.FUNCT V-TIME,EL DIV TOD,10 >EL PRINTI "It would be " GET TIME-TABLE,EL PRINT STACK PRINTR " now." .FUNCT GLOBAL-SLEEP-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?TAKE,V?WALK-TO \?ELS5 IN? WINNER,BEDROOM \?CND6 MOVE WINNER,BED ?CND6: CALL PERFORM,V?SLEEP RTRUE ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?FIND \FALSE PRINTR "Why not find a bed to sleep in?" .FUNCT I-THIRST IGRTR? 'THIRST-COUNT,5 \?ELS5 SET 'THIRST-COUNT,0 CALL QUEUE,I-THIRST,40 SET 'WINNER,PLAYER CALL JIGS-UP,STR?240,FALSE-VALUE RSTACK ?ELS5: GET THIRST-TABLE,THIRST-COUNT PRINT STACK CRLF CALL QUEUE,I-THIRST,10 RSTACK .FUNCT I-HUNGER IGRTR? 'HUNGER-COUNT,5 \?ELS5 SET 'HUNGER-COUNT,0 CALL QUEUE,I-HUNGER,47 SET 'WINNER,PLAYER CALL JIGS-UP,STR?247,FALSE-VALUE RSTACK ?ELS5: GET HUNGER-TABLE,HUNGER-COUNT PRINT STACK CRLF CALL QUEUE,I-HUNGER,10 RSTACK .FUNCT I-TIRED,FORG=0 IN? WINNER,BED \?CND1 PRINTI "The bed sure is comfortable and you are becoming tired." CRLF CALL V-SLEEP,TRUE-VALUE RETURN 2 ?CND1: GRTR? LOAD-ALLOWED,10 \?CND8 SUB LOAD-ALLOWED,10 >LOAD-ALLOWED ?CND8: GRTR? FUMBLE-NUMBER,1 \?CND11 DEC 'FUMBLE-NUMBER ?CND11: INC 'FUMBLE-PROB GRTR? SPELL-MAX,1 \?CND14 DEC 'SPELL-MAX ZERO? SPELL-ROOM /?CND17 DEC 'SPELL-ROOM ?CND17: ZERO? SPELL-ROOM \?CND14 SET 'FORG,TRUE-VALUE CALL FORGET-SPELL,DISPEL-SPELL ?CND14: CALL QUEUE,I-TIRED,10 PUT STACK,0,1 INC 'AWAKE GRTR? AWAKE,10 \?ELS27 PRINTI "You drop in your tracks from exhaustion." CRLF CRLF CALL V-SLEEP RETURN 2 ?ELS27: PRINTI "You are " GET TIRED-TELL,AWAKE PRINT STACK ZERO? FORG /?CND36 PRINTI " and the spells you've memorized are becoming confused" ?CND36: PRINTR "." .FUNCT V-DIAGNOSE LESS? AWAKE,0 \?ELS3 PRINTI "You are wide awake" JUMP ?CND1 ?ELS3: PRINTI "You are " GET TIRED-TELL,AWAKE PRINT STACK ?CND1: PRINTI ". You are " GET THIRST-TELL,THIRST-COUNT PRINT STACK PRINTI " and " GET HUNGER-TELL,HUNGER-COUNT PRINT STACK PRINTR "." .FUNCT V-SLEEP,TOLD?=0,TILL-TIRED,MUNGED? SUB MOVES,LAST-SLEEP SUB MOVES-PER-DAY,STACK >TILL-TIRED EQUAL? HERE,REAL-STAIR,PIT \?ELS5 PRINTR "To sleep here would be fatal!" ?ELS5: GRTR? TILL-TIRED,10 \?ELS9 PRINTR "You settle down to sleep, but you really aren't tired, so you thrash around for a while and then give up." ?ELS9: EQUAL? HERE,ENGINE-ROOM,CLOSET,SE-TOWER \?ELS13 PRINTR "You try to sleep but it's too noisy." ?ELS13: EQUAL? HERE,BEDROOM \?ELS17 IN? WINNER,BED /?ELS17 ZERO? BED-WARNING \?ELS17 GRTR? AWAKE,10 /?ELS17 SET 'BED-WARNING,TRUE-VALUE PRINTR "You might try getting into the bed first. It would be more comfortable." ?ELS17: GRTR? TILL-TIRED,0 \?CND24 IN? WINNER,BED \?CND24 ZERO? TOLD? \?CND24 PRINTI "You're not all that tired, but the bed is very comfortable." CRLF ?CND24: INC 'REAL-SPELL-MAX SET 'SPELL-MAX,REAL-SPELL-MAX SET 'SPELL-ROOM,SPELL-MAX SET 'LAST-SLEEP,MOVES ADD MOVES,MOVES-PER-SLEEP >MOVES ADD TOD,MOVES-PER-SLEEP MOD STACK,128 >TOD SET 'LOAD-ALLOWED,LOAD-MAX SET 'FUMBLE-NUMBER,7 SET 'FUMBLE-PROB,8 CALL QUEUE,I-TIRED,MOVES-PER-DAY PUT STACK,0,1 SET 'AWAKE,-1 CALL FORGET-ALL FSET? HERE,RMUNGBIT /?PRD31 PUSH 0 JUMP ?PRD32 ?PRD31: PUSH 1 ?PRD32: SET 'MUNGED?,STACK CALL I-MUNG-ROOM,FALSE-VALUE CALL I-MUNG-ROOM,FALSE-VALUE CALL I-MUNG-ROOM,FALSE-VALUE ZERO? MUNGED? \?ELS35 FSET? HERE,RMUNGBIT \?ELS35 PRINTR "You fall asleep quickly and begin to dream. The dream turns into a nightmare of decay and desolation, as your surroundings turn grey and lifeless. You feel a great weight, like a pile of ashes, constricting your movements, and then you bolt awake!" ?ELS35: IN? WINNER,BED \?CND33 