V?TAKE \?ELS11 FSET? LADDER,HUNG-BIT \?ELS11 EQUAL? HERE,CLIFF \?ELS18 PRINTR "It's too heavy to lift out of the hole." ?ELS18: CALL ITAKE ZERO? STACK /TRUE FCLEAR LADDER,HUNG-BIT PRINTR "Taken." ?ELS11: EQUAL? PRSA,V?HANG-UP \?ELS29 EQUAL? HERE,BOMB-SHELTER \?ELS29 ZERO? PRSI \?ELS29 CALL PERFORM,V?HANG-UP,LADDER,HOOKS RTRUE ?ELS29: EQUAL? PRSA,V?CLIMB-DOWN,V?CLIMB,V?CLIMB-UP \FALSE FSET? LADDER,HUNG-BIT \?ELS38 EQUAL? HERE,CLIFF \?ELS43 EQUAL? PRSA,V?CLIMB-UP \?ELS48 PRINTR "The ladder only leads down, through the open hatch." ?ELS48: CALL DO-WALK,P?DOWN RSTACK ?ELS43: EQUAL? PRSA,V?CLIMB-DOWN \?ELS57 PRINTR "The ladder only leads up, through the open hatch." ?ELS57: CALL DO-WALK,P?UP RSTACK ?ELS38: CALL ULTIMATELY-IN?,LADDER ZERO? STACK /?ELS61 PRINTR "You're holding the ladder!" ?ELS61: PRINTR "You can't climb a ladder that's lying down." .FUNCT HOOKS-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?TIE,V?PUT-ON,V?HANG-UP \FALSE EQUAL? PRSO,LADDER \?ELS10 PRINTI "You hang the ladder from" CALL TRPRINT,HOOKS MOVE LADDER,HERE FSET LADDER,NDESCBIT FSET LADDER,HUNG-BIT RTRUE ?ELS10: PRINTR "You can't reach the hooks." .FUNCT HATCH-HOLE-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?LOOK-INSIDE,V?EXAMINE \?ELS5 PRINTI "The hole is about the size of a manhole" EQUAL? HERE,CLIFF \?CND6 PRINTI ". The " CALL DPRINT,HATCH-HOLE PRINTI " descends down into " CALL LIT?,BOMB-SHELTER ZERO? STACK /?ELS11 PRINTI "the bomb shelter" JUMP ?CND9 ?ELS11: PRINTI "darkness" ?CND9: FSET? LADDER,HUNG-BIT \?CND6 PRINTI ". A " CALL DPRINT,LADDER PRINTI " in the hole leads down" ?CND6: PRINTR "." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?ENTER \?ELS18 EQUAL? HERE,CLIFF \?ELS23 CALL DO-WALK,P?DOWN RSTACK ?ELS23: PRINTR "You can't reach it." ?ELS18: EQUAL? PRSA,V?PUT \FALSE EQUAL? HERE,CLIFF \FALSE EQUAL? PRSI,HATCH-HOLE \FALSE PRINTI "You drop" CALL TPRINT,PRSO PRINTI " in" CALL TPRINT,HATCH-HOLE PRINTI " and a second later hear it hit the ground." CRLF EQUAL? PRSO,BLUE-CANDLE,WHITE-CANDLE,RED-CANDLE \?CND30 FSET? PRSO,FLAMEBIT \?CND30 CALL BLOW-OUT-CANDLE,PRSO ?CND30: EQUAL? PRSO,FINCH \?ELS41 FSET? FINCH,BROKEN-BIT \?THN38 ?ELS41: CALL ULTIMATELY-IN?,FINCH,PRSO ZERO? STACK /?CND35 FSET? FINCH,BROKEN-BIT /?CND35 ?THN38: CALL BREAK-FINCH,TRUE-VALUE ?CND35: MOVE PRSO,BOMB-SHELTER RTRUE .FUNCT PILE-OF-BALLS-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?CLOSE,V?OPEN \?ELS5 CALL CANT-OPEN-CLOSE RSTACK ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?TAKE,V?EXAMINE \?ELS7 IN? CANNON-BALL,PILE-OF-BALLS /?THN13 FIRST? PILE-OF-BALLS /FALSE ?THN13: PRINTI "The pile of cannon balls appears to be strictly ornamental. All of the balls are welded together" IN? CANNON-BALL,PILE-OF-BALLS \?CND15 PRINTI ", except for the ball on the top of the pile" ?CND15: PRINTR "." ?ELS7: EQUAL? PRSA,V?LOOK-UNDER \FALSE PRINT YOU-CANT PRINTI "look under" CALL TRPRINT,PILE-OF-BALLS RSTACK .FUNCT GENERIC-BALL-F RETURN CANNON-BALL .FUNCT FUSE-F,OBJ,FLAME EQUAL? PRSA,V?LAMP-ON,V?BURN \?ELS5 CALL SET-FLAME-SOURCE ZERO? STACK \TRUE FSET? PRSI,FLAMEBIT /?ELS12 FSET? PRSI,BURNBIT \?ELS17 PRINTI "You'll have to light" CALL TPRINT,PRSI PRINTR " first." ?ELS17: PRINTI "You can't light" CALL TPRINT,PRSO PRINTI " with" CALL ARPRINT,PRSI RSTACK ?ELS12: REMOVE FUSE FIRST? CANNON >OBJ /?KLU59 ?KLU59: PRINTI "You touch the flame to" CALL TPRINT,FUSE PRINTI " and it sizzles. A second later" CALL TPRINT,CANNON PRINTI " fires" ZERO? OBJ \?ELS26 PRINTR " with a bang." ?ELS26: IN? CANNON-BALL,CANNON \?CND29 FSET CANNON,CANNON-MOVED-BIT REMOVE CANNON-BALL PRINTI ", pushing it back a couple of feet. " ?CND29: IN? FLASHLIGHT,CANNON \?CND32 FCLEAR FLASHLIGHT,ONBIT ?CND32: IN? RED-CANDLE,CANNON \?CND35 FCLEAR RED-CANDLE,FLAMEBIT FCLEAR RED-CANDLE,ONBIT CALL STOP-RED-BURNING ?CND35: IN? WHITE-CANDLE,CANNON \?CND38 FCLEAR WHITE-CANDLE,FLAMEBIT FCLEAR WHITE-CANDLE,ONBIT CALL STOP-WHITE-BURNING ?CND38: IN? BLUE-CANDLE,CANNON \?CND41 FCLEAR BLUE-CANDLE,FLAMEBIT FCLEAR BLUE-CANDLE,ONBIT CALL STOP-BLUE-BURNING ?CND41: FSET? CANNON,CANNON-MOVED-BIT \?ELS46 PRINTI "The " CALL DPRINT,CANNON-BALL FIRST? CANNON \?CND44 PRINTI " and pieces of" CALL CLOSE-ALL-IN,CANNON CALL DESCRIBE-CONTENTS,CANNON,-1 JUMP ?CND44 ?ELS46: FIRST? CANNON \?CND44 PRINTI " and pieces of" CALL CLOSE-ALL-IN,CANNON CALL DESCRIBE-CONTENTS,CANNON,-1 ?CND44: PRINTI " fl" FIRST? CANNON \?ELS54 PRINTC 121 JUMP ?CND52 ?ELS54: PRINTI "ies" ?CND52: PRINTI " from" CALL TPRINT,CANNON PRINTI "'s barrel out to sea." CRLF CALL MOVE-ALL,CANNON RSTACK ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?TAKE \FALSE PRINTR "It's stuck." .FUNCT CLOSE-ALL-IN,CONT,OBJ FIRST? CONT >OBJ /?KLU6 ?KLU6: ?PRG1: FCLEAR OBJ,OPENBIT NEXT? OBJ >OBJ /?KLU7 ?KLU7: ZERO? OBJ \?PRG1 RTRUE .FUNCT SET-FLAME-SOURCE,FLAME ZERO? PRSI \FALSE CALL FIND-IN,PLAYER,FLAMEBIT >FLAME ZERO? FLAME /?ELS8 SET 'PRSI,FLAME PRINTI "[with" CALL TPRINT,FLAME PRINTC 93 CRLF RFALSE ?ELS8: EQUAL? HERE,BEACH \?ELS10 SET 'PRSI,FIRE PRINTI "[with the fire]" CRLF RFALSE ?ELS10: PRINTI "You have nothing to light" CALL TPRINT,PRSO PRINTR " with." .FUNCT CANNON-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?PUSH-TO,V?PUSH,V?TAKE /?THN8 EQUAL? PRSA,V?TURN,V?MOVE,V?PULL /?THN8 EQUAL? PRSA,V?EMPTY,V?LOWER,V?RAISE \?ELS5 ?THN8: EQUAL? PRSO,CANNON \?ELS5 PRINTR "The cannon is too heavy for you to move." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?SHOOT \?ELS11 PRINTR "Try lighting the fuse!" ?ELS11: EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?ELS13 PRINTI "It's a replica Civil War " CALL DPRINT,CANNON PRINTI " pointing out to sea. " IN? FUSE,CANNON-EMPLACEMENT \?CND14 PRINTI "There is" CALL APRINT,FUSE PRINTI " sticking up from the cannon. " ?CND14: FSET? CANNON,CANNON-MOVED-BIT /?ELS19 PRINTI "One of" CALL TPRINT,CANNON PRINTI "'s wheels is on top of a small compartment." JUMP ?CND17 ?ELS19: PRINTI "Right next to" CALL TPRINT,CANNON PRINTI " is" CALL APRINT,COMPARTMENT PRINTC 46 ?CND17: PRINTI " The " CALL DPRINT,CANNON PRINTR " was used in Uncle Buddy's production of ""Dracula Meets the Confederacy."" Uncle Buddy said he always kept it loaded in case those big Hollywood studio types came around." ?ELS13: EQUAL? PRSA,V?LAMP-ON,V?BURN \?ELS23 CALL PERFORM,V?BURN,FUSE RTRUE ?ELS23: EQUAL? PRSA,V?PUT \?ELS25 EQUAL? PRSO,BUCKET \?ELS25 PRINTR "It won't fit in the cannon." ?ELS25: EQUAL? PRSA,V?CLOSE,V?OPEN \FALSE CALL CANT-OPEN-CLOSE RSTACK .FUNCT COMPARTMENT-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?OPEN \?ELS5 FSET? CANNON,CANNON-MOVED-BIT /?ELS5 CALL PERFORM,V?EXAMINE,COMPARTMENT RTRUE ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \FALSE FSET? CANNON,CANNON-MOVED-BIT /FALSE PRINTI "One of" CALL TPRINT,CANNON PRINTI "'s wheels is on" CALL TRPRINT,COMPARTMENT RSTACK .FUNCT MOVE-OBJ-DOWN FSET? PRSO,TAKEBIT \FALSE PRINTI "You " PRINTB P-PRSA-WORD PRINTI " the " CALL DPRINT,PRSO PRINTI " and it tumbles down the stairs." EQUAL? UPSTAIRS-HALL-MIDDLE,HERE \?ELS10 MOVE PRSO,FOYER RTRUE ?ELS10: EQUAL? FRONT-PORCH,HERE \?ELS12 MOVE PRSO,SOUTH-JUNCTION RTRUE ?ELS12: MOVE PRSO,CELLAR RTRUE .FUNCT DOOR-BELL-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?PUSH \FALSE PRINTI "The " CALL DPRINT,DOOR-BELL PRINTI " plays a tune from one of Uncle Buddy's films. You recognize the " CALL PICK-ONE,DOOR-BELL-TUNES PRINT STACK PRINTR ".""" .FUNCT SKIS-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?ELS5 PRINTR "They're a large pair of downhill snow skis." