# Note: if you modify this file, don't forget to update # checksum in .drone.sec with: # drone secure --repo google/material-design-lite --checksum clone: depth: 1 cache: mount: - node_modules matrix: NODE_VERSION: - 4 - 5 build: image: crhym3/ci:node$$NODE_VERSION-go15 environment: - CHROME=https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb - WEBDRIVER=http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/2.16/chromedriver_linux64.zip - DISPLAY=:99 commands: - npm update -qq # build and unit test - gulp all - gulp mocha:closure # additional browser tests # do this after the build and unit tests to fail fast - Xvfb $DISPLAY & - curl -sSLo chrome.deb $CHROME && dpkg -i chrome.deb - curl -sSLo driver.zip $WEBDRIVER && unzip -q driver.zip -d /usr/bin publish: # see http://addons.drone.io/google_cloud_storage/ for details gcs: when: repo: google/material-design-lite branch: master event: push matrix: NODE_VERSION: 5 auth_key: > $$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY source: dist target: mdl-staging cache_control: public,max-age=0 acl: - allUsers:READER gzip: - html - css - js - svg