
3rd December 2020

A big update has been made, completing our recent milestone and adding a Minetest-Discord relay bot (thanks to Hume2), which is now in the channel #server. Some of the new features include (some of which were added some time ago, but are still part of this milestone):

2nd November 2020

The new paleotest (bring extinct animals back to life!) is now live on the server, with customizations for Tunnelers' Abyss! Thanks to ElCeejo for making the mod and helping with optimization. Also, there are many improvements to our mobs with this update.

Also, the server had a new record for players today - 26/30! Most of them were celebrating Hume2 :D

15th October 2020

SECRETZ REDO milestone has been finished and is now live! What this has added (the most important things, that is):

First and foremost, a new version of secretz (aka elements). This includes two new machines, the Isotope Separator and the Decay Accelerator. Isotopes and nuclear decay (in some cases) have been added for all elements, and also better material reduction for in-game items + many other minor additions and changes.

A working first version of weather on Tunnelers' Abyss is now active. Although there are no particles, there is proper light changes, sounds for rain, thunder and wind, and many types of clouds and weather including frozen clouds.

Eating particles are now driven by some of the code in bosapara's mod, on_eat.

The missions mod has been removed.

A small texture update has been made, mostly small improvements (to flowers and ore blocks mostly) and reducing file sizes.

Enjoy the update, and feel free to report bugs in #dev or at our Issue Tracker. Our next milestone will likely focus on immersiveness, including improved mobs & mob spawning, and Sound Redo.

6th October 2020

News were not updated for a long time because of procrastination. We are sorry for this.

3rd October 2020

A few pages were added and updated by sivarajan, namely digiline tutorial and train historry. We added more explanation to the railway styleguide.

27th September 2020

LZB has been fixed. Trains are working smoothly again.

5th September 2020

We added signs for regulating maximum train speed on track. We also tried to update advtrains in order to fix LZB but it did not work.

18th July 2020

At (508, 6, -1023), we are starting a monument. There is a space 10×10. Build anything you want (as long as it doesn't violate the server rules) and do not destroy anything that has been already built. Have fun!

16th July 2020

Speed of trans was increased! Yellow shuttles now ride at 120 km/h and express trains ride at 160 km/h.

12th July 2020

ABYSSALDEALS has been completed by Diaeresis and is live on the server! AbyssalDeals is an auctioning mod. Use the new command - /auction - to start your own auctions and bid on present auctions, or you may use the auction block at Spawn.

10th June 2020

Congratulations on the 1st Anniversary of Tunnelers' Abyss

23th April 2020

The griefers have been network banned (thanks to flux's verbana mod), and the server is on the road to recovery. Already new players will get interact once again upon restart!

22th April 2020

Today, a horrible thing happened. Spawn was lava griefed ruthlessly, by a mastermind griefing group of over 15 players. All were permabanned. Also, spawn's air was protected so this can never happen again. Be aware, griefers are on the server and everyone can pitch in to stop them. For now, one complex has been eliminated! Thanks to everyone who helped clean Spawn up also.

18th April 2020

Congrats to sivarajan as a new Moderator of Tunnelers' Abyss!

5th April 2020

Today is the server's 300th day of runtime! Congratulations! All settime privs will be revoked and day button removed. Hope you crafted goggles - else, enjoy the beautiful night!

3th April 2020

The longtime day/night system of Tunnelers' Abyss will be changed dramatically. The night will become brighter so people who appreciate the night can walk around in it without not being able to see where they are going - and night vision goggles will make the nights bright for people who don't care for low lighting. The goggles will be added now (fully functional) so that people can get ready for when instant daytime is removed. On the 300th day of the server, coming up soon, the day button at spawn will be removed and all settime privs will be revoked, and finally Tunnelers' Abyss will have proper day/night ratio.

24th March 2020

A new tutorial for our Biomes has been created here that will be driven by the community. Here's how you can help find all the biomes: 1. Take a screenshot of the biome that is descriptive of the biome and is natural/natural-looking. 2. Submit the screenshot in #dev with a name you'd like to call the biome. Inappropriate or overly non-descriptive names will be discarded.

What I will do then, is this:
Find the number of tree species that spawn in that biome, mobs, other special things, and potentially (if an underground biome), which ores are more likely to occur there. Then I will make a brief description of what the biome has to offer and put your newly discovered biome on the webpage. Whoever contributed the biome will be named in the biome description as "Contributed by <name>" or "Discovered by <name>" if the biome is rarer/unique. The hope is that all biomes can be found and all features of each biome can be finally figured out. Good luck!

23th March 2020

Congratulations to onePlayer as a new Moderator of Tunnelers' Abyss!!

21th March 2020

Floating sea platforms are now forbidden by rules. If you already have one, ask an admin to move it onto solid ground.

16th February 2020

Congratulations on our 250th day of runtime today!

11th February 2020

A new memorial has been made at Spawn, highlighting our custom mods and contributors! (Including the texture pack)

7th February 2020

The server webpages were officially announced.

29th January 2020

The project "Server webpages" won with 9 votes. A new project for Tunnelers' Abyss website was founded.

24th January 2020

We are now auctioning some parts of Hogwarts! It is a sealed-bid auction. We are accepting bids until 31th January 19:00 UTC. You can find this auction at the thing which used to be Hogwarts. Just climb the mountin above Spawn.

20th January 2020

You can vote for Hume2's next project. The poll is located above the subway station at Spawn.

29th December 2019

Congrats to Sokomine as a new Moderator of Tunnelers' Abyss!

27th December 2019

Today is the server's 200th day of runtime, congratulations!
Hume2 has upgraded the server to MT 5.2.0 (on the server's 200th day)!

16th December 2019

Github and Gitlab webhooks have both been set up to automatically detect commits. The former #updates thread is now called #gitupdates

15th December 2019

All travelnets from Spawn were moved to Travelnet Hub.

12th December 2019

The vote won 22-3, and the textures are now in-game. Have fun with them from LadyK and myself

7th December 2019

Texture pack is ready for release (almost). Please vote in #polls!

30th November 2019

Both our server and our Discord have been upgraded! Thanks to Hume2's cooperation, LuaJIT is now compiled to the server, which will make the server much faster. And many thanks to Rika - our Discord server is now nitro boosted!

23th November 2019

16th November 2019

Server is now running MT 5.1.0 thanks to Hume2!

11th November 2019

11th October 2019

10th October 2019

Congrats to TommyBeeBop, as a new Moderator of Tunnelers' Abyss as well!

8th October 2019

Congrats to Vikthor, as a new Moderator of Tunnelers' Abyss!

1st October 2019

27th September 2019

19th September 2019

10th September 2019

For the first time, Tunnelers' Abyss is in the #1 place for Minetest servers! It lasted at this rank for over an hour.

23th August 2019

Server is now Lag-Free™ once again!

23th August 2019

Server capacity is now raised to 30!

16th August 2019

We have just hit 20 players, the server's max, and still, without a trace of lag! Also, we were bumped into the #5 server place (excluding the fake MultiCraft servers) - after only 69 days of runtime! A hearty congratulations to everyone , but especially Hume2 and the rest of the staff for this great achievement!

12th August 2019

Our Discord server was created.

4rd August 2019

This was the day that Tunnelers' Abyss became a top-10 server and had 18 users on, a new record.

28th July 2019

After 50 days of runtime, we reached the capacity 15 players for the first time. The capacity was increased to 20.

7th June 2019

The start of Tunnelers' Abyss.