IN? BEDPOST-BUTTON,BED /?CND33 GRTR? CHARM-POINT,0 \?CND33 MOVE BEDPOST-BUTTON,BED PRINTR "You fall asleep quickly, the bed being so comfortable. You dream as well, of this very room. A beautiful damsel, obviously noble, is standing by the bed holding a scroll in one hand and resting the other on the bedpost. Turning to block your view, she does something you can't see. Then she gets in bed and turns out the light, but before she does you can see she is no longer carrying the scroll... You wake." ?CND33: PRINTI "Ah, sleep! It's been a long day, indeed. The rest will do you good. " IN? WINNER,BED \?ELS50 PRINTI "You make yourself comfortable on the bed" JUMP ?CND48 ?ELS50: CALL OUTSIDE?,HERE ZERO? STACK /?ELS54 PRINTI "You spread your cloak under the open sky" JUMP ?CND48 ?ELS54: PRINTI "You spread your cloak on the floor" ?CND48: PRINTI " and drift off, renewing your powers and refreshing your mind ... Time passes as you snore blissfully." CRLF CRLF CALL OUTSIDE?,HERE ZERO? STACK /?ELS67 ZERO? PROTECTED-FROM-EVIL \?ELS67 RANDOM 100 GRTR? MOLESTED,STACK \?ELS67 RANDOM 100 GRTR? MUNCHED,STACK \?ELS74 CALL JIGS-UP,STR?277 RETURN 2 ?ELS74: CALL ROB,WINNER CALL ROB,HERE PRINTR "You don't sleep too well, and you awake at least once with the feeling that something has jostled you in the dark." ?ELS67: ZERO? GALLERY-POINT /?ELS82 ZERO? GALLERY-DREAM \?ELS82 SET 'GALLERY-DREAM,TRUE-VALUE PRINTR "After a while, your sleep is disturbed by a strange dream. You are wandering in a darkened place, for you have no light or other possessions. You feel that you are being watched! You are surrounded by faces, their eyes following you. They drift in and out, staring at you with proud indifference. One face, brightly lit (unlike the rest), draws you closer and closer. As you touch it, you wake." ?ELS82: ZERO? GALLERY-POINT /?ELS88 RANDOM 100 GRTR? 70,STACK \?ELS88 PRINTR "Your sleep is disturbed by the strange dream of an earlier night. You are in the dark, with no light or other possessions. You are surrounded by many faces, their eyes following you. The one brightly lit face beckons you closer and closer. You wake, convinced that the dream holds a message for you." ?ELS88: ZERO? DOOR-KULCAD \?ELS94 ZERO? DOOR-DREAM \?ELS94 FSET? DOOR-REALITY,INVISIBLE \?ELS94 SET 'DOOR-DREAM,TRUE-VALUE PRINTR "You dream of a nondescript room in which a cartoonish figure casually opens a simple wooden door and ascends the flight of stairs which lies behind. The scene fades to black, but you awaken in a cold sweat." ?ELS94: ZERO? DOOR-KULCAD /?ELS100 ZERO? DOOR-DREAM-2 \?ELS100 SET 'DOOR-DREAM-2,TRUE-VALUE PRINTR "You dream of climbing in an unfamiliar place. You seem to climb forever, beyond reason. A fleeting hope arises in you, and you search furiously in your spell book and possessions for something. After a moment, you become frantic as you realize that you don't have it! You bolt awake in a cold sweat." ?ELS100: ZERO? PROTECTED-FROM-EVIL \?ELS106 RANDOM 100 GRTR? 50,STACK \?ELS106 CALL ROB,HERE,WARLOCK-TOWER RANDOM 100 GRTR? 50,STACK \?CND109 CALL ROB,WINNER,WARLOCK-TOWER ?CND109: LOC WINNER EQUAL? HERE,STACK /?CND112 LOC WINNER CALL ROB,STACK,WARLOCK-TOWER ?CND112: PRINTR "You sleep fitfully. At one point it seems that some evil presence is searching nearby. The tense feeling passes, but it's replaced by one of foreboding." ?ELS106: RANDOM 100 GRTR? 50,STACK \?ELS118 PRINTR "You sleep uneventfully, dreamlessly, and awake refreshed." ?ELS118: CALL PICK-ONE,DREAMS PRINT STACK PRINTR " You awaken." .ENDI