.FUNCT MAPS-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?TAKE \?ELS5 PRINTR "Most of the maps are murals painted onto the walls. The others are securely mounted." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \FALSE PRINTR "The maps on the walls were made in the Elder days, when the face of the earth was different. You can recognize the ancient cities of Galepath and Mareilon on the shores of the Sea from your legends class at the University, but you have trouble discerning any other places. One map shows a proud castle standing on a cliff rising above the Sea. Largoneth it was, the once-proud home of Entharion the Wise, King of Quendor. As you realize that this place was the King's Map Room, you are filled with wonder at the ancient days." .FUNCT ENTHARION-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?WHO,V?EXAMINE \?ELS5 PRINTR "You can remember little of the legends of Entharion the Wise. Perhaps you should have paid more attention in Legends class." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?ZIFMIA \FALSE PRINTR "Poor Entharion, he's been dead these many years. You would need more than a summoning spell to get him here." .FUNCT GLOBE-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \FALSE PRINTR "The globe represents the world as it was thought to be in the ancient days. Very little can be recognized of the seas or land masses." .FUNCT PEDESTAL-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \FALSE PRINTR "A globe is sitting on it." .FUNCT PURLOINED-ROOM-F,RARG EQUAL? RARG,M-LOOK \?ELS5 ZERO? DOOR-ILLUSION-GONE \?ELS10 PRINTI "A more incongruous place than this would be difficult to believe. The room itself is nothing more than a small room at the base of the northeast tower with a narrow passageway entering from the west. Standing in front of you to the north, however, is a door surpassing anything you could have imagined. For starters, its massive lock is wrapped in a dozen six-inch thick iron chains. In addition, a certain five-headed monster sporting razor-sharp spears for tongues seems to be imbedded within its heavy oak frame. One is almost embarrassed to mention the gargoyles spewing flame and sulphurous ash which ornament either side of the door, or the ninety-seven slimy groping tentacles which taunt you ever closer to certain death. A sign, floating serenely above the door and glowing hideously in purple letters, offers the following rude understatement: " GETP FLOATING-SIGN,P?TEXT PRINT STACK PRINTR "." ?ELS10: PRINTI "This rather unobtrusive room at the base of the northwest tower sports a small passageway to the west and a small, rickety door to the north which is " FSET? DOOR-REALITY,OPENBIT \?ELS21 PRINTI "open" JUMP ?CND19 ?ELS21: PRINTI "closed" ?CND19: PRINTR "." ?ELS5: EQUAL? RARG,M-BEG \FALSE EQUAL? PRSA,V?WALK \FALSE EQUAL? PRSO,P?UP,P?NORTH \FALSE ZERO? DOOR-ILLUSION-GONE \FALSE EQUAL? WINNER,PLAYER \?ELS38 CALL PERFORM,V?OPEN,DOOR-ILLUSION RTRUE ?ELS38: PRINTR """I'd like to, but the door's closed.""" .FUNCT