.FUNCT ALTAR-PSEUDO EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?ELS5 PRINTR "A close examination of the altar nearly sickens you. It fairly screams with the memory of the horrors it has seen since the coming of Krill. Its original white marble has been crusted with blood and desecrated by the minions of the evil Warlock." ?ELS5: EQUAL? HERE,TEMPLE \?ELS9 EQUAL? PRSA,V?CLIMB-ON,V?CLIMB-FOO,V?CLIMB-UP /?THN12 EQUAL? PRSA,V?WALK-TO \?ELS9 ?THN12: CALL DO-WALK,P?UP RTRUE ?ELS9: EQUAL? PRSA,V?RUB,V?WALK-TO,V?CLIMB-ON /?THN16 EQUAL? PRSA,V?CLIMB-FOO,V?CLIMB-UP \FALSE ?THN16: PRINTR "There is nothing you would like less than nearing the altar." .FUNCT STATUE-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?ELS5 PRINTR "It is an enormous statue of a loathsome creature, dark and vile, with dripping fangs and razor-sharp talons. It appears almost to be motioning with its outstretched talons for you to approach." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?RUB \FALSE PRINTR "Your sensibilities are offended by the very idea." .FUNCT GANG-OF-N-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?GUNCHO \?ELS5 PRINTR "The majority of the mass of figures fades away into nothingness. Enough remain, however, to continue the service (or whatever it is)." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?FROTZ \?ELS9 PRINTR "A few select figures suddenly start to give off light, to the horror of the remaining ones, who rip them to shreds in an instant." ?ELS9: EQUAL? PRSA,V?VAXUM \?ELS13 PRINTR "Nothing seems to have happened, although a few of the figures seem to be chanting in a less guttural tone." ?ELS13: EQUAL? PRSA,V?ZIFMIA \?ELS17 PRINTI "Something appears to have snapped. The figures, who were so peacefully ignoring you, now seem to have taken a different, and less pleasant, tack." CRLF CALL TAKE-TO-TOWER RSTACK ?ELS17: EQUAL? PRSA,V?CLEESH \FALSE PRINTR "Some of the figures hunch down even more and scuttle off." .FUNCT GUARDS-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?VAXUM \?ELS5 PRINTR "The guards outside your cell cheer up a bit, upsetting a larger figure who could well be their boss. They are dismissed and replaced by other guards who don't seem to have the air of bonhomie shared by the others." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?CLEESH \?ELS9 PRINTR "A couple of the guards turn into newts, running this way and that. They are quickly replaced, however, by others. Perhaps turning into a newt is a commonplace around these parts." ?ELS9: EQUAL? PRSA,V?GUNCHO \?ELS13 PRINTR "A few guards disappear, seeming to vanish with distance while still standing in front of you. They are replaced quite quickly and efficiently by others. To judge by the reaction to your show of magical prowess, you would think these things happen every day." ?ELS13: EQUAL? PRSA,V?ZIFMIA \?ELS17 PRINTI "Oh, no. You've done it now. The guards approach, and they don't look very pleased." CRLF CALL QUEUE,I-TAKE-TO-ALTAR,1 RSTACK ?ELS17: EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?ELS21 PRINTR "They are hunched and hairy shapes, but more detail cannot be discerned." ?ELS21: EQUAL? PRSA,V?MUNG,V?ATTACK,V?KILL \?ELS25 PRINTR "You can't reach them from in here, and you wouldn't have a prayer even if you could." ?ELS25: EQUAL? PRSA,V?LISTEN \?ELS29 PRINTR "The guards make low, grumbling sounds that could pass for speech, but it is incomprehensible to you." ?ELS29: EQUAL? PRSA,V?HELLO,V?TELL \?ELS33 PRINTR "They go right on ignoring you. They don't seem to be much on conversation, although from time to time they grumble in an unsettling sort of way." ?ELS33: ZERO? GUARDS-HEARD \?ELS37 EQUAL? PRSA,V?NITFOL \?ELS37 SET 'GUARDS-HEARD,TRUE-VALUE PRINTR "The guards are having a delightful conversation, after a fashion: Guard 1: ""Brgh! Last night, good bloodbath!"" Guard 2: ""Yes. Quite. Best in weeks. Have you seen the new sacrifice?"" Guard 1: ""Brggh! No! Just get here."" Guard 2: ""It's a scrawny one. Not too much meat."" Guard 1: ""Brrrgh! No meat! Not had good meal in many days!"" Guard 2: ""Perhaps tonight..."" Voice: ""Stop your yapping, both of you!"" The yapping stops abruptly." ?ELS37: EQUAL? PRSA,V?NITFOL \FALSE PRINTR "The guards aren't speaking much." .FUNCT TOWER-DOOR-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?OPEN,V?UNLOCK \?ELS5 ZERO? LOCKED-IN-TOWER /?ELS5 PRINTI "The door is locked from the outside." ZERO? PROTECTED-FROM-EVIL \?CND10 PRINTI " even if you could open it, the guards would undoubtedly return you with little difficulty" ?CND10: PRINTR "." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?KNOCK \?ELS18 PRINTR "It would only get the attention of the guards." ?ELS18: EQUAL? PRSA,V?REZROV \FALSE PRINTI "The locked cell door opens with a powerful snap! Unfortunately, the guards seem to have heard the snap and approach!" CRLF FSET PRSO,OPENBIT SET 'LOCKED-IN-TOWER,FALSE-VALUE CALL QUEUE,I-TAKE-TO-ALTAR,1 RTRUE .FUNCT TOWER-S-F,RARG EQUAL? RARG,M-LOOK \FALSE ZERO? SACRIFICED? /?ELS8 PRINTI "This prison cell is similar to the one in which you were held captive prior to your sacrifice." JUMP ?CND6 ?ELS8: PRINTI "This is a small prison cell in the south tower of the temple." ?CND6: PRINTI " A window in the cell door looks out on the temple itself." CRLF EQUAL? ANYTHING-TAKEN,SCROLLS-TAKEN /TRUE GRTR? ANYTHING-TAKEN,0 \TRUE GRTR? SCROLLS-TAKEN,0 \TRUE PRINTR "The guards must have brought your possessions here, but something is definitely missing!" .FUNCT CELL-PSEUDO EQUAL? PRSA,V?ESCAPE \?ELS5 ZERO? LOCKED-IN-TOWER /?ELS5 PRINTR "That poses a difficult problem. There's only one way out, and that would mean tackling a few hundred unpleasant creatures." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?DROP \?ELS11 EQUAL? HERE,TOWER-S \?ELS16 CALL DO-WALK,P?NORTH RSTACK ?ELS16: CALL DO-WALK,P?SOUTH RSTACK ?ELS11: EQUAL? PRSA,V?OPEN \?ELS20 EQUAL? HERE,TOWER-S \?ELS23 CALL PERFORM,V?OPEN,TOWER-S-DOOR RTRUE ?ELS23: CALL PERFORM,V?OPEN,TOWER-N-DOOR RTRUE ?ELS20: EQUAL? PRSA,V?SEARCH \FALSE CALL PERFORM,V?LOOK RTRUE .FUNCT TEMPLE-F,RARG EQUAL? RARG,M-END \FALSE IN? PLAYER,TEMPLE \FALSE ZERO? PROTECTED-FROM-EVIL \FALSE ZERO? LETTER-OF-TRANSIT \FALSE CRLF CALL TAKE-TO-TOWER RSTACK .FUNCT TAKE-TO-TOWER SET 'LOCKED-IN-TOWER,TRUE-VALUE SET 'WINNER,PLAYER SET 'P-CONT,FALSE-VALUE SET 'QUOTE-FLAG,FALSE-VALUE SET 'ADVENTURER-CHARMED,FALSE-VALUE CALL QUEUE,I-TURTLE,0 PRINTI "A low noise begins behind you, and you turn to see hundreds of hunched and hairy shapes. A guttural chant issues from their throats. Near you stands a figure draped in a robe of deepest black, brandishing a vicious dagger. The chant grows louder as the robed figure approaches the altar. As the shapes grab you, the figure in black speaks: ""Take the victim to the tower. I shall prepare for the sacrifice!"" The figures, whose form you can barely guess, take you from here through the northern door and into a prison cell. They " CALL BLT,PLAYER,TOWER-S >ANYTHING-TAKEN ZERO? ANYTHING-TAKEN /?CND3 PRINTI "take your possessions from you and " ?CND3: PRINTI "close the door with a crash!" CRLF CRLF SET 'SCROLLS-TAKEN,0 CALL GOTO,TOWER-N IN? DISPEL-SCROLL,TOWER-S \?CND10 REMOVE DISPEL-SCROLL SET 'SCROLLS-TAKEN,1 ?CND10: IN? BANISH-SCROLL,TOWER-S \?CND13 REMOVE BANISH-SCROLL INC 'SCROLLS-TAKEN ?CND13: CALL QUEUE,I-TAKE-TO-ALTAR,4 PUT STACK,0,1 RTRUE .FUNCT I-TAKE-TO-ALTAR ZERO? PROTECTED-FROM-EVIL /?CND1 PRINTR "A gang of hunched and hairy shapes appear, look around cursorily, and then depart." ?CND1: CRLF PRINTI "A host of hunched and hairy shapes appear through the window. The cell door opens and you are marched solemnly to the temple and, from there, up the steps to the altar. The large, black figure approaches menacingly. He reaches into his cloak and pulls out a " ZERO? DAGGER-SEEN /?ELS11 PRINTI "blood-drenched scimitar" JUMP ?CND9 ?ELS11: PRINTI "great, glowing dagger" ?CND9: PRINTI ". He pulls you onto the altar, and with a murmur of approval from the throng, he plunges the blade into your heart!" CRLF SET 'SACRIFICED?,TRUE-VALUE EQUAL? DEATH-CHEATED,ME /?ELS25 SET 'WINNER,PLAYER CALL JIGS-UP,FALSE-VALUE,FALSE-VALUE RSTACK ?ELS25: SET 'LOCKED-IN-TOWER,FALSE-VALUE CRLF PRINTI "You feel yourself filled with a strange warmth as your eyes slowly open. You are lying on the altar" ZERO? DAGGER-SEEN \?CND30 PRINTI ", a glowing dagger in your chest" ?CND30: PRINTI ". You are in no pain, however. The large figure is gone, but the throng of shapes, taking no notice of your movement, is chanting in the temple below." ZERO? DAGGER-SEEN \?CND37 PRINTI " You slowly remove the dagger from your chest, but you are not harmed. The blade shines faintly in the light of the flickering torches." ?CND37: CRLF CRLF ADD SCORE,TEMPLE-POINT >SCORE SET 'TEMPLE-POINT,0 ZERO? DAGGER-SEEN \?CND42 SET 'DAGGER-SEEN,TRUE-VALUE MOVE MAGIC-KNIFE,WINNER ?CND42: CALL QUEUE,I-LETTER-OF-TRANSIT,10 PUT STACK,0,1 SET 'LETTER-OF-TRANSIT,TRUE-VALUE CALL GOTO,ALTAR RSTACK .FUNCT I-LETTER-OF-TRANSIT EQUAL? HERE,TEMPLE \?ELS3 CALL QUEUE,I-LETTER-OF-TRANSIT,3 RFALSE ?ELS3: SET 'LETTER-OF-TRANSIT,FALSE-VALUE RFALSE .ENDI