# Minetest Startup Scripts (2.3) Startup scripts for the Minetest sandbox software - uses the "screen" command to manage session. This also restarts the Minetest process if it crashes. Official support sites: [Official Github Repo](https://github.com/fstltna/MinetestStartup) - [Official Forum](https://minecity.online/index.php/forum/startup-scripts) - [Official Download Area](https://minecity.online/index.php/downloads/category/5-server-tools) ![Minetest Sample Screen](https://MineCity.online/minetest_demo.png) --- These start up the Minetest server at boot time with a "screen" process. 1. Copy **minetest** into **/home/mtowner/bin** - make sure it is executable 2. Copy **startminetest** into **/home/mtowner/minetest** - make sure it is executable 3. Put **@reboot /home/mtowner/bin/minetest start** into your crontab 4. Put **@reboot /home/mtowner/bin/startrelay** into your crontab 5. Run the relay setup: pip install aiohttp pip install discord.py cd /home/mtowner unzip MinetestStartup/MyRelay.zip cd /home/mtowner/minetest/mods/discordmt vi relay.conf # Set the discord bot info where needed Activate the bot with: https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=CLIENTID&scope=bot Run startrelay Restart the minetest server, and enable the discordmt When you want to view the Minetest console, just enter "**screen -r**" in your shell. To disconnect from the Minetest console just press **CTRL-A CTRL-D**. This will leave it running and you can reconnect to it again. I have only tested this on a Ubuntu 16.04 server... If you want to turn off the server respawning type "**touch /home/mtowner/minetest/nostart**". To reenable it type "**rm /home/mtowner/minetest/nostart**". --- Note: If you don't already have the "screen" tool installed you will need to install it by "**sudo apt-get install screen**".