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?WEAR \FALSE EQUAL? HERE,UPPER-BEACH-STAIRS /?THN13 EQUAL? HERE,LOWER-BEACH-STAIRS \?ELS12 ?THN13: PRINTR "You can't put them on while standing on the stairs." ?ELS12: EQUAL? HERE,ROOF-1,ROOF-2 \?ELS16 CALL JIGS-UP,STR?200 RSTACK ?ELS16: EQUAL? HERE,INLET,ON-POOL-1,IN-POOL-1 /?THN19 EQUAL? HERE,UNDERPASS-1,UNDERPASS-2,IN-POOL-2 /?THN19 EQUAL? HERE,ON-POOL-2 \?ELS18 ?THN19: PRINT DOG-PADDLE CRLF RTRUE ?ELS18: EQUAL? HERE,CLOSET,SHAFT-BOTTOM,CLOSET-TOP /?THN23 EQUAL? HERE,CHIMNEY-1,CHIMNEY-2,CHIMNEY-3 \?ELS22 ?THN23: PRINTI "The " EQUAL? HERE,CLOSET \?ELS27 PRINTI "closet" JUMP ?CND25 ?ELS27: EQUAL? HERE,CLOSET-TOP,SHAFT-BOTTOM \?ELS29 PRINTI "shaft" JUMP ?CND25 ?ELS29: PRINTI "chimney" ?CND25: PRINTR " is too small for you to put on the skis." ?ELS22: EQUAL? HERE,CRAWL-SPACE-NORTH,CRAWL-SPACE-SOUTH,FIRST-SECRET-ROOM \?ELS33 PRINT YOU-CANT PRINTR "quite slip into them in this cramped space." ?ELS33: LOC PLAYER EQUAL? STACK,RIGHT-END,LEFT-END \FALSE PRINT YOU-CANT PRINTI "seem to get them on while standing on" CALL TRPRINT,PLANK RSTACK .FUNCT TOP-LANDING-F,ARG EQUAL? ARG,M-BEG \FALSE EQUAL? PRSA,V?WALK \FALSE EQUAL? PRSO,P?NORTH \FALSE SET 'PRSO,P?DOWN RFALSE .FUNCT TO-BEACH FSET? SKIS,WORNBIT \?ELS5 CALL SKI-DOWN-STAIRS RETURN BEACH ?ELS5: EQUAL? HERE,UPPER-BEACH-STAIRS \?ELS12 CALL JIGS-UP,STR?203 RSTACK ?ELS12: PRINTI "You walk down the old, creaking stairs. You stop as you come to a wide gap of missing steps." CRLF CRLF RETURN UPPER-BEACH-STAIRS .FUNCT GAP-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?CROSS,V?LEAP \?ELS5 PRINTI "You leap across the gap " RANDOM 100 LESS? 50,STACK /?ELS8 PRINTI "and just miss the first step on the other side. For a split second you admire a view of the coastline that few if any have seen before. You then" JUMP ?CND6 ?ELS8: PRINTI "and land on the first step. Unfortunately your weight was a bit too much for the step. It squeals with pain then breaks in half, and you" ?CND6: CALL JIGS-UP,STR?204 RSTACK ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?LOOK-INSIDE \?ELS12 PRINTR "Far below are sharp rocks." ?ELS12: EQUAL? PRSA,V?PUT-ON,V?PUT \?ELS14 EQUAL? PRSI,GAP \?ELS14 REMOVE PRSO PRINTI "The " CALL DPRINT,PRSO PRINTR " drops to the rocks below." ?ELS14: EQUAL? PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE CALL FROM-LOWER-STAIRS RSTACK .FUNCT SKI-DOWN-STAIRS,CANDLE=0,MATCH=0 EQUAL? HERE,TOP-LANDING \FALSE FSET? TOP-LANDING,EVERYBIT \?CND6 FCLEAR TOP-LANDING,EVERYBIT ADD SCORE,10 >SCORE ?CND6: PRINTI "You shuffle over the edge of the landing, and quickly gain momentum as you sail down the stairs." CALL FIND-IN,PLAYER,FLAMEBIT ZERO? STACK /?CND9 IN? RED-CANDLE,PLAYER \?CND12 FSET? RED-CANDLE,FLAMEBIT \?CND12 INC 'CANDLE CALL BLOW-OUT-CANDLE,RED-CANDLE,TRUE-VALUE ?CND12: IN? WHITE-CANDLE,PLAYER \?CND17 FSET? WHITE-CANDLE,FLAMEBIT \?CND17 INC 'CANDLE CALL BLOW-OUT-CANDLE,WHITE-CANDLE,TRUE-VALUE ?CND17: IN? BLUE-CANDLE,PLAYER \?CND22 FSET? BLUE-CANDLE,FLAMEBIT \?CND22 INC 'CANDLE CALL BLOW-OUT-CANDLE,BLUE-CANDLE,TRUE-VALUE ?CND22: EQUAL? CANDLE,1,2,3 \?CND27 PRINTI " The candle" EQUAL? CANDLE,2,3 \?CND30 PRINTC 115 ?CND30: PRINTI " in your hand blow" EQUAL? CANDLE,1 \?CND33 PRINTC 115 ?CND33: PRINTI " out." ?CND27: IN? RED-MATCH,PLAYER \?CND36 FSET? RED-MATCH,FLAMEBIT \?CND36 INC 'MATCH FCLEAR RED-MATCH,ONBIT FCLEAR RED-MATCH,FLAMEBIT REMOVE RED-MATCH CALL DEQUEUE,I-MATCH-BURN ?CND36: IN? GREEN-MATCH,PLAYER \?CND41 FSET? GREEN-MATCH,FLAMEBIT \?CND41 INC 'MATCH FCLEAR GREEN-MATCH,ONBIT FCLEAR GREEN-MATCH,FLAMEBIT REMOVE GREEN-MATCH CALL DEQUEUE,I-MATCH-BURN ?CND41: EQUAL? MATCH,1,2 \?CND9 PRINTI " The match" EQUAL? MATCH,2 \?CND49 PRINTC 115 ?CND49: PRINTI " in your hand blow" EQUAL? MATCH,1 \?CND52 PRINTC 115 ?CND52: PRINTI " out and you drop " EQUAL? MATCH,1 \?ELS57 PRINTI "it." JUMP ?CND9 ?ELS57: PRINTI "them." ?CND9: PRINTI " Ahead of you is the gap in the stairs. Racing into the gap, your skis bow slightly, but your forward momentum pulls you across the gap. You hit the landing at the bottom of the stairs but don't stop. You continue down a short flight of stairs then sail onto the sandy beach. You quickly stop with the drag of the sand and a feeble attempt to snow plow." CRLF CRLF RTRUE .FUNCT FROM-LOWER-STAIRS CALL JIGS-UP,STR?206 RFALSE .FUNCT WALKWAY-TO-BOAT-DOCK PRINTI "You follow the wooden planking as it turns " EQUAL? HERE,BOTTOM-LANDING \?ELS5 PRINTI "left and enters a cave arriving at..." CRLF CRLF RETURN BOAT-DOCK ?ELS5: PRINTI "right and exits the cave arriving at..." CRLF CRLF RETURN BOTTOM-LANDING .FUNCT FIRE-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?ELS5 PRINTI "It's" CALL APRINT,FIRE PRINTR " in a shallow pit in the sand, probably left here by Morgan Fairchild and a friend earlier in the evening." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?RUB,V?MOVE,V?TAKE /?THN8 EQUAL? PRSA,V?LAMP-OFF \?ELS7 ?THN8: PRINTR "You'd burn your hands, and besides, it might upset Morgan." ?ELS7: EQUAL? PRSA,V?POUR \?ELS11 REMOVE FIRE PRINTR "With the skill of a seasoned firefighter, you extinguish the fire." ?ELS11: EQUAL? PRSA,V?PUT-ON,V?PUT \?ELS13 CALL PERFORM,V?BURN,PRSO,FIRE RTRUE ?ELS13: EQUAL? PRSA,V?ENTER \?ELS15 PRINT PYRO RTRUE ?ELS15: EQUAL? PRSA,V?CLOSE,V?OPEN \FALSE CALL CANT-OPEN-CLOSE RSTACK .FUNCT SAND-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?TAKE \FALSE PRINTR "It slips through your hands." .ENDI