DOOR-ILLUSION-F ZERO? DOOR-ILLUSION-GONE \FALSE EQUAL? PRSA,V?KULCAD \?ELS10 PRINTI "As the last syllable of the kulcad spell echoes through the chamber, the door itself seems to dissolve. Slowly at first, then quickly, each of its rather unlovely ornaments turns pale, then transparent, then - nothing! What remains is a simple, wooden door which is standing shut. You move hesitantly toward the door. Nothing. You pause for a moment to regain your composure." CRLF SET 'DOOR-KULCAD,TRUE-VALUE FSET DOOR-ILLUSION,INVISIBLE FCLEAR DOOR-REALITY,INVISIBLE FCLEAR DOOR-REALITY,OPENBIT FCLEAR DOOR-REALITY,LOCKEDBIT SET 'DOOR-ILLUSION-GONE,TRUE-VALUE REMOVE MONSTERS-1 REMOVE MONSTERS-2 REMOVE MONSTERS-3 RTRUE ?ELS10: EQUAL? PRSA,V?SHOW \?ELS14 EQUAL? PRSI,ADVENTURER \?ELS14 CALL PERFORM,V?POINT,PRSO RTRUE ?ELS14: EQUAL? PRSA,V?POINT \?ELS18 IN? ADVENTURER,HERE \?ELS18 SET 'ADVENTURER-STAY,TRUE-VALUE ZERO? ADVENTURER-CHARMED /?ELS25 PRINTI "As you motion toward the monstrous door, the adventurer follows the imaginary line which proceeds thence from your outstretched arm." CRLF CRLF CALL NO-ILLUSIONS RTRUE ?ELS25: PRINTR "The adventurer seems frightened, and he backs up toward the door." ?ELS18: EQUAL? PRSA,V?UNLOCK,V?RUB,V?OPEN /?THN35 EQUAL? PRSA,V?ATTACK,V?KILL,V?MUNG /?THN35 EQUAL? PRSA,V?KNOCK \?ELS34 ?THN35: IGRTR? 'BEATEN-UP,4 \?CND37 CALL JIGS-UP,STR?132 RTRUE ?CND37: CALL PICK-ONE,ILLUSION-HACKS PRINT STACK CRLF CALL PICK-ONE,SIGN-TEXTS PUTP FLOATING-SIGN,P?TEXT,STACK RTRUE ?ELS34: EQUAL? PRSA,V?REZROV \FALSE PRINTR "As you cast the rezrov spell, the door shudders briefly, and a few tentacles pause in their unending motion. The two gargoyles look at each other, perplexed. After a tense moment, the sign above the door flashes briefly: ""Fat Chance""." .FUNCT MIRROR-F FSET? HERE,NDESCBIT \?ELS5 EQUAL? PRSA,V?KREBF \?ELS10 FCLEAR HERE,NDESCBIT PRINTR "Shards of glass fly into the air, solving a jigsaw puzzle of a million pieces. The mirror is repaired!" ?ELS10: PRINTR "There's no mirror left here after the way you treated it." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE,V?LOOK-INSIDE \?ELS18 PRINTI "The scene behind the ""mirror"" is an underground landscape." FSET? ADVENTURER-LG,INVISIBLE /?CND21 PRINTI " A weary adventurer is standing there, dejected." ?CND21: CRLF RTRUE ?ELS18: EQUAL? PRSA,V?ATTACK,V?MUNG \FALSE PRINTI "The mirror here smashes into tiny shards. Behind the mirror is a bare rock wall." CRLF CALL NO-MORE-ADVENTURER FSET HERE,NDESCBIT RTRUE .FUNCT SHARDS-F FSET? HERE,NDESCBIT /?ELS5 PRINTR "There are no shards of glass here...yet." ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?PUT,V?MOVE,V?TAKE /?THN10 EQUAL? PRSA,V?RUB \FALSE ?THN10: PRINTR "You would slice your fingers on them." .FUNCT MIRROR-HALL-F,RARG,RM EQUAL? RARG,M-LOOK \?ELS5 GETP HERE,P?COUNT >RM GET MIRROR-HALL-TBL1,RM PRINT STACK FSET? HERE,NDESCBIT \?ELS10 PRINTI " Hall of Mirrors. Where there used to be a large mirror mounted on the wall is only an empty frame. Shards of mirror cover the floor." CRLF JUMP ?CND8 ?ELS10: PRINTI " Hall of Mirrors. The hall itself is astounding and not a little bit confusing. To be sure, its northern wall is glass, but it does not seem to reflect anything within the hall. Rather, it seems to be a window on another world. This other world appears to be a large underground labyrinth, filled with tunnels, caves, and peculiar rock formations." CRLF ?CND8: ZERO? ADVENTURER-LOC /FALSE CALL DESCRIBE-ADVENTURER RSTACK ?ELS5: EQUAL? RARG,M-ENTER \?ELS24 MOVE GLOBAL-ADVENTURER,GLOBAL-OBJECTS RFALSE ?ELS24: EQUAL? RARG,M-END \FALSE FSET? HERE,NDESCBIT /FALSE ZERO? ADVENTURER-SUMMONED \FALSE FSET? ADVENTURER-LG,INVISIBLE \FALSE RANDOM 100 GRTR? 15,STACK \FALSE SET 'ADVENTURER-LOC,HERE CALL QUEUE,I-LG-ADVENTURER,-1 PUT STACK,0,1 PRINTI "From the other side of the ""mirror"" a bedraggled adventurer comes into view, carrying a brass lantern and an elvish sword, which is glowing dimly. He stops and stares in your direction." CRLF SET 'ADVENTURER-SEEN,TRUE-VALUE FCLEAR ADVENTURER-LG,INVISIBLE RTRUE .FUNCT MIRROR-STUFF-F FSET? HERE,NDESCBIT \?ELS5 CALL GLOBAL-NOT-HERE-PRINT,MIRROR-STUFF RSTACK ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \FALSE PRINTR "The scene is an underground world, quite dissimilar from your own." .FUNCT NO-MORE-ADVENTURER FSET ADVENTURER-LG,INVISIBLE SET 'ADVENTURER-LOC,FALSE-VALUE CALL QUEUE,I-LG-ADVENTURER,0 RTRUE .FUNCT I-LG-ADVENTURER ZERO? ADVENTURER-SUMMONED \?THN6 EQUAL? HERE,ADVENTURER-LOC /?ELS5 ?THN6: CALL NO-MORE-ADVENTURER RFALSE ?ELS5: RANDOM 100 GRTR? 25,STACK \FALSE PRINTI "The adventurer, after checking his compass, walks off." CRLF CALL NO-MORE-ADVENTURER RTRUE .FUNCT DESCRIBE-ADVENTURER PRINTI "A bedraggled adventurer, carrying a brass lantern and a dimly glowing elvish sword, can be seen through the ""mirror"". He " CALL PICK-ONE,ADVENTURER-FEEBLES PRINT STACK PRINTR "." .FUNCT GLOBAL-ADVENTURER-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?ZIFMIA \?ELS5 CALL NO-ZIF RSTACK ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?FOLLOW \?ELS7 ZERO? ADVENTURER-SUMMONED /?ELS7 EQUAL? ADV-OLD-LOC,HERE \?ELS14 CALL GOTO,ADV-NEW-LOC RTRUE ?ELS14: PRINTR "You have lost track of him." ?ELS7: CALL GLOBAL-NOT-HERE-PRINT,GLOBAL-ADVENTURER RTRUE .FUNCT ADVENTURER-LG-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?ELS5 CALL DESCRIBE-ADVENTURER RSTACK ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?WAVE-AT \?ELS7 PRINTR "He doesn't seem to notice your gesture." ?ELS7: EQUAL? PRSA,V?ZIFMIA \?ELS11 PRINTI "All at once, the bedraggled adventurer appears before you, brightly glowing sword in hand. His jaw has dropped and his eyes are bulging. His eyes dart this way and that, as if looking for a way to escape." CRLF ADD SCORE,SUMMON-POINT >SCORE SET 'SUMMON-POINT,0 MOVE ADVENTURER,HERE SET 'ADVENTURER-SUMMONED,TRUE-VALUE SET 'ADVENTURER-STAY,TRUE-VALUE CALL QUEUE,I-ADVENTURER,-1 PUT STACK,0,1 CALL THIS-IS-IT,ADVENTURER RTRUE ?ELS11: EQUAL? PRSA,V?CLEESH \?ELS15 PRINTR "The spell has no