.FUNCT GALLERY-A IN? ADVENTURER,HERE \FALSE ZERO? PORTRAIT-COMMENT \FALSE FSET? FLATHEAD-PORTRAIT,INVISIBLE /FALSE ZERO? ADVENTURER-CHARMED /FALSE SET 'PORTRAIT-COMMENT,TRUE-VALUE PRINTR "The adventurer stops and stares at the portraits. ""I've met him!"" he gasps, pointing at the Wizard of Frobozz. He doesn't appear eager to meet him again, though. ""And there's old Flathead! What a sight!"" He glances at the other portraits briefly and then re-checks his map." .FUNCT GALLERY-F,RARG EQUAL? RARG,M-ENTER \?ELS5 CALL LIT?,HERE,FALSE-VALUE ZERO? STACK \?ELS5 ZERO? SUPER-BRIEF /?CND8 ZERO? GALLERY-POINT /?CND8 CALL DESCRIBE-PORTRAIT-GALLERY ?CND8: FCLEAR HERE,TOUCHBIT RTRUE ?ELS5: EQUAL? RARG,M-LOOK \FALSE CALL LIT?,HERE,FALSE-VALUE ZERO? STACK /?ELS19 ZERO? GALLERY-POINT /?CND20 REMOVE LIGHTED-PORTRAIT ?CND20: SET 'VISITED-GALLERY?,TRUE-VALUE PRINTI "The east-west corridor opens into a gallery. The walls are lined with portraits, some of apparently great value. All of the eyes seem to follow you as you pass, and the entire room is subtly disturbing." CRLF IN? PORTRAIT-NICHE,GALLERY \FALSE PRINTR "A small niche can be seen in the wall behind the spot where a painting had been hanging." ?ELS19: CALL DESCRIBE-PORTRAIT-GALLERY ZERO? STACK \FALSE PRINTR "It is pitch black." .FUNCT DESCRIBE-PORTRAIT-GALLERY IN? ETERNAL-FLAME,PORTRAIT-NICHE \FALSE FSET? ETERNAL-FLAME,ONBIT \FALSE ZERO? GALLERY-POINT /?CND8 MOVE LIGHTED-PORTRAIT,HERE ?CND8: ZERO? VISITED-GALLERY? /?ELS13 PRINTI "An eerie orange glow casts a pale, flickering light on the portrait gallery." JUMP ?CND11 ?ELS13: SET 'VISITED-GALLERY?,TRUE-VALUE PRINTI "The east-west corridor opens into a portrait gallery. The gallery is lit by an eerie orange glow." ?CND11: PRINTR " The eyes of the figures portrayed on the canvases seem to be faintly illuminated and follow your every movement. After a moment, the source of light becomes clear: a single lighted portrait flickers as if a flame were burning behind it." .FUNCT PORTRAITS-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?MOVE,V?TAKE \?ELS5 PRINTR "The portraits are large and extremely heavy; they can be neither taken nor moved." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?LOOK-UNDER,V?LOOK-BEHIND \?ELS9 PRINTR "There are hundreds of canvases here; you look behind one or two at random but find nothing of interest." ?ELS9: EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \FALSE PRINTI "The portraits represent a wide cross-section of races. Elves, gnomes, dwarves, wizards, warlocks, and just plain folk are all here. Some of them are known to you, such as Lord Dimwit Flathead of the Great Underground Empire, depicted here in excessive detail, and the Wizard of Frobozz, shown in a typical pose of anguished bewilderment." CRLF FCLEAR FLATHEAD-PORTRAIT,INVISIBLE FCLEAR FROBOZZ-PORTRAIT,INVISIBLE RTRUE .FUNCT FLATHEAD-PORTRAIT-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?ZIFMIA \?ELS5 PRINTR "Poor Flathead, the years have not been kind to him. Just as well, probably." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \FALSE PRINTR "This rather dull man stumbled into royalty in the Great Underground Empire, and much to everyone's chagrin. Named by his people Lord Dimwit Flathead the Excessive, he was best known for his outrageousness in style, policy, and engineering. His portrait captures him in the classic pose of imbecility, astride his gaudy throne." .FUNCT FROBOZZ-PORTRAIT-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?ZIFMIA \?ELS5 PRINTR "The Wizard doesn't seem to respond to the summons. Perhaps he is too busy molesting adventurers in ZORK II." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \FALSE PRINTR "The Wizard of Frobozz was a former member of the Circle of Enchanters, but he was removed for forgetfulness bordering on senility. The lively wit of his youth having been replaced by a semisadistic mischievousness coupled with an inability to pronounce words beginning with other than the letter ""F"", he was ""retired"" to a small, unoccupied corner of the Great Underground Empire, hopefully out of harm's way." .FUNCT LIGHTED-PORTRAIT-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?LOOK-BEHIND \?ELS5 FSET? PRSO,TOUCHBIT /?ELS5 ADD SCORE,GALLERY-POINT >SCORE SET 'GALLERY-POINT,0 MOVE PORTRAIT-NICHE,HERE FSET PRSO,TOUCHBIT PRINTI "Behind the portrait is a small niche. You find that the portrait is much lighter than the others and place it on the ground." FCLEAR HERE,ONBIT FIRST? PORTRAIT-NICHE \?CND10 PRINTI " Sitting in the niche is " CALL PRINT-CONTENTS,PORTRAIT-NICHE PRINTI "." ?CND10: CRLF RTRUE ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?ELS18 FSET? PRSO,TOUCHBIT /?ELS23 PRINTR "The portrait, of an obscure adventurer, is not notable except for the fact that it is lighted from behind by a flickering orange light." ?ELS23: PRINTR "The portrait, of some obscure personage carrying a brass lantern and an elvish sword of great antiquity, is mediocre at best." ?ELS18: EQUAL? PRSA,V?TAKE,V?MOVE \FALSE FSET? PRSO,TOUCHBIT /FALSE FCLEAR PRSO,NDESCBIT FSET PRSO,TOUCHBIT ADD SCORE,GALLERY-POINT >SCORE SET 'GALLERY-POINT,0 MOVE PORTRAIT-NICHE,HERE PRINTI "The portrait is quite light. You remove it from the wall and place it on the ground, revealing a small niche in the wall" FIRST? PORTRAIT-NICHE \?CND36 PRINTI ", in which sits " CALL PRINT-CONTENTS,PORTRAIT-NICHE ?CND36: PRINTR "." .FUNCT PORTRAIT-NICHE-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?CLOSE,V?OPEN \FALSE PRINTR "You can't do that." .FUNCT ETERNAL-FLAME-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?KULCAD,V?GONDAR \?ELS5 PRINTI "The flame flickers for a moment, then goes out." CRLF FCLEAR ETERNAL-FLAME,ONBIT FCLEAR ETERNAL-FLAME,LIGHTBIT RTRUE ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?LAMP-ON \?ELS9 FSET? ETERNAL-FLAME,ONBIT /?ELS9 PRINTR "You can't relight the candles." ?ELS9: EQUAL? PRSA,V?LAMP-OFF \FALSE PRINTR "The flame cannot be extinguished, no matter how hard you try." .ENDI