effect, perhaps because he isn't here." ?ELS15: EQUAL? PRSA,V?GUNCHO \FALSE PRINTI "Behind the ""mirror"", the luckless adventurer seems to fade away. He shimmers briefly and then vanishes without a trace." CRLF CALL NO-MORE-ADVENTURER SET 'ADVENTURER-SUMMONED,TRUE-VALUE RETURN ADVENTURER-SUMMONED .FUNCT ADVENTURER-C EQUAL? PRSA,V?TAKE \?ELS5 CALL PERFORM,V?ASK-FOR,ADVENTURER,PRSO RTRUE ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?READ \FALSE ZERO? ADVENTURER-CHARMED \?ELS12 PRINTR "The adventurer pulls back as you approach." ?ELS12: PRINTI "The adventurer moves closer so that you might read it." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT ADVENTURER-D,RARG PRINTI "There is a bedraggled and weary adventurer standing here. He is carrying " CALL PRINT-CONTENTS,ADVENTURER ZERO? ADVENTURER-CHARMED /?CND3 PRINTI ". He seems pleased to see you and frequently smiles in your direction" ?CND3: PRINTR "." .FUNCT SWORD-F EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \FALSE PRINTR "The sword is of elvish workmanship and is glowing brightly." .FUNCT ADVENTURER-ACTOR EQUAL? PRSA,V?FOLLOW \?ELS5 ZERO? ADVENTURER-CHARMED /?ELS10 PRINTR """Sorry, but I've got better things to do than follow you.""" ?ELS10: PRINTR """I'd sooner follow Dimwit Flathead!""" ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \?ELS19 ZERO? ADVENTURER-CHARMED \?ELS24 PRINTR "He glances suspiciously at it." ?ELS24: EQUAL? PRSO,DOOR-ILLUSION \?ELS28 PRINTR """It's a door.""" ?ELS28: PRINTI """It's " CALL PRINTA,PRSO PRINTR ".""" ?ELS19: EQUAL? PRSA,V?THROUGH,V?OPEN \?ELS36 EQUAL? PRSO,DOOR-ILLUSION \?ELS36 ZERO? ADVENTURER-CHARMED /?ELS43 SET 'WINNER,PLAYER LOC WINNER >HERE CALL PERFORM,V?POINT,DOOR-ILLUSION RTRUE ?ELS43: PRINTR "The adventurer looks at you suspiciously. ""Can't you open it yourself?""" ?ELS36: EQUAL? PRSA,V?HELLO \?ELS50 ZERO? ADVENTURER-CHARMED /?ELS55 PRINTR """Hello. Nice to meet you.""" ?ELS55: ZERO? PRSO /?ELS60 PRINTI "The " PRINTD PRSO PRINTR " steps away from you." ?ELS60: PRINTR "The adventurer steps warily away." ?ELS50: EQUAL? PRSA,V?UNTIE \?ELS69 EQUAL? PRSO,MAGIC-ROPE \?ELS69 ZERO? ADVENTURER-CHARMED /?ELS69 PRINTR "The adventurer tries to untie the rope, but he only becomes entangled. He gives up and glares suspiciously at you." ?ELS69: EQUAL? PRSA,V?ATTACK,V?MUNG \?ELS75 EQUAL? PRSO,DOOR-ILLUSION \?ELS75 PRINTR "He pauses as if searching for the right thing to say. ""I've known strange people, but fighting a wooden door?""" ?ELS75: EQUAL? PRSA,V?MUNG,V?CUT \?ELS81 EQUAL? PRSO,MAGIC-ROPE \?ELS81 ZERO? ADVENTURER-CHARMED \?ELS88 PRINTR """Not bloody likely! There's magic there!""" ?ELS88: ZERO? ROPE-MAGIC? \?ELS92 CALL ROPE-DISSOLVES MOVE JEWELLED-BOX,ADVENTURER LOC ADVENTURER MOVE PROTECTION-SCROLL,STACK PRINTR "The adventurer draws his sword and slices the rope cleanly into so much fluff. He opens the box, revealing a scroll! He drops this on the ground disdainfully but retains the box." ?ELS92: ZERO? PRSI /?THN97 EQUAL? PRSI,SWORD \?ELS96 ?THN97: PRINTR """Ooo! Nice idea!"" He slashes at the rope with his sword, but to no avail. The rope is impervious to the magic of this weapon! He looks crestfallen." ?ELS96: PRINTR """I doubt that would work.""" ?ELS81: EQUAL? PRSA,V?SSHOW,V?SGIVE /FALSE EQUAL? PRSA,V?SHOW,V?GIVE \?ELS108 EQUAL? PRSI,ME \?ELS108 EQUAL? PRSA,V?GIVE \?ELS113 CALL PERFORM,V?ASK-FOR,ADVENTURER,PRSO RTRUE ?ELS113: ZERO? ADVENTURER-CHARMED /?ELS115 PRINTI "The " PRINTD ADVENTURER PRINTI " allows you a quick look at the " PRINTD PRSO PRINTR "." ?ELS115: PRINTI "The " PRINTD ADVENTURER PRINTR " gives you a suspicious look and attempts to conceal his possessions." ?ELS108: PRINTR """I'll do what I please, thank you.""" .FUNCT ADVENTURER-F EQUAL? WINNER,ADVENTURER \?ELS5 CALL ADVENTURER-ACTOR RSTACK ?ELS5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?WAVE-AT \?ELS7 ZERO? ADVENTURER-CHARMED /?ELS12 PRINTR "The adventurer waves right back." ?ELS12: PRINTR "The adventurer steps back a few paces." ?ELS7: EQUAL? PRSA,V?FOLLOW \?ELS21 PRINTR "He's right here!" ?ELS21: EQUAL? PRSA,V?KILL,V?ATTACK \?ELS25 SET 'ADVENTURER-CHARMED,FALSE-VALUE CALL JIGS-UP,STR?150 RSTACK ?ELS25: EQUAL? PRSA,V?NITFOL \?ELS27 PRINTR "He already speaks your language, but now a bit better." ?ELS27: EQUAL? PRSA,V?GUNCHO \?ELS31 PRINTI "The adventurer blurs as though you were seeing him from a distance, wavers like a mirage, and then vanishes." CRLF REMOVE ADVENTURER CALL QUEUE,I-ADVENTURER,0 RSTACK ?ELS31: EQUAL? PRSA,V?FROTZ \?ELS35 PRINTI "The adventurer is now bathed in light, much to his amazement." CRLF SET 'ADVENTURER-CHARMED,FALSE-VALUE FSET ADVENTURER,LIGHTBIT FSET ADVENTURER,ONBIT RTRUE ?ELS35: EQUAL? PRSA,V?VAXUM \?ELS39 SET 'ADVENTURER-STAY,TRUE-VALUE SET 'ADVENTURER-CHARMED,TRUE-VALUE CALL QUEUE,I-ADVENTURER-UNCHARM,20 PUT STACK,0,1 PRINTR "The adventurer smiles at you with an air of good will." ?ELS39: EQUAL? PRSA,V?HELLO \?ELS43 ZERO? ADVENTURER-CHARMED /?ELS48 PRINTI "The " PRINTD PRSO PRINTR " waves back and says ""Hello!""" ?ELS48: PRINTI "The " PRINTD PRSO PRINTR " keeps his distance, eyeing you cautiously." ?ELS43: EQUAL? PRSA,V?SEARCH \?ELS57 PRINTI "The " PRINTD PRSO PRINTR " isn't inclined to allow himself to be searched." ?ELS57: EQUAL? PRSA,V?MUNG \?ELS61 PRINTI "The " PRINTD PRSO PRINTI " dodges your blow and becomes very wary of you." CRLF SET 'ADVENTURER-CHARMED,FALSE-VALUE RTRUE ?ELS61: EQUAL? PRSA,V?GIVE \?ELS65 EQUAL? PRSI,ADVENTURER \?ELS65 ZERO? ADVENTURER-CHARMED \?ELS72 PRINTI "The " PRINTD PRSI PRINTI " eyes you suspiciously. Why, he thinks, is this sorcerer handing me something" FSET? PRSO,TREASURE \?CND75 PRINTI ", especially something valuable" ?CND75: PRINTR "?" ?ELS72: ZERO? SAILOR? /?ELS83 SUB MOVES,SAILOR? LESS? STACK,2 \?ELS83 MOVE PRSO,ADVENTURER PRINTI "A wide smile comes over his face as he takes the " PRINTD PRSO PRINTR ", as though your action resolved for him some great mystery." ?ELS83: FSET? PRSO,TREASURE \?ELS89 PRINTI "The " PRINTD PRSI PRINTI " gratefully accepts the offer of the " PRINTD PRSO PRINTI ". He is fascinated by its beauty and stops to thank you." CRLF MOVE PRSO,ADVENTURER RTRUE ?ELS89: PRINTI "The " PRINTD PRSI PRINTR " refuses your offer politely." ?ELS65: EQUAL? PRSA,V?SHOW \?ELS97 EQUAL? PRSI,ADVENTURER \?ELS97 ZERO? ADVENTURER-CHARMED \?ELS104 PRINTR "He ignores you pointedly." ?ELS104: EQUAL? PRSO,DOOR-ILLUSION /FALSE FSET? PRSO,TREASURE \?ELS110 PRINTI "His eyes light up at the sight of the " PRINTD PRSO PRINTI "." CRLF SET 'ADVENTURER-STAY,TRUE-VALUE RETURN ADVENTURER-STAY ?ELS110: PRINTR "He yawns briefly, indicating his disinterest." ?ELS97: EQUAL? PRSA,V?TAKE \FALSE EQUAL? PRSI,ADVENTURER \FALSE CALL PERFORM,V?ASK-FOR,PRSI,PRSO RTRUE .FUNCT I-ADVENTURER-UNCHARM SET 'ADVENTURER-CHARMED,FALSE-VALUE IN? ADVENTURER,HERE \FALSE PRINTR "The adventurer looks at you as if seeing you for the first time. It's not clear that he likes what he sees, either." .FUNCT I-ADVENTURER,L,NL LOC ADVENTURER >L FSET? L,ONBIT \?ELS3 FCLEAR LANTERN,ONBIT JUMP ?CND1 ?ELS3: FSET LANTERN,ONBIT ?CND1: INC 'ADVENTURER-MOVE ZERO? ADVENTURER-MOVE /TRUE GETP L,P?ADVFCN CALL STACK ZERO? STACK \TRUE ZERO? ADVENTURER-STAY /?ELS14 SET 'ADVENTURER-STAY,FALSE-VALUE EQUAL? HERE,L \FALSE ZERO? ADVENTURER-CHARMED /FALSE PRINTI "The adventurer" CALL PICK-ONE,ADVENTURER-LOITERS PRINT STACK CRLF RTRUE ?ELS14: EQUAL? L,MIRROR-HALL-1,MIRROR-HALL-2,MIRROR-HALL-3 /?THN27 EQUAL? L,MIRROR-HALL-4,NORTH-GATE \?ELS26 ?THN27: CALL NEXT-HALL,L,TRUE-VALUE >NL CALL TREASURE-HERE?,NL ZERO? STACK /?ELS33 CALL MOVE-ADVENTURER,NL RSTACK ?ELS33: LESS? ADVENTURER-MOVE,5 \?ELS35 CALL NEXT-HALL,L,FALSE-VALUE CALL MOVE-ADVENTURER,STACK RSTACK ?ELS35: CALL ADVENTURER-DECIDE,L RSTACK ?ELS26: RANDOM 100 GRTR? 25,STACK \?ELS39 EQUAL? HERE,L \?ELS39 PRINTI "The adventurer " ZERO? ADVENTURER-CHARMED /?ELS48 ZERO? SAILOR? \?ELS54 RANDOM 100 GRTR? 16,STACK \?ELS54 SET 'SAILOR?,MOVES PRINTR "waves at you and asks ""Hello, Sailor?"" Strange, you've never even been to sea." ?ELS54: CALL PICK-ONE,ADVENTURER-NICE PRINT STACK CRLF RTRUE ?ELS48: CALL PICK-ONE,ADVENTURER-QUIPS PRINT STACK CRLF RTRUE ?ELS39: CALL ADVENTURER-TAKE,L ZERO? STACK /?ELS68 SET 'ADVENTURER-STAY,FALSE-VALUE RTRUE ?ELS68: ZERO? ADV-HASTE \?ELS73 EQUAL? HASTED?,ADVENTURER \?ELS73 SET 'ADV-HASTE,TRUE-VALUE CALL ADVENTURER-DECIDE,L CALL I-ADVENTURER RTRUE ?ELS73: SET 'ADV-HASTE,FALSE-VALUE CALL ADVENTURER-DECIDE,L RTRUE .FUNCT MOVE-ADVENTURER,RM,L,CNT=0,OBJ,DIR LOC ADVENTURER >L EQUAL? L,NORTH-GATE \?ELS3 EQUAL? RM,PURLOINED-ROOM \?ELS3 CALL TREASURE-HERE?,RM ZERO? STACK \?ELS3 FSET PURLOINED-ROOM,VILLAIN EQUAL? HERE,L \TRUE PRINTR "The adventurer starts toward the east but, seeing nothing of interest, changes his mind." ?ELS3: EQUAL? RM,TEMPLE \?ELS12 EQUAL? HERE,L \?CND13 PRINTI "The adventurer looks as if he might go into the temple, but then he thinks better of it." CRLF ?CND13: FSET TEMPLE,VILLAIN RTRUE ?ELS12: EQUAL? RM,T-A \?ELS19 EQUAL? HERE,L \?CND20 PRINTI "The adventurer starts to descend further, but chickens out. He won't make Dungeon Master at that rate!" CRLF ?CND20: FSET T-A,VILLAIN SET 'RM,DIM-DESCENT JUMP ?CND1 ?ELS19: EQUAL? RM,WEST-CASTLE \?CND1 EQUAL? HERE,L \?CND27 PRINTI "The adventurer peers through the gate, but he decides against passing through." CRLF ?CND27: FSET WEST-CASTLE,VILLAIN SET 'RM,COURTYARD-1 ?CND1: EQUAL? HERE,L \?ELS34 PRINTI "The adventurer " EQUAL? HASTED?,ADVENTURER \?ELS39 PRINTI "rockets out of" JUMP ?CND37 ?ELS39: PRINTI "leaves" ?CND37: PRINTI " the room" CALL DOOR-FROM?,L,RM >OBJ ZERO? OBJ /?CND48 PRINTI " through the " PRINTD OBJ ?CND48: PRINTI ", heading " CALL DIR-FROM,L,RM >DIR EQUAL? DIR,P?UP,P?DOWN /?CND55 PRINTI "to " ?CND55: CALL DIR-PRINT,DIR SET 'ADV-NEW-LOC,RM SET 'ADV-OLD-LOC,L PRINTI "." CRLF JUMP ?CND32 ?ELS34: EQUAL? HERE,RM \?CND32 EQUAL? HERE,PURLOINED-ROOM \?ELS66 FSET? MAP-ROOM,VILLAIN /?ELS66 CALL TREASURE-HERE?,HERE ZERO? STACK /?ELS66 PRINTI "An adventurer peeks into the room, sees the " CALL TREASURE-HERE?,HERE PRINTD STACK PRINTI ", and enters." CRLF JUMP ?CND32 ?ELS66: PRINTI "A bedraggled adventurer " EQUAL? HASTED?,ADVENTURER \?ELS77 PRINTI "speeds" JUMP ?CND75 ?ELS77: PRINTI "walks" ?CND75: PRINTI " into the room from " CALL DIR-FROM,RM,L CALL DIR-PRINT,STACK CALL DOOR-FROM?,RM,L >OBJ ZERO? OBJ /?CND86 PRINTI ", coming through the " PRINTD OBJ ?CND86: PRINTI "." CRLF ?CND32: MOVE ADVENTURER,RM FSET RM,VILLAIN EQUAL? RM,PURLOINED-ROOM /FALSE CALL ADVENTURER-TAKE,RM RSTACK .FUNCT DOOR-FROM?,HERE,THERE,P,L,TX SET 'P,0 ?PRG1: NEXTP HERE,P >P ZERO? P /FALSE LESS? P,LOW-DIRECTION /?PRG1 GETPT HERE,P >TX PTSIZE TX >L EQUAL? L,DEXIT \?PRG1 GETB TX,REXIT EQUAL? STACK,THERE \?PRG1 GETB TX,DEXITOBJ RSTACK .FUNCT ADVENTURER-TAKE,RM,F,N,TR=0,CNT=0,OBJ FIRST? RM >F /?KLU47 ?KLU47: ?PRG1: ZERO? F \?ELS5 JUMP ?REP2 ?ELS5: NEXT? F >N /?KLU48 ?KLU48: FSET? F,TAKEBIT \?CND8 FSET? F,INVISIBLE /?CND8 EQUAL? F,STRONG-BOX /?CND8 FSET? F,TREASURE /?THN13 RANDOM 100 GRTR? 25,STACK \?CND8 ?THN13: GETP F,P?ADVFCN CALL STACK ZERO? STACK \?CND8 MOVE F,ADVENTURER INC 'CNT SET 'OBJ,F FSET? F,TREASURE \?CND15 SET 'TR,TRUE-VALUE ?CND15: ?CND8: SET 'F,N JUMP ?PRG1 ?REP2: EQUAL? HERE,RM \FALSE GRTR? CNT,0 \FALSE PRINTI "The adventurer stoops over and picks up " EQUAL? CNT,1 \?ELS32 PRINTI "the " PRINTD OBJ JUMP ?CND30 ?ELS32: PRINTI "some objects" ?CND30: ZERO? TR /?CND39 PRINTI " and seems pleased by his discovery" ?CND39: PRINTR "." .FUNCT DIR-FROM,HERE,THERE,P,L,TX,O SET 'P,0 ?PRG1: NEXTP HERE,P >P ZERO? P /FALSE EQUAL? P,P?IN \?ELS7 JUMP ?PRG1 ?ELS7: LESS? P,LOW-DIRECTION /?PRG1 GETPT HERE,P >TX PTSIZE TX >L EQUAL? L,DEXIT,UEXIT,CEXIT \?PRG1 GETB TX,REXIT EQUAL? STACK,THERE \?PRG1 RETURN P .FUNCT DIR-PRINT,DIR,CNT=0 ?PRG1: GET DIR-STRINGS,CNT EQUAL? STACK,DIR \?CND3 EQUAL? DIR,P?UP,P?DOWN /?CND6 PRINTI "the " ?CND6: ADD CNT,1 GET DIR-STRINGS,STACK PRINT STACK RTRUE ?CND3: INC 'CNT JUMP ?PRG1 .FUNCT ADVENTURER-DECIDE,L,P,S,TX NEXTP L,0 >P PUT ADV-POSS,0,0 ?PRG1: LESS? P,LOW-DIRECTION \?ELS5 JUMP ?REP2 ?ELS5: GETPT L,P >TX PTSIZE TX >S EQUAL? S,UEXIT /?THN11 EQUAL? S,DEXIT \?ELS14 GETB TX,DEXITOBJ FSET? STACK,LOCKEDBIT \?THN11 ?ELS14: EQUAL? S,CEXIT \?CND3 GETB TX,CEXITFLAG VALUE STACK ZERO? STACK /?CND3 ?THN11: GETB TX,REXIT >S GET ADV-POSS,0 ADD STACK,1 >TX PUT ADV-POSS,0,TX PUT ADV-POSS,TX,S ?CND3: NEXTP L,P >P JUMP ?PRG1 ?REP2: GET ADV-POSS,0 >S ZERO? S \?ELS21 PRINTI "**BUG: Can't move from " LOC ADVENTURER PRINTD STACK PRINTR "!" ?ELS21: EQUAL? S,1 \?ELS25 GET ADV-POSS,1 CALL MOVE-ADVENTURER,STACK RSTACK ?ELS25: SET 'P,0 ?PRG28: IGRTR? 'P,S \?ELS32 JUMP ?REP29 ?ELS32: GET ADV-POSS,P >TX FSET? TX,VILLAIN /?PRG28 CALL MOVE-ADVENTURER,TX RTRUE ?REP29: CALL RANDOM-ELEMENT,ADV-POSS CALL MOVE-ADVENTURER,STACK RSTACK .FUNCT NEXT-HALL,RM,L-R=1,TBL,OFFS=0,NR SET 'TBL,HALL-TBL ?PRG1: GET TBL,OFFS >NR EQUAL? NR,RM \?CND3 ZERO? L-R /?ELS8 ADD OFFS,1 GET TBL,STACK RSTACK ?ELS8: SUB OFFS,1 GET TBL,STACK RSTACK ?CND3: INC 'OFFS JUMP ?PRG1 .FUNCT TREASURE-HERE?,RM,F FIRST? RM >F /?KLU10 ?KLU10: ?PRG1: ZERO? F /FALSE FSET? F,TREASURE \?ELS7 RETURN F ?ELS7: NEXT? F >F /?KLU11 ?KLU11: JUMP ?PRG1 .FUNCT PURLOINED-ROOM-A,TX CALL TREASURE-HERE?,PURLOINED-ROOM >TX ZERO? TX /?ELS3 SET 'ADVENTURER-STAY,TRUE-VALUE EQUAL? HERE,PURLOINED-ROOM \FALSE MOVE TX,ADVENTURER FSET? DOOR-REALITY,INVISIBLE \FALSE PRINTI "The adventurer stops to pick up the " PRINTD TX PRINTI ". As he rises, he casts a cursory glance at the door, then he notices you. " ZERO? ADVENTURER-CHARMED /?ELS15 PRINTI "He smiles at you as he pockets the " PRINTD TX PRINTI "." CRLF RFALSE ?ELS15: PRINTI "He straightens quickly, glaring at you with distrust." CRLF RFALSE ?ELS3: ZERO? ADVENTURER-NOTES-DOOR \FALSE SET 'ADVENTURER-NOTES-DOOR,TRUE-VALUE SET 'ADVENTURER-STAY,TRUE-VALUE FSET? DOOR-REALITY,INVISIBLE \FALSE PRINTI "The adventurer glances around the room in a businesslike way and makes a few notes on his map." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT NO-ILLUSIONS FSET DOOR-ILLUSION,INVISIBLE FCLEAR DOOR-REALITY,INVISIBLE FCLEAR DOOR-REALITY,LOCKEDBIT FSET DOOR-REALITY,OPENBIT SET 'DOOR-ILLUSION-GONE,TRUE-VALUE PRINTI "The seemingly fearless adventurer shrugs and walks purposefully toward the door, ignoring all harm to his person in the form of knives, tentacles, and molten lead. As three buckets of the latter pour over his head, he casts you a perplexed look. ""Did you try the doorknob?"" he asks, as twenty-seven knives delicately skewer him. Before you can answer, he reaches for one of the gargoyle heads which, by sheerest coincidence, has just flooded him in red-orange flame, and turns it gently. ""I think it's unlocked,"" he says, stoically ignoring the host of human-sized rats which feed on his incinerated torso. His left hand, broken and bloodied, pulls at the gargoyle head. ""I'm going on ahead!"" he cries, opening a simple wooden door. Wooden door? You rub your eyes for a moment and look again as he goes through it. Yes, just a plain wooden door." CRLF ADD SCORE,DOOR-POINT >SCORE SET 'DOOR-POINT,0 MOVE ADVENTURER,MAP-ROOM SET 'ADVENTURER-STAY,TRUE-VALUE RETURN ADVENTURER-STAY .